This module includes constitutive relations such as pc-Sw relations, kr-Sw relations, effective diffusion coefficients, friction laws. The relations depend on both the fluid state as well as material parameters of the solid matrix. For example, in porous media theory, the effective heat conductivity depends on the solid heat conductivity, the fluid heat conductivity, as well as the porosity of the solid and the fluid saturation.
file | fluidsolidinterfacialareashiwang.hh |
| Description of a interfacial area between solid and fluid phase.
file | brookscorey.hh |
| Implementation of the capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations according to Brooks and Corey.
file | datasplinemateriallaw.hh |
| Pc- and Kr-sw curves based on monotone splines through given data points.
file | efftoabsdefaultpolicy.hh |
| This is a policy for 2p material laws how to convert absolute to relative saturations and vice versa.
file | heatpipelaw.hh |
| Implementation of the capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for the heatpipe problem.
file | exponential.hh |
| Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is exponential.
file | exponentialcubic.hh |
| Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is of third order in pc.
file | interfacialarea.hh |
| Implementation helper for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations.
file | pcmax.hh |
| Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization uses a maximum value of capillary pressure.
file | polynomial2ndorder.hh |
| Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial.
file | polynomialedgezero2ndorder.hh |
| Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial which is zero for saturations of zero and one.
file | linearmaterial.hh |
| Linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations.
file | materiallaw.hh |
| Implementation helper for capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations for two-phase models.
file | noregularization.hh |
| A tag to turn off regularization and it's overhead.
file | smoothedlinearlaw.hh |
| Implementation of the capillary pressure / relPerm <-> saturation relation using a linear relation smoothed at the upper and lower bounds for kr.
file | splinemateriallaw.hh |
| A spline approximation wrapper for 2p material laws.
file | vangenuchten.hh |
| Implementation of the capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations according to van Genuchten.
file | napladsorption.hh |
| Implementation of a NAPL adsorption model.
file | parkervangenuchten.hh |
| Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases.
file | fulltensor.hh |
file | scheidegger.hh |
file | fluidmatrixinteraction.hh |
| Wrapper type to combine an arbitrary number of different laws for fluid-matrix interaction (e.g., pc-Sw-curves).
file | frictionlaw.hh |
file | manning.hh |
file | nikuradse.hh |
file | nofriction.hh |
file | viscousnoslip.hh |
file | mpadapter.hh |
| Makes the capillary pressure-saturation relations available under the M-phase API for material laws.
file | mplinearmaterial.hh |
| Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation.
file | permeabilitykozenycarman.hh |
| The Kozeny-Carman relationship for the calculation of a porosity-dependent permeability.
file | localrulesforplatonicbody.hh |
| Pore-local pc-Sw curves for for platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron).
file | multishapelocalrules.hh |
| Implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries.
file | singleshapelocalrules.hh |
| Base classes for standard pore-local pc-Sw curves.
file | emptycache.hh |
| An empty cache for transmissibility laws using only standard quantities.
file | thresholdcapillarypressures.hh |
| Specification of threshold capillary pressures for the PNM.
file | transmissibility1p.hh |
| Implementation of the single-phase transmissibility laws for throats.
file | transmissibility2p.hh |
| Implementation of the transmissibility laws for throats.
file | porositydeformation.hh |
| A relationship for the porosity of a porous medium under mechanical deformation.
file | porosityprecipitation.hh |
| Class for the evaluation of the porosity subject to precipitation.
class | Dumux::FluidSolidInterfacialAreaShiWang< Scalar > |
| Description of a interfacial area between solid and fluid phase. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCorey |
| Implementation of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure <-> saturation relation. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vice versa. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyRegularization< Scalar > |
| A regularization for the BrooksCorey material law. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::DataSplineTwoPMaterialLaw< S, approximatePcSwInverse > |
| Pc- and Kr-sw curves based on monotone splines through given data points. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy |
| This is a policy for 2p material laws how to convert absolute to relative saturations and vice versa. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::HeatPipeLaw< ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy > |
| Implementation of the capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for the heatpipe problem. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponential |
| Implementation of the exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Nuske(2009) (Diploma thesis) [58] . More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaExponentialCubic |
| Implementation of a exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialArea< ScalarType, BaseLaw, InterfaceType, Regularization, EffToAbsPolicy > |
| Wrapper class to implement regularized laws (pc-sw-a) with a conversion policy between absolution and effective saturations. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPcMax |
| Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaPolynomialSecondOrder |
| Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Joekar-Niasar(2008) [44] . More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::InterfacialAreaolynomialEdgeZero2ndOrder |
| Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::LinearMaterial |
| Linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::TwoPMaterialLaw< ScalarType, BaseLaw, Regularization, EffToAbsPolicy > |
| Wrapper class to implement regularized material laws (pc-sw, kr-sw) with a conversion policy between absolution and effective saturations. More...
struct | Dumux::FluidMatrix::NoRegularization |
| A tag to turn off regularization and it's overhead. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::SmoothedLinearLaw< ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy > |
| Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::SplineTwoPMaterialLaw< TwoPMaterialLaw, approximatePcSwInverse > |
| A spline approximation wrapper for 2p material laws. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchten |
| Implementation of the van Genuchten capillary pressure <-> saturation relation, and relative permeability. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenRegularization< Scalar > |
| A regularization for the VanGenuchten material law. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ThreePNAPLAdsorption< Scalar > |
| Implementation of a NAPL adsorption model. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3P |
| Implementation of Parker/vanGenuchten's capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for three phases. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vince versa. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization< Scalar > |
| A regularization for the ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization material law. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< ScalarType, BaseLaw, Regularization, EffToAbsPolicy > |
| Parker van Genuchten material law. More...
class | Dumux::FullDispersionTensor< TypeTag > |
| Full dispersion tensor. More...
class | Dumux::ScheideggersDispersionTensor< TypeTag > |
| Scheidegger's dispersion tensor. More...
struct | Dumux::FluidMatrixInteraction< Laws > |
| Wrapper type to combine an arbitrary number of different laws for fluid-matrix interaction (e.g., pc-Sw-curves). More...
struct | Dumux::FluidMatrix::Adapter< A, Wrapper > |
| Adapter to inherit from, allowing the inheriting class to be wrapped by the makeFluidMatrixInteraction function. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::PcKrSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for laws providing pc-Sw and kr-Sw rules. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::MultiPhasePcKrSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for multiphase interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules. More...
struct | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ThreePhasePcKrSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for 3p interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-nonwetting interfacial area. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-solid interfacial area. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T > |
| Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the nonwetting-solid interfacial area. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::Adsorption< T > |
| Wrapper type for adsorption laws. More...
class | Dumux::FrictionLaw< VolumeVariables > |
| Implementation of the abstract base class for friction laws. More...
class | Dumux::FrictionLawManning< VolumeVariables > |
| Implementation of the friction law after Manning. More...
class | Dumux::FrictionLawNikuradse< VolumeVariables > |
| Implementation of the friction law after Nikuradse. More...
class | Dumux::FrictionLawNoFriction< VolumeVariables > |
| A pseudo friction law with no bottom friction. More...
class | Dumux::FrictionLawViscousNoSlip< VolumeVariables > |
| Implementation of a viscous no-slip bottom friction law. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::MPAdapter< MaterialLaw, numFluidPhases > |
| An adapter for mpnc to use the capillary pressure-saturation relationships. More...
class | Dumux::FluidMatrix::MPLinearMaterial< S, numFluidPhases > |
| Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation. More...
class | Dumux::PermeabilityKozenyCarman< PermeabilityType > |
| The Kozeny-Carman relationship for the calculation of a porosity-dependent permeability. When the porosity is implemented as solution-independent, using this relationship for the permeability leads to unnecessary overhead. More...
struct | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape > |
| Implementation of the simplified pore-local capillary pressure-saturation curve for platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron). More...
class | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyRegularization< Scalar, BaseLaw > |
| Two-phase rules for regularizing the pc-SW for platonic bodies. More...
struct | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::LocalRulesTraits< ScalarT > |
| LocalRulesTraits for implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries. More...
class | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::MultiShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarT > |
| Implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries. More...
class | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::SingleShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarType, BaseLaw, Regularization > |
| Base class for all standard pore-local pc-Sw curves. More...
class | Dumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityBruus< Scalar > |
| Collection of single-phase flow throat transmissibilities based on Bruus, H. (2011). Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 11(22), 3742-3751. More...
class | Dumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityPatzekSilin< Scalar, considerPoreResistance, interpolateK > |
| Single-phase flow throat transmissibility based on Patzek & Silin (2001) More...
class | Dumux::PorosityDeformation< Scalar > |
| A relationship for the porosity of a porous medium under mechanical deformation. More...
class | Dumux::PorosityPrecipitation< Scalar, numComp, numSolidPhases > |
| Calculates the porosity depending on the volume fractions of precipitated minerals. More...
template<typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyDefault = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, BrooksCorey, BrooksCoreyRegularization< Scalar >, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy > |
| A default configuration for using the Brooks Corey material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::BrooksCoreyNoReg = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, BrooksCorey, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy > |
| A default configuration without regularization for using the Brooks Corey material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenDefault = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, VanGenuchten, VanGenuchtenRegularization< Scalar >, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy > |
| A default configuration for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::VanGenuchtenNoReg = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, VanGenuchten, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy > |
| A default configuration without regularization for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...
template<class Scalar > |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PNoReg = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, NoRegularization, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy > |
| A configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law without regularization. More...
template<class Scalar > |
using | Dumux::FluidMatrix::ParkerVanGenuchten3PDefault = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization< Scalar >, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy > |
| A default configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law. More...
template<Pore::Shape shape, typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyDefault = SingleShapeTwoPLocalRules< Scalar, TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape >, TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyRegularization< Scalar, TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape > > > |
| A default configuration for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...
template<Pore::Shape shape, typename Scalar = double> |
using | Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyNoReg = SingleShapeTwoPLocalRules< Scalar, TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape >, Dumux::FluidMatrix::NoRegularization > |
| A default configuration without regularization for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...