DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
common Directory Reference


directory  geometry
directory  properties
directory  typetraits


file  balanceequationopts.hh [code]
 Traits class to set options used by the local residual when when evaluating the balance equations.
file  boundaryconditions.hh [code]
 Definition of boundary condition types, extend if necessary.
file  boundaryflag.hh [code]
 Boundary flag to store e.g. in sub control volume faces.
file  common/boundarytypes.hh [code]
 Class to specify the type of a boundary.
file  cubicspline.hh [code]
 A simple implementation of a cubic spline.
file  cubicsplinehermitebasis.hh [code]
 The cubic hermite spline basis.
file  defaultmappertraits.hh [code]
 Defines the default element and vertex mapper types.
file  defaultusagemessage.hh [code]
 Function printing a default usage message.
file  deprecated.hh [code]
 Helpers for deprecation.
file  dimensionlessnumbers.hh [code]
 Collection of functions, calculating dimensionless numbers.
file  doubleexpintegrationconstants.hh [code]
 Exponential integration abcissas.
file  doubleexpintegrator.hh [code]
 A double exponential integrator.
file  dumuxmessage.hh [code]
 Provides the class creating the famous DuMux start and end messages.
file  entitymap.hh [code]
 A map from indices to entities using grid entity seeds.
file  enumerate.hh [code]
 A Python-like enumerate function.
file  exceptions.hh [code]
 Some exceptions thrown in DuMux
file  fixedlengthspline_.hh [code]
 Implements a spline with a fixed number of sampling points.
file  common/fvproblem.hh [code]
 Base class for all finite volume problems.
file  indextraits.hh [code]
 Defines the index types used for grid and local indices.
file  integrate.hh [code]
 Define helper functions for integration.
file  intersectionmapper.hh [code]
 defines intersection mappers.
file  loggingparametertree.hh [code]
 A parameter tree that logs which parameters have been used.
file  math.hh [code]
 Define some often used mathematical functions.
file  monotonecubicspline.hh [code]
 A monotone cubic spline.
file  numericdifferentiation.hh [code]
 A class for numeric differentiation.
file  optionalscalar.hh [code]
 A wrapper that can either contain a valid Scalar or NaN.
file  parameters.hh [code]
 The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.
file  partial.hh [code]
 Get only parts of a container or tuple.
file  common/pdesolver.hh [code]
 Defines a high-level interface for a PDESolver.
file  pointsource.hh [code]
 A point source class, i.e. sources located at a single point in space.
file  common/properties.hh [code]
 Declares all properties used in Dumux.
file  reorderingdofmapper.hh [code]
 An SCSG element mapper that sorts the indices in order to optimize the matrix sparsity pattern.
file  reservedblockvector.hh [code]
 A arithmetic block vector type based on DUNE's reserved vector.
file  spline.hh [code]
 Provides 3rd order polynomial splines.
file  splinecommon_.hh [code]
 The common code for all 3rd order polynomial splines.
file  staggeredfvproblem.hh [code]
 Base class for all staggered fv problems.
file  start.hh [code]
 Provides a few default main functions for convenience.
file  tabulated2dfunction.hh [code]
 Implements tabulation for a two-dimensional function.
file  tag.hh [code]
 Helper class to create (named and comparable) tagged types.
file  common/timeloop.hh [code]
 Manages the handling of time dependent problems.
file  timemanager.hh [code]
 Manages the handling of time dependent problems.
file  valgrind.hh [code]
 Some templates to wrap the valgrind macros.
file  variablelengthspline_.hh [code]
 Implements a spline with a variable number of sampling points.