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Runtime Parameters

Runtime simulation parameters can be parsed to the program via a parameter file, via the command line, or can be initialized programmatically. We discuss all three approaches. Moreover, most parameters have default values as explained below. Runtime parameters are a configuration mechanism at program runtime (avoiding recompilation).

Initializing the parameter tree

The parameter tree is initialized by Dumux::Parameters::init. This constructs a parameter tree singleton from which parameters can be retrieved via accessor functions. The parameter tree can stores key-value pairs of type string. Values can also be other parameter trees (subtrees, groups). A simple program only initializing the parameter tree looks like this

int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
static void init(int argc, char **argv, const Usage &usage)
Initialize the parameter tree singletons.
The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.

We can also specify a parameter file (default: params.input) to be parsed (the expected INI file format is described below):

int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dumux::Parameters::init(argc, argv, "params.input");
return 0;

Default parameters can explicitly be set upon initialization

#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dumux::Parameters::init(argc, argv, [](Dune::ParameterTree& p){
p["key"] = "value";
p["group.key"] = "value2";
return 0;

The following variant omits reading command-line arguments and only parsing the specified input parameter file params.input:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;

Reading Runtime Parameters

Runtime parameters can be read from the parameter tree with the functions Dumux::getParam (converts string to requested type)

paramname_ = getParam<TYPE>("GROUPNAME.PARAMNAME", default);

where the specified default value is expected to be convertible to the type TYPE. Some examples are

bool enableGravity = getParam<bool>("Problem.EnableGravity", true);
auto upperRight = getParam<Dune::FieldVector<double, 3>>("FreeFlow.Grid.UpperRight");

Not specifying a default parameter causes the function to throws a Dumux::ParameterException if parameter doesn't exist in the parameter tree.

The function Dumux::getParamFromGroup traverses the parameter tree

paramname_ = getParamFromGroup<TYPE>("GROUPNAME", "PARAMNAME", default);

for example

bool enableGravity = getParamFromGroup<bool>("FreeFlow", "Problem.Gravity");

first looks for the key FreeFlow.Problem.Gravity and then looks for the key Problem.Gravity. This function is useful when configuring multiple simulation components or multi-domain problem via the single parameter tree.

Reading parameters from the tree can be a very slow operation. Therefore, we recommend to read parameters in constructors of high-level classes and in particular never read parameters in functions called for all elements.

Checking existence of runtime parameters

The existence of a parameter in the parameter tree can be queried with the function Dumux::hasParam.

// do something with parameter
bool hasParam(const std::string &param)
Check whether a key exists in the parameter tree.
Definition: parameters.hh:157

There exists also a variant using hierarchical group lookup as described above for Dumux::getParamFromGroup using the function Dumux::hasParamInGroup:

if (hasParamInGroup("GROUPNAME","PARAMNAME"))
// do something with parameter
bool hasParamInGroup(const std::string &paramGroup, const std::string &param)
Check whether a key exists in the parameter tree with a model group prefix.
Definition: parameters.hh:165

Parameter tree logs

There is a bookkeeping mechanism keeping track of used and unused parameters throughout the lifetime of the program. It is useful to print a parameter report using Dumux::Parameters::print at the end of the main file. This reports unused parameters and is great, for instance, for detecting typos in configuration files.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
Dumux::Parameters::print(); // print report
return 0;
static void print()
prints all used and unused parameters

Parameter input file

The parameter files are expected to use the Dune INI syntax (consists of [Group] and Key = Value pairs). An example is given below:

LowerLeft = 0 0
UpperRight = 60 40
Cells = 24 16
Name = test
Name = test_ff

Command-line arguments

All parameter that can be specified via the parameter file can also be overwritten via the command line using the following exemplary form:

./executable params.input -Key Value -Key2 Value2 -Key3 "a b c"

The following could be used in combination with the parameter file above:

./executable -Grid.Refinement 2
./executable -Grid.Refinement 2 -Grid.Cells "10 10"
./executable -FreeFlow.Problem.Name test_ff_customrun

As first argument a parameter file can be specified:

./executable params_alt.input -Grid.Refinement 2

Parameter precedence

Parameters are parsed into the parameter tree in the following precedence:

  1. Command-line arguments overwrite
  2. Input file arguments overwrite
  3. User-default arguments overwrite
  4. Global defaults

Parameter list

We curate a list of available pre-defined parameters here: parameterlist.txt.

Note that not all listed parameters will be available in all types of simulations. For example, naturally, the Newton solver can only be configured (via parameters in the group [Newton]) for simulations that actually use a Newton solver. Model-specific parameters are only read and used when the corresponding model is in use.

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