DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 Porous-Medium Flow ModelsSingle and multi-phase models for flow and transport in porous materials
 1pSingle-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/1p/model.hh
 SequentialSequential single-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow
 1pncSingle-phase, multi-component Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/1pnc/model.hh
 1pncminSingle-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh
 2pTwo-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
 SequentialSequential two-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow
 2p1cTwo-phase, one-component Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh
 2p2cTwo-phase, two-component Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh
 SequentialSequential two-phase, two-component Darcy flow
 2pncTwo-phase, multi-component Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
 2pncminTwo-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh
 3pThree-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/3p/model.hh
 3p3cThree-phase, three-component Darcy flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/3p3c/model.hh
 3pwateroilThree-phase, two-component Darcy flow with water (liquid & gas) and oil For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/model.hh
 boxdfmVertex-centered, continuous-pressure, conforming lower-dimensional discrete-fracture model For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/boxdfm/model.hh
 CO2Two-phase, two-component Darcy flow specialized for supercritical CO2 storage For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/co2/model.hh
 mineralizationModel adding components that can precipitate as a solid phase to a standard Darcy flow model
 mpncGeneralized multi-phase, multi-component Darcy flow
 NonEquilibriumModel that adds nonequilibrium equations to another porous medium flow model (only used in MPNCModel currently) For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/model.hh
 ThermalNonEquilibriumModel that adapts the energy localresidual to thermal nonequilibrium For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh
 nonisothermalModel that adds an energy equation (thermal equilibrium) to another porous medium flow model
 RichardsRichards flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
 Richards ncRichards multi-component flow For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
 Solid energyEnergy equation for the solid (general heat equation) For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/solidenergy/model.hh
 TracerMulti-component advection-diffusion-reaction model with given velocity field For a detailed model decription see porousmediumflow/tracer/model.hh
 Free Flow ModelsSingle-phase models based on the Navier-Stokes equation
 Navier-StokesSingle-phase Navier-Stokes flow For a detailed model decription see freeflow/navierstokes/model.hh
 Reynolds-Averaged Navier-StokesSingle-phase Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes flow For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/model.hh
 0-Eq. ModelsZero-equation or algebraic turbulence models For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/zeroeq/model.hh
 1-Eq. ModelsOne-equation turbulence model by Spalart-Allmaras For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/oneeq/model.hh
 2-Eq. ModelsTwo-equation turbulence models
 K-epsilon modelK-epsilon model For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/twoeq/kepsilon/model.hh
 K-omega modelK-omega model For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/twoeq/komega/model.hh
 Low-Re k-epsilon modelLow-Re k-epsilon model For a detailed model decription see freeflow/rans/twoeq/lowrekepsilon/model.hh
 CompositionalSingle-phase multi-component free-flow flow models For a detailed model decription see freeflow/compositional/navierstokesncmodel.hh
 NonisothermalAn energy equation adaptor for isothermal free-flow models For a detailed model decription see freeflow/nonisothermal/model.hh
 2D shallow water modelTwo-dimensional shallow water flow (depth-averaged) For a detailed model decription see freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh
 Geomechanics ModelsModels taking into account solid deformation
 Solid mechanics w/o fluid pressureModels linear elastic deformation of a solid. Disregards fluid pressure. For a detailed model decription see geomechanics/elastic/model.hh
 Solid mechanics with fluid pressureModels linear elastic deformation of a solid. Takes fluid pressure into account. For a detailed model decription see geomechanics/poroelastic/model.hh
 GeometryAlgorithms for geometry computations (intersections, distances, ...)
 Discretization schemesThe discretization schemes available in DuMux
 Box FV schemeThe box method is a collocated finite volume scheme with control volumes centered at grid nodes
 Cell-centered FV schemeFinite volume schemes with degrees of freedom located at grid cell centers
 Two-point flux approximation (Tpfa)A cell-centered finite volume scheme with two-point flux approximation
 Multi-point flux approximation (Mpfa)A cell-centered finite volume scheme with multi-point flux approximation
 Staggered FV schemeA staggered finite volume scheme with degrees of freedom at cell-centers and facets
 Finite element methodThe finite element method
 FluxEverything flux related in DuMux
 Flux related to the box schemeFlux related to the box scheme
 Flux related to the cell-centered schemesFlux related to the cell-centered schemes
 Flux related to the cell-centered two-point flux approximation schemesFlux related to the cell-centered two-point flux approximation schemes
 Flux related to the cell-centered multi-point flux approximation schemesFlux related to the cell-centered multi-point flux approximation schemes
 Flux related to the staggered schemeFlux related to the staggered scheme
 Flux related to the shallow water modelFlux related to the shallow water model
 Material and Fluid FrameworkThe material and fluid framework with constitutive laws and mixture physics
 Binary CoefficientsBinary coefficients
 ChemistryChemical reactions
 ComponentsThermodynamics of single chemical species or fixed mixtures of species
 IAPWSTabulated values according to the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS)
 Constraint SolversConstraint solvers converting primary to secondary variables
 Equation of StateEquations of state
 Fluid-Matrix InteractionsE.g. pc-Sw, kr-Sw relations, effective diffusion coefficients
 Fluid StatesFluid states are responsible for representing the complete thermodynamic configuration of a system at a given spatial and temporal position
 Fluid SystemsFluid systems express the thermodynamic relations (functions)
 Solid StatesSolid states are responsible for representing all relevant thermodynamic quantities of solid systems
 Solid SystemsSolid systems express the thermodynamic relations (functions)
 Spatial ParametersParameters of the porous matrix and other parameter varying with position (e.g. porosity)
 AdaptiveAdaptive grids
 Assembly and SolversAssembling matrices and vectors, solvers for linear and nonlinear equations
 AssemblyAssembly of linear systems (Jacobian and residual)
 LinearLinear solvers and helpers
 NonlinearNonlinear solvers: Newton method
 ParallelFiles for communication of parallel solvers
 CommonCommon classes, functions, properties and concepts
 PropertiesBasic properties of all models in DuMux
 TypetraitsBasic Type traits in DuMux
 Input OutputInput and output of data and grids
 Multidomain simulationsCoupling of several regular DuMux problems
 Boundary coupling modeCouples problems of different or equal dimension that touch at the domain boundary. Examples are equal-dimension multi-physics problems like Darcy-Stokes coupling or PNM (pore network model)-Darcy coupling
 Darcy-Darcy domain couplingCouples domains with equal-dimension multi-physics problems in a Darcy-Darcy coupling
 Stokes-Darcy domain couplingCouples domains with equal-dimension multi-physics problems in a Stokes-Darcy coupling
 Embedded mixed-dimension coupling modeCouples problems of different dimensions where one or more lower-dimensional problems (lowdim) are embedded in a higher-dimensional domain (bulk). Examples are embedded one-dimensional networks for the simulation of blood tissue perfusion, or root-soil interaction, and embedded fracture models
 Conforming mixed-dimension facet coupling modeCouples problems of different dimensions where one or more lower-dimensional problems (lowdim) live on the facets of the higher-dimensional domain (bulk). Examples are discrete facet conforming fracture models and problems with physics on a domain surface