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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CDumux::AABBDistanceField< Geometry >Class to calculate the closest distance from a point to a given set of geometries describing the domain's boundaries. Internally uses an AABB tree representation of the geometries for logarithmic distance queries
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< A, Wrapper >Adapter to inherit from, allowing the inheriting class to be wrapped by the makeFluidMatrixInteraction function
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< DataSplineTwoPMaterialLaw< S, false >, PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< HeatPipeLaw< ScalarType, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >, PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< InterfacialArea< ScalarType, BaseLaw, InterfaceType, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >, InterfaceType >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< MPAdapter< MaterialLaw, 2 >, MultiPhasePcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< MPLinearMaterial< S, numFluidPhases >, MultiPhasePcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< MultiShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarT >, Dumux::FluidMatrix::PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< ScalarType, BaseLaw, NoRegularization, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy >, ThreePhasePcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< SingleShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarType, BaseLaw, Dumux::FluidMatrix::NoRegularization >, Dumux::FluidMatrix::PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< SmoothedLinearLaw< ScalarType, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >, PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< SplineTwoPMaterialLaw< TwoPMaterialLaw, false >, PcKrSw >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< ThreePNAPLAdsorption< Scalar >, Adsorption >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< TwoPMaterialLaw< ScalarType, BaseLaw, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >, PcKrSw >
 CDumux::AdaptiveGridRestart< Grid, allowGridRestart >Indices denoting the different grid types
 CDumux::AdaptiveGridRestart< Grid, true >Provides a restart functionality for adaptive grids
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::Adsorption< T >Wrapper type for adsorption laws
 CDumux::NavierStokesScalarConservationModelFluxVariables< Problem, ModelTraits, FluxTypes, ElementVolumeVariables, ElementFluxVariablesCache, UpwindScheme >::AdvectionType
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Use the box facet coupling-specific Darcy's law
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Darcy's law
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >The advection type
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >The advection type
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >The advection type
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >The advection type
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use darcy's law for the advective fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >We use darcy's law as the default for the advective fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Use a modified version of Darcy's law which allows for blocking of spurious flows
 CDumux::AdvectiveFlux< NavierStokesMassOnePModelTraits, T >Helper struct defining the advective fluxes of the single-phase flow Navier-Stokes mass model
 CDumux::AdvectiveFlux< NavierStokesMassOnePNCModelTraits< nComp, useM, repCompEqIdx > >Helper struct defining the advective fluxes of the single-phase flow multicomponent Navier-Stokes mass model
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::Air_MesityleneBinary coefficients for water and mesitylene
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::Air_XyleneBinary coefficients for air and xylene
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::AveragedValues< GridVariables, SolutionVector >Calculates averaged values of the network solution
 CDumux::Detail::AxisData< GridView, upwindSchemeOrder >In Axis Data stored per sub face
 CDumux::Detail::AxisData< GridView, 1 >In Axis Data stored per sub face for first-order scheme
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::NonWettingPhaseTransmissibility::BakkeOren< Scalar >
 CDumux::Properties::BalanceEqOpts< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >Set the default class for the balance equation options
 CDumux::Properties::BalanceEqOpts< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >Set a richards specific class for the balance equation options
 CDumux::BalanceEquationOptions< TypeTag >Traits class to set options used by the local residual when when evaluating the balance equations
 CDumux::Components::Base< ScalarType, Component >Base class for all components Components provide the thermodynamic relations for the liquid, gaseous and/or solid state of a single chemical species or a fixed mixture of species. Fluid systems use components to compute thermodynamic quantities of phases
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< ScalarType, Implementation >Fluid system base class
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< MPFluidSystem::Scalar, OnePAdapter< MPFluidSystem, 0 > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Air< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Ammonia< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Benzene< Scalar > >
 CComponents::Base< Scalar, Brine< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CBase< Scalar, Brine< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Dumux::Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CBase< Scalar, BrineAir< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > >, BrineAirDefaultPolicy<> > >
 CBase< Scalar, BrineCO2< Scalar, CO2Component, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > >, BrineCO2DefaultPolicy< true > > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Calcite< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CalciumIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CaO2H2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CaO< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CarbonateIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CH4< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, ChlorideIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, CO2< Scalar, CO2Tables > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Constant< id, Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Glucose< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Granite< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, H2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, H2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2OAir< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > >, H2OAirDefaultPolicy<> > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2OAirMesitylene< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2OAirXylene< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2OHeavyOil< Scalar, Dumux::Components::TabulatedComponent< Dumux::Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2ON2< Scalar, H2ON2DefaultPolicy<> > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, H2ON2O2< Scalar, H2ON2O2DefaultPolicy<> > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, HeavyOil< Scalar > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, LiquidPhaseTwoC< Scalar, MainComponent, SecondComponent > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Mesitylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, N2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, NaCl< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, O2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, OnePGas< Scalar, ComponentT > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, OnePLiquid< Scalar, ComponentT > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, SimpleCO2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, SimpleH2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, SodiumIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, ThreePImmiscible< Scalar, WettingFluid, NonwettingFluid, Gas > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Trichloroethene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, TwoPImmiscible< Scalar, Fluid0, Fluid1 > >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Base< Scalar, TwoPOneC< Scalar, ComponentType > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Urea< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Base< Scalar, Xylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >Base class for all grid geometries
 CDumux::BaseGridGeometry< FEB::GridView, DefaultFEGridGeometryTraits< FEB > >
 CDumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, FaceCenteredDiamondDefaultGridGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, PQ1BubbleDefaultGridGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, T >
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Use the box local residual for models with facet coupling
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to FaceCenteredLocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the BaseLocalResidual to StaggeredLocalResidual
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >The base model traits. Per default, we use the number of components of the fluid system. states some specifics of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >States some specifics of the one-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >The base model traits. Per default, we use the number of components of the fluid system
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >Set the model traits class
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Set the model traits
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >The base model traits class
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Set the base model traits
 CDumux::Properties::BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >Set the model traits property
 CDumux::BaseStaggeredGeometryHelper< GridView >Base class for a staggered grid geometry helper
 CDumux::BasicGridGeometry< GV, EM, VM >An implementation of a grid geometry with some basic features
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::MultiShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarT >::BasicParams
 CDumux::BasicVolumeVariables< Traits >
 CDune::BCRSMatrix< Block, Allocator >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::BoundaryFlux< GridVariables, LocalResidual, SolutionVector >Class for the calculation of fluxes at the boundary of pore-network models
 CDumux::BoundaryTypes< numEq >::BoundaryInfoUse bitfields to minimize the size
 CDumux::BoundarySegmentIndexFlagClass for accessing boundary flags
 CDumux::BoundaryTypes< numEq >Class to specify the type of a boundary
 CDumux::BoundaryTypes< size >
 CDumux::BoundingBoxTree< GeometricEntitySet >An axis-aligned bounding box volume tree implementation
 CDumux::BoundingBoxTreePointSourceHelperA helper class calculating a sub control volume to point source map This class uses the bounding box tree implementation to identify in which sub control volume(s) a point source falls
 CDumux::BoxDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the box scheme
 CDumux::BoxDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the box scheme
 CDumux::BoxDfmDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the box discrete fracture scheme
 CDumux::BoxDfmDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the box discrete fracture scheme
 CDumux::BoxDfmFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag >We only store discretization-related quantities for the box method. However, we cannot reuse the cache of the standard box method as we have to take into account the scvs that lie on fracture facets
 CDumux::BoxDfmFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box discrete fracture model
 CDumux::BoxDfmFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are not stored
 CDumux::BoxDfmFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored
 CDumux::BoxDfmFVGridGeometry< Scalar, GridView, enableGridGeometryCache, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box schemes
 CDumux::BoxDfmGeometryHelper< GridView, dim, ScvType, ScvfType >Create sub control volumes and sub control volume face geometries
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingDarcysLaw< Scalar, GridGeometry >Darcy's law for the box scheme in the context of coupled models where coupling occurs across the facets of the bulk domain elements with a lower-dimensional domain living on these facets
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingDefaultGridGeometryTraits< GridView >The default traits for the finite volume grid geometry of the box scheme with coupling occurring across the element facets. Defines the scv and scvf types and the mapper types
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Base class for the element-local finite volume geometry for box models in the context of models considering coupling of different domains across the bulk grid facets. This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for an element
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Specialization in case the geometries are not stored grid-wide
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingFVGridGeometry< Scalar, GridView, enableGridGeometryCache, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box schemes in the context of coupled models where the coupling occurs across the element facets. This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces
 CDumux::BoxFacetCouplingUpwindScheme< GridGeometry >The upwind scheme used for the advective fluxes. This is a modified scheme for models involving coupling with a lower-dimensional domain across the element facets
 CDumux::BoxForchheimersLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, ForchheimerVelocity >Forchheimer's law for box scheme
 CDumux::BoxForchheimersLaw< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >, ForchheimerVelocity >
 CDumux::BoxFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element
 CDumux::BoxFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are not stored
 CDumux::BoxFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored
 CDumux::BoxFVGridGeometry< Scalar, GridView, enableGridGeometryCache, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box schemes This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces
 CDumux::BoxGeometryHelper< GridView, dim, ScvType, ScvfType >Create sub control volumes and sub control volume face geometries
 CDumux::BoxGeometryHelper< GridView, 1, ScvType, ScvfType >A class to create sub control volume and sub control volume face geometries per element
 CDumux::BoxGeometryHelper< GridView, 2, ScvType, ScvfType >A class to create sub control volume and sub control volume face geometries per element
 CDumux::BoxGeometryHelper< GridView, 3, ScvType, ScvfType >A class to create sub control volume and sub control volume face geometries per element
 CDumux::BoxMaterialInterfaces< GridGeometry, PcKrSw >Class that determines the material with the lowest capillary pressure (under fully water-saturated conditions) around the nodes of a grid
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::Brine_CO2< Scalar, CO2, verbose >Binary coefficients for brine and CO2
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::Brine_CO2_Old< Scalar, CO2Impl, verbose >Old version of binary coefficients for CO2 and brine. Calculates molfraction of CO2 in brine according to Duan and Sun 2003 molfraction of H2O has been assumed to be a constant value For use with the actual brine_co2_system this class still needs to be adapted
 CDumux::FluidSystems::BrineAirDefaultPolicy< fastButSimplifiedRelations >Policy for the brine-air fluid system
 CDumux::FluidSystems::BrineCO2DefaultPolicy< salinityIsConstant, fastButSimplifiedRelations >Default policy for the Brine-CO2 fluid system
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Detail::BrineCO2Indices< useConstantSalinity >Class that exports some indices that should be provided by the BrineCO2 fluid system. The indices are chosen dependent on the policy, i.e. if a simplified pseudo component Brine is used or salt is considered an individual component
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Detail::BrineCO2Indices< false >Specialization for the case of brine being a fluid system with NaCl as individual component
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Detail::BrineCO2Indices< Policy::useConstantSalinity()>
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Detail::BrineCO2Indices< true >Specialization for the case of brine being a pseudo component with a constant salinity
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyImplementation of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure <-> saturation relation. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vice versa
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyRegularization< Scalar >A regularization for the BrooksCorey material law
 CDumux::CakeGridManager< Grid >Provides a grid manager with a method for creating creating vectors with polar Coordinates and one for creating a Cartesian grid from these polar coordinates
 CDumux::Temp::Capabilities::canCommunicate< Grid, codim >
 CDumux::CCDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the cell-centered finite volume scheme using TPFA
 CDumux::CCElementBoundaryTypesBoundary types gathered on an element
 CDumux::CCElementSolution< FVElementGeometry, PV >The element solution vector
 CDumux::CCFacetCouplingUpwindScheme< GridGeometry >The upwind scheme used for the advective fluxes. This is a modified scheme for models involving coupling with a lower-dimensional domain across the element facets
 CDumux::CCGridVolumeVariables< Traits, cachingEnabled >Base class for the grid volume variables
 CDumux::CCGridVolumeVariables< CCMpfaDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< Problem, VolumeVariables >, false >
 CDumux::CCGridVolumeVariables< CCTpfaDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< Problem, VolumeVariables >, false >
 CDumux::CCGridVolumeVariables< Traits, false >Specialization when the current volume variables are not stored globally
 CDumux::CCGridVolumeVariables< Traits, true >Specialization in case of storing the volume variables
 CDumux::CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, diffMethod, implicit >An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (cell-centered methods)
 CDumux::Experimental::CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, diffMethod, Implementation >An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (cell-centered methods)
 CDumux::Experimental::CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, Implementation >
 CDumux::Experimental::CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric > >
 CDumux::CCMpfaConnectivityMap< GridGeometry, method >Forward declaration of method specific implementation of the assembly map
 CDumux::CCMpfaDefaultGridFluxVariablesCacheTraits< P, FVC, FVCF, PIV, SIV, PDH, SDH >Data handle physics traits
 CDumux::CCMpfaDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< P, VV >Traits for the base class for the grid volume variables
 CDumux::CCMpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the cell-centered finite volume scheme using MPFA
 CDumux::CCMpfaDualGridIndexSet< NI >Class for the index sets of the dual grid in mpfa schemes
 CDumux::CCMpfaDualGridNodalIndexSet< T >Nodal index set for mpfa schemes, constructed around grid vertices
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, cachingEnabled >The flux variables caches for an element
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, cachingEnabled >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, false >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models with caching
 CDumux::CCMpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, true >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models with caching
 CDumux::CCMpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element in the local scope we are restricting to, e.g. stencil or element
 CDumux::CCMpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models Specialization for grid caching disabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models Specialization for grid caching enabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaFVGridGeometry< GridView, Traits, enableCache >The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models on a grid view This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces
 CDumux::CCMpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< Traits, cachingEnabled >Flux variable caches on a gridview
 CDumux::CCMpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< TheTraits, false >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching disabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< TheTraits, true >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching enabled
 CDumux::CCMpfaGridInteractionVolumeIndexSets< FVG, NI, PI, SI >Class that holds all interaction volume index sets on a grid view
 CDumux::CCMpfaInteractionVolumeBase< T >Base class for the interaction volumes of mpfa methods. It defines the interface and actual implementations should derive from this class
 CDumux::CCMpfaInteractionVolumeBase< Traits >
 CDumux::CCMpfaODefaultInteractionVolumeTraits< NodalIndexSet, Scalar >The default interaction volume traits class for the mpfa-o method. This uses dynamic types types for matrices/vectors in order to work on general grids. For interaction volumes known at compile time use the static interaction volume implementation
 CDumux::CCMpfaODefaultStaticInteractionVolumeTraits< NI, S, C, F >The default interaction volume traits class for the mpfa-o method with known size of the interaction volumes at compile time. It uses statically sized containers for the iv-local data structures and static matrices and vectors
 CDumux::CCMpfaOInteractionVolumeIndexSet< DualGridNodalIndexSet >The interaction volume index set class for the mpfa-o scheme
 CDumux::CCMpfaOInteractionVolumeLocalScv< IvIndexSet, Scalar, dim, dimWorld >Class for the interaction volume-local sub-control volume used in the mpfa-o scheme
 CDumux::CCMpfaOInteractionVolumeLocalScvf< IvIndexSet >Class for the interaction volume-local sub-control volume face used in the mpfa-o scheme
 CDumux::CCMpfaOScvGeometryHelper< LocalScvType >Helper class providing functionality to compute the geometry of the interaction-volume local sub-control volumes of mpfa-o type
 CDumux::CCMpfaScvGradientsClass providing functionality for the reconstruction of the gradients in the sub-control volumes involved in mpfa schemes
 CDumux::CCMpfaSubControlVolumeFace< GV, T >Class for a sub control volume face in mpfa methods, i.e a part of the boundary of a control volume we compute fluxes on
 CDumux::CCSimpleConnectivityMap< GridGeometry >A simple version of the connectivity map for cellcentered schemes. This implementation works for schemes in which for a given cell I only those cells J have to be prepared in whose stencil the cell I appears. This means that for the flux calculations in the cells J (in order to compute the derivatives with respect to cell I), we do not need data on any additional cells J to compute these fluxes. The same holds for scvfs in the cells J, i.e. we need only those scvfs in the cells J in which the cell I is in the stencil
 CDumux::CCTpfaDarcysLaw< Scalar, GridGeometry, isNetwork >Darcy's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation
 CCCTpfaDarcysLaw< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >,(GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::dimension< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::dimensionworld)>
 CDumux::CCTpfaDarcysLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, false >Specialization of the CCTpfaDarcysLaw grids where dim=dimWorld
 CDumux::CCTpfaDarcysLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, true >Specialization of the CCTpfaDarcysLaw grids where dim < dimWorld (network/surface grids)
 CDumux::CCTpfaDefaultGridFVCTraits< P, FVC, FVCF >Flux variable caches traits
 CDumux::CCTpfaDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< P, VV >
 CDumux::CCTpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the cell-centered finite volume scheme using TPFA
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, cachingEnabled >The flux variables caches for an element
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, cachingEnabled >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, false >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models with caching
 CDumux::CCTpfaElementVolumeVariables< GVV, true >The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models with caching
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawCache< AdvectionType, GridGeometry, isNetwork >The cache corresponding to tpfa Darcy's Law with facet coupling
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawCache< AdvectionType, GridGeometry, false >Specialization of FacetCouplingTpfaDarcysLawCache for non-network grids
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawCache< AdvectionType, GridGeometry, true >Specialization of FacetCouplingTpfaDarcysLawCache for network grids
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawImpl< ScalarType, GridGeometry, isNetwork >Forward declaration of the implementation
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawImpl< ScalarType, GridGeometry, false >Specialization of CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawImpl for dim=dimWorld
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawImpl< ScalarType, GridGeometry, true >Specialization of CCTpfaFacetCouplingDarcysLawImpl for dim<dimWorld
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingFicksLawImpl< TypeTag, referenceSystem, isNetwork >Forward declaration of the implementation
 CDumux::CCTpfaFacetCouplingFouriersLawImpl< TypeTag, isNetwork >Forward declaration of the implementation
 CDumux::CCTpfaForchheimersLaw< Scalar, GridGeometry, ForchheimerVelocity, isNetwork >Forchheimer's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation
 CCCTpfaForchheimersLaw< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >, ForchheimerVelocity,(GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::dimension< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::dimensionworld)>
 CDumux::CCTpfaForchheimersLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, ForchheimerVelocity, false >Specialization of the CCTpfaForchheimersLaw grids where dim=dimWorld
 CDumux::CCTpfaForchheimersLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, ForchheimerVelocity, true >Specialization of the CCTpfaForchheimersLaw grids where dim<dimWorld
 CDumux::CCTpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element in the local scope we are restricting to, e.g. stencil or element
 CDumux::CCTpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models Specialization for grid caching disabled
 CDumux::CCTpfaFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models Specialization for grid caching enabled
 CDumux::CCTpfaFVGridGeometry< GridView, enableGridGeometryCache, Traits >The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models on a grid view This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces
 CDumux::CCTpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< Problem, FluxVariablesCache, FluxVariablesCacheFiller, EnableGridFluxVariablesCache, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview
 CDumux::CCTpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, false, TheTraits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching disabled
 CDumux::CCTpfaGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, true, TheTraits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching enabled
 CDumux::Properties::CellCenterPrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >The cell center primary variables
 CDumux::Properties::CellCenterSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::CheckOverlapSize< DiscretizationMethod >Check if the overlap size is valid for a given discretization method
 CDumux::CheckOverlapSize< DiscretizationMethods::Box >Specialization for the box method which requires an overlap size of 0
 CDumux::CheckOverlapSize< DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered >
 CDumux::CheckOverlapSize< DiscretizationMethods::FEM >
 CDumux::CircleAveragePointSourceTraits< MDTraits >Point source traits for the circle average coupling mode
 CDumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >Adapter that allows retrieving information on a d-dimensional grid for entities of a (d-1)-dimensional grid. This lower-dimensional grid is assumed to be facet-conforming to the d-dimensional grid. This class can be used in the context of models where a sub-domain lives on the facets of a bulk grid
 CDumux::MetaData::CollectorClass to collect metadata
 CDumux::IAPWS::Common< Scalar >Implements relations which are common for all regions of the IAPWS '97 formulation
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::CommonIOFieldsAdds output fields specific to all pore-network models
 CDumux::ComponentTraits< Component >Component traits, i.e. information extracted from components
 CDumux::ComponentTraits< Components::TabulatedComponent< RawComponent, useVaporPressure > >Component traits for tabulated component
 CDumux::Properties::CompositionalDispersionModel< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use Scheideggers's law for the dispersive tensor calculation
 CDumux::CompositionalFlash< Scalar, FluidSystem >Flash calculation routines for compositional sequential models
 CDumux::CompositionalFluidState< ScalarType, FluidSystem >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium
 CDumux::SolidSystems::CompositionalSolidPhase< Scalar, Component1, Component2, numInert >A solid phase consisting of multiple inert solid components
 CDumux::CompositionalSolidState< Scalar, SolidSystemType >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a compositional solid system
 CDumux::CompositionFromFugacities< Scalar, FluidSystem >Calculates the chemical equilibrium from the component fugacities fκ in the phase α
 CDumux::ComputeFromReferencePhase< Scalar, FluidSystem >Computes all quantities of a generic fluid state if a reference phase has been specified
 CDumux::Detail::ConcatSeq< Seq1, offset, Seq2 >
 CDumux::Detail::ConcatSeq< std::index_sequence< Is1... >, offset, std::index_sequence< Is2... > >
 CDumux::ConformingGridIntersectionMapper< GridView >Defines a standard intersection mapper for mapping of global DOFs assigned to faces. It only works for conforming grids, without hanging nodes
 CDumux::Constants< Scalar >A central place for various physical constants occurring in some equations
 CDune::Amg::ConstructionTraits< Dumux::ParMTJac< M, X, Y, l > >
 CDune::Amg::ConstructionTraits< Dumux::ParMTSOR< M, X, Y, l > >
 CDune::Amg::ConstructionTraits< Dumux::ParMTSSOR< M, X, Y, l > >
 CDumux::ConvergenceWriterInterface< SolutionVector, ResidualVector >A convergence writer interface Provide an interface that show the minimal requirements a convergence write passed to a newton method has to fulfill
 CDumux::ConvergenceWriterInterface< MDTraits::SolutionVector, MDTraits::ResidualVector >
 CDumux::BoxDfmMLGeometryTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::BoxMLGeometryTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >::ScvfMLGTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::CCMpfaOScvGeometryHelper< LocalScvType >::MLGTraits::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::CCTpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >::ScvfMLGTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::FCDiamondMLGeometryTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleMLGeometryTraits< ct >::CornerStorage< mydim, cdim >
 CDumux::CouplingManager< Traits >The interface of the coupling manager for multi domain problems
 CDumux::CouplingManager< MDTraits >
 CDumux::Properties::CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 CDumux::Properties::CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 CDumux::Properties::CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
 CDumux::FreeFlowPoreNetworkDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >
 CDumux::Detail::CouplingManagerSupportsMultithreadedAssemblySelector< Traits, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::Detail::CouplingManagerSupportsMultithreadedAssemblySelector< Traits, DiscretizationMethods::CVFE< D > >
 CDumux::Detail::createMultiTypeBlockMatrixType< Scalar, JacobianBlocks >Helper class to create a multitype matrix given the diagonal matrix blocks
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::CreepingFlow< ScalarT, TransmissibilityLawTypes >Hagen–Poiseuille-type flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models
 CDumux::CubicSpline< Scalar >A simple implementation of a natural cubic spline
 CDumux::CubicSplineHermiteBasis< Scalar >The cubic spline hermite basis
 CDumux::CVFEDarcysLaw< Scalar, GridGeometry >Darcy's law for control-volume finite element schemes
 CDumux::CVFEDarcysLaw< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry > >
 CDumux::CVFEDefaultGridFVCTraits< P, FVC >Flux variable caches traits
 CDumux::CVFEDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< P, VV >
 CDumux::CVFEElementBoundaryTypes< BTypes >This class stores an array of BoundaryTypes objects
 CDumux::CVFEElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, cachingEnabled >The flux variables caches for an element
 CDumux::CVFEElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled
 CDumux::CVFEElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled
 CDumux::CVFEElementSolution< FVElementGeometry, PV >The element solution vector
 CDumux::CVFEElementVolumeVariables< GVV, cachingEnabled >The local (stencil) volume variables class for control-volume finite element
 CDumux::CVFEElementVolumeVariables< GVV, false >The local (stencil) volume variables class for control-volume finite element without caching
 CDumux::CVFEElementVolumeVariables< GVV, true >The local (stencil) volume variables class for control-volume finite element with caching
 CDumux::CVFEFluxVariablesCache< Scalar, GridGeometry >Flux variables cache class for control-volume finite element schemes. For control-volume finite element schemes, this class does not contain any physics-/process-dependent data. It solely stores disretization-/grid-related data
 CDumux::CVFEFluxVariablesCache< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry > >
 CDumux::CVFEGridFluxVariablesCache< Problem, FluxVariablesCache, cachingEnabled, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview
 CDumux::CVFEGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, false, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching disabled
 CDumux::CVFEGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, true, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching enabled
 CDumux::CVFEGridVolumeVariables< Traits, enableCaching >Base class for the grid volume variables
 CDumux::CVFEGridVolumeVariables< Traits, false >
 CDumux::CVFEGridVolumeVariables< Traits, true >
 CDumux::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, diffMethod, implicit, Implementation >An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (CVFE methods)
 CDumux::Experimental::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, diffMethod, Implementation >An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (CVFE methods)
 CDumux::Experimental::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, Implementation >
 CDumux::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, Implementation >
 CDumux::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, SubDomainCVFELocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false > >
 CDumux::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, SubDomainCVFELocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true > >
 CDumux::Experimental::CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, SubDomainCVFELocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric > >
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::CylinderIntegration< Scalar >Helper class to integrate over a cylinder domain
 CDumux::DarcyDarcyBoundaryCouplingMapper< MDTraits >Default mapper for conforming equal dimension boundary coupling between two domains (box or cc)
 CDumux::DarcysLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >Forward declaration of the method-specific implementation
 CDumux::DarcysLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >Darcy's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation
 CDumux::Detail::DebugIntersectionVTKOutputSimple legacy VTK writer for outputting debug data on the coupling interface
 CDumux::DefaultIOFieldsAdds output fields to a given output module
 CDumux::DefaultMapperTraits< GridView, EM, VM >
 CDumux::DefaultMapperTraits< GV >
 CDumux::DefaultMapperTraits< typename FEBasis::GridView >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::DefaultPNMData< Scalar, GridView >Base class for geometry data extraction from the grid data format
 CDumux::DefaultPointSourceTraits< MDTraits >Default point source traits
 CDumux::IntersectionPolicy::DefaultPolicyChooser< Geometry1, Geometry2 >Default policy chooser class
 CDumux::TriangulationPolicy::DelaunayPolicyDelaunay-type triangulations
 CDumux::DiamondGeometryHelper< GridView, ScvType, ScvfType >Helper class to construct SCVs and SCVFs for the diamond scheme
 CDumux::DiffusivityConstantTortuosity< Scalar >Relation for the effective diffusion coefficient with constant tortuosity
 CDumux::DiffusivityMillingtonQuirk< Scalar >Relation for the effective diffusion coefficient after Millington and Quirk
 CDumux::DimensionlessNumbers< Scalar >Collection of functions which calculate dimensionless numbers. Each number has it's own function. All the parameters for the calculation have to be handed over. Rendering this collection generic in the sense that it can be used by any model
 CDumux::CCMpfaOInteractionVolume< Traits >::DirichletData
 CDumux::CCMpfaOStaticInteractionVolume< Traits >::DirichletDataThis does not work on surface grids
 CDumux::Python::Detail::DisableStaticAssertHelper struct to deactivate static assertions in component's base classes
 CDumux::Detail::DiscretizationDefaultLocalOperator< TypeTag >
 CDumux::Detail::DiscretizationDefaultLocalOperator< TypeTag >
 CDumux::DispersionFluxImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod, referenceSystem >
 CDumux::DispersionFluxImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box, referenceSystem >Specialization of a dispersion flux for the box method
 CDumux::DispersionFluxImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa, referenceSystem >Specialization of a Dispersion flux for the cctpfa method
 CDumux::Properties::DispersionFluxType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use a diffusive flux for the dispersive fluxes
 CDumux::DofBackend< DofVector, isScalar >Class providing operations with primary variable vectors
 CDumux::DofBackend< Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Blocks... >, false >Specialization providing operations for multitype block vectors
 CDumux::DofBackend< Scalar, true >Specialization providing operations for scalar/number types
 CDumux::DofBackend< Vars >
 CDumux::DofBackend< Vars::SolutionVector >
 CDumux::DofBackend< Vector, false >Specialization providing operations for block vectors
 CDumux::LinearSolverTraitsImpl< GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered >::DofMapper
 CDumux::StaggeredFreeFlowDefaultFVGridGeometryTraits< GridView, upwOrder, MapperTraits >::DofTypeIndices
 CDumux::DoubleExponentialIntegrator< Scalar >Numerical integration in one dimension using the double exponential method of M. Mori
 CDumux::Properties::DualGridNodalIndexSet< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Set the index set type used on the dual grid nodes
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::DualNetworkCouplingMapper< Scalar >Coupling mapper for Stokes and Darcy domains with equal dimension
 CDumux::DumuxMessageDuMux start and end message
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Use simple model with constant tortuosity as pm diffusivity model
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
 CDumux::EffectiveStressLaw< StressType, GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from poro-mechanical deformation
 CDumux::EffectiveStressLaw< StressType, GridGeometry, typename GridGeometry::DiscretizationMethod >Effective stress law for box scheme
 CDumux::ElasticIndicesThe indices for the linear elasticity model
 CDumux::ElasticModelTraits< dim, numSolidComp >Specifies a number properties of the elastic model
 CDumux::ElasticVolumeVariables< Traits >Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the elastic model
 CDumux::ElasticVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, DV, MT, SST, SSY >Traits class for the volume variables of the elastic model
 CDumux::ElectroChemistry< Scalar, Indices, FluidSystem, GridGeometry, electroChemistryModel >This class calculates source terms and current densities for fuel cells with the electrochemical models suggested by Ochs (2008) [64] or Acosta et al. (2006) [2]
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes
 CDumux::Properties::ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Use the cell center element boundary types per default
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::EllipseIntegration< Scalar >Helper class to integrate over an elliptic domain
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::EllipticCylinderIntegration< Scalar >Helper class to integrate over an elliptic cylinder domain
 CDumux::Embedded1d3dCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMode >Manages the coupling between bulk elements and lower dimensional elements Point sources on each integration point are computed by an AABB tree
 CDumux::FluxVariablesCaching::EmptyCache< S >An empty flux variables cache
 CDumux::FluxVariablesCaching::EmptyCacheFillerThe empty filler class corresponding to EmptyCache
 CDumux::Properties::CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >::EmptyCouplingManager
 CDumux::EmptyDataHandleEmpty data handle class
 CDumux::Properties::EnableBoxInterfaceSolver< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >Per default, we disable the box interface solver
 CDumux::Properties::EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableCompositionalDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >Per default, we do not include compositional dispersion effects
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridFaceVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Cache the face variables per default
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >Disable flux variables data caching by default
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridGeometryCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridGeometryCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >We do not store the FVGeometry by default
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >We do not store the volume variables by default
 CDumux::Properties::EnableThermalDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >Per default, we do not include thermal dispersion effects
 CDumux::Properties::EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >Per default, we consider both thermal and chemical non-equilibrium
 CDumux::Properties::EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 CDumux::Properties::EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 CDumux::EnergyIOFields< IsothermalIOFields >Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal models
 CDumux::EnergyIOFields< void >Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal models
 CDumux::Properties::EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 CDumux::Properties::EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >The default implementation of the energy balance equation for flow problems in porous media
 CDumux::EnergyLocalResidualImplementation< TypeTag, enableEneryBalance >
 CDumux::EnergyLocalResidualImplementation< TypeTag, false >Element-wise calculation of the energy residual for isothermal problems
 CDumux::EnergyLocalResidualImplementation< TypeTag, true >Element-wise calculation of the energy residual for non-isothermal problems
 CDumux::EnergyLocalResidualNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, numEnergyEqFluid >This file contains the parts of the local residual to calculate the heat conservation in the thermal non-equilibrium model
 CDumux::EnergyLocalResidualNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::EnergyVolumeVariablesImplementation< IsothermalTraits, Impl, enableEnergyBalance >
 CDumux::EnergyVolumeVariablesImplementation< IsothermalTraits, Impl, false >The isothermal base class
 CDumux::EnergyVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, Impl, true >The non-isothermal implicit volume variables base class
 CDumux::EnrichedVertexDofMapper< GV >A vertex mapper that allows for enrichment of nodes. Indication on where to enrich the nodes is done on the basis of a grid of codimension one living on the facets of the bulk grid
 CDumux::EnrichmentIndicatorAn indicator class used to mark vertices for enrichment. This implementation marks all vertices of a given grid of codimension one for enrichment, except those that are connected to inmersed boundaries
 CDumux::EntityMap< GridView, codim >A map from indices to entities using grid entity seeds
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >Set the equilibrium IO fields which are in that case the nonisothermal io fields
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >Set equilibrium model traits
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >Set equilibrium model traits
 CDumux::Properties::EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >Set equilibrium model traits
 CDumux::ExtendedRichardsVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT, DT, EDM >Traits class for the Richards model
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::ExtendedSourceStencil< CouplingManager >A class managing an extended source stencil
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::ExtendedSourceStencil< Dumux::Embedded1d3dCouplingManager< MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Average > >
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::ExtendedSourceStencil< Dumux::Embedded1d3dCouplingManager< MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Kernel > >
 CDumux::EmbeddedCoupling::ExtendedSourceStencil< Dumux::Embedded1d3dCouplingManager< MDTraits, Embedded1d3dCouplingMode::Surface > >
 CDumux::Extrusion< T >Traits extracting the public Extrusion type from T Defaults to NoExtrusion if no such type is found
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume face for the face-centered staggered finite volume scheme
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the face-centered staggered scheme
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondFVElementGeometry< GG, cachingEnabled >Element-wise grid geometry (local view)
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Element-wise grid geometry (local view)
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the cell-centered finite volume scheme using TPFA
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondSubControlVolume< GridView, T >Face centered diamond subcontrolvolume face
 CDumux::FaceCenteredDiamondSubControlVolumeFace< GridView, T >The SCVF implementation for diamond
 CDumux::FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, diffMethod, implicit, Implementation >An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (Face-centered methods)
 CDumux::FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, Implementation >
 CDumux::FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, SubDomainFaceCenteredLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false > >
 CDumux::FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, dm, implicit, SubDomainFaceCenteredLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true > >
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredConnectivityMap< GridGeometry >Stores the dof indices corresponding to the neighboring scvs that contribute to the derivative calculation
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredDefaultGridFVCTraits< P, FVC, FVCF >Flux variable caches traits
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< P, VV >
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementBoundaryTypes< BTypes >This class stores an array of BoundaryTypes objects
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, cachingEnabled >The flux variables caches for an element
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementSolution< FVElementGeometry, PV >The global face variables class for staggered models
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GridVolumeVariables, cachingEnabled >Base class for the face variables vector
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GVV, false >Class for the face variables vector. Specialization for the case of not storing the face variables globally
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GVV, true >Class for the face variables vector. Specialization for the case of storing the face variables globally
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredFVElementGeometry< GG, cachingEnabled >
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for face-centered staggered models Specialization for grid caching disabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for face-centered staggered models Specialization for grid caching enabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredFVGridGeometry< GridView, cachingEnabled, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for face-centered staggered models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGeometryHelper< GridView >Face centered staggered geometry helper
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< Problem, FluxVariablesCache, FluxVariablesCacheFiller, cachingEnabled, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, false, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching disabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, true, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview with grid caching enabled
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, cachingEnabled >Base class for the grid volume variables
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, false >Specialization when the current volume variables are not stored globally
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, true >Specialization in case of storing the volume variables
 CDumux::Detail::FaceCenteredStaggeredLocalIntersectionIndexMapper< GridView, consistentlyOrientedGrid >
 CDumux::Detail::FaceCenteredStaggeredLocalIntersectionIndexMapper< GridView, false >Provides a mapping of local intersection indices (indexInInside) such that the local indices always follow the order of a reference element, regardless of how the element is oriented
 CDumux::Detail::FaceCenteredStaggeredLocalIntersectionIndexMapper< GridView, true >Provides a mapping of local intersection indices (indexInInside) such that the local indices always follow the order of a reference element, regardless of how the element in oriented
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredSubControlVolume< GridView, T >Face centered staggered sub control volume
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredSubControlVolumeFace< GridView, T >Face centered staggered sub control volume face
 CDumux::Properties::FacePrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >The face primary variables
 CDumux::Properties::FaceSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::FacetCouplingEmbeddings< Grids >Contains the embeddings between grids with codimension one among the grid hierarchy. All these embedments are given in insertion indices as they are read directly from the grid. Therefore, this class furthermore allows access to the insertion indices of entities. Additionally, it gives access to the grid views of the different grids on the hierarchy
 CDumux::FacetCouplingGmshReader< BulkGrid, numGrids >Reads gmsh files where (n-1)-dimensional grids are defined on the faces or edges of n-dimensional grids
 CDumux::FacetCouplingGridDataWrapper< Grids >Grid data object to store element and boundary segment markers for all grids of the hierarchy
 CDumux::FacetCouplingGridManager< Grids >Creates the grids in the context of hybrid-dimensional coupled models, where the (n-1)-dimensional domains live on the element facets of the n-dimensional domains
 CDumux::FacetCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMapper, bulkDomainId, lowDimDomainId, DiscretizationMethod >Implementation for the coupling manager between two domains of dimension d and (d-1) for models considering coupling across the bulk domain element facets. The implementations are specificto the discretization method used in the bulk domain, which is extracted automatically from the grid geometry corresponding to the provided bulk domain id. Implementations for the different methods have to be provided and included at the end of this file
 CDumux::FacetCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMapper, 0, 1 >
 CDumux::FacetCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMapper, 1, 2 >
 CDumux::FacetCouplingMapper< BulkFVG, LowDimFVG, bulkId, lowDimId, DiscretizationMethod >Implementation for the coupling mapper that sets up and stores the coupling maps between two domains of dimension d and (d-1). The implementations are specific to the discretization method used in the bulk domain, which is extracted automatically from the bulk grid geometry. Implementations for the different methods have to be provided and included at the end of this file
 CDumux::FacetCouplingMapper< BulkFVG, FacetFVG, 0, 1 >
 CDumux::FacetCouplingMapper< FacetFVG, EdgeFVG, 1, 2 >
 CDumux::FacetCouplingMapperBase< BulkFVG, LowDimFVG, bulkId, lowDimId >Base class for the coupling mapper that sets up and stores the coupling maps between two domains of dimension d and (d-1)
 CDumux::FacetGridManager< HG, FacetGrid, HostGridManager >Grid manager for grids living on the facets of a host grid
 CDumux::CCMpfaSubControlVolumeFace< GV, T >::FacetInfo
 CDumux::Properties::FaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >The variables living on the faces
 CDumux::FEElementGeometry< GridGeometry >Grid geometry local view, which is a wrapper around a finite element basis local view
 CDumux::FFMomentumPMCouplingMapperStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits, CouplingManager >Default mapper for conforming equal dimension boundary coupling between two domains (box or cc)
 CDumux::FFMomentumPMCouplingMapperStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits, FFMomentumPMCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits > >
 CDumux::FFPMCouplingConditionsStaggeredCCTpfaImpl< MDTraits, CouplingManager, enableEnergyBalance, isCompositional >
 CDumux::FFPMCouplingConditionsStaggeredCCTpfaImplBase< MDTraits, CouplingManager >A base class which provides some common methods used for Stokes-Darcy coupling
 CDumux::FickianDiffusionCoefficients< Scalar, numPhases, numComponents >Container storing the diffusion coefficients required by Fick's law. Uses the minimal possible container size and provides unified access
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod, referenceSystem >Forward declaration of the method-specific implementation
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box, referenceSystem >Specialization of Fick's Law for the box method
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box, ReferenceSystemFormulation::massAveraged >
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa, referenceSystem >Fick's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa, referenceSystem >Fick's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation
 CDumux::FicksLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered, referenceSystem >Specialization of Fick's Law for the staggered free flow method
 CDumux::Vtk::Field< GridView >Struct that can hold any field that fulfills the VTKFunction interface
 CDumux::FixedSizeGeometriesEntitySet< GeoType, N >An interface for a fixed-size set of geometric entities
 CDumux::FixedSizeGeometriesEntitySet< GeoType, 1 >
 CDumux::FluidSolidInterfacialAreaShiWang< Scalar >Description of a interfacial area between solid and fluid phase
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >This model uses the compositional fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >This model uses the compositional fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem
 CDumux::FluidStateAdapter< FluidState, AdapterPolicy >Adapter class for fluid states with different indices
 CDumux::Properties::FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >The fluid system used by the model
 CDumux::Properties::FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >The fluid system used by the model
 CDumux::Properties::FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::FluxOverAxisAlignedSurface< GridVariables, SolutionVector, LocalResidual >Class used to calculate fluxes over axis-aligned surfaces
 CDumux::FluxOverSurface< GridVariables, SolutionVector, ModelTraits, LocalResidual >Class used to calculate fluxes over surfaces. This only works for the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::FluxStencil< FVElementGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >The flux stencil specialized for different discretization schemes
 CDumux::FluxStencil< FVElementGeometry, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >
 CDumux::FluxStencil< FVElementGeometry, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >
 CDumux::FluxTraits< FluxVariables >Traits of a flux variables type
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >::FluxTypes
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >::FluxTypes
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >The flux variables for models involving flow in porous media
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SST >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >The flux variables
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >The flux variables
 CDumux::FluxVariablesBase< Problem, FVElementGeometry, ElementVolumeVariables, ElementFluxVariablesCache >Base class for the flux variables living on a sub control volume face
 CDumux::FluxVariablesBase< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Problem >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::LocalView, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridVolumeVariables >::LocalView, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache >::LocalView >
 CDumux::FluxVariablesBase< Problem, ProblemTraits< Problem >::GridGeometry::LocalView, ElementVolumeVariables, ElementFluxVariablesCache >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >The flux variables cache class specific to box-dfm porous medium flow models
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >The flux variables cache type
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >The flux variables cache type
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >The flux variables cache
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >The flux variables cache
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >The flux variables cache
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >The flux variables cache
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >The flux variables cache class
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 CDumux::Properties::FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 CDumux::ForchheimersLawImplementation< TypeTag, VelocityLaw, DiscretizationMethod >Forward declare
 CDumux::ForchheimerVelocity< Scalar, GridGeometry, FluxVariables >Forchheimer's law For a detailed description see dumux/flow/forchheimerslaw.hh
 CDumux::Detail::RasterImageData::FormatA struct that holds all information of the image format
 CDumux::Properties::Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >< Set the default formulation to pwsn
 CDumux::Properties::Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Default formulation is pw-Sn, overwrite if necessary
 CDumux::Properties::Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Set the default formulation to pw-sn
 CDumux::FouriersLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >Forward declaration of the method-specific implementation
 CDumux::FouriersLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the box method
 CDumux::FouriersLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation
 CDumux::FouriersLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation
 CDumux::FouriersLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the staggered free flow method
 CDumux::FouriersLawNonEquilibriumImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::FouriersLawNonEquilibriumImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the box method for thermal nonequilibrium models
 CDumux::FouriersLawNonEquilibriumImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation
 CDumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod, enableEneryBalance, isCompositional >
 CDumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod, false, isCompositional >Specialization for isothermal models, does nothing
 CDumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered, true, false >Specialization for staggered one-phase, non-isothermal models
 CDumux::Detail::FreeFlowHeatCondType< enableEnergyBalance, Traits >
 CDumux::Detail::FreeFlowHeatCondType< true, Traits >
 CDumux::FreeflowNCFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the multi-component free-flow model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::FreeflowNCIOFields< BaseOutputFields, turbulenceModel >Adds I/O fields specific to the FreeflowNC model
 CDumux::FreeflowNCResidualImpl< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the multi-component free-flow residual for models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::FreeflowNonIsothermalIOFields< IsothermalIOFields, turbulenceModel >Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal free-flow models
 CDumux::FreeFlowPoreNetworkCouplingConditionsImplementation< MDTraits, CouplingManager, enableEnergyBalance, isCompositional >
 CDumux::FreeFlowPoreNetworkCouplingConditionsImplementationBase< MDTraits, CouplingManager >A base class which provides some common methods used for free-flow/pore-network coupling
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingOptionsThis structs holds a set of options which allow to modify the Stokes-Darcy coupling mechanism during runtime
 CDumux::FreeFlowScalarFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< Problem, ModelTraits, diffusionIsSolDependent, heatConductionIsSolDependent, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::FreeFlowScalarFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< Problem, ModelTraits, diffusionIsSolDependent, heatConductionIsSolDependent, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >Specialization of the flux variables cache filler for the cell centered tpfa method
 CDumux::FreeFlowStaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView, upwindSchemeOrder >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the free-flow staggered finite volume scheme
 CDumux::FreeFlowStaggeredGeometryHelper< GridView, upwindSchemeOrder >Helper class constructing the dual grid finite volume geometries for the free flow staggered discretization method
 CDumux::FreeflowStaggeredSCV< GridView >
 CDumux::FreeflowStaggeredSCVF< GridView >
 CDumux::FreeFlowVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, Impl, enableEnergyBalance >
 CDumux::FreeFlowVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, Impl, false >Volume variables for isothermal free-flow models
 CDumux::FrictionLaw< VolumeVariables >Implementation of the abstract base class for friction laws
 CDumux::FCGridManagerChecks::FulfillConditions< checkDimWorld, Gs >
 CDumux::FCGridManagerChecks::FulfillConditions< checkDimWorld, G1, G2 >
 CDumux::FCGridManagerChecks::FulfillConditions< checkDimWorld, G1, Gs... >
 CDumux::FullDispersionTensor< TypeTag >Full dispersion tensor
 CDumux::FunctionFromStringExpression< numVars, Scalar >Evaluating string math expressions containing named variables
 CDumux::FVAssembler< TypeTag, diffMethod, isImplicit, LocalResidual >A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes (box, tpfa, mpfa, ...)
 CDumux::FVFacetGridMapper< FacetGridView, GG >Maps between entities of finite-volume discretizations and a grid defined on the facets of the discretization
 CDumux::FVGridVariables< GG, GVV, GFVC >The grid variable class for finite volume schemes storing variables on scv and scvf (volume and flux variables)
 CDumux::FVGridVariables< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridVolumeVariables >, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache > >
 CDumux::Experimental::FVGridVariablesLocalView< GV >Finite volume-specific local view on grid variables
 CDumux::Experimental::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Implementation >A base class for all local assemblers
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Implementation, useImplicitAssembly >A base class for all local assemblers
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, false >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, true >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::CVFE::Impl< Implementation, CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, false, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::CVFE::Impl< Implementation, CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, true, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::CVFE::Impl< Implementation, CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::CVFE::Impl< Implementation, CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::NonVoidOrDefault_t< Implementation, FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Detail::NonVoidOrDefault_t< Implementation, FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true, Implementation > >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, false, Implementation >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, FaceCenteredLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, true, Implementation >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Implementation, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, Implementation, true >
 CDumux::Experimental::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, NonVoidOr< CCLocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, Implementation >, Implementation > >
 CDumux::Experimental::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, NonVoidOr< CVFELocalAssembler< TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, Implementation >, Implementation > >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::analytic, true >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, false >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true >, implicit >
 CDumux::FVLocalAssemblerBase< TypeTag, Assembler, SubDomainStaggeredLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DiffMethod::numeric, true >, true >
 CDumux::FVLocalResidual< TypeTag >The element-wise residual for finite volume schemes
 CDumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >Base class for all finite-volume problems
 CDumux::Python::FVProblem< GridGeometry_, SpatialParams_, PrimaryVariables, enableInternalDirichletConstraints_ >A C++ wrapper for a Python problem
 CDumux::Python::FVProblem< GridGeometry_, SpatialParams_, PrimaryVariables, enableInternalDirichletConstraints >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, Implementation >The base class for spatial parameters used with finite-volume schemes
 CDumux::Python::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry_ >The base class for spatial parameters used with finite-volume schemes
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< FVGridGeometry, Scalar, SolidEnergySpatialParams< FVGridGeometry, Scalar > >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, DefaultHyperelasticSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar > >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, FreeFlowDefaultSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar > >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, FVPorousMediumFlowSpatialParamsOnePConstant< GridGeometry, Scalar > >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, OnePDefaultSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar > >
 CDumux::FVSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, TwoPDefaultSpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, LocalRules > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Component >Interface for components that have a gas state
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Air< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Benzene< Scalar > >
 CComponents::Gas< Scalar, Brine< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, CH4< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, CO2< Scalar, CO2Tables > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Constant< id, Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, H2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, H2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, HeavyOil< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Mesitylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, N2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, O2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, SimpleCO2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, SimpleH2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Trichloroethene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, Xylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::GeometriesEntitySet< GeoType >An interface for a set of geometric entities
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, dimworld, dim1, dim2 >A class for geometry collision detection and intersection calculation The class can be specialized for combinations of dimworld, dim1, dim2, where dimworld is the world dimension embedding a grid of dim1 and a grid of dim2
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 2, 1, 1 >A class for segment–segment intersection in 2d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 2, 2, 1 >A class for polygon–segment intersection in 2d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 2, 2, 2 >A class for polygon–polygon intersection in 2d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 1, 1 >A class for segment–segment intersection in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 2, 1 >A class for polygon–segment intersection in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 2, 2 >A class for polygon–polygon intersections in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 3, 1 >A class for polyhedron–segment intersection in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 3, 2 >A class for polyhedron–polygon intersection in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry1, Geometry2, Policy, 3, 3, 3 >A class for polyhedron–polyhedron intersection in 3d space
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry2, Geometry1, Policy, 2, 2, 1 >
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry2, Geometry1, Policy, 3, 2, 1 >
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry2, Geometry1, Policy, 3, 3, 1 >
 CDumux::GeometryIntersection< Geometry2, Geometry1, Policy, 3, 3, 2 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, dim1, dim2 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, 0, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, 0, 1 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, 0, 2 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, 1, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::GeometrySquaredDistance< Geo1, Geo2, dimWorld, 2, 0 >
 CDumux::GnuplotInterface< Scalar >Interface for passing data sets to a file and plotting them, if gnuplot is installed
 CDumux::Properties::Grid< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::GridAdaptInitializationIndicator< TypeTag >Class defining an initialization indicator for grid adaption. Refines at sources and boundaries. Use before computing on the grid
 CDumux::GridData< Grid >Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::GridData< Grid >Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::GridData< HostGrid >
 CDumux::GridDataTransfer< Grid >Interface to be used by classes transferring grid data on adaptive grids
 CDumux::GridDataTransfer< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Grid > >
 CDumux::Properties::GridFaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the default global face variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >The grid flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >The grid flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >Set the global flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >Set the global flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >The grid flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >The grid flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >The grid flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the global flux variables cache vector class
 CDumux::MetaData::Concept::GridGeometryConcept of GridGeometry
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GridView, enableGridGeometryCache, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< solidDomainIdx >
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Set the default for the grid finite volume geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >Set the default for the grid geometry
 CDumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >The default grid geometry
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< voidDomainIdx >
 CDumux::GridGeometryView< ActualGridGeometry >Base class for cell center of face specific auxiliary FvGridGeometry classes. Provides a common interface and a pointer to the actual gridGeometry
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< GridType >The grid manager base interface (public) and methods common to most grid manager specializations (protected)
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< Dune::OneDGrid >
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates > >
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< OtherGridCreator::Grid::ctype, OtherGridCreator::Grid::LeafGridView::dimensionworld > > >
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< Grid >
 CDumux::GridManagerBase< HG >
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::GridPropertiesType tag for numeric models
 CDumux::MetaData::Concept::GridVariablesConcept of GridVariables
 CDumux::Properties::GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables)
 CDumux::Properties::GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables)
 CDumux::Properties::GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >The grid variables
 CDumux::Properties::GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >The grid variables
 CDumux::Properties::GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables)
 CDumux::MetaData::Concept::GridViewConcept of GridView
 CDumux::GridViewGeometricEntitySet< GridView, codim, Mapper >An interface for a set of geometric entities based on a GridView
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >The grid volume variables vector class
 CDumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >Set the default global volume variables cache vector class
 CDumux::IO::GridWriter< Args >
 CDumux::GstatRandomField< GridView, Scalar >Creating random fields using gstat
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_AirBinary coefficients for water and air
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_CH4Binary coefficients for water and methane
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_Component< Scalar, Component >Binary coefficients for water and another component
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_Component< Scalar, Components::Constant< id, Scalar > >Binary coefficients for water and a constant component
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_HeavyOilBinary coefficients for water and heavy oil as in SAGD processes
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_MesityleneBinary coefficients for water and mesitylene
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2Binary coefficients for water and nitrogen
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_O2Binary coefficients for water and oxygen
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_XyleneBinary coefficients for water and xylene
 CDumux::FluidSystems::H2OAirDefaultPolicy< fastButSimplifiedRelations >Policy for the H2O-air fluid system
 CDumux::FluidSystems::H2ON2DefaultPolicy< fastButSimplifiedRelations >Policy for the H2O-N2 fluid system
 CDumux::FluidSystems::H2ON2O2DefaultPolicy< fastButSimplifiedRelations >Policy for the H2O-N2-O2 fluid system
 CDumux::Detail::HasIndex< size_t, Tuple >
 CDumux::BoxDfmMLGeometryTraits< ct >::hasSingleGeometryType< mydim >
 CDumux::BoxMLGeometryTraits< ct >::hasSingleGeometryType< mydim >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >::ScvfMLGTraits< ct >::hasSingleGeometryType< dim >
 CDumux::CCMpfaOScvGeometryHelper< LocalScvType >::MLGTraits::hasSingleGeometryType< d >
 CDumux::Detail::hasStateHelper struct detecting if a PrimaryVariables object has a state() function
 CDumux::hasVertexColorHelper struct to determine whether the an engine class has vertex colors
 CDumux::Detail::RasterImageData::HeaderDataA struct that contains all header data of the image
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Use the box facet coupling-specific Fourier's law
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use fourier's law as the default for heat conduction fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type
 CDumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::HelmholtzModelVolumeVariables< Traits >
 CDumux::HookesLaw< Scalar, GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from mechanical deformation
 CDumux::HookesLaw< ScalarType, GridGeometry, typename GridGeometry::DiscretizationMethod >Hooke's law for box scheme
 CDumux::HyperelasticModelTraits< dim >HyperelasticModelTraits
 CDumux::HyperelasticVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, MT >
 CDumux::IdealGas< Scalar >Relations valid for an ideal gas
 CDumux::ImmiscibleFlash< Scalar, FluidSystem >Determines the pressures and saturations of all fluid phases given the total mass of all components
 CDumux::ImmiscibleFluidState< ScalarType, FluidSystem >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase fluid system assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium
 CDumux::Detail::InAxisVelocities< Scalar, upwindSchemeOrder >
 CDumux::Detail::InAxisVelocities< Scalar, 1 >
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IndexHelper< freeFlowIdx, porousMediumIndex, FFFS, hasAdapter >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model
 CDumux::IndexHelper< stokesIdx, darcyIdx, FFFS, hasAdapter >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IndexHelper< freeFlowIdx, porousMediumIndex, FFFS, false >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that no adapter is used
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IndexHelper< freeFlowIdx, porousMediumIndex, FFFS, true >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that a adapter is used
 CDumux::IndexHelper< stokesIdx, darcyIdx, FFFS, false >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that no adapter is used
 CDumux::IndexHelper< stokesIdx, darcyIdx, FFFS, true >Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that a adapter is used
 CDumux::IndexTraits< GridView >Structure to define the index types used for grid and local indices
 CDumux::IndexTraits< GV >
 CDumux::InertSolidState< Scalar, SolidSystemType >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a inert solid system
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::InsideOutsideScv< IndexType, gt >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::InsideOutsideScv< IndexType, Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::InsideOutsideScv< IndexType, Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::InsideOutsideScv< IndexType, Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::InsideOutsideScv< IndexType, Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::IntegrationPointSourceHelperA helper class calculating a DOF-index to point source map
 CDumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelperA class that contains helper functions as well as functionality which is common to different mpfa schemes and which solely operate on the interaction volume
 CDumux::InteractionVolumeDataHandle< MVT, PT >Class for the interaction volume data handle
 CDumux::InteractionVolumeDataStorage< PrimaryIV, PrimaryIVDataHandle, SecondaryIV, SecondaryIVDataHandle >Structure to store interaction volumes and data handles
 CDumux::InteractionVolumeDataStorage< PrimaryInteractionVolume, PrimaryIvDataHandle, SecondaryInteractionVolume, SecondaryIvDataHandle >
 CDumux::InteractionVolumeLocalFaceData< GridIndexType, LocalIndexType >General implementation of a data structure holding interaction volume-local information for a grid sub-control volume face embedded in it
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponentialImplementation of the exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Nuske(2009) (Diploma thesis) [62]
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponentialCubicImplementation of a exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaolynomialEdgeZero2ndOrderImplementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPcMaxImplementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPolynomialSecondOrderImplementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Joekar-Niasar(2008) [46]
 CDumux::CCMpfaOFacetCouplingInteractionVolume< Traits >::InteriorBoundaryDataDefine data structure to store which scvfs lie on interior boundaries
 CDumux::Detail::Intersections::IntersectionEntity< DomainEntitySet, TargetEntitySet >A class representing an intersection entity
 CDumux::IntersectionEntitySet< DomainEntitySet, TargetEntitySet >A class representing the intersection entities two geometric entity sets
 CDumux::IntersectionInfo< dimworld, CoordTypeA, CoordTypeB >An intersection object resulting from the intersection of two primitives in an entity set
 CDumux::IntersectionMapper< GridView >Defines an intersection mapper for mapping of global DOFs assigned to faces which also works for adaptive grids
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >Set the vtk output fields specific to th non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >Set the default to an implementation throwing a NotImplemented error
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >Add temperature to the output
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >Add temperature to the output
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >The non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >Indices for non-isothermal models
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >Default I/O fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >Use the mineralization vtk output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >Non-isothermal vtk output
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >The non-isothermal vtk output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >Add temperature to the output
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >Default I/O fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >Add temperature to the output
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >Set non-isothermal output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >Set the vtk output fields specific to the non-isothermal two-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >Default vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >Set the vtk output fields specific to th non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SST >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >The specific non-isothermal I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >Set non-isothermal output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >Set the non-isothermal vktoutputfields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Set the non-isothermal vkt output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >Set the vtk output fields specific to the twop model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >Non-isothermal vtkoutput
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >Set non-isothermal output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >Set the vtk output fields specific to the non-isothermal twop model
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >The non-isothermal vtk output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >Set non-isothermal output fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Properties::IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >The specific I/O fields
 CDumux::Components::Ion< Scalar, Component >Interface for components that are ions
 CDumux::Components::Ion< Scalar, CalciumIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Ion< Scalar, CarbonateIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Ion< Scalar, ChlorideIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Ion< Scalar, SodiumIon< Scalar > >
 CDumux::IsothermalImmiscibleFluidState< ScalarType, FluidSystem >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase fluid system assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IsSameFluidSystem< FFFS, PMFS >This structs helps to check if the two sub models use the same fluidsystem. Specialization for the case of using an adapter only for the free-flow model
 CDumux::IsSameFluidSystem< FFFS, PMFS >This structs helps to check if the two sub models use the same fluidsystem. Specialization for the case of using an adapter only for the free-flow model
 CDumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IsSameFluidSystem< FS, FS >This structs helps to check if the two sub models use the same fluidsystem
 CDumux::IsSameFluidSystem< FS, FS >This structs helps to check if the two sub models use the same fluidsystem
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::IstlDefaultBlockLevelPreconditionerFactory< Preconditioner, blockLevel >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::IstlDefaultPreconditionerFactory< Preconditioner >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlIterativeLinearSolver< LinearSolverTraits, LinearAlgebraTraits, InverseOperator, PreconditionerFactory, convertMultiTypeLATypes >Standard dune-istl iterative linear solvers
 CDumux::Detail::IstlIterativeLinearSolver< Dumux::SeqLinearSolverTraits, Dumux::LinearAlgebraTraits< Dune::BCRSMatrix, Dune::BlockVector< Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, 1 > > > >
 CDumux::IterativePreconditionedSolverImplA general solver backend allowing arbitrary preconditioners and solvers
 CDumux::IvDataHandlePhysicsTraits< ModelTraits >Data handle physics traits
 CDumux::Properties::JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::Properties::JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::JacobianTypeImpl< Scalar, numEq >
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KEpsilonThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal k-epsilon model
 CDumux::KEpsilonFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, BaseFluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the k-epsilon model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::KEpsilonIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the k-epsilon turbulence model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KEpsilonNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal k-epsilon model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KEpsilonNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal k-epsilon models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KEpsilonNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal k-epsilon model
 CDumux::KEpsilonResidualImpl< TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the residual for k-epsilon models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KOmegaThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal k-omega model
 CDumux::KOmegaFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, BaseFluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the k-omega model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::KOmegaIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KOmegaNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal k-omega model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KOmegaNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal k-omega models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::KOmegaNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal k-omega 2-Eq. model
 CDumux::KOmegaResidualImpl< TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the residual for k-omega models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::LabelsLabels for pores and throats
 CDumux::Properties::Labels< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >The pore/throat labels
 CDumux::Properties::Labels< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >The labels
 CDumux::LameParams< Scalar >Structure encapsulating the lame parameters
 CDumux::Detail::LATraits::LATraitsFromAssemblerImpl< Assembler, isMultiType >
 CDumux::Detail::LATraits::LATraitsFromAssemblerImpl< Assembler, true >
 CDumux::InterpolationPolicy::LinearInterpolate linearly between two given values
 CDumux::LinearAlgebraTraits< M, V, STM, STV >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::LinearMaterialLinear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations
 CDumux::LinearSolverBase class for linear solvers
 CDumux::LinearSolverParameters< LinearSolverTraits >Generates a parameter tree required for the linear solvers and precondioners of the Dune ISTL
 CDumux::LinearSolverTraitsBase< GridGeometry >
 CDumux::LinearSolverTraitsImpl< GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >The implementation is specialized for the different discretizations
 CDumux::InterpolationPolicy::LinearTableInterpolate linearly in a piecewise linear function (tabularized function)
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Component >Interface for components that have a liquid state
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Benzene< Scalar > >
 CComponents::Liquid< Scalar, Brine< Scalar, Components::TabulatedComponent< Components::H2O< Scalar > > > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, CO2< Scalar, CO2Tables > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Constant< id, Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, H2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, HeavyOil< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Mesitylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, SimpleH2O< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Trichloroethene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Liquid< Scalar, Xylene< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::Experimental::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >
 CDumux::Experimental::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >
 CDumux::Experimental::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CVFE< DM > >
 CDumux::Experimental::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::CVFE< DM > >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalAssemblerChooser< DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalDofTraits< GridView, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalDofTraits< GridView, DiscretizationMethods::Box >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalDofTraits< GridView, DiscretizationMethods::FCDiamond >
 CDumux::Detail::LocalDofTraits< GridView, DiscretizationMethods::PQ1Bubble >
 CDumux::LocalRefinementSimplexQuadrature< Geometry, IndicatorFunction >A quadrature rule using local refinement to approximate partitioned elements
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >Use the local residual of the elastic model
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >The local residual operator
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Use the MpNc local residual for the MpNc model
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >Local residual function
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >The local residual function
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >Use the local residual of the poro-elastic model
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >The local residual operator
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >Use the dedicated local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >Set the local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SST >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >The local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >The local residual function of the conservation equations
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >The local residual function of the conservation equations
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >The local residual function of the conservation equations
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Use the tracer local residual function for the tracer model
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >Use the immiscible local residual operator for the 2p model
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Use the compositional local residual
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 CDumux::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >The specific local residual (i.e. balance equations)
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::LocalRulesTraits< ScalarT >LocalRulesTraits for implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries
 CDumux::LoggingParameterTreeA parameter tree that logs which parameters have been used
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::LowReKEpsilonThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model
 CDumux::LowReKEpsilonFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, BaseFluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::LowReKEpsilonIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the low-Re k-epsilon turbulence model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal low-Re k-epsilon model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal low-Re k-epsilon models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::LowReKEpsilonNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model
 CDumux::LowReKEpsilonResidualImpl< TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the residual for low-Reynolds k-epsilon models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< Variadic, Indexed, U >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, BlockAMG, std::make_index_sequence< M::N()> >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, BlockILU, std::make_index_sequence< M::N()> >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, GridDataPtr, std::make_index_sequence< numGrids > >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, GridFactoryPtr, Indices >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, GridPtr, Indices >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< std::tuple, GridViewPtr, Indices >
 CDumux::makeFromIndexedType< Variadic, Indexed, std::index_sequence< IndexSeq... > >
 CDumux::MatrixConverter< MultiTypeBlockMatrix, Scalar >A helper class that converts a Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix into a plain Dune::BCRSMatrix TODO: allow block sizes for BCRSMatrix other than 1x1 ?
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixForSolver< M, convert >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixForSolver< M, true >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixOperator< LSTraits, LATraits, convert, parallel >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixOperator< Dumux::SeqLinearSolverTraits, Dumux::LinearAlgebraTraits< Dune::BCRSMatrix, Dune::BlockVector< Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, 1 > > >, convertMultiTypeVectorAndMatrix >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixOperator< LinearSolverTraits, LinearAlgebraTraits, convertMultiTypeVectorAndMatrix >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixOperator< LSTraits, LATraits, convert, false >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::MatrixOperator< LSTraits, LATraits, convert, true >
 CDumux::MaxwellStefanDiffusionCoefficients< Scalar, numPhases, numComponents >Container storing the diffusion coefficients required by the Maxwell- Stefan diffusion law. Uses the minimal possible container size and provides unified access
 CDumux::MaxwellStefansLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod, referenceSystem >
 CDumux::MaxwellStefansLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Box, referenceSystem >Specialization of Maxwell Stefan's Law for the Box method
 CDumux::MaxwellStefansLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa, referenceSystem >Specialization of Maxwell Stefan's Law for the CCTpfa method
 CDumux::MaxwellStefansLawImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered, referenceSystem >Specialization of Maxwell Stefan's Law for the Staggered method
 CDumux::MineralizationIOFields< NonMineralizationIOFields >Adds I/O fields specific to a NCMin model
 CDumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition< Scalar, FluidSystem >Computes the composition of all phases of a N-phase, N-component fluid system assuming that all N phases are present
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >The model traits of the elastic model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >The model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >Set non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >< states some specifics of the isothermal k-epsilon model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >States some specifics of the isothermal k-omega model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >< states some specifics of the isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Set the model traits property
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >Set the non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >< states some specifics of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >< states some specifics of the free-flow model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >Set the model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >< states some specifics of the isothermal Spalart-Allmaras model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >Default the actually used traits to the base traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Default the actually used traits to the base traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >Use non-mineralization model traits with 1pnc traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >The non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >Model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >Model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >Model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >The default model traits of the poro-elastic model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >The model traits of the isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >The model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >Set non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >Set non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >Set the model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SST >States some specifics of the isothermal SST model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >Set the model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >Set non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >Set non-isothermal NumEq
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Set the non-isothermal model traits property
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Set the model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >Default the actually used traits to the base traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Default the actually used traits to the base traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >The 2pnc model traits define the non-mineralization part
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >Set non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >Set the non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >The non-isothermal model traits class
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Set the non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >Set the non-isothermal model traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >Set the non-isothermal model traits with the nonequilibrium model traits as isothermal traits
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >The model traits of the isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >The model traits of the non-isothermal model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::NonWettingPhaseTransmissibility::Mogensen< Scalar >TODO: evaluate and maybe remove
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >Use the box facet coupling-specific Ficks's law
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >By default, we use fick's law for the diffusive fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >Use Fick's law for molecular diffusion per default
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >We use fick's law as the default for the diffusive fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >We use fick's law as the default for the diffusive fluxes
 CDumux::Properties::MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use fick's law for the diffusive fluxes
 CDumux::Detail::MomentumDiscretizationMethod< Traits >
 CDumux::MonotoneCubicSpline< Scalar >A monotone cubic spline
 CDumux::MonotoneCubicSpline< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::MPAdapter< MaterialLaw, numFluidPhases >An adapter for mpnc to use the capillary pressure-saturation relationships
 CDumux::MpfaDimensionHelper< GridGeometry, dim, dimWorld >Dimension-specific helper class to get data required for mpfa scheme
 CDumux::MpfaDimensionHelper< GridGeometry, 2, 2 >Dimension-specific mpfa helper class for dim == 2 & dimWorld == 2
 CDumux::MpfaDimensionHelper< GridGeometry, 3, 3 >Dimension-specific mpfa helper class for dim == 3 & dimWorld == 3
 CDumux::MpfaDimensionHelper< GridGeometry, GridGeometry::GridView::dimension, GridGeometry::GridView::dimensionworld >
 CDumux::MPNCIndices< numPhases, numEqBalance >The primary variable and equation indices for the MpNc model
 CDumux::MPNCInitialConditionHelper< PrimaryVariables, FluidSystem, ModelTraits >
 CDumux::MPNCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the mpnc model
 CDumux::MPNCModelTraits< nPhases, nComp, formulation, useM, repCompEqIdx >Specifies a number properties of the m-phase n-component model
 CDumux::MPNCVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, enableChemicalNonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::MPNCVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT, DT, EDM >Traits class for the mpnc volume variables
 CDumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMap, CouplingMgrs >Coupling manager that combines an arbitrary number of binary coupling manager (coupling two domains each)
 CDumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPoreNetworkDetail::CouplingMaps, FreeFlowPoreNetworkDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowCouplingManager, FreeFlowPoreNetworkDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowMomentumPoreNetworkCouplingManager, FreeFlowPoreNetworkDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowMassPoreNetworkCouplingManager >
 CDumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowCouplingManager, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowMomentumPorousMediumCouplingManager, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingManagers< MDTraits >::FreeFlowMassPorousMediumCouplingManager >
 CDumux::MultiDomainAssemblerSubDomainView< MDAssembler, domainId >Subdomain-specific view on a multidomain assembler. Allows retrieval of sub-domain specific objects w/o passing a domain id
 CDumux::MultiDomainFVAssembler< MDTraits, CMType, diffMethod, useImplicitAssembly >A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes (box, tpfa, mpfa, ...) with multiple domains
 CDumux::MultiDomainFVAssembler< StaggeredMultiDomainTraits< TypeTag, TypeTag >, StaggeredCouplingManager< StaggeredMultiDomainTraits< TypeTag, TypeTag > >, diffMethod, true >
 CDumux::MultiDomainFVGridGeometry< MDTraits >A multidomain wrapper for multiple grid geometries
 CDumux::MultiDomainFVGridVariables< MDTraits >A multidomain wrapper for multiple grid variables
 CDumux::MultiDomainFVProblem< MDTraits >A multidomain wrapper for multiple problems
 CDumux::Detail::MultiDomainMatrixType< SubDomainDiagBlocks, Indices, Scalar >Helper alias to create the JacobianMatrix type
 CDumux::MultiDomainTraits< SubDomainTypeTags >
 CDumux::Detail::MultiDomainTupleSharedPtr< T, Indices >Helper alias to create a tuple of shared_ptr<...> from an indexed type
 CDumux::Detail::MultiDomainTupleSharedPtr< SubCouplingManagerT, CMIndices >
 CDumux::Detail::MultiDomainTupleSharedPtrConst< T, Indices >Helper alias to create a tuple of shared_ptr<const ...> from an indexed type
 CDumux::MultiDomainVtkOutputModule< MDTraits, Module >A multidomain wrapper for multiple vtk output modules
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::MultiPhasePcKrSw< T >Wrapper type for multiphase interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageFVAssembler< TypeTag, diffMethod >A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes (box, tpfa, mpfa, ...)
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageFVLocalOperator< LocalOperator >
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageMethod< Scalar >Abstract interface for one-step multi-stage method parameters in Shu/Osher form
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageMethod< double >
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageMultiDomainFVAssembler< MDTraits, CMType, diffMethod >A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes (box, tpfa, mpfa, ...) with multiple domains
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageParams< Scalar >Data object for the parameters of a given stage
 CDumux::Experimental::MultiStageTimeStepper< PDESolver, Scalar >Time stepping with a multi-stage method
 CDumux::Grid::Capabilities::MultithreadingSupported< Grid >
 CDumux::Grid::Capabilities::MultithreadingSupported< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates > >
 CDune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >
 CDune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >
 CDumux::BinaryCoeff::N2_O2Binary coefficients for nitrogen and oxygen
 CDumux::Detail::NativeDuneVectorType< V >
 CDumux::Detail::NativeDuneVectorType< Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > >
 CDumux::Detail::NativeDuneVectorType< SolutionVector >
 CDumux::Detail::NativeDuneVectorTypeImpl< V, hasState >
 CDumux::Detail::NativeDuneVectorTypeImpl< V, true >
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesBoundaryTypes< numEq >::NavierStokesBoundaryInfoUse bitfields to minimize the size
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumBoundaryTypes< size >::NavierStokesBoundaryInfoUse bitfields to minimize the size
 CDumux::NavierStokesEnergyIOFields< IsothermalIOFields >Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal free-flow models
 CDumux::NavierStokesEnergyVolumeVariables< Traits, Impl >The isothermal base class
 CDumux::NavierStokesEnergyVolumeVariables< Traits, NavierStokesMassOnePNCVolumeVariables< Traits > >
 CDumux::NavierStokesEnergyVolumeVariables< Traits, NavierStokesMassOnePVolumeVariables< Traits > >
 CDumux::NavierStokesFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the Navier-Stokes model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::NavierStokesIndices< dimension >The common indices for the isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePIndicesThe common indices for the isothermal Navier-Stokes mass conservation model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePModelTraitsTraits for the single-phase flow Navier-Stokes mass model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePNCIndicesThe common indices for the isothermal Navier-Stokes mass conservation model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePNCIOFields< BaseOutputFields, turbulenceModel >Adds I/O fields specific to the FreeflowNC model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePNCModelTraits< nComp, useM, repCompEqIdx >Traits for the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePNCVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMassOnePVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesModelTraits< dimension >Traits for the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesMomentumThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumBoundaryFlux< DiscretizationMethod, SlipVelocityPolicy >Class to compute the boundary flux for the momentum balance of the Navier-Stokes model This helper class is typically used in the Neumann function of the momentum problem
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumBoundaryFlux< DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered, SlipVelocityPolicy >Class to compute the boundary flux for the momentum balance of the Navier-Stokes model This helper class is typically used in the Neumann function of the momentum problem
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFEThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumCVFEIndices< dimension >The common indices for the isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumCVFEModelTraits< dimension >Traits for the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumCVFEVolumeVariables< Traits >Volume variables for the single-phase Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumCVFEVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumFluxContext< Problem, FVElementGeometry, ElementVolumeVariables, ElementFluxVariablesCache >Context for computing fluxes
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumFluxCVFE< GridGeometry, NumEqVector >The flux variables class for the Navier-Stokes model using control-volume finite element schemes
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumFluxVariables< TypeTag >The flux variables class for the Navier-Stokes model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumIndices< dimension >The common indices for the isothermal Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumModelTraits< dimension >Traits for the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumProblemImpl< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumVolumeVariables< Traits >Volume variables for the single-phase Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesMomentumVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesNCThe type tag for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal free-flow model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesNCNIThe type tag for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal free-flow model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::NavierStokesNIThe type tag for the corresponding non-isothermal model
 CDumux::NavierStokesResidualImpl< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the Navier-Stokes residual for models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::NavierStokesScalarBoundaryFluxHelper< AdvectiveFlux >Navier Stokes scalar boundary flux helper
 CDumux::NavierStokesScalarConservationModelVolumeVariables< Traits >Volume variables for the single-phase Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NavierStokesSlipVelocity< DiscretizationMethod, SlipCondition >Navier Stokes slip velocity policy
 CDumux::NavierStokesSlipVelocity< DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered, SlipCondition >Navier Stokes slip velocity helper for fcstaggered discretization
 CDumux::NavierStokesVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::NcpFlash< Scalar, FluidSystem >Determines the phase compositions, pressures and saturations given the total mass of all components
 CDumux::NetPBMReaderA simple reader class for the Netpbm format ( So far, only black and white (*.pbm) and grayscale (*pgm) images are supported
 CDumux::NetPBMWriterA simple reader class for the Netpbm format ( So far, only black and white (*.pbm) and grayscale (*pgm) images are supported
 CDumux::Detail::NetworkIndicatorFunction< Network >Get the closest segment for a given surface point
 CDumux::Experimental::NewmarkBeta< Scalar, Solution >Newmark-beta time integration scheme
 CDumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >Default traits to be used in conjunction with the dual grid nodal index set
 CDumux::NoExtrusionDefault implementation that performs no extrusion (extrusion with identity)
 CDumux::NonconformingFECache< CoordScalar, Scalar, dim >
 CDumux::NonconformingFECache< ctype, ctype, dim >
 CDumux::NonConformingGridIntersectionMapper< GridView >Defines an intersection mapper for mapping of global DOFs assigned to faces which also works for non-conforming grids and corner-point grids
 CDumux::Detail::NonConformingIntersectionIteratorFactory< GridView >Non conforming intersection iterator factory
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::NonCreepingFlow< ScalarT, TransmissibilityLawTypes >Non-creeping flow flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models based on El-Zehairy et al.(2019).
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumFluidState< ScalarType, FluidSystem >Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system without using any assumptions
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumIOFieldsImplementation< ModelTraits, EquilibriumIOFields, enableThermalNonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumIOFieldsImplementation< ModelTraits, EquilibriumIOFields, false >
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumIOFieldsImplementation< ModelTraits, EquilibriumIOFields, true >Adds I/O fields specific to non-equilibrium models with chemical and thermal nonequilbirum or thermal non-equilibrium only
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumLocalResidualImplementation< TypeTag, enableChemicalNonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::NonEquilibriumVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, EquilibriumVolumeVariables, enableChemicalNonEquilibrium, enableThermalNonEquilibrium, numEnergyEqFluid >This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfacial area between fluid phases
 CDumux::NonoverlappingSolverTraits< MType, VType >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the nonwetting-solid interfacial area
 CDumux::NoPrimaryVariableSwitchEmpty class for models without pri var switch
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::NoRegularizationA tag to turn off regularization and it's overhead
 CDumux::Properties::NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default
 CDumux::Properties::NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default
 CDumux::Properties::NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default
 CDumux::Properties::NumEnergyEqFluid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::Properties::NumEnergyEqSolid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >Default values for the number of energy balance equations
 CDumux::Properties::NumEqCellCenter< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >For free flow models, we take the number of "physical" equations (e.g. 4 for a 3D NavierStokes problem, 3 velocity components and pressure) and subtract the number of dimensions. This yields the number of equations to be solved on the cell centers. Works also for non-isothermal models
 CDumux::Properties::NumEqFace< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >Set the number of equations on the faces to 1. We only consider scalar values because the velocity vector is normal to the face
 CDumux::NumEqVectorTraits< PrimaryVariables >
 CDumux::NumEqVectorTraits< SwitchablePrimaryVariables< PrimaryVariables, StateType > >The corresponding NumEqVectorTraits for the primary variables with switchable state
 CDumux::NumericDifferentiationA class for numeric differentiation with respect to a scalar parameter
 CDumux::NumericEpsilon< Scalar, numEq >A helper class for local assemblers using numeric differentiation to determine the epsilon
 CDumux::Properties::NusseltFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 CDumux::SolidSystems::OneCSolid< Scalar, ComponentT, isInertComp >The simplest solid phase consisting of a single solid component
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OneEqThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Spalart-Allmaras model
 CDumux::OneEqFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, BaseFluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the one-equation model by Spalart-Allmaras using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::OneEqIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the one-equation turbulence model by Spalart-Allmaras
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OneEqNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal one-equation model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OneEqNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal one-equation models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OneEqNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal Spalart-Allmaras model
 CDumux::OneEqResidualImpl< TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the residual for one-equation turbulence models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OnePThe type tags for the isothermal single phase model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::OnePFluxVariablesCache< AdvectionType >Flux variables cache for the single-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation
 CDumux::OnePIndices< offset >Indices for the one-phase model
 CDumux::OnePIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the one phase model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::OnePIOFieldsAdds output fields specific to the PNM 1p model
 CDumux::OnePModelTraitsSpecifies a number properties of single-phase models
 CDumux::OnePNCIndicesThe indices for the isothermal one-phase n-component model
 CDumux::OnePNCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the OnePNC model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::OnePNCIOFields< FluidSystem >Adds output fields specific to the PNM 1pnc model
 CDumux::OnePNCModelTraits< nComp, useM, enableCompDisp, enableThermDisp, repCompEqIdx, CDM >Specifies a number properties of models that consider a single-phase with multiple components
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::OnePNIThe type tags for the non-isothermal single phase model
 CDumux::OnePVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the single-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::OnlyGasPhaseCanDisappear< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly
 CDumux::OptionalScalar< T >A type for an optional scalar (contains either a valid number or NaN)
 CDumux::OptionalScalar< Scalar >
 CDumux::IO::OutputModule< Args >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::line >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::line >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1Bubble::OverlappingScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::OverlappingSolverTraits< MType, VType >
 CDumux::Detail::PairData< GridView, upwindSchemeOrder >Parallel Data stored per sub face
 CDumux::Detail::ParallelISTLHelperImpl< LinearSolverTraits, canCommunicate >
 CDumux::Detail::ParallelISTLHelperImpl< Dumux::LinearSolverTraitsImpl >
 CDumux::Detail::ParallelISTLHelperImpl< LinearSolverTraits, true >
 CDumux::ParallelMatrixHelper< Matrix, GridView, RowDofMapper, rowDofCodim >Helper class for adding up matrix entries for border entities
 CDumux::ParallelVectorHelper< GridView, DofMapper, dofCodim >
 CDumux::ParameterCacheBase< Implementation >The base class of the parameter cache classes for fluid systems
 CDumux::ParameterCacheBase< NullParameterCache >
 CDumux::ParameterCacheBase< Spe5ParameterCache< Scalar, FluidSystem > >
 CDumux::ParametersParameter class managing runtime input parameters
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::ParametersForGeneratedGrid< Grid, Scalar >Helper class to assign parameters to a generated grid
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCorey::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyRegularization< Scalar >::Params< S >Regularization parameters
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::HeatPipeLaw< ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy >::ParamsThe parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponential::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponentialCubic::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaolynomialEdgeZero2ndOrder::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPcMax::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPolynomialSecondOrder::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::LinearMaterial::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::NoRegularization::Params< S >Empty parameter structure
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3P::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization< Scalar >::Params< S >Regularization parameters
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::SmoothedLinearLaw< ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy >::ParamsThe parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ThreePNAPLAdsorption< Scalar >::Params
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchten::Params< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenRegularization< Scalar >::Params< S >Regularization parameters
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyRegularization< Scalar, BaseLaw >::Params< S >
 CDumux::Projector< ScalarType >::ParamsParameters that can be passed to project()
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::HeatPipeLaw< ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy >::Params< Scalar >
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PImplementation of Parker/vanGenuchten's capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for three phases. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vince versa
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization< Scalar >A regularization for the ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization material law
 CDumux::PartialReassembler< Assembler >Detects which entries in the Jacobian have to be recomputed
 CDumux::PartialReassemblerEngine< Assembler, DiscretizationMethod >Partial reassembler engine specialized for discretization methods
 CDumux::PartialReassemblerEngine< Assembler, DiscretizationMethods::Box >The partial reassembler engine specialized for the box method
 CDumux::PartialReassemblerEngine< Assembler, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >The partial reassembler engine specialized for the cellcentered TPFA method
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::PcKrSw< T >Wrapper type for laws providing pc-Sw and kr-Sw rules
 CDumux::PDESolver< A, LS >A high-level interface for a PDESolver
 CDumux::PDESolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >
 CDumux::PengRobinson< Scalar >Implements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for liquids and gases
 CDumux::PengRobinsonMixture< Scalar, StaticParameters >Implements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for a mixture
 CDumux::PengRobinsonParams< Scalar >Stores and provides access to the Peng-Robinson parameters
 CDumux::PermeabilityKozenyCarman< PermeabilityType >The Kozeny-Carman relationship for the calculation of a porosity-dependent permeability. When the porosity is implemented as solution-independent, using this relationship for the permeability leads to unnecessary overhead
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::PlatonicBodyParams< Scalar >The parameter type
 CDumux::PlotEffectiveDiffusivityModel< Scalar, EffectiveDiffusivityModel >Interface for plotting the multi-component-matrix-interaction laws
 CDumux::PlotMaterialLaw< Scalar, MaterialLaw >Interface for plotting the three-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws TODO: add theta head pressure plot (porosity and density is needed)
 CDumux::PlotThermalConductivityModel< Scalar, ThermalConductivityModel, FS >Interface for plotting the non-isothermal two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMFicksLaw< Scalar, numPhases, numComponents, referenceSystem >Specialization of Fick's Law for the pore-network model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMFouriersLaw< MolecularDiffusionType >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, enableFVGridGeometryCache >Base class for the local geometry for porenetworks
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are not stored
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMHeatExtendedSourceStencil< CouplingManager >A class managing an extended source stencil
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMHeatExtendedSourceStencil< Dumux::PoreNetwork::PNMHeatTransferCouplingManager >
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::PNMOnePNCNIThe type tags for the corresponding non-isothermal problems
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::PNMOnePNIThe type tags for the corresponding non-isothermal problems
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPDefaultGridFVCTraits< P, FVC, IS >Flux variable caches traits
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, cachingEnabled >The flux variables caches for an element
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< Problem, FluxVariablesCache, cachingEnabled, Traits >Flux variable caches on a gridview
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, false, Traits >The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, true, Traits >The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::PNMTwoPNCNIThe type tags for the corresponding non-isothermal problems
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::PNMTwoPNIThe type tags for the corresponding non-isothermal problems
 CDumux::PointCloudVtkWriter< Scalar, GlobalPosition >A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format
 CDumux::IntersectionPolicy::PointPolicy< ct, dw >Policy structure for point-like intersections
 CDumux::PointSource< PositionType, ValueType >A point source base class
 CDumux::PointSource< Dune::FieldVector< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::ctype, GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry >::GridView::dimensionworld >, Dumux::NumEqVector< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables > > >
 CDumux::PointSource< GlobalPosition, SourceValues >
 CDumux::Properties::PointSource< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >Use the minimal point source implementation as default
 CDumux::PointSourceData< MDTraits >A point source data class used for integration in multidimensional models
 CDumux::Properties::PointSourceHelper< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >Use the point source helper using the bounding box tree as a default
 CDumux::Detail::PointsToGeometryWrapper< Scalar, dim >
 CDumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::Policy< G, D, S >
 CDumux::IntersectionPolicy::PolygonPolicy< ct, dw >Policy structure for polygon-like intersections
 CDumux::IntersectionPolicy::PolyhedronPolicy< ct, dw >Policy structure for polyhedron-like intersections
 CDumux::PoroElasticIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the poro-elastic model
 CDumux::PoroElasticModelTraits< dim, numSC, numFP, numFC >Specifies a number properties of the poroelastic model
 CDumux::PoroElasticVolumeVariables< Traits >Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the poroelastic model
 CDumux::PorosityDeformation< Scalar >A relationship for the porosity of a porous medium under mechanical deformation
 CDumux::PorosityPrecipitation< Scalar, numComp, numSolidPhases >Calculates the porosity depending on the volume fractions of precipitated minerals
 CDumux::PorousMediumFlowVelocity< GridVariables, FluxVariables >Velocity computation for implicit (porous media) models
 CDumux::PorousMediumFlowVolumeVariables< Traits >The isothermal base class
 CDumux::PorousMediumFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::PorousMediumFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >Specialization of the flux variables cache filler for the cell centered mpfa method
 CDumux::PorousMediumFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >Specialization of the flux variables cache filler for the cell centered tpfa method
 CDumux::PorousMediumFluxVariablesCacheImplementation< TypeTag, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the cvfe scheme
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volumes for the pq1bubble scheme
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleFECache< CoordScalar, Scalar, dim >
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for pq1bubble models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleFVElementGeometry< GG, true >Specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleGeometryHelper< GridView, ScvType, ScvfType >A class to create sub control volume and sub control volume face geometries per element
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1BubbleLocalBasis< D, R, dim, typeId >P1/Q1 + Bubble on the reference element
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1BubbleLocalCoefficients< dim, typeId >Associations of the P1/Q1 + Bubble degrees of freedom to the facets of the reference element
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >P1/Q1 + Bubble finite element
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1BubbleLocalInterpolation< LocalBasis >Evaluate the degrees of freedom of a P1 + Bubble basis
 CDumux::Detail::PQ1BubbleLocalInterpolation< Basis >
 CDumux::PQ1BubbleSubControlVolume< GridView, T >Sub control volume for the pq1bubble scheme
 CDumux::Properties::PressureFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Set the default pressure formulation to the pressure of the (most) wetting phase
 CDumux::PressureOverlayFluidState< FluidState >This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid pressures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >Set the default primary variable vector to a vector of size of number of equations
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >The primary variables vector for the richards model
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >Set the default primary variable vector to a vector of size of number of equations
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >The primary variables vector for the 2pnc model
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >The primary variables vector for the 3p3c model
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >The primary variables vector for the 3p water oil non-isothermal model
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >The primary variables vector for the 2pnc model
 CDumux::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >The primary variables vector for the 2p1cni model
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< Implementation >The primary variable switch controlling the phase presence state variable
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< ThreePThreeCPrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< ThreePWaterOilPrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< TwoPNCPrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitch< TwoPTwoCCO2PrimaryVariableSwitch >
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitchAdapter< Variables, isValid >An adapter for the Newton to manage models with primary variable switch
 CDumux::PrimaryVariableSwitchAdapter< Variables, false >An empty adapter for the Newton for models without primary variable switch
 CDumux::Detail::Newton::PriVarSwitchVariablesType< Assembler, exportsGridVars >
 CDumux::Detail::Newton::PriVarSwitchVariablesType< Assembler, false >
 CDumux::Properties::Problem< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethod >
 CDumux::ProblemTraits< Problem >Type traits for problem classes
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::Box >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::CCMpfa >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::FCDiamond >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::FCStaggered >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::PQ1Bubble >
 CDumux::Detail::ProblemTraits< Problem, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered >
 CDumux::Projector< ScalarType >Does an L2-projection from one discrete function space into another. The convenience functions makeProjectorPair or makeProjector can be used to create such a projection
 CDumux::ProjectorTraits< FEBasisDomain, FEBasisTarget >Traits class stating the type of projector between to bases
 CDumux::Properties::PropertyAlias< P >Tag to specify a direct alias for property extraction
 CDumux::PseudoOnePTwoCFluidState< ScalarType, FluidSystem >Container for compositional variables in a 1p2c situation
 CDumux::StaggeredFreeFlowDefaultFVGridGeometryTraits< GridView, upwOrder, MapperTraits >::PublicTraits
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::RANSThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::RANSIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::RANSNIThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::WettingLayerTransmissibility::RansohoffRadke< Scalar, CreviceResistanceFactor >
 CDumux::RANSProblemImpl< TypeTag, turbulenceModel >Forward declare
 CDumux::IAPWS::Region1< Scalar >Implements the equations for region 1 of the IAPWS '97 formulation
 CDumux::IAPWS::Region2< Scalar >Implements the equations for region 2 of the IAPWS '97 formulation
 CDumux::IAPWS::Region4< Scalar >Implements the equations for region 4 of the IAPWS '97 formulation
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Per default, no component mass balance is replaced
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance
 CDumux::Properties::ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Per default, no component mass balance is replaced
 CDumux::RestartLoad or save a state of a model to/from the harddisk
 CDumux::RichardsBalanceEquationOptions< FluidSystem >Traits class to set options used by the local residual when when evaluating the balance equations
 CDumux::RichardsIndicesIndex names for the Richards model
 CDumux::RichardsIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the Richards model
 CDumux::RichardsModelTraitsSpecifies a number properties of the Richards model
 CDumux::RichardsNCIndicesThe indices for the isothermal Richards, n-component model
 CDumux::RichardsNCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the Richards model
 CDumux::RichardsNCModelTraits< nComp, useMol, repCompEqIdx >Specifies a number properties of the Richards n-components model
 CDumux::RichardsNCVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT, DT, EDM >Traits class for the Richards n-components model
 CDumux::RichardsVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT >Traits class for the Richards model
 CDumux::ShallowWater::RiemannSolution< Scalar >
 CDumux::RotationalExtrusion< radAx >Rotation symmetric extrusion policy for rotating about an external axis
 CDumux::SaturationOverlayFluidState< FluidState >This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid saturations and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::Scalar< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >Set the default type of scalar values to double
 CDumux::Properties::Scalar< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >Set the default type of scalar values to double
 CDumux::ScheideggersDispersionTensor< TypeTag >Scheidegger's dispersion tensor
 CDumux::ScotchBackend< IndexType >A reordering backend using the scotch library
 CDumux::ScotchPartitioner< IndexType >A reordering backend using the scotch library
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::line >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::prism >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvfCorners< gt >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::line >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::prism >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron >
 CDumux::Detail::Box::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::Detail::FCDiamond::ScvfCorners< Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle >
 CDumux::ScvfToScvBoundaryTypes< BoundaryTypes, DiscretizationMethod >Convert intersection boundary types to vertex boundary types
 CDumux::Properties::SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume
 CDumux::Properties::SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume on boundaries
 CDumux::Detail::SegmentNetwork< GridGeometry >Segment representation of a 1d network grid
 CDumux::IntersectionPolicy::SegmentPolicy< ct, dw >Policy structure for segment-like intersections
 CDumux::SequentialSolverTraits< MType, VType >Sequential solver traits
 CDumux::Properties::SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Set the primary variables mole fractions for the wetting or nonwetting phase
 CDumux::ShallowWaterFlux< NumEqVector >Prepare and compute the shallow water advective flux
 CDumux::ShallowWaterIndicesThe common indices for the shallow water equations model
 CDumux::ShallowWaterIOFieldsAdds vtk output fields for the shallow water model
 CDumux::ShallowWaterModelTraitsSpecifies a number properties of shallow water models
 CDumux::ShallowWaterViscousFlux< NumEqVector, >Compute the shallow water viscous momentum flux due to viscosity
 CDumux::ShallowWaterVolumeVariables< Traits >Volume variables for the shallow water equations model
 CDumux::ShallowWaterVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, MT >Traits class for the volume variables of the shallow water model
 CDumux::Properties::SherwoodFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >Set the default formulation for the sherwood correlation Other possible parametrizations can be found in the dimensionlessnumbers
 CDumux::ShomateMethod< Scalar, intervals >The Shomate method to compute enthalpy and heat capacity
 CDumux::SimpleLogNormalDistribution< Scalar >A simple log-normal distribution
 CDumux::SimpleNormalDistribution< Scalar >A simple normal distribution based on a biased uniform number generator and the Box-Mueller transform
 CDumux::SimpleNormalDistribution< double >
 CDumux::SimpleUniformDistribution< Scalar >A simple uniform distribution based on a biased uniform number generator
 CDumux::Detail::SkeletonFunction< GridView, Mapper, F >Skeleton function for intersection writer
 CDune::Amg::SmootherApplier< Dumux::ParMTSOR< M, X, Y, l > >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::Detail::SnappyGridManagerHelper< GridView >A helper for the grid creator that matches a free-flow grid to a PNM grid
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, Component >Interface for components that have a solid state
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, Calcite< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, CaO2H2< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, CaO< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, Constant< id, Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, Granite< Scalar > >
 CDumux::Components::Solid< Scalar, NaCl< Scalar > >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::SolidEnergyFluxVariablesCache< Scalar >
 CDumux::SolidEnergyIndicesThe indices
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::SolidEnergyIOFieldsAdds output fields specific to the PNM solid-energy model
 CDumux::SolidEnergyModelTraitsThe energy balance equation for a porous solid
 CDumux::SolidEnergyVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, SSY, SST, MT >The volume variable traits
 CDumux::Properties::SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >The solid state must be inert
 CDumux::Properties::SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >Per default solid state is inert
 CDumux::Properties::SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state
 CDumux::Properties::SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >Per default we use one constant component in the inert solid system
 CDumux::Properties::SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentAdvection< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, parameters are solution-dependent
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::Properties::SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Default property value for the solution vector only used for monolithic solver TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits
 CDumux::Optimization::Solver< Variables >Solver base class
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 CDumux::Properties::SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 CDumux::FluidSystems::Spe5< Scalar >The fluid system for the SPE-5 benchmark problem
 CDune::SPGrid< ct, dim, Ref, Comm >
 CDumux::Sphere< Scalar, dim >A simple sphere type
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::SphereCapGrainFouriersLaw< Scalar >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network SOLID model
 CDumux::SphericalExtrusionRotation symmetric extrusion policy for spherical rotation
 CDumux::Spline< Scalar, 0 >Do not allow splines with zero sampling points
 CDumux::Spline< Scalar, 1 >Do not allow splines with one sampling point
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::SSTThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal SST model
 CDumux::SSTFluxVariablesImpl< TypeTag, BaseFluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod >The flux variables class for the SST model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::SSTIOFieldsAdds I/O fields for the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::SSTNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal SST model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::SSTNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal SST models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::SSTNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal SST 2-Eq. model
 CDumux::SSTResidualImpl< TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual, DiscretizationMethod >Element-wise calculation of the residual for SST models using the staggered discretization
 CDumux::StaggeredDefaultGridFaceVariablesTraits< P, FV >Traits class to be used for the StaggeredGridFaceVariables
 CDumux::StaggeredDefaultGridFluxVariablesCacheTraits< P, FVC, FVCF, upwOrder >Traits class to be used for the StaggeredGridVFluxVariablesCache
 CDumux::StaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GridView >Default traits class to be used for the sub-control volume faces for the staggered finite volume scheme
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFaceVariables< GridFaceVariables, cachingEnabled >Base class for the face variables vector
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFaceVariables< GFV, false >Class for the face variables vector. Specialization for the case of not storing the face variables globally
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFaceVariables< GFV, true >Class for the face variables vector. Specialization for the case of storing the face variables globally
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GridFluxVariablesCache, cachingEnabled >Base class for the stencil local flux variables cache for the staggered model
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >Class for the stencil local flux variables cache for the staggered model. Specialization for the case of not storing the fluxvars cache globally
 CDumux::StaggeredElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >Class for the stencil local flux variables cache for the staggered model. Specialization for the case of storing the fluxvars cache globally
 CDumux::StaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GVV, cachingEnabled >Base class for the element volume variables vector for the staggered model
 CDumux::StaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GVV, false >Class for the element volume variables vector for the staggered model. Specialization in case the volume variables are not stored globally
 CDumux::StaggeredElementVolumeVariables< GVV, true >Class for the element volume variables vector for the staggered model. Specialization in case the volume variables are stored globally
 CDumux::StaggeredFaceSolution< FaceSolutionVector >The global face variables class for staggered models
 CDumux::Properties::StaggeredFaceSolution< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >Set the face solution type
 CDumux::StaggeredFaceVariables< FacePrimaryVariables, dim, upwindSchemeOrder >The face variables class for free flow staggered grid models. Contains all relevant velocities for the assembly of the momentum balance. When the upwindSchemeOrder is set to 2, additional velocities located at Dofs further from the central stencil will be added and used when calculating the advective term. When the order remains at 1, these velocities will not be provided
 CDumux::StaggeredFreeFlowConnectivityMap< GridGeometry >Stores the dof indices corresponding to the neighboring cell centers and faces that contribute to the derivative calculation. Specialization for the staggered free flow model
 CDumux::StaggeredFreeFlowPoreNetworkCouplingMapperCoupling mapper for staggered free-flow and pore-network models
 CDumux::StaggeredFVElementGeometry< GG, enableGridGeometryCache >Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for staggered models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element in the local scope we are restricting to, e.g. stencil or element
 CDumux::StaggeredFVElementGeometry< GG, false >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for staggered models This locally builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element. Specialization for grid caching disabled
 CDumux::StaggeredFVGridGeometry< GridView, cachingEnabled, Traits >Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for staggered models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element
 CDumux::StaggeredGridDefaultGridVolumeVariablesTraits< P, VV >
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFaceVariables< Problem, FaceVariables, cachingEnabled, Traits >Face variables cache class for staggered models
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFaceVariables< P, FV, false, Traits >Face variables cache class for staggered models. Specialization in case of not storing the face variables
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFaceVariables< P, FV, true, Traits >Face variables cache class for staggered models. Specialization in case of storing the face variables
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< Problem, FluxVariablesCache, FluxVariablesCacheFiller, EnableGridFluxVariablesCache, upwindSchemeOrder, Traits >Flux variables cache class for staggered models
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, false, upwindSchemeOrder, TheTraits >Flux variables cache class for staggered models. Specialization in case of not storing the flux cache
 CDumux::StaggeredGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, FVCF, true, upwindSchemeOrder, TheTraits >Flux variables cache class for staggered models. Specialization in case of storing the flux cache
 CDumux::StaggeredGridVariablesView< ActualGridVariables >Base class for cell center of face specific auxiliary GridVariables classes. Provides a common interface and a pointer to the actual grid variables
 CDumux::StaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, cachingEnabled >Grid volume variables class for staggered models
 CDumux::StaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, false >Grid volume variables class for staggered models. Specialization in case of not storing the volume variables
 CDumux::StaggeredGridVolumeVariables< Traits, true >Grid volume variables class for staggered models. Specialization in case of storing the volume variables
 CDumux::StaggeredLocalResidual< TypeTag >Calculates the element-wise residual for the staggered FV scheme
 CDumux::StaggeredMultiDomainTraits< SubDomainTypeTags >
 CDumux::StaggeredUpwindHelper< TypeTag, upwindSchemeOrder >The upwinding variables class for the Navier-Stokes model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::StaggeredUpwindMethods< Scalar, upwindSchemeOrder >This file contains different higher order methods for approximating the velocity
 CDumux::StaggeredVelocityGradients< Scalar, GridGeometry, BoundaryTypes, Indices >Helper class for calculating the velocity gradients for the Navier-Stokes model using the staggered grid discretization
 CDumux::StaggeredVelocityReconstructionHelper class for reconstructing the velocity
 CDumux::FaceCenteredStaggeredDefaultGridGeometryTraits< GridView >::StaticInfo
 CDumux::StationaryVelocityField< Scalar >Evaluates a user given velocity field
 CDumux::StokesDarcyCouplingDataImplementation< MDTraits, CouplingManager, enableEnergyBalance, isCompositional >
 CDumux::StokesDarcyCouplingDataImplementationBase< MDTraits, CouplingManager >A base class which provides some common methods used for Stokes-Darcy coupling
 CDumux::StokesDarcyCouplingMapperCoupling mapper for Stokes and Darcy domains with equal dimension
 CDumux::StokesDarcyCouplingOptionsThis structs holds a set of options which allow to modify the Stokes-Darcy coupling mechanism during runtime
 CDumux::Properties::StressType< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >By default, we use hooke's law for stress evaluations
 CDumux::Properties::StressType< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >Per default, we use effective stresses on the basis of Hooke's Law
 CDumux::StressVariablesCache< Scalar, GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >The stress variables cache classes for models involving geomechanics. Store data required for stress calculation
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeBase< Imp, ScvGeometryTraits >Base class for a sub control volume, i.e a part of the control volume we are making the balance for. Defines the general interface
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeBase< BoxDfmSubControlVolume< GV, BoxDfmDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >, BoxDfmDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeBase< BoxSubControlVolume< GV, BoxDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >, BoxDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeBase< CCSubControlVolume< GV, CCDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >, CCDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeBase< PNMSubControlVolume< GV, PNMDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >, PNMDefaultScvGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< Imp, ScvfGeometryTraits >Base class for a sub control volume face, i.e a part of the boundary of a sub control volume we computing a flux on
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< BoxDfmSubControlVolumeFace< GV, BoxDfmDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, BoxDfmDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< BoxFacetCouplingSubControlVolumeFace< GV, BoxDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, BoxDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< BoxSubControlVolumeFace< GV, BoxDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, BoxDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< CCTpfaSubControlVolumeFace< GV, CCTpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, CCTpfaDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< FreeFlowStaggeredSubControlVolumeFace< GV, upwindSchemeOrder, FreeFlowStaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV, upwindSchemeOrder > >, FreeFlowStaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV, upwindSchemeOrder > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< PNMSubControlVolumeFace< GV, PNMDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, PNMDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< PQ1BubbleSubControlVolumeFace< GV, PQ1BubbleDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, PQ1BubbleDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::SubControlVolumeFaceBase< StaggeredSubControlVolumeFace< GV, StaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >, StaggeredDefaultScvfGeometryTraits< GV > >
 CDumux::MultiDomainTraits< SubDomainTypeTags >::SubDomain< id >
 CDumux::StaggeredMultiDomainTraits< SubDomainTypeTags >::SubDomain< id >
 CDumux::Experimental::SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM >The cell-centered scheme multidomain local assembler
 CDumux::SubDomainCCLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM, implicit >The cell-centered scheme multidomain local assembler
 CDumux::Experimental::SubDomainCVFELocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM >The CVFE scheme multidomain local assembler
 CDumux::SubDomainCVFELocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM, implicit >The CVFE scheme multidomain local assembler
 CDumux::SubDomainFaceCenteredLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM, implicit >The face-centered staggered scheme multidomain local assembler
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainFVGridGeometryImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, i >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainFVGridGeometryImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainFVGridGeometryImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainGridVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, i >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainGridVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainGridVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainJacobianMatrixImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, i >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainJacobianMatrixImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainJacobianMatrixImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainPrimaryVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, i >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainPrimaryVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainPrimaryVariablesImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainSolutionVectorImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, i >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainSolutionVectorImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 0 >
 CDumux::Detail::Staggered::SubDomainSolutionVectorImpl< SubDomainTypeTag, 1 >
 CDumux::SubDomainStaggeredLocalAssembler< id, TypeTag, Assembler, DM, implicit >The staggered multidomain local assembler
 CDune::SubGrid< dim, HostGrid, mapIndexStorage >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::SubGridData< HostGrid, SubGrid >Wrapper for subgrid data
 CDumux::Detail::Newton::supportsPartialReassemblyHelper struct detecting if an assembler supports partial reassembly
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemMatricesHandle< MVT, size1, size2 >Common base class to all handles. Stores arrays of the matrices involved in the interaction volume-local systems of equations. Apart from the transmissibility matrix we store those matrices that are needed e.g. for later face pressure reconstruction. The fluxes as well as the local systems of equations can be expressed as functions of the intermediate unknown face face values u¯ and the known cell/Dirichlet values u using the matrices A, B, C, D and the vector of Neumann fluxes N as follows:
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemMatricesHandle< MatVecTraits, 1, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemMatricesHandle< MatVecTraits, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, PhysicsTraits::numComponents >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemMatricesHandle< MVT, 1, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemMatricesHandle< MVT, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, PhysicsTraits::numComponents >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MVT, size1, size2 >Common base class to all handles. Stores arrays of the vectors involved in the interaction volume-local systems of equations
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MatVecTraits, 1, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MatVecTraits, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MatVecTraits, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, PhysicsTraits::numComponents >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MVT, 1, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MVT, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, 1 >
 CDumux::CCMpfaDataHandleBases::SystemVectorsHandle< MVT, PhysicsTraits::numPhases, PhysicsTraits::numComponents >
 CDumux::Tabulated2DFunction< Scalar >Implements tabulation for a two-dimensional function
 CDumux::Components::TabulatedComponent< RawComponent, useVaporPressure >Tabulates all thermodynamic properties of a given component
 CDumux::Components::Detail::TabulatedComponentTable< RawComponent, useVaporPressure >
 CDumux::Components::Detail::TabulatedComponentTable< RawComponent, useVaporPressure >
 CDumux::GeneratedCO2Tables::TabulatedProperties< Traits >A generic template for tabulated material laws that depend on two parameters
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< T >Helper class to create (named and comparable) tagged types Tags any given type. The tagged type is equality comparable and can be written to streams. A custom name can be provided by implementing the name() member function
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Average >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< BJ >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< BJS >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< CCMpfa >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< CCTpfa >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< CVFE< DM > >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< FCStaggered >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< FEM >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Kernel >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Line >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< None >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Projection >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Staggered >
 CDumux::Utility::Tag< Surface >
 CDumux::TemperatureOverlayFluidState< FluidState >This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid temperatures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state
 CDumux::ThermalConductivityAverage< Scalar >Effective thermal conductivity based on weighted arithmetic average
 CDumux::ThermalConductivityJohansen< Scalar >Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >In case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >In case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >Average is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >Use the average for effective conductivities
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >Use the effective thermal conductivities calculated using the Somerton method
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 CDumux::ThermalConductivitySomertonThreeP< Scalar >Effective thermal conductivity after Somerton
 CDumux::ThermalConductivitySomertonTwoP< Scalar >Effective thermal conductivity after Somerton
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalDispersionModel< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >By default, we use the same dispersion tensor type as the componsitonal dispersion for the thermal disperion tensor
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ThreePThe type tags for the isothermal three-phase model
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::ThreePhasePcKrSw< T >Wrapper type for 3p interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules
 CDumux::ThreePIndicesThe common indices for the isothermal three-phase model
 CDumux::ThreePIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the three-phase model
 CDumux::ThreePModelTraitsSpecifies a number properties of three-phase models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ThreePNIThe type tags for the non-isothermal three-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ThreePThreeCThe type tags for the isothermal three-phase three-component model
 CDumux::ThreePThreeCIndicesThe indices for the isothermal three-phase three-component model
 CDumux::ThreePThreeCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the three-phase three-component model
 CDumux::ThreePThreeCModelTraits< useCS, useMol >Specifies a number properties of two-phase models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ThreePThreeCNIThe type tags for the non-isothermal three-phase three-component model
 CDumux::ThreePVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT >Traits class for the two-phase model
 CDumux::ThreePWaterOilIndicesThe indices for the isothermal 3p2cni model
 CDumux::ThreePWaterOilIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the three-phase three-component model
 CDumux::ThreePWaterOilModelTraits< onlyGasPhase >Specifies a number properties of the three-phase two-component model
 CDumux::Experimental::TimeLevel< Scalar >Class that represents a time level during time integration
 CDumux::TimeLoopBase< S >Manages the handling of time dependent problems
 CDumux::TimeLoopBase< Scalar >
 CDumux::TpfaDarcysLawCache< AdvectionType, GridGeometry >The cache corresponding to tpfa Darcy's Law
 CDumux::TpfaDarcysLawCacheFiller< GridGeometry >Class that fills the cache corresponding to tpfa Darcy's Law
 CDumux::TpfaForchheimersLawCache< AdvectionType, GridGeometry >The cache corresponding to tpfa Forchheimer's Law
 CDumux::TpfaForchheimersLawCacheFiller< GridGeometry >Class that fills the cache corresponding to tpfa Forchheimer's Law
 CDumux::TracerIndicesDefines the primary variable and equation indices used by the isothermal tracer model
 CDumux::TracerIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the tracer model
 CDumux::TracerModelTraits< nComp, useMol, enableCompDisp, CDM >Specifies a number properties of the Richards n-components model
 CDumux::TracerVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, SSY, SST, MT, DT, EDM >Traits class for the volume variables of the single-phase model
 CDumux::FreeflowStaggeredSCV< GridView >::Traits
 CDumux::FreeflowStaggeredSCVF< GridView >::Traits
 CDumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::TraitsExport traits of this problem
 CDumux::Properties::ModelTraits< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >::Traits
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >::Traits
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityAzzamDullien< Scalar >Used by Joeakar-Niasar
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityBruus< Scalar >Collection of single-phase flow throat transmissibilities based on Bruus, H. (2011). Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 11(22), 3742-3751.
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityPatzekSilin< Scalar, considerPoreResistance, interpolateK >Single-phase flow throat transmissibility based on Patzek & Silin (2001)
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TruncatedPyramidGrainFouriersLaw< Scalar >Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network SOLID model
 CDumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P >
 CDumux::TurbulenceProperties< Scalar, dim, verbose >This class contains different functions for estimating turbulence properties
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::TwoPThe type tag for the isothermal two-phase model
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicyThis is a policy for 2p material laws how to convert absolute to relative saturations and vice versa
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPFluxVariablesCache< AdvectionType, maxNumCorners >Flux variables cache for the two-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation
 CDumux::TwoPGridAdaptIndicator< TypeTag >Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaptation
 CDumux::TwoPIndicesDefines the indices required for the two-phase fully implicit model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPInvasionState< P >This class updates the invasion state for the two-phase PNM
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPIOFieldsAdds output fields specific to the PNM 2p model
 CDumux::TwoPIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the two-phase model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape >Implementation of the simplified pore-local capillary pressure-saturation curve for platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron)
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyRegularization< Scalar, BaseLaw >Two-phase rules for regularizing the pc-SW for platonic bodies
 CDumux::TwoPModelTraits< formulation >Specifies a number properties of two-phase models
 CDumux::TwoPNCIndicesThe indices for the isothermal two-phase n-component model
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPNCIOFieldsAdds output fields specific to the PNM 2pnc model
 CDumux::TwoPNCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to the TwoPNC model
 CDumux::TwoPNCModelTraits< nComp, useMol, setMoleFractionForFP, formulation, repCompEqIdx >Specifies a number properties of two-phase n-component models
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPNewtonConsistencyChecks< GridVariables, SolutionVector >Consistency checks for the PNM two-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::TwoPNIThe type tag for the non-isothermal two-phase model
 CDumux::TwoPOneCIndicesThe indices for the two-phase one-component model
 CDumux::TwoPOneCIOFieldsAdds I/O fields specific to two-phase one-component model
 CDumux::TwoPOneCNIModelTraits< f >Specifies a number properties of models considering two phases with water as a single component
 CDumux::TwoPOneCVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT >Traits class for the two-phase model
 CDumux::TwoPScvSaturationReconstruction< DiscretizationMethod, enableReconstruction >Class that computes the nonwetting saturation in an scv from the saturation at the global degree of freedom
 CDumux::TwoPScvSaturationReconstruction< DiscretizationMethods::Box, true >Specialization for the box scheme with the interface solver enabled
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::TwoPStaticDrainage< GridGeometry, Scalar >A (quasi-) static two-phase pore-network model for drainage processes. This assumes that there are no pressure gradients within the phases and thus, no flow
 CDumux::TwoPTwoCVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits, enableChemicalNonEquilibrium, useConstraintSolver >
 CDumux::TwoPVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT, SR >Traits class for the two-phase model
 CDumux::Properties::EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >::type
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >::type
 CDumux::Properties::ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >::type
 CDumux::Properties::UndefinedPropertyTag to mark properties as undefined
 CDumux::UpwindSchemeImpl< GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethod >Forward declaration of the upwind scheme implementation
 CDumux::UpwindSchemeImpl< GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >Upwind scheme for the cell-centered tpfa scheme
 CDumux::UpwindSchemeImpl< GridGeometry, DiscretizationMethods::CVFE< DM > >Upwind scheme for control-volume finite element methods (uses the standard scheme)
 CDumux::Properties::UpwindSchemeOrder< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >Set the order of the upwinding scheme to 1 by default
 CDumux::Properties::UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >Determines whether blocking of spurious flow is used or not
 CDumux::Properties::UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Do not block spurious flows by default
 CDumux::Properties::UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly
 CDumux::Properties::UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >Determines whether the constraint solver is used
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >Defines whether molar (true) or mass (false) density is used
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >Define that per default mole fractions are used in the balance equations
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Define that mole fractions are used in the balance equations
 CDumux::Properties::UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default
 CDumux::Detail::ValidityTestFunctor< Expression >
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::NonWettingPhaseTransmissibility::Valvatne< Scalar, SinglePhaseTransmissibilityLaw >TODO: evaluate and maybe remove
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenImplementation of the van Genuchten capillary pressure <-> saturation relation, and relative permeability
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenRegularization< Scalar >A regularization for the VanGenuchten material law
 CDumux::Experimental::Variables< X >Class that represents the variables of a model. We assume that models are formulated on the basis of primary and possibly secondary variables, where the latter may non-linearly depend on the former. Variables in Dumux represent the state of a numerical solution of a model, consisting of all primary/secondary variables and, if a transient problem is modeled, time information
 CDumux::Detail::VariablesBackend< Vars, varsExportSolution >
 CDumux::Detail::PDESolver::VariablesChooser< A, exports >
 CDumux::Detail::PDESolver::VariablesChooser< A, false >
 CDumux::Detail::PDESolver::VariablesChooser< A, true >
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CDumux::VectorConverter< MultiTypeBlockVector, Scalar >A helper class that converts a Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector into a plain Dune::BlockVector and transfers back values
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::VectorForSolver< V, convert >
 CDumux::Detail::IstlSolvers::VectorForSolver< V, true >
 CDumux::VelocityOutput< GridVariables >Velocity output for implicit (porous media) models
 CDumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >The (currently empty) velocity output
 CDumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 CDumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >Velocity output
 CDumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 CDumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >The velocity output
 CDumux::VertexEnrichmentHelper< GridView, CodimOneGridView >Specialization of the enrichment helper class for 2d grids. In this case, we look for two-dimensional bulk grid elements that are enclosed by (lie in between) two 1-dimensional facet grid elements
 CDumux::Properties::ViscousFluxType< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >Set the volume variables property Set the vtk output fields specific to this model
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SST >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >Use the 2p2c VolumeVariables
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2 >Co2 volume variables use the same traits as the 2p2c model
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2NI >
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::Properties::VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >Set the volume variables property
 CDumux::VtkOutputModuleBase< GridGeometry >A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format
 CDumux::VtkOutputModuleBase< GridVariables::GridGeometry >
 CDumux::VTKReaderA vtk file reader using tinyxml2 as xml backend
 CDumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files. This is a modified version of DUNE's pvd writer which takes a VTKWriter as template argument making it more general
 CDumux::VTKSequenceWriter< Dumux::PointCloudVtkWriter< Scalar, GlobalPosition > >
 CDumux::WallDistance< GridGeometry, DistanceField >Class to calculate the wall distance at every element or vertex of a grid
 CDumux::PoreNetwork::WettingLayerTransmissibility::RansohoffRadke< Scalar, CreviceResistanceFactor >::WettingLayerCache
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-nonwetting interfacial area
 CDumux::FluidMatrix::WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-solid interfacial area
 CDune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ZeroEqThe type tag for the single-phase, isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes 0-Eq. model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ZeroEqNCThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component isothermal ZeroEq model
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ZeroEqNCNIThe type tags for the single-phase, multi-component non-isothermal ZeroEq models
 CDumux::Properties::TTag::ZeroEqNIThe type tag for the single-phase, non-isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model