▼ doc | |
► doxygen | |
extradoc | |
▼ dumux | |
► adaptive | |
adapt.hh | A free function for h-adaptivity |
adaptive/griddatatransfer.hh | Interface to be used by classes transferring grid data on adpative grids |
initializationindicator.hh | Class defining an initialization indicator for grid adaption |
markelements.hh | A function to mark element for refinement or coarsening |
► assembly | |
boxlocalassembler.hh | An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (box method) |
boxlocalresidual.hh | Calculates the element-wise residual for the box scheme |
cclocalassembler.hh | An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (cell-centered methods) |
cclocalresidual.hh | Calculates the element-wise residual for cell-centered discretization schemes |
diffmethod.hh | An enum class to define various differentiation methods available in order to compute the derivatives of the residual i.e. the entries in the jacobian matrix |
entitycolor.hh | An enum class to define the colors of elements and vertices required for partial Jacobian reassembly |
assembly/fvassembler.hh | A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes |
fvlocalassemblerbase.hh | |
fvlocalresidual.hh | The element-wise residual for finite volume schemes |
initialsolution.hh | Function to create initial solution vectors |
jacobianpattern.hh | Helper function to generate Jacobian pattern for different discretization methods |
numericepsilon.hh | An adapter class for local assemblers using numeric differentiation |
partialreassembler.hh | Detects which entries in the Jacobian have to be recomputed |
staggeredfvassembler.hh | A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for staggered finite volume schemes |
staggeredlocalresidual.hh | Calculates the element-wise residual for the staggered FV scheme |
► common | |
► geometry | |
common/geometry/boundingboxtree.hh | An axis-aligned bounding box volume hierarchy for dune grids DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/diameter.hh | A function to compute a geometry's diameter, i.e. the longest distance between points of a geometry DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/distance.hh | Helper functions for distance queries DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/geometricentityset.hh | An interface for a set of geometric entities DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/geometryintersection.hh | A class for collision detection of two geometries and computation of intersection corners DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/grahamconvexhull.hh | A function to compute the convex hull of a point cloud and a function to triangulate the polygon area spanned by the convex hull DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/intersectingentities.hh | Algorithms that finds which geometric entites intersect DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/intersectionentityset.hh | A class representing the intersection entites two geometric entity sets DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/intersectspointgeometry.hh | Detect if a point intersects a geometry DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/intersectspointsimplex.hh | Detect if a point intersects a simplex (including boundary) DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/makegeometry.hh | Create Dune geometries from user-specified points DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/normal.hh | Helper functions for normals DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/refinementquadraturerule.hh | A quadrature based on refinement DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
common/geometry/triangulation.hh | Functionality to triangulate point clouds DEPRECATED will be removed once this header is removed |
► properties | |
grid.hh | Defines a type tags and some fundamental grid-related properties |
common/properties/model.hh | Defines a type tags and some fundamental properties for all models |
propertysystem.hh | The Dumux property system, traits with inheritance |
► typetraits | |
isvalid.hh | A helper function for class member function introspection |
matrix.hh | Type traits to be used with matrix types |
common/typetraits/problem.hh | Type traits for problem classes |
state.hh | Type traits to be used with matrix types |
typetraits.hh | |
utility.hh | Utilities for template meta programming |
vector.hh | Type traits to be used with vector types |
balanceequationopts.hh | Traits class to set options used by the local residual when when evaluating the balance equations |
boundaryconditions.hh | Definition of boundary condition types, extend if necessary |
boundaryflag.hh | Boundary flag to store e.g. in sub control volume faces |
common/boundarytypes.hh | Class to specify the type of a boundary |
cubicspline.hh | A simple implementation of a cubic spline |
cubicsplinehermitebasis.hh | The cubic hermite spline basis |
defaultmappertraits.hh | Defines the default element and vertex mapper types |
defaultusagemessage.hh | Function printing a default usage message |
deprecated.hh | Helpers for deprecation |
dimensionlessnumbers.hh | Collection of functions, calculating dimensionless numbers |
doubleexpintegrationconstants.hh | Exponential integration abcissas |
doubleexpintegrator.hh | A double exponential integrator |
dumuxmessage.hh | Provides the class creating the famous DuMux start and end messages |
entitymap.hh | A map from indices to entities using grid entity seeds |
enumerate.hh | A Python-like enumerate function |
exceptions.hh | Some exceptions thrown in DuMux |
fixedlengthspline_.hh | Implements a spline with a fixed number of sampling points |
common/fvproblem.hh | Base class for all finite volume problems |
indextraits.hh | Defines the index types used for grid and local indices |
integrate.hh | Define helper functions for integration |
intersectionmapper.hh | Defines intersection mappers |
loggingparametertree.hh | A parameter tree that logs which parameters have been used |
math.hh | Define some often used mathematical functions |
monotonecubicspline.hh | A monotone cubic spline |
numericdifferentiation.hh | A class for numeric differentiation |
optionalscalar.hh | A wrapper that can either contain a valid Scalar or NaN |
parameters.hh | The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees |
partial.hh | Get only parts of a container or tuple |
common/pdesolver.hh | Defines a high-level interface for a PDESolver |
pointsource.hh | A point source class, i.e. sources located at a single point in space |
common/properties.hh | Declares all properties used in Dumux |
reorderingdofmapper.hh | An SCSG element mapper that sorts the indices in order to optimize the matrix sparsity pattern |
reservedblockvector.hh | A arithmetic block vector type based on DUNE's reserved vector |
spline.hh | Provides 3rd order polynomial splines |
splinecommon_.hh | The common code for all 3rd order polynomial splines |
staggeredfvproblem.hh | Base class for all staggered fv problems |
start.hh | Provides a few default main functions for convenience |
tabulated2dfunction.hh | Implements tabulation for a two-dimensional function |
tag.hh | Helper class to create (named and comparable) tagged types |
common/timeloop.hh | Manages the handling of time dependent problems |
timemanager.hh | Manages the handling of time dependent problems |
valgrind.hh | Some templates to wrap the valgrind macros |
variablelengthspline_.hh | Implements a spline with a variable number of sampling points |
► discretization | |
► box | |
boxgeometryhelper.hh | Helper class constructing the dual grid finite volume geometries for the box discretizazion method |
box/elementboundarytypes.hh | Boundary types gathered on an element |
box/elementfluxvariablescache.hh | Global flux variable cache |
box/elementsolution.hh | The local element solution class for the box method |
box/elementvolumevariables.hh | The local volume variables class |
discretization/box/fluxvariablescache.hh | Flux variables cache class for the box scheme |
discretization/box/fvelementgeometry.hh | Base class for the local finite volume geometry for box models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for an element |
discretization/box/fvgridgeometry.hh | Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element of the grid partition |
box/gridfluxvariablescache.hh | Global flux variable cache |
box/gridvolumevariables.hh | The grid volume variables class for box models |
scvftoscvboundarytypes.hh | Convert intersection boundary types to vertex boundary types |
discretization/box/subcontrolvolume.hh | Sub control volume for the box scheme |
discretization/box/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | Base class for a sub control volume face |
► cellcentered | |
► mpfa | |
► omethod | |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/omethod/interactionvolume.hh | Class for the interaction volume of the mpfa-o scheme |
interactionvolumeindexset.hh | Class for the index set within an interaction volume of the mpfa-o scheme |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/omethod/localassembler.hh | Class for the assembly of the local systems of equations involved in the transmissibility computaion in an mpfa-o type manner |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/omethod/localsubcontrolentities.hh | Classes for sub control entities of the mpfa-o method |
scvgeometryhelper.hh | Helper class providing functionality to compute the geometry of the interaction-volume local sub-control volumes involved in the mpfa-o scheme |
staticinteractionvolume.hh | Class for the interaction volume of the mpfa-o scheme to be used when the sizes are known at compile time, e.g. for non-boundary interaction volumes on structured grids |
mpfa/computetransmissibility.hh | This file contains free functions to evaluate the transmissibilities associated with flux evaluations across sub-control volume faces in the context of cell-centered Mpfa schemes |
cellcentered/mpfa/connectivitymap.hh | Stores the face indices corresponding to the neighbors of an element that contribute to the derivative calculation. Depending on if an mpfa scheme leads to a symmetric/unsymmetric sparsity pattern, the adequate implementation of the connectiviy map is chosen |
dualgridindexset.hh | Class for the index sets of the dual grid in mpfa schemes |
cellcentered/mpfa/elementfluxvariablescache.hh | The element-local object of flux variables caches |
cellcentered/mpfa/elementvolumevariables.hh | The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvelementgeometry.hh | Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element in the local scope we are restricting to, e.g. stencil or element |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh | The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered mpfa models on a grid view This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element of the grid partition |
cellcentered/mpfa/fvgridgeometrytraits.hh | Traits class to be used in conjunction with the CCMpfaFVGridGeometry |
cellcentered/mpfa/gridfluxvariablescache.hh | Flux variable caches on a gridview |
gridinteractionvolumeindexsets.hh | Class for the grid interaction volume index sets of mpfa schemes |
cellcentered/mpfa/gridvolumevariables.hh | The grid volume variables class for cell centered mpfa models |
helper.hh | Helper class to get data required for mpfa scheme |
interactionvolumebase.hh | Base class for interaction volumes of mpfa methods |
interactionvolumedatahandle.hh | Data handle class for interaction volumes of mpfa methods. This class is passed to interaction volumes to store the necessary data in it |
localassemblerbase.hh | Defines the general interface of classes used for the assembly of the local systems of equations involved in the transmissibility computation in mpfa schemes |
localassemblerhelper.hh | A class that contains helper functions as well as functionality which is common to different mpfa schemes and which solely operate on the interaction volume |
localfacedata.hh | Data structure holding interaction volume-local information for a grid subb-control volume face embedded in it |
methods.hh | The available mpfa schemes in Dumux |
scvgradients.hh | Class roviding functionality for the reconstruction of the gradients in the sub-control volumes involved in mpfa schemes |
discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | The sub control volume face |
► tpfa | |
tpfa/computetransmissibility.hh | Free functions to evaluate the transmissibilities associated with flux evaluations across sub-control volume faces in the context of the cell-centered TPFA scheme |
cellcentered/tpfa/elementfluxvariablescache.hh | The flux variables caches for an element |
cellcentered/tpfa/elementvolumevariables.hh | The local (stencil) volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models |
discretization/cellcentered/tpfa/fvelementgeometry.hh | Stencil-local finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element in the local scope we are restricting to, e.g. stencil or element |
discretization/cellcentered/tpfa/fvgridgeometry.hh | The finite volume geometry (scvs and scvfs) for cell-centered TPFA models on a grid view This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element of the grid partition |
cellcentered/tpfa/gridfluxvariablescache.hh | Flux variable caches on a gridview |
cellcentered/tpfa/gridvolumevariables.hh | The grid volume variables class for cell centered tpfa models |
discretization/cellcentered/tpfa/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | The sub control volume face |
cellcentered/connectivitymap.hh | Stores the face indices corresponding to the neighbors of an element that contribute to the derivative calculation. This is used for finite-volume schemes with symmetric sparsity pattern in the global matrix |
cellcentered/elementboundarytypes.hh | Boundary types gathered on an element |
cellcentered/elementsolution.hh | The local element solution class for cell-centered methods |
cellcentered/gridvolumevariables.hh | The grid volume variables class for cell centered models |
discretization/cellcentered/subcontrolvolume.hh | Sub control volumes for cell-centered discretization schemes |
► fem | |
feelementgeometry.hh | Grid geometry local view, which is a wrapper around a finite element basis local view |
fegridgeometry.hh | The grid geometry class for models using finite element schemes. This is basically a wrapper around a function space basis |
► projection | |
projector.hh | Contains functionality for L2-projections from one function space into another, which can live both on the same or different grids of potentially different dimensionality |
► staggered | |
► freeflow | |
discretization/staggered/freeflow/boundarytypes.hh | |
staggered/freeflow/connectivitymap.hh | |
staggered/freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh | |
facevariables.hh | |
staggered/freeflow/fvgridgeometrytraits.hh | |
staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh | |
discretization/staggered/freeflow/properties.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for ree-flow models using the staggered scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces). TODO: detailed documentation and figures |
staggeredgeometryhelper.hh | |
discretization/staggered/freeflow/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | |
discretization/staggered/freeflow/velocityoutput.hh | |
elementfacevariables.hh | |
staggered/elementfluxvariablescache.hh | |
staggered/elementsolution.hh | The local element solution class for staggered methods |
facesolution.hh | |
discretization/staggered/fvelementgeometry.hh | |
discretization/staggered/fvgridgeometry.hh | |
gridfacevariables.hh | |
staggered/gridfluxvariablescache.hh | |
discretization/staggered/gridvariables.hh | |
discretization/staggered/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | |
basegridgeometry.hh | Base class for grid geometries |
box.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the box scheme |
ccmpfa.hh | Properties for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with mpfa |
cctpfa.hh | Properties for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with TPFA |
checkoverlapsize.hh | Check the overlap size for different discretization methods |
elementsolution.hh | Element solution classes and factory functions |
evalgradients.hh | Free functions for the evaluation of primary variable gradients inside elements |
evalsolution.hh | Free functions for the evaluation of primary variables inside elements |
extrusion.hh | Helper classes to compute the integration elements |
fluxstencil.hh | The flux stencil specialized for different discretization schemes |
functionspacebasis.hh | Provides helper aliases and functionality to obtain the types and instances of Dune::Functions function space bases that underlie different discretization schemes |
discretization/fvgridvariables.hh | The grid variable class for finite volume schemes storing variables on scv and scvf (volume and flux variables) |
fvproperties.hh | Declares properties required for finite-volume models models |
localview.hh | Free function to get the local view of a grid cache object |
method.hh | The available discretization methods in Dumux |
rotationpolicy.hh | Rotation policy for defining rotational symmetric grid geometries |
rotationsymmetricgridgeometrytraits.hh | Rotation policy for defining rotational symmetric grid geometries |
rotationsymmetricscv.hh | Wrapper to make a sub control volume rotation symmetric |
rotationsymmetricscvf.hh | Wrapper to make a sub control volume face rotation symmetric |
scvandscvfiterators.hh | Class providing iterators over sub control volumes and sub control volume faces of an element |
staggered.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the staggered scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces). TODO: detailed documentation and figures |
subcontrolvolumebase.hh | Base class for a sub control volume |
subcontrolvolumefacebase.hh | Base class for a sub control volume face |
► flux | |
► box | |
flux/box/darcyslaw.hh | Specialization of Darcy's Law for the box method |
box/effectivestresslaw.hh | Specialization of the effective stress law for the box scheme. This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from mechanical deformation and the pore pressure |
flux/box/fickslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fick's law |
flux/box/fourierslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate energy fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fourier's law |
box/fourierslawnonequilibrium.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate energy fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fourier's law |
box/hookeslaw.hh | Specialization of Hooke's law for the box scheme. This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from mechanical deformation |
box/maxwellstefanslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive molar fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Maxwell Stefan |
► ccmpfa | |
flux/ccmpfa/darcyslaw.hh | Darcy's Law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation |
flux/ccmpfa/fickslaw.hh | Fick's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation |
flux/ccmpfa/fourierslaw.hh | Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with multi-point flux approximation |
► cctpfa | |
flux/cctpfa/darcyslaw.hh | Darcy's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation |
flux/cctpfa/fickslaw.hh | Fick's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation |
cctpfa/forchheimerslaw.hh | Forchheimers's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation |
flux/cctpfa/fourierslaw.hh | Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation |
cctpfa/fourierslawnonequilibrium.hh | Fourier's law for cell-centered finite volume schemes with two-point flux approximation |
cctpfa/maxwellstefanslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Maxwell Stefan |
► shallowwater | |
exactriemann.hh | Function to compute the Riemann flux at the interface |
fluxlimiterlet.hh | Function to limit the fluxes |
riemannproblem.hh | This file includes a function to construct the Riemann problem |
► staggered | |
► freeflow | |
flux/staggered/freeflow/fickslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive molar fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fick's law |
flux/staggered/freeflow/fourierslaw.hh | Specialization of Fourier's Law for the staggered free flow method |
staggered/freeflow/maxwellstefanslaw.hh | Specialization of Maxwell Stefan's Law for the Staggered method |
flux/darcyslaw.hh | Darcy's law specialized for different discretization schemes This file contains the data which is required to calculate volume and mass fluxes of fluid phases over a face of a finite volume by means of the Darcy approximation. Specializations are provided for the different discretization methods |
effectivestresslaw.hh | The effective stress law specialized for different discretization schemes. This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from poro-mechanical deformation |
fickiandiffusioncoefficients.hh | Container storing the diffusion coefficients required by Fick's law. Uses the minimal possible container size and provides unified access |
flux/fickslaw.hh | Fick's law specilized for different discretization schemes. This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fick's law |
fluxvariablesbase.hh | Base class for the flux variables living on a sub control volume face |
fluxvariablescaching.hh | Classes related to flux variables caching |
forchheimerslaw.hh | Forchheimer's law specialized for different discretization schemes This file contains the data which is required to calculate volume and mass fluxes of fluid phases over a face of a finite volume by means of the Forchheimer approximation. Specializations are provided for the different discretization methods |
flux/fourierslaw.hh | Fourier's law specialized for different discretization schemes This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fourier's law |
fourierslawnonequilibrium.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fourier's law |
hookeslaw.hh | Hooke's law specialized for different discretization schemes. This computes the stress tensor and surface forces resulting from mechanical deformation |
maxwellstefandiffusioncoefficients.hh | Container storing the diffusion coefficients required by the Maxwell- Stefan diffusion law. Uses the minimal possible container size and provides unified access |
maxwellstefanslaw.hh | This file contains the data which is required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes due to molecular diffusion with Fick's law |
referencesystemformulation.hh | The reference frameworks and formulations available for splitting total fluxes into a advective and diffusive part |
shallowwaterflux.hh | |
stationaryvelocityfield.hh | Constant velocity advective law for transport models. This file contains the data which is required to calculate volume and mass fluxes of fluid phases over a face of a finite volume. A stationary velocity field is given by the user for use in tracer models |
flux/traits.hh | Defines the flux traits |
flux/upwindscheme.hh | Base class for the upwind scheme |
► freeflow | |
► compositional | |
► staggered | |
freeflow/compositional/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/compositional/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/compositional/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/compositional/iofields.hh | |
kepsilonncmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component k-epsilon model |
komegancmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component k-omega model |
freeflow/compositional/localresidual.hh | |
lowrekepsilonncmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component low-Re k-epsilon model |
navierstokesncmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component free-flow model |
oneeqncmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component one-equation model |
freeflow/compositional/volumevariables.hh | |
zeroeqncmodel.hh | A single-phase, multi-component Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes 0-Eq. model |
► navierstokes | |
► staggered | |
fluxoversurface.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
staggeredupwindhelper.hh | |
velocitygradients.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/boundarytypes.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/indices.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal Navier-Stokes model |
freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh | |
freeflow/navierstokes/volumevariables.hh | |
► nonisothermal | |
freeflow/nonisothermal/indices.hh | |
freeflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/nonisothermal/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/nonisothermal/model.hh | A single-phase, non-isothermal free-flow model |
► rans | |
► oneeq | |
► staggered | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/indices.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal one-equation turbulence model by Spalart-Allmaras |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/problem.hh | One-equation turbulence problem base class |
freeflow/rans/oneeq/volumevariables.hh | |
► twoeq | |
► kepsilon | |
► staggered | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal k-epsilon model |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/problem.hh | K-epsilon turbulence problem base class |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/volumevariables.hh | |
► komega | |
► staggered | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal k-omega 2-Eq. model |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/problem.hh | K-Omega turbulence model problem base class |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/volumevariables.hh | |
► lowrekepsilon | |
► staggered | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/staggered/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/staggered/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/problem.hh | Low-Re k-epsilon turbulence problem base class |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/volumevariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/twoeq/indices.hh | |
► zeroeq | |
freeflow/rans/zeroeq/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes 0-Eq. model |
freeflow/rans/zeroeq/problem.hh | Zero-equation turbulence problem base class |
freeflow/rans/zeroeq/volumevariables.hh | |
freeflow/rans/iofields.hh | |
freeflow/rans/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model |
freeflow/rans/problem.hh | |
freeflow/rans/volumevariables.hh | |
► shallowwater | |
boundaryfluxes.hh | Compute boundary conditions for the Riemann Solver |
freeflow/shallowwater/fluxvariables.hh | |
freeflow/shallowwater/indices.hh | |
freeflow/shallowwater/iofields.hh | Add I/O fields specific to shallow water |
freeflow/shallowwater/localresidual.hh | |
freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh | A two-dimensional shallow water equations model The two-dimensonal shallow water equations (SWEs) can be written as |
freeflow/shallowwater/problem.hh | |
freeflow/shallowwater/volumevariables.hh | |
freeflow/properties.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for free flow models |
staggeredupwindmethods.hh | This file contains different higher order methods for approximating the velocity |
turbulencemodel.hh | The available free flow turbulence models in Dumux |
turbulenceproperties.hh | This file contains different functions for estimating turbulence properties |
freeflow/volumevariables.hh | |
► geomechanics | |
► elastic | |
geomechanics/elastic/indices.hh | Defines the indices for the elastic model |
geomechanics/elastic/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using the elastic model considering linear elasticity |
geomechanics/elastic/model.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for the elastic geomechanical model |
geomechanics/elastic/volumevariables.hh | Quantities required by the elastic model defined on a sub-control volume |
► poroelastic | |
geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh | Coupling manager for porous medium flow problems coupled to a poro-mechanical problem |
geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the poro-elastic model |
geomechanics/poroelastic/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using the poroelastic model |
geomechanics/poroelastic/model.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for the poroelastic geomechanical model |
geomechanics/poroelastic/volumevariables.hh | Quantities required by the poroelastic model defined on a sub-control volume |
geomechanics/fvproblem.hh | Base class for all geomechanical problems |
lameparams.hh | |
geomechanics/properties.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for geomechanical DuMuX models |
stressvariablescache.hh | Base class for the stress variables cache |
geomechanics/velocityoutput.hh | Velocity output for geomechanical models |
► geometry | |
geometry/boundingboxtree.hh | An axis-aligned bounding box volume hierarchy for dune grids |
geometry/diameter.hh | A function to compute a geometry's diameter, i.e. the longest distance between points of a geometry |
geometry/distance.hh | Helper functions for distance queries |
geometry/geometricentityset.hh | An interface for a set of geometric entities |
geometry/geometryintersection.hh | A class for collision detection of two geometries and computation of intersection corners |
geometry/grahamconvexhull.hh | A function to compute the convex hull of a point cloud and a function to triangulate the polygon area spanned by the convex hull |
geometry/intersectingentities.hh | Algorithms that finds which geometric entites intersect |
geometry/intersectionentityset.hh | A class representing the intersection entites two geometric entity sets |
geometry/intersectspointgeometry.hh | Detect if a point intersects a geometry |
geometry/intersectspointsimplex.hh | Detect if a point intersects a simplex (including boundary) |
geometry/makegeometry.hh | Create Dune geometries from user-specified points |
geometry/normal.hh | Helper functions for normals |
geometry/refinementquadraturerule.hh | A quadrature based on refinement |
geometry/triangulation.hh | Functionality to triangulate point clouds |
► io | |
► grid | |
cakegridmanager.hh | Provides a grid manager for a piece of cake grid |
cpgridmanager.hh | A grid creator that reads Petrel files and generates a CpGrid |
gmshgriddatahandle.hh | A data handle for commucating grid data for gmsh grids |
griddata.hh | Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files |
io/grid/gridmanager.hh | Convience header that includes all grid manager specializations |
gridmanager_alu.hh | Grid manager specialization for ALUGrid |
gridmanager_base.hh | Provides a grid manager for all supported grid managers with input file interfaces. Manages data via the grid data member |
gridmanager_foam.hh | Grid manager specialization for FoamGrid |
gridmanager_mmesh.hh | Grid manager specialization for MMesh |
gridmanager_oned.hh | Grid manager specialization for OneDGrid |
gridmanager_sp.hh | Grid manager specialization for SPGrid |
gridmanager_sub.hh | Grid manager specialization for SubGrid |
gridmanager_ug.hh | Grid manager specialization for UGGrid |
gridmanager_yasp.hh | Grid manager specialization for YaspGrid |
► vtk | |
vtkreader.hh | A vtk file reader using tinyxml2 as xml backend |
adaptivegridrestart.hh | Provides a restart functionality for adaptive grids |
container.hh | Free functions to write and read a sequence container to and from a file |
defaultiofields.hh | Adds output fields to a given output module, this is the default if a model doesn't implement this functionality |
format.hh | Formatting based on the fmt-library which implements std::format of C++20 |
gnuplotinterface.hh | Interface for passing data sets to a file and plotting them, if gnuplot is installed |
loadsolution.hh | Read from a file into a solution vector |
name.hh | A collection of input/output field names for common physical quantities |
ploteffectivediffusivitymodel.hh | Interface for plotting the multi-component-matrix-interaction laws |
plotmateriallaw.hh | Interface for plotting the two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws |
plotmateriallaw3p.hh | Interface for plotting the three-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws |
plotpckrsw.hh | Interface for plotting the two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws |
plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh | Interface for plotting the non-isothermal two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws |
pointcloudvtkwriter.hh | A VTK writer specialized for staggered grid implementations with dofs on the faces |
rasterimagereader.hh | A simple reader class for raster images |
restart.hh | Generic class to read/write restart files |
staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh | A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format. Specialization for staggered grids with dofs on faces |
io/velocityoutput.hh | Default velocity output policy for porous media models |
vtkfunction.hh | Dune style VTK functions |
vtkmultiwriter.hh | Simplifies writing multi-file VTK datasets |
vtknestedfunction.hh | Provides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements |
io/vtkoutputmodule.hh | A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format |
vtkprecision.hh | Vtk output precision options available in Dumux |
vtksequencewriter.hh | Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files. This is a modified version of DUNE's pvd writer which takes a VTKWriter as template argument making it more general |
► linear | |
amgbackend.hh | Provides a parallel linear solver based on the ISTL AMG preconditioner and the ISTL BiCGSTAB solver |
istlsolverfactorybackend.hh | Provides a generic linear solver based on the ISTL that chooses the solver and preconditioner at runtime |
istlsolverregistry.hh | The specialized Dumux macro and tag for the ISTL registry to choose the solver and preconditioner at runtime |
linearsolveracceptsmultitypematrix.hh | Trait checking if linear solvers accept Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix or we need to convert the matrix |
linearsolverparameters.hh | Generates a parameter tree required for the linear solvers and precondioners of the Dune ISTL |
linearsolvertraits.hh | Define traits for linear solvers |
matrixconverter.hh | A helper classe that converts a Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix into a plain Dune::BCRSMatrix |
parallelhelpers.hh | Provides a helper class for nonoverlapping decomposition |
linear/pdesolver.hh | A high-level solver interface for a linear PDE solver |
preconditioners.hh | Dumux preconditioners for iterative solvers |
scotchbackend.hh | An interface to the scotch library for matrix reordering |
seqsolverbackend.hh | Dumux sequential linear solver backends |
solver.hh | Base class for linear solvers |
► material | |
► binarycoefficients | |
air_mesitylene.hh | Binary coefficients for air and mesitylene |
air_xylene.hh | Binary coefficients for air and xylene |
brine_co2.hh | Binary coefficients for CO2 and brine |
fullermethod.hh | Various relations for molecular diffusion coefficients |
h2o_air.hh | Binary coefficients for water and air |
h2o_ch4.hh | Binary coefficients for water and methane |
h2o_constant.hh | Binary coefficients for water and a "constant" component |
h2o_heavyoil.hh | Binary coefficients for water and heavy oil |
h2o_mesitylene.hh | Binary coefficients for water and mesitylene |
h2o_n2.hh | Binary coefficients for water and nitrogen |
h2o_o2.hh | Binary coefficients for water and oxygen |
h2o_xylene.hh | Binary coefficients for water and xylene |
henryiapws.hh | The IAPWS formulation of Henry coefficients in water |
n2_o2.hh | Binary coefficients for nitrogen and oxygen |
► chemistry | |
► electrochemistry | |
electrochemistry.hh | Electrochemical model for a fuel cell application |
electrochemistryni.hh | Electrochemical model for a fuel cell application |
► components | |
► iapws | |
common.hh | Implements relations common for all regions of the IAPWS '97 formulation. See: |
region1.hh | Implements the equations for region 1 of the IAPWS '97 formulation. See: |
region2.hh | Implements the equations for region 2 of the IAPWS '97 formulation. See: |
region4.hh | Implements the equations for region 4 of the IAPWS '97 formulation |
air.hh | A simple class for the air fluid properties |
ammonia.hh | A class for the Ammonia (NH3) component properties |
components/base.hh | Base class for all components Components provide the thermodynamic relations for the liquid, gaseous and/or solid state of a single chemical species or a fixed mixture of species. Fluid systems use components to compute thermodynamic quantities of phases |
benzene.hh | A simple benzene component (LNAPL) |
components/brine.hh | A class for the brine fluid properties, |
calcite.hh | A class for the CaCO3 mineral phase properties |
calciumion.hh | A class for the Ca2+ (Calcium ion) component properties |
cao.hh | Material properties of pure Calcium-Oxide \(CaO\) |
cao2h2.hh | Material properties of pure Calciumhydroxide \(CaO2H2\) |
carbonateion.hh | A class for the CO3 ion properties |
ch4.hh | Properties of methane \(CH_4\) |
chlorideion.hh | A class for the Cl- (Chloride ion) component properties |
co2.hh | A class for the CO2 fluid properties |
co2tablereader.hh | A generic template for tabulated material laws that depend on two parameters |
componenttraits.hh | Component traits, i.e. information extracted from components |
constant.hh | Setting constant fluid properties via the input file |
gas.hh | Interface for components that have a gas state |
glucose.hh | A class for the Glucose component properties |
granite.hh | Properties of pure molecular oxygen \(O_2\) |
h2.hh | Properties of pure molecular hydrogen \(H_2\) |
h2o.hh | Material properties of pure water \(H_2O\) |
heavyoil.hh | Properties of the component heavyoil |
ion.hh | Interface for components that are ions |
liquid.hh | Interface for components that have a liquid state |
mesitylene.hh | Properties of mesitylene |
n2.hh | Properties of pure molecular nitrogen \(N_2\) |
nacl.hh | Material properties of pure salt \(NaCl\) |
o2.hh | Properties of pure molecular oxygen \(O_2\) |
simpleh2o.hh | A much simpler (and thus potentially less buggy) version of pure water |
sodiumion.hh | A class for the Na+ (Sodium ion) component properties |
solid.hh | Interface for components that have a solid state |
tabulatedcomponent.hh | Tabulates all thermodynamic properties of a given untabulated chemical species |
trichloroethene.hh | A simple implementation of Trichloroethene (TCE), a DNAPL |
urea.hh | A class for the Urea component properties |
xylene.hh | Properties of xylene |
► constraintsolvers | |
compositionalflash.hh | Determines the pressures and saturations of all fluid phases given the total mass of all components |
compositionfromfugacities.hh | Determines the fluid composition given the component fugacities and an arbitary equation of state |
computefromreferencephase.hh | Computes all quantities of a generic fluid state if a reference phase has been specified |
immiscibleflash.hh | Determines the pressures and saturations of all fluid phases given the total mass of all components |
misciblemultiphasecomposition.hh | Computes the composition of all phases of a N-phase, N-component fluid system assuming that all N phases are present |
ncpflash.hh | Determines the phase compositions, pressures and saturations given the total mass of all components |
► eos | |
pengrobinson.hh | Implements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for liquids and gases |
pengrobinsonmixture.hh | Implements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for a mixture |
pengrobinsonparams.hh | Base class for Peng-Robinson parameters of a single-component fluid or a mixture |
pengrobinsonparamsmixture.hh | The mixing rule for the oil and the gas phases of the SPE5 problem |
► fluidmatrixinteractions | |
► 1p | |
thermalconductivityaverage.hh | Reation for a simple effective thermal conductivity |
► 1pia | |
fluidsolidinterfacialareashiwang.hh | Description of a interfacial area between solid and fluid phase |
► 2p | |
► interfacialarea | |
exponential.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is exponential |
exponentialcubic.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is of third order in pc |
interfacialarea.hh | Implementation helper for capillary-pressure-saturation-interfacial-area relations |
pcmax.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization uses a maximum value of capillary pressure |
polynomial2ndorder.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial |
polynomialedgezero2ndorder.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial which is zero for saturations of zero and one |
► thermalconductivity | |
johansen.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity |
simplefluidlumping.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity |
somerton.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity |
brookscorey.hh | Implementation of the capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations according to Brooks and Corey |
brookscoreyparams.hh | Specification of the material parameters for the Brooks Corey constitutive relations |
datasplinemateriallaw.hh | Pc- and Kr-sw curves based on monotone splines through given data points |
efftoabsdefaultpolicy.hh | This is a policy for 2p material laws how to convert absolute to relative saturations and vice versa |
2p/efftoabslaw.hh | This material law takes a material law defined for effective saturations and converts it to a material law defined on absolute saturations |
2p/efftoabslawparams.hh | A default implementation of the parameters for the adapter class to convert material laws from effective to absolute saturations |
heatpipelaw.hh | Implementation of the capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for the heatpipe problem |
heatpipelawparams.hh | Specification of the material params for the heat pipe's capillary pressure model |
linearmaterial.hh | Linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations |
linearmaterialparams.hh | Parameters for the linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations |
materiallaw.hh | Implementation helper for capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations for two-phase models |
noregularization.hh | A tag to turn off regularization and it's overhead |
regularizedbrookscorey.hh | Implementation of a regularized version of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure / relative permeability <-> saturation relation |
regularizedbrookscoreyparams.hh | Parameters that are necessary for the regularization of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure model |
regularizedlinearmaterial.hh | Regularized linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations |
regularizedlinearmaterialparams.hh | Parameters that are necessary for the regularization of the linear constitutive relations |
regularizedvangenuchten.hh | Implementation of the regularized version of the van Genuchten's capillary pressure / relative permeability <-> saturation relation |
regularizedvangenuchtenparams.hh | Parameters that are necessary for the regularization of VanGenuchten "material law" |
smoothedlinearlaw.hh | Implementation of the capillary pressure / relPerm <-> saturation relation using a linear relation smoothed at the upper and lower bounds for kr |
splinemateriallaw.hh | A spline approximation wrapper for 2p material laws |
thermalconductivityjohansen.hh | |
thermalconductivitysimplefluidlumping.hh | |
thermalconductivitysomerton.hh | |
vangenuchten.hh | Implementation of the capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations according to van Genuchten |
vangenuchtenoftemperature.hh | Implementation of the regularized version of the van Genuchten's capillary pressure / relative permeability <-> saturation relation as function of temperature |
vangenuchtenparams.hh | Specification of the material parameters for the van Genuchten-Mualem constitutive relations |
► 2pia | |
awnsurfaceexpfct.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is exponential |
awnsurfaceexpfctparams.hh | Specification of the parameters for a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is exponential |
awnsurfaceexpswpcto3.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This function is of third order in pc |
awnsurfaceexpswpcto3params.hh | Specification of the parameters for a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This is of third order in pc |
awnsurfacepcmaxfct.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization uses a maximum value of capillary pressure |
awnsurfacepcmaxfctparams.hh | Specification of the parameters for a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization uses a maximum value of capillary pressure |
awnsurfacepolynomial2ndorder.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial |
awnsurfacepolynomial2ndorderparams.hh | Specification of the parameters for a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial |
awnsurfacepolynomialedgezero2ndorder.hh | Specification of a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial which is zero for saturations of zero and one |
awnsurfacepolynomialedgezero2ndorderparams.hh | Specification of the parameters for a function relating volume specific interfacial area to capillary pressure and saturation. This parametrization is a second order polynomial which is zero for saturations of zero and one |
efftoabslawia.hh | This material law takes a material law (interfacial area surface) defined for effective saturations and converts it to a material law defined on absolute saturations |
efftoabslawiaparams.hh | A default implementation of the parameters for the adapter class to convert material laws – in this case the interfacial area surfaces – from effective to absolute saturations |
► 3p | |
3p/efftoabslaw.hh | This material law takes a material law defined for effective saturations and converts it to a material law defined on absolute saturations |
3p/efftoabslawparams.hh | A default implementation of the parameters for the adapter class to convert material laws from effective to absolute saturations |
napladsorption.hh | Implementation of a NAPL adsorption model |
parkervangen3p.hh | Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases |
parkervangen3pparams.hh | Specification of the material params for the van Genuchten capillary pressure model |
parkervangenuchten.hh | Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases |
regularizedparkervangen3p.hh | Implementation of a regularized version of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases |
regularizedparkervangen3pparams.hh | Parameters that are necessary for the regularization of the Parker - Van Genuchten capillary pressure model |
thermalconductivitysomerton3p.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity |
► frictionlaws | |
frictionlaw.hh | |
manning.hh | |
nikuradse.hh | |
nofriction.hh | |
► mp | |
mpadapter.hh | Makes the capillary pressure-saturation relations available under the M-phase API for material laws |
mplinearmaterial.hh | Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation |
mplinearmaterialparams.hh | Reference implementation of parameters for the M-phase linear material material |
diffusivityconstanttortuosity.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective diffusion coefficient |
diffusivitymillingtonquirk.hh | Relation for the saturation-dependent effective diffusion coefficient |
fluidmatrixinteraction.hh | Wrapper type to combine an arbitrary number of different laws for fluid-matrix interaction (e.g., pc-Sw-curves) |
permeabilitykozenycarman.hh | The Kozeny-Carman relationship for the calculation of a porosity-dependent permeability |
porositydeformation.hh | A relationship for the porosity of a porous medium under mechanical deformation |
porosityprecipitation.hh | Class for the evaluation of the porosity subject to precipitation |
► fluidstates | |
adapter.hh | Adapter class for fluid states with different indices |
compositional.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium |
immiscible.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase fluid system assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium |
isothermalimmiscible.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a isothermal immiscible multi-phase fluid system |
nonequilibrium.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system without using any assumptions |
nonequilibriummass.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system without using any assumptions |
pressureoverlay.hh | This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid pressures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state |
pseudo1p2c.hh | Calculates phase state for a single phase but two-component state |
saturationoverlay.hh | This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid saturations and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state |
temperatureoverlay.hh | This is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid temperatures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state |
► fluidsystems | |
1padapter.hh | An adapter for multi-phase fluid systems to be used with (compositional) one-phase models. |
1pgas.hh | A gaseous phase consisting of a single component. |
1pliquid.hh | A liquid phase consisting of a single component. |
2p1c.hh | A two-phase fluid system with only one component. |
2pimmiscible.hh | A fluid system for two-phase models assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium. |
3pimmiscible.hh | A fluid system for three-phase models assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium. |
fluidsystems/base.hh | Fluid system base class. |
fluidsystems/brine.hh | A fluid system for brine, i.e. H2O with dissolved NaCl |
brineair.hh | A compositional two-phase fluid system with a liquid and a gaseous phase and \(H_2O\), \(Air\) and \(S\) (dissolved minerals) as components. |
brineco2.hh | A compositional fluid with brine (H2O & NaCl) and carbon dioxide as components in both the liquid and the gas (supercritical) phase. |
h2oair.hh | A compositional two-phase fluid system with water and air as components in both, the liquid and the gas phase. |
h2oairmesitylene.hh | A three-phase fluid system featuring gas, NAPL and water as phases and distilled water \((\mathrm{H_2O})\) and air (Pseudo component composed of \(\mathrm{79\%\;N_2}\), \(\mathrm{20\%\;O_2}\) and Mesitylene \((\mathrm{C_6H_3(CH_3)_3})\) as components. |
h2oairxylene.hh | A three-phase fluid system featuring gas, NAPL and water as phases and distilled water \((\mathrm{H_2O})\) and air (Pseudo component composed of \(\mathrm{79\%\;N_2}\), \(\mathrm{20\%\;O_2}\) and Mesitylene \((\mathrm{C_8H_{10}})\) as components. |
h2oheavyoil.hh | A compositional fluid system with water and heavy oil components in both the liquid and the gas phase. |
h2on2.hh | |
h2on2kinetic.hh | |
h2on2o2.hh | A two-phase (water and air) fluid system with water, nitrogen and oxygen as components. |
liquidphase2c.hh | A liquid phase consisting of a two components, a main component and a conservative tracer component. |
nullparametercache.hh | The a parameter cache which does nothing. |
parametercachebase.hh | The base class of the parameter cache classes for fluid systems. |
spe5.hh | The fluid system for the SPE-5 benchmark problem. |
spe5parametercache.hh | Specifies the parameters required by the SPE5 problem which are despondent on the thermodynamic state. |
► solidstates | |
compositionalsolidstate.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a compositional solid system |
inertsolidstate.hh | Represents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a inert solid system |
updatesolidvolumefractions.hh | Update the solid volume fractions (inert and reacitve) and set them in the solidstate |
► solidsystems | |
1csolid.hh | The simplest solid phase consisting of a single solid component |
compositionalsolidphase.hh | A solid phase consisting of multiple inert solid components |
► spatialparams | |
fv.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of multi-phase problems using a fully implicit discretization method |
fv1p.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of one-phase problems using a fully implicit discretization method |
fv1pconstant.hh | A spatial params implementation for 1p problem with constant properties |
fvelastic.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of linear elastic geomechanical problems |
fvnonequilibrium.hh | Base class for spatial parameters dealing with thermal and chemical non-equilibrium |
fvporoelastic.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of poro-elastic geomechanical problems |
gstatrandomfield.hh | Creating random fields using gstat |
sequentialfv.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of problems using the fv method |
sequentialfv1p.hh | The base class for spatial parameters of problems using the fv method |
constants.hh | A central place for various physical constants occuring in some equations |
idealgas.hh | Relations valid for an ideal gas |
► multidomain | |
► boundary | |
► darcydarcy | |
multidomain/boundary/darcydarcy/couplingmanager.hh | Coupling manager for equal-dimension boundary coupling |
boundary/darcydarcy/couplingmapper.hh | |
► stokesdarcy | |
couplingdata.hh | |
multidomain/boundary/stokesdarcy/couplingmanager.hh | |
boundary/stokesdarcy/couplingmapper.hh | |
► embedded | |
circleaveragepointsourcetraits.hh | Point source traits for average-based coupling modes |
circlepoints.hh | Helper function to compute points on a circle |
couplingmanager1d3d.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain |
couplingmanager1d3d_average.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain |
couplingmanager1d3d_kernel.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain |
couplingmanager1d3d_line.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain |
couplingmanager1d3d_surface.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain |
couplingmanager2d3d.hh | Coupling manager for embedded fractures |
couplingmanagerbase.hh | Coupling manager for low-dimensional domains embedded in the bulk domain. Point sources on each integration point are computed by an AABB tree |
cylinderintegration.hh | Integration over cylindrical and elliptic cylindrical domains Lowest order integration formulas that are mostly useful to evenly distribute mass in a cylindrical domain |
extendedsourcestencil.hh | Extended source stencil helper class for coupling managers |
integrationpointsource.hh | An integration point source class, i.e. sources located at a single point in space associated with a quadrature point |
pointsourcedata.hh | Data associated with a point source |
► facet | |
► box | |
multidomain/facet/box/couplingmanager.hh | |
facet/box/couplingmapper.hh | |
multidomain/facet/box/darcyslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/box/fickslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/box/fourierslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/box/fvelementgeometry.hh | |
multidomain/facet/box/fvgridgeometry.hh | Base class for the finite volume grid geometry for box models in the context of models considering coupling of different domains across the bulk grid facets. This builds up the sub control volumes and sub control volume faces for each element of the grid partition |
multidomain/facet/box/localresidual.hh | Calculates the element-wise residual for the box scheme with coupling to a lower-dimensional domain occurring across the element facets |
multidomain/facet/box/properties.hh | Properties (and default properties) for all models using the box scheme together with coupling across the grid element facets |
multidomain/facet/box/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | Base class for a sub control volume face of the box method in the context of of models considering coupling of different domains across the bulk grid facets |
multidomain/facet/box/upwindscheme.hh | Modified upwind scheme for models using the box scheme with coupling across element facets |
► cellcentered | |
► mpfa | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/mpfa/couplingmanager.hh | |
facet/cellcentered/mpfa/couplingmapper.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/mpfa/interactionvolume.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/mpfa/localassembler.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/mpfa/localsubcontrolentities.hh | Classes for sub control entities of the mpfa-o method in the context of facet coupling |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/mpfa/properties.hh | Properties (and default properties) for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with MPFA together with coupling across the grid element facets |
► tpfa | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/couplingmanager.hh | |
facet/cellcentered/tpfa/couplingmapper.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/darcyslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/fickslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/fourierslaw.hh | |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/properties.hh | Properties (and default properties) for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with TPFA together with coupling across the grid element facets |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/localresidual.hh | Calculates the element-wise residual for cell-centered discretization schemes in models where coupling occurs across the element facets. This extra implementation is necessary as facets that lie on the boundary but couple to a facet element have to be treated differently |
multidomain/facet/cellcentered/upwindscheme.hh | Modified upwind scheme for models using cell-centered schemes with coupling across element facets |
codimonegridadapter.hh | |
multidomain/facet/couplingmanager.hh | |
facet/couplingmapper.hh | |
couplingmapperbase.hh | |
enrichmenthelper.hh | |
gmshreader.hh | |
multidomain/facet/gridmanager.hh | Contains the grid manager class that creates the grids in the context of hybrid-dimensional coupled models, where the (n-1)-dimensional domains live on the element facets of the n-dimensional domains. Also, it allows to extract a grid data object containing parameters passed to elements and/or boundary segments. All grids are constructed from a single grid file |
vertexmapper.hh | |
► io | |
multidomain/io/vtkoutputmodule.hh | Multidomain wrapper for multiple vtk output modules |
couplingjacobianpattern.hh | Helper function to generate Jacobian pattern for multi domain models |
multidomain/couplingmanager.hh | The interface of the coupling manager for multi domain problems |
multidomain/fvassembler.hh | A linear system assembler (residual and Jacobian) for finite volume schemes with multiple domains |
multidomain/fvgridgeometry.hh | Multidomain wrapper for multiple grid geometries |
multidomain/fvgridvariables.hh | Multidomain wrapper for multiple grid variables |
multidomain/fvproblem.hh | Multidomain wrapper for multiple problems |
glue.hh | A class glueing two grids of potentially different dimension geometrically. Intersections are computed using axis-aligned bounding box trees |
multidomain/newtonsolver.hh | |
staggeredcouplingmanager.hh | The interface of the coupling manager for multi domain problems |
staggeredtraits.hh | Linear algebra traits for mixeddimension problems |
subdomainboxlocalassembler.hh | An assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (box methods) for multidomain problems |
subdomaincclocalassembler.hh | A multidomain local assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (cell-centered methods) |
subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh | A multidomain assembler for Jacobian and residual contribution per element (staggered method) |
multidomain/traits.hh | Traits for multidomain problems |
► nonlinear | |
findscalarroot.hh | Root finding algorithms for scalar functions |
newtonconvergencewriter.hh | This class provides the infrastructure to write the convergence behaviour of the newton method into a VTK file |
nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh | Reference implementation of a Newton solver |
staggerednewtonconvergencewriter.hh | This class provides the infrastructure to write the convergence behaviour of the newton method for the staggered discretization scheme into a VTK file |
► parallel | |
vectorcommdatahandle.hh | Contains a class to exchange entries of a vector |
► porousmediumflow | |
► 1p | |
► sequential | |
► diffusion | |
► cellcentered | |
1p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressure.hh | Sequential OneP Model solving the equations for pressure and velocity separately |
1p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressureproperties.hh | Defines the properties required for finite volume pressure models |
1p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressurevelocity.hh | Single Phase Finite Volume Model |
1p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/velocity.hh | Single phase finite volume velocity reconstruction |
porousmediumflow/1p/sequential/diffusion/problem.hh | Base class for all single phase diffusion problems |
porousmediumflow/1p/sequential/diffusion/properties.hh | Specifies the properties for 1p pressure models |
1p/sequential/celldata.hh | Class including data of one grid cell |
1p/sequential/fluxdata.hh | Class storing data assigned to a cell-cell interfaces, so-called flux-data |
porousmediumflow/1p/sequential/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the sequential one-phase model |
porousmediumflow/1p/sequential/properties.hh | Defines the properties required for the single phase sequential model |
1p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the residual and its derivatives for a single-phase, incompressible, test problem |
porousmediumflow/1p/indices.hh | Defines the indices for the one-phase fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/1p/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the one phase model |
porousmediumflow/1p/model.hh | A single-phase, isothermal flow model using the fully implicit scheme |
porousmediumflow/1p/volumevariables.hh | Quantities required by the one-phase fully implicit model defined on a vertex |
► 1pnc | |
porousmediumflow/1pnc/indices.hh | Defines the primary variable and equation indices used by the 1pnc model |
porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the OnePNC model |
porousmediumflow/1pnc/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit model to the one-phase n-component flow model |
porousmediumflow/1pnc/volumevariables.hh | Quantities required by the single-phase, n-component box model defined on a vertex |
► 1pncmin | |
porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh | A single-phase, multi-component model considering mineralization processes |
► 2p | |
► sequential | |
► diffusion | |
► cellcentered | |
2p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressure.hh | Finite Volume discretization of a two-phase flow pressure equation |
cellcentered/pressureadaptive.hh | Finite volume discretization of a two-phase flow pressure equation |
2p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressureproperties.hh | Defines the properties required for finite volume pressure models in a two-phase sequential model |
cellcentered/pressurepropertiesadaptive.hh | Defines the properties required for finite volume pressure models in a two-phase sequential model |
2p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressurevelocity.hh | Two-phase finite volume model |
2p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/velocity.hh | Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation |
velocityadaptive.hh | Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation |
► mimetic | |
croperator.hh | Defines a class for Crozieux-Raviart piecewise linear finite element functions |
croperatoradaptive.hh | Defines a class for Crozieux-Raviart piecewise linear finite element functions |
localstiffness.hh | Base class for assembling local stiffness matrices |
mimetic.hh | Local stiffness matrix for the diffusion equation discretized by mimetic FD |
mimeticadaptive.hh | Local stiffness matrix for the diffusion equation discretized by mimetic FD |
operator.hh | An assembler for the Jacobian matrix based on mimetic FD |
operatoradaptive.hh | An assembler for the Jacobian matrix based on mimetic FD |
2p/sequential/diffusion/mimetic/pressure.hh | Model for the pressure equation discretized by mimetic FD |
mimetic/pressureadaptive.hh | Model for the pressure equation discretized by mimetic FD |
2p/sequential/diffusion/mimetic/pressureproperties.hh | Defines the properties required for (immiscible) twophase sequential models |
mimetic/pressurepropertiesadaptive.hh | Defines the properties required for (immiscible) twophase sequential models |
► mpfa | |
► lmethod | |
lmethod/2dpressure.hh | Finite volume MPFA L-method discretization of a two-phase pressure equation of the sequential IMPES model |
2dpressureadaptive.hh | Grid adaptive finite volume MPFA L-method discretization of a two-phase pressure equation of the sequential IMPES model |
lmethod/2dpressureproperties.hh | Properties for the MPFA-L method |
2dpressurepropertiesadaptive.hh | Properties for the adaptive MPFA-L method |
lmethod/2dpressurevelocity.hh | Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation using a MPFA L-method |
2dpressurevelocityadaptive.hh | Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation using a grid adaptive MPFA L-method |
2dtransmissibilitycalculator.hh | Provides methods for transmissibility calculation 2-d |
lmethod/2dvelocity.hh | Velocity calculation using a 2-d MPFA L-method |
2dvelocityadaptive.hh | Velocity calculation on adaptive grids using a 2-d MPFA L-method |
3dinteractionvolumecontainer.hh | Interactionvolume container for 3-d MPFA L-method |
3dinteractionvolumecontaineradaptive.hh | Interactionvolume container for 3-d MPFA L-method on an h-adaptive grid |
3dpressure.hh | 3-d finite Volume-MPFAL implementation of a two-phase pressure equation |
3dpressureadaptive.hh | 3-d finite Volume-MPFAL implementation of a two-phase pressure equation on h-adaptive grids |
3dpressureproperties.hh | Properties for the MPFA-O method |
3dpressurepropertiesadaptive.hh | Properties for the MPFA-O method |
3dpressurevelocity.hh | 3d Velocity Field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation using a MPFA L-method |
3dpressurevelocityadaptive.hh | 3d Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation using a grid adaptive MPFA L-method |
3dtransmissibilitycalculator.hh | Provides methods for transmissibility calculation in 3-d |
3dvelocity.hh | 2-d velocity calculation using a 3-d MPFA L-method |
3dvelocityadaptive.hh | 3-d velocity calculation on adaptive grids using a 3-d MPFA L-method |
► omethod | |
omethod/2dpressure.hh | Finite volume MPFA O-method discretization of a two-phase pressure equation of the sequential IMPES model |
omethod/2dpressureproperties.hh | Properties for the MPFA-O method |
omethod/2dpressurevelocity.hh | Velocity field from a finite volume solution of a pressure equation using a MPFA O-method |
omethod/2dvelocity.hh | Velocity calculation using a 2-d MPFA O-method |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/diffusion/problem.hh | Base class for stationary solution of a two-phase diffusion/pressure equation |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/diffusion/properties.hh | Specifies the properties for immiscible 2p diffusion/pressure models |
► impes | |
gridadaptionindicator.hh | Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaption |
gridadaptionindicatorlocal.hh | Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaption |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/impes/problem.hh | Base class for all 2-phase problems which use an IMPES algorithm |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/impes/properties.hh | Properties related to the sequential IMPES algorithms |
propertiesadaptive.hh | Properties for adaptive implementations of the sequential IMPES algorithms |
► transport | |
► cellcentered | |
capillarydiffusion.hh | Class for defining the diffusive capillary pressure term of a 2p saturation equation |
convectivepart.hh | Base class for defining a convective part of the saturation transport equation |
diffusivepart.hh | Base class for defining a diffusive part of the saturation transport equation |
evalcflflux.hh | Base class for implementations of different kinds of fluxes to evaluate a CFL-Condition |
evalcflfluxcoats.hh | Cfl-flux-function to evaluate a Cfl-Condition after Coats 2003 |
evalcflfluxdefault.hh | Fluxes to evaluate a CFL-Condition |
gravitypart.hh | Class for defining the gravity term of a two-phase flow saturation equation |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/transport/cellcentered/properties.hh | Specifies the properties for immiscible 2p transport |
saturation.hh | Finite volume discretization of a saturation transport equation |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/transport/problem.hh | Base class for two-phase transport problems |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/transport/properties.hh | Specifies the properties for immiscible 2p transport |
2p/sequential/celldata.hh | Class including data of one grid cell |
sequential/celldataadaptive.hh | Class including the data of a grid cell needed if an adaptive grid is used |
2p/sequential/fluxdata.hh | Class storing data assigned to a cell-cell interfaces, so-called flux-data |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the two-phase sequential model |
porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/properties.hh | Defines the properties required for (immiscible) two-phase sequential models |
boxmaterialinterfaces.hh | |
formulation.hh | Defines an enumeration for the formulations accepted by the two-phase model |
gridadaptindicator.hh | Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaptation |
porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh | Performs the transfer of data on a grid from before to after adaptation |
2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the residual and its derivatives for a two-phase, incompressible test problem |
porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the two-phase fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the two-phase model |
porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase flow model |
saturationreconstruction.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase model |
► 2p1c | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/darcyslaw.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/indices.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/localresidual.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh | A two-phase one-component flow model using the fully implicit scheme |
2p1c/primaryvariableswitch.hh | |
porousmediumflow/2p1c/volumevariables.hh | |
► 2p2c | |
► sequential | |
adaptiveproperties.hh | Defines the properties required for the adaptive sequential 2p2c models |
2p2c/sequential/celldata.hh | Storage container for discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element |
c/sequential/celldataadaptive.hh | Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element |
celldatamultiphysics.hh | Storage container for discretized data for multi-physics models |
2p2c/sequential/fluxdata.hh | Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations |
fv2dpressureadaptive.hh | Finite Volume Diffusion Model |
fv2dtransportadaptive.hh | Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation |
fv3dpressureadaptive.hh | Finite volume diffusion model |
fv3dtransportadaptive.hh | Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation |
fvmpfal3dinteractionvolumecontaineradaptive.hh | Interaction volume container for compositional adaptive 3-d (using MPFA L-method) |
fvpressure.hh | Finite volume 2p2c pressure model |
fvpressurecompositional.hh | Base class for compositional pressure equations |
fvpressuremultiphysics.hh | Finite volume 2p2c pressure model with multi-physics |
fvtransport.hh | Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation |
fvtransportmultiphysics.hh | Finite volume discretization of the component transport equation |
porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/problem.hh | Base class for sequential 2p2c compositional problems |
porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh | Defines the properties required for the sequential 2p2c models |
2p2c/sequential/variableclassadaptive.hh | Base class holding the variables for sequential models |
porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase two-component fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase two-component model |
► 2pnc | |
porousmediumflow/2pnc/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the two-phase n-component model |
porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the twop-nc model |
porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase n-component fully implicit model |
2pnc/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch for the 2pnc model |
porousmediumflow/2pnc/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase, n-component model |
► 2pncmin | |
porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase n-component fully implicit model with additional solid/mineral phases |
► 3p | |
porousmediumflow/3p/indices.hh | Defines the indices for the three-phase model |
porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the three-phase model |
porousmediumflow/3p/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the three-phase flow model |
porousmediumflow/3p/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the three-phase model |
► 3p3c | |
porousmediumflow/3p3c/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the three-phase three-component fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the three-phase three-component model |
porousmediumflow/3p3c/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the Jacobian matrix for problems using the three-phase three-component fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/3p3c/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the three-phase three-component flow model |
3p3c/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch for the 3p3c model |
porousmediumflow/3p3c/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the three-phase three-component model |
► 3pwateroil | |
porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/indices.hh | Defines the indices required for the 3p2cni model |
porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the three-phase three-component model |
porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the Jacobian matrix for problems using the three-phase three-component fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the three-phase three-component flow model |
3pwateroil/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch for the 3p3c model |
porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the three-phase, two-component model |
► boxdfm | |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fluxvariablescache.hh | Cache class for the flux variables to be used in conjunction with the box discrete fracture scheme |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fvelementgeometry.hh | Base class for the local finite volume geometry for the box discrete fracture model |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fvgridgeometry.hh | Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box schemes that consider extra connectivity between grid vertices on marked codim one entities |
geometryhelper.hh | Helper class constructing the dual grid finite volume geometries for the box discrete fracture model |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/model.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for porous medium flow models using the box scheme extended to discrete fractures |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/subcontrolvolume.hh | Sub control volume for the box discrete fracture scheme |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/subcontrolvolumeface.hh | The sub control volume face class for the box discrete fracture model |
porousmediumflow/boxdfm/vtkoutputmodule.hh | A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format |
► co2 | |
porousmediumflow/co2/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the CO2Model model |
co2/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch for the 2p2c-CO2 model |
porousmediumflow/co2/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the CO2 model |
► compositional | |
porousmediumflow/compositional/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using compositional fully implicit model |
compositional/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch base class for compositional models |
switchableprimaryvariables.hh | A primary variable vector with a state to allow variable switches |
► immiscible | |
porousmediumflow/immiscible/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the residual for problems using the n-phase immiscible fully implicit models |
► mineralization | |
porousmediumflow/mineralization/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the models considering mineralization processes |
porousmediumflow/mineralization/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using a compositional model that also considers mineralization of solid phases |
porousmediumflow/mineralization/model.hh | Defines the properties required for compositional porous medium flow models considering mineralization processes of one or more of the components |
porousmediumflow/mineralization/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a sub-control volume of the finite volume grid in the two-phase, n-component mineralization model |
► mpnc | |
porousmediumflow/mpnc/indices.hh | The primary variable and equation indices for the MpNc model |
porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the mpnc model |
porousmediumflow/mpnc/localresidual.hh | MpNc specific details needed to approximately calculate the local defect in the fully implicit scheme |
porousmediumflow/mpnc/model.hh | A fully implicit model for MpNc flow using vertex centered finite volumes |
pressureformulation.hh | Enumeration of the formulations accepted by the MpNc model |
porousmediumflow/mpnc/volumevariables.hh | Contains the secondary variables (Quantities which are constant within a finite volume) of the MpNc model |
► nonequilibrium | |
► thermal | |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh | This file contains the parts of the local residual to calculate the heat conservation in the thermal non-equilibrium model |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/gridvariables.hh | Class storing scv and scvf variables |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/indices.hh | The primary variable and equation indices for the MpNc model |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to non-equilibrium models |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh | The local residual for the kinetic mass transfer module of the compositional multi-phase model |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/model.hh | This specifies models which are able to capture non-equilibrium mass and / or energy transfer |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/newtonsolver.hh | A MpNc specific newton solver |
porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh | This class contains the volume variables required for the modules which require the specific interfacial area between fluid phases |
► nonisothermal | |
porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/indices.hh | Defines the indices used by the non-isothermal two-phase two-component model |
porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal models |
porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for non-isothermal fully implicit models |
porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/model.hh | The implicit non-isothermal model |
porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/volumevariables.hh | Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all volume averaged quantities |
► richards | |
porousmediumflow/richards/indices.hh | Index names for the Richards model |
porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the Richards model |
porousmediumflow/richards/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the Jacobian matrix for problems using the Richards fully implicit models |
porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh | This model implements a variant of the Richards' equation for quasi-twophase flow |
porousmediumflow/richards/newtonsolver.hh | A Richards model Newton solver |
richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh | The primary variable switch for the extended Richards model |
porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh | Volume averaged quantities required by the Richards model |
► richardsnc | |
porousmediumflow/richardsnc/indices.hh | Defines the primary variable and equation indices used by the richardsnc model |
porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the Richards model |
porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh | Base class for all models which use the Richards, n-component fully implicit model |
porousmediumflow/richardsnc/volumevariables.hh | Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the Richards, n-component model |
► sequential | |
► cellcentered | |
► mpfa | |
linteractionvolume.hh | Class including the information of an interaction volume of a MPFA L-method that does not change with time |
linteractionvolume3d.hh | Class including the information of an interaction volume of a MPFA 3D method that does not change with time |
linteractionvolume3dadaptive.hh | Class including the information of an interaction volume of a MPFA 3D method that does not change with time |
ointeractionvolume.hh | Class including the information of an interaction volume of a MPFA O-method that does not change with time |
porousmediumflow/sequential/cellcentered/mpfa/properties.hh | Properties for a MPFA method |
velocityintransport.hh | Implementation of a interface velocity class for MPFA models |
sequential/cellcentered/pressure.hh | Finite Volume Diffusion Model |
transport.hh | Finite Volume discretization of a transport equation |
sequential/cellcentered/velocity.hh | Finite volume velocity reconstruction |
velocitydefault.hh | Default implementation of velocity class |
► mimetic | |
porousmediumflow/sequential/mimetic/properties.hh | Defines the basic properties required for a mimetic method |
gridadapt.hh | Base class for h-adaptive sequential models |
gridadaptinitializationindicator.hh | Class defining a start indicator for grid adaption |
gridadaptinitializationindicatordefault.hh | Class defining a start indicator for grid adaption |
gridadaptproperties.hh | Defines a type tag and some fundamental properties for linear solvers |
impet.hh | IMPET scheme |
impetproblem.hh | Base class for defining an instance of the diffusion problem |
impetproperties.hh | Base file for properties related to sequential IMPET algorithms |
onemodelproblem.hh | Base class for definition of an sequential diffusion (pressure) or transport problem |
sequential/pressureproperties.hh | Base file for properties related to sequential IMPET algorithms |
porousmediumflow/sequential/properties.hh | Base file for properties related to sequential models |
transportproperties.hh | Specifies the properties for immiscible 2p transport |
variableclass.hh | Base class holding the variables for sequential models |
sequential/variableclassadaptive.hh | Base class holding the variables for sequential models |
► solidenergy | |
porousmediumflow/solidenergy/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the residual |
porousmediumflow/solidenergy/model.hh | The energy balance equation for a porous solid |
porousmediumflow/solidenergy/volumevariables.hh | Class for computation of all volume averaged quantities |
► tracer | |
porousmediumflow/tracer/indices.hh | Defines the primary variable and equation indices used by the isothermal tracer model |
porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh | Adds I/O fields specific to the tracer model |
porousmediumflow/tracer/localresidual.hh | Element-wise calculation of the local residual for problems using fully implicit tracer model |
porousmediumflow/tracer/model.hh | Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the tracer transport model |
porousmediumflow/tracer/volumevariables.hh | Quantities required by the tracer model in a control volume |
porousmediumflow/fluxvariables.hh | Base class for the flux variables in porous medium models |
porousmediumflow/fluxvariablescache.hh | Base class for the flux variables |
fluxvariablescachefiller.hh | A helper class to fill the flux variables cache |
porousmediumflow/problem.hh | Base class for all porous media problems |
porousmediumflow/properties.hh | Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the box scheme |
velocity.hh | Velocity computation for implicit (porous media) models |
porousmediumflow/velocityoutput.hh | Velocity output for porous media models |
porousmediumflow/volumevariables.hh | Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all volume averaged quantities |
► python | |
► common | |
python/common/boundarytypes.hh | TODO: docme! |
python/common/fvproblem.hh | TODO: docme! |
python/common/timeloop.hh | TODO: docme! |
► discretization | |
gridgeometry.hh | TODO: docme! |