DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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1// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
40#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
42namespace Dumux {
43namespace FluidSystems {
53template <class Scalar,
54 class H2OType = Components::TabulatedComponent<Components::H2O<Scalar> > >
56 : public Base<Scalar, H2OAirMesitylene<Scalar, H2OType> >
64 using H2O = H2OType;
67 static const int numPhases = 3;
68 static const int numComponents = 3;
70 static const int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the water phase
71 static const int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the NAPL phase
72 static const int gPhaseIdx = 2; // index of the gas phase
74 static const int H2OIdx = 0;
75 static const int NAPLIdx = 1;
76 static const int AirIdx = 2;
78 // export component indices to indicate the main component
79 // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
80 // and room temperature 20°C:
81 static const int wCompIdx = H2OIdx;
82 static const int nCompIdx = NAPLIdx;
83 static const int gCompIdx = AirIdx;
91 static void init()
92 {
93 init(/*tempMin=*/273.15,
94 /*tempMax=*/623.15,
95 /*numTemp=*/100,
96 /*pMin=*/0.0,
97 /*pMax=*/20e6,
98 /*numP=*/200);
99 }
112 static void init(Scalar tempMin, Scalar tempMax, unsigned nTemp,
113 Scalar pressMin, Scalar pressMax, unsigned nPress)
114 {
115 if (H2O::isTabulated)
116 {
117 H2O::init(tempMin, tempMax, nTemp,
118 pressMin, pressMax, nPress);
119 }
120 }
125 static constexpr bool isMiscible()
126 { return true; }
133 static constexpr bool isGas(int phaseIdx)
134 {
135 assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
136 return phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx;
137 }
145 static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
146 { return phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx && H2O::gasIsIdeal() && Air::gasIsIdeal() && NAPL::gasIsIdeal(); }
162 static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
163 {
164 assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
165 // we assume Henry's and Raoult's laws for the water phase and
166 // and no interaction between gas molecules of different
167 // components, so all phases are ideal mixtures!
168 return true;
169 }
180 static constexpr bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
181 {
182 assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
183 // gases are always compressible
184 if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx)
185 return true;
186 else if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
187 // the water component decides for the water phase...
188 return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
190 // the NAPL component decides for the napl phase...
192 }
197 static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
198 {
199 assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
200 switch (phaseIdx)
201 {
202 case wPhaseIdx: return IOName::aqueousPhase();
203 case nPhaseIdx: return IOName::naplPhase();
204 case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseousPhase();
205 }
206 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
207 }
212 static std::string componentName(int compIdx)
213 {
214 switch (compIdx) {
215 case H2OIdx: return H2O::name();
216 case AirIdx: return Air::name();
217 case NAPLIdx: return NAPL::name();
218 }
219 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid component index " << compIdx);
220 }
226 static Scalar molarMass(int compIdx)
227 {
228 switch (compIdx) {
229 case H2OIdx: return H2O::molarMass();
230 case AirIdx: return Air::molarMass();
231 case NAPLIdx: return NAPL::molarMass();
232 }
233 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid component index " << compIdx);
234 }
236 using Base::density;
249 template <class FluidState>
250 static Scalar density(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
251 {
252 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
253 // See: Eq. (7) in Class et al. (2002a)
254 // this assumes each dissolved molecule displaces exactly one
255 // water molecule in the liquid
256 return H2O::liquidMolarDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx))
257 * (H2O::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
258 + Air::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
259 + NAPL::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx));
260 }
261 else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) {
262 // assume pure NAPL for the NAPL phase
263 Scalar pressure = NAPL::liquidIsCompressible()?fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx):1e100;
264 return NAPL::liquidDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), pressure);
265 }
267 assert (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
268 Scalar pH2O =
269 fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx) *
270 fluidState.pressure(gPhaseIdx);
271 Scalar pAir =
272 fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx) *
273 fluidState.pressure(gPhaseIdx);
274 Scalar pNAPL =
275 fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx) *
276 fluidState.pressure(gPhaseIdx);
277 return H2O::gasDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), pH2O)
278 + Air::gasDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), pAir)
279 + NAPL::gasDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), pNAPL);
280 }
282 using Base::molarDensity;
292 template <class FluidState>
293 static Scalar molarDensity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
294 {
295 Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
296 Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
298 if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
299 {
300 // assume pure NAPL for the NAPL phase
302 }
303 else if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
304 {
305 return H2O::liquidMolarDensity(temperature, pressure);
306 }
307 else
308 {
309 return H2O::gasMolarDensity(temperature, fluidState.partialPressure(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx))
310 + NAPL::gasMolarDensity(temperature, fluidState.partialPressure(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx))
311 + Air::gasMolarDensity(temperature, fluidState.partialPressure(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx));
312 }
313 }
315 using Base::viscosity;
322 template <class FluidState>
323 static Scalar viscosity(const FluidState &fluidState,
324 int phaseIdx)
325 {
326 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
327 // assume pure water viscosity
328 return H2O::liquidViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
329 fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
330 }
331 else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) {
332 // assume pure NAPL viscosity
333 return NAPL::liquidViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
334 fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
335 }
337 assert (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
339 /* Wilke method. See:
340 *
341 * See: R. Reid, et al.: The Properties of Gases and Liquids,
342 * 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987, 407-410
343 * 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001, p. 9.21/22
344 *
345 * in this case, we use a simplified version in order to avoid
346 * computationally costly evaluation of sqrt and pow functions and
347 * divisions
348 * -- compare e.g. with Promo Class p. 32/33
349 */
350 Scalar muResult;
351 const Scalar mu[numComponents] = {
352 H2O::gasViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), H2O::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx))),
353 Air::gasViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)),
354 NAPL::gasViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), NAPL::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx)))
355 };
356 // molar masses
357 const Scalar M[numComponents] = {
358 H2O::molarMass(),
361 };
363 Scalar muAW = mu[AirIdx]*fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
364 + mu[H2OIdx]*fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
365 / (fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
366 + fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
367 Scalar xAW = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
368 + fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
370 Scalar MAW = (fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx)*Air::molarMass()
371 + fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)*H2O::molarMass())
372 / xAW;
374 Scalar phiCAW = 0.3; // simplification for this particular system
375 /* actually like this
376 * using std::sqrt;
377 * using std::pow;
378 * Scalar phiCAW = pow(1.+sqrt(mu[NAPLIdx]/muAW)*pow(MAW/M[NAPLIdx],0.25),2)
379 * / sqrt(8.*(1.+M[NAPLIdx]/MAW));
380 */
381 Scalar phiAWC = phiCAW * muAW*M[NAPLIdx]/(mu[NAPLIdx]*MAW);
383 muResult = (xAW*muAW)/(xAW+fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx)*phiAWC)
384 + (fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx) * mu[NAPLIdx])
385 / (fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx) + xAW*phiCAW);
386 return muResult;
387 }
398 template <class FluidState>
399 static Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState,
400 int phaseIdx,
401 int compIdx)
402 {
403 switch (phaseIdx)
404 {
405 case gPhaseIdx:
406 {
407 switch (compIdx)
408 {
409 case NAPLIdx:
410 {
411 Scalar diffWC = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Mesitylene::gasDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
412 Scalar diffAW = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Air::gasDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
413 const Scalar xga = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
414 const Scalar xgw = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
415 const Scalar xgc = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
416 return (1.- xgw)/(xga/diffAW + xgc/diffWC);
417 }
418 case H2OIdx:
419 {
420 Scalar diffAC = BinaryCoeff::Air_Mesitylene::gasDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
421 Scalar diffWC = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Mesitylene::gasDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
422 const Scalar xga = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
423 const Scalar xgw = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
424 const Scalar xgc = fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
425 return (1.- xgc)/(xgw/diffWC + xga/diffAC);
426 }
427 case AirIdx:
428 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Diffusivity of Air in the gas phase is constraint by sum of diffusive fluxes = 0 !");
429 }
430 }
431 case wPhaseIdx:
432 {
433 Scalar diffACl = BinaryCoeff::Air_Mesitylene::liquidDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
434 Scalar diffWCl = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Mesitylene::liquidDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
435 Scalar diffAWl = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Air::liquidDiffCoeff(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
437 Scalar xwa = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
438 Scalar xww = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
439 Scalar xwc = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
441 switch (compIdx)
442 {
443 case NAPLIdx:
444 return (1.- xww)/(xwa/diffAWl + xwc/diffWCl);
445 case AirIdx:
446 return (1.- xwc)/(xww/diffWCl + xwa/diffACl);
447 case H2OIdx:
448 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException,
449 "Diffusivity of water in the water phase "
450 "is constraint by sum of diffusive fluxes = 0 !\n");
451 }
452 }
453 case nPhaseIdx:
454 {
455 return 0;
456 }
457 }
458 return 0;
459 }
462 template <class FluidState>
463 static Scalar binaryDiffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState,
464 int phaseIdx,
465 int compIIdx,
466 int compJIdx)
467 {
468 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "FluidSystems::H2OAirMesitylene::binaryDiffusionCoefficient()");
469 }
485 template <class FluidState>
486 static Scalar fugacityCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState,
487 int phaseIdx,
488 int compIdx)
489 {
490 assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
491 assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
493 Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
494 Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
496 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
497 if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
498 return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
499 else if (compIdx == AirIdx)
500 return BinaryCoeff::H2O_Air::henry(T)/p;
501 else if (compIdx == NAPLIdx)
503 }
505 // for the NAPL phase, we assume currently that nothing is
506 // dissolved. this means that the affinity of the NAPL
507 // component to the NAPL phase is much higher than for the
508 // other components, i.e. the fugacity coefficient is much
509 // smaller.
510 if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) {
511 Scalar phiNapl = NAPL::vaporPressure(T)/p;
512 if (compIdx == NAPLIdx)
513 return phiNapl;
514 else if (compIdx == AirIdx)
515 return 1e6*phiNapl;
516 else if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
517 return 1e6*phiNapl;
518 }
520 // for the gas phase, assume an ideal gas when it comes to
521 // fugacity (-> fugacity == partial pressure)
522 assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
523 return 1.0;
524 }
526 template <class FluidState>
527 static Scalar kelvinVaporPressure(const FluidState &fluidState,
528 const int phaseIdx,
529 const int compIdx)
530 {
531 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "FluidSystems::H2OAirMesitylene::kelvinVaporPressure()");
532 }
534 using Base::enthalpy;
544 template <class FluidState>
545 static Scalar enthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState,
546 int phaseIdx)
547 {
548 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
549 return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
550 }
551 else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) {
552 return NAPL::liquidEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
553 }
554 else if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx) { // gas phase enthalpy depends strongly on composition
555 Scalar hgc = NAPL::gasEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
556 fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
557 Scalar hgw = H2O::gasEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
558 fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
559 // pressure is only a dummy here (not dependent on pressure, just temperature)
560 Scalar hga = Air::gasEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
562 Scalar result = 0;
563 result += hgw * fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
564 result += hga * fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
565 result += hgc * fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
567 return result;
568 }
569 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
570 }
578 template <class FluidState>
579 static Scalar componentEnthalpy(const FluidState& fluidState, int phaseIdx, int componentIdx)
580 {
581 const Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
582 const Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
584 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
585 {
586 if (componentIdx == H2OIdx)
587 return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
588 else if (componentIdx == NAPLIdx)
589 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpy for NAPL in water is not implemented.");
590 else if (componentIdx == AirIdx)
591 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpy for Air in water is not implemented.");
592 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid component index " << componentIdx);
593 }
594 else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
595 {
596 if (componentIdx == H2OIdx)
597 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpy for water in NAPL is not implemented.");
598 else if (componentIdx == NAPLIdx)
599 return NAPL::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
600 else if (componentIdx == AirIdx)
601 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpy for air in NAPL is not implemented.");
602 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid component index " << componentIdx);
603 }
604 else if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx)
605 {
606 if (componentIdx == H2OIdx)
607 return H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
608 else if (componentIdx == NAPLIdx)
609 return NAPL::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
610 else if (componentIdx == AirIdx)
611 return Air::gasEnthalpy(T,p);
612 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid component index " << componentIdx);
613 }
614 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
615 }
617 using Base::heatCapacity;
623 template <class FluidState>
624 static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState,
625 int phaseIdx)
626 {
627 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "FluidSystems::H2OAirMesitylene::heatCapacity()");
628 }
636 template <class FluidState>
637 static Scalar thermalConductivity(const FluidState &fluidState,
638 int phaseIdx)
639 {
640 const Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
641 const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
642 if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
643 {
644 return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
645 }
646 else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
647 {
649 }
650 else if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx)
651 {
653 }
654 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
655 }
658 static Scalar waterPhaseDensity_(Scalar T, Scalar pw, Scalar xww, Scalar xwa, Scalar xwc)
659 {
660 Scalar rholH2O = H2O::liquidDensity(T, pw);
661 Scalar clH2O = rholH2O/H2O::molarMass();
663 // this assumes each dissolved molecule displaces exactly one
664 // water molecule in the liquid
665 return clH2O*(xww*H2O::molarMass() + xwa*Air::molarMass() + xwc*NAPL::molarMass());
666 }
668 static Scalar gasPhaseDensity_(Scalar T, Scalar pg, Scalar xgw, Scalar xga, Scalar xgc)
669 {
670 return H2O::gasDensity(T, pg*xgw) + Air::gasDensity(T, pg*xga) + NAPL::gasDensity(T, pg*xgc);
671 }
673 static Scalar NAPLPhaseDensity_(Scalar T, Scalar pn)
674 {
675 return NAPL::liquidDensity(T, pn);
676 }
680} // end namespace FluidSystems
681} // end namespace Dumux
A collection of input/output field names for common physical quantities.
Binary coefficients for water and air.
Binary coefficients for air and mesitylene.
Binary coefficients for water and mesitylene.
Properties of mesitylene.
Tabulates all thermodynamic properties of a given untabulated chemical species.
A simple class for the air fluid properties.
Material properties of pure water .
Relations valid for an ideal gas.
Definition: adapt.hh:29
std::string temperature() noexcept
I/O name of temperature for equilibrium models.
Definition: name.hh:51
std::string gaseousPhase() noexcept
I/O name of gaseous phase.
Definition: name.hh:123
std::string naplPhase() noexcept
I/O name of napl phase.
Definition: name.hh:131
std::string aqueousPhase() noexcept
I/O name of aqueous phase.
Definition: name.hh:127
std::string pressure(int phaseIdx) noexcept
I/O name of pressure for multiphase systems.
Definition: name.hh:34
static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Diffusion coefficient for air and mesitylene in liquid water.
Definition: air_mesitylene.hh:109
static Scalar gasDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Binary diffusion coefficient for air and mesitylene. I used the method according to Wilke and Lee se...
Definition: air_mesitylene.hh:59
static Scalar henry(Scalar temperature)
Henry coefficient for air in liquid water.
Definition: h2o_air.hh:48
static Scalar gasDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Binary diffusion coefficient for molecular water and air.
Definition: h2o_air.hh:68
static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Diffusion coefficient for molecular nitrogen in liquid water.
Definition: h2o_air.hh:101
static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Diffusion coefficient for mesitylene in liquid water.
Definition: h2o_mesitylene.hh:116
static Scalar henry(Scalar temperature)
Henry coefficient for mesitylene in liquid water.
Definition: h2o_mesitylene.hh:50
static Scalar gasDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Binary diffusion coefficient for molecular water and mesitylene.
Definition: h2o_mesitylene.hh:66
A class for the air fluid properties.
Definition: air.hh:47
static Scalar gasDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The density of Air at a given pressure and temperature.
Definition: air.hh:85
static constexpr Scalar molarMass()
The molar mass in of Air.
Definition: air.hh:62
static Scalar gasViscosity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The dynamic viscosity of Air at a given pressure and temperature.
Definition: air.hh:187
static Scalar gasThermalConductivity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Thermal conductivity of air.
Definition: air.hh:345
static constexpr bool gasIsIdeal()
Returns true, the gas phase is assumed to be ideal.
Definition: air.hh:109
static Scalar gasEnthalpy(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Specific enthalpy of Air with 273.15 as basis.
Definition: air.hh:270
static std::string name()
A human readable name for Air.
Definition: air.hh:54
static Scalar gasMolarDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The molar density of air in , depending on pressure and temperature.
Definition: air.hh:97
Definition: mesitylene.hh:48
static Scalar gasMolarDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The molar density of mesitylene in , depending on pressure and temperature.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:219
static Scalar gasEnthalpy(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Specific enthalpy of mesitylene vapor .
Definition: mesitylene.hh:195
static std::string name()
A human readable name for the mesitylene.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:55
static Scalar liquidMolarDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The molar density of pure mesitylene at a given pressure and temperature .
Definition: mesitylene.hh:242
static constexpr Scalar molarMass()
The molar mass in of mesitylene.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:61
static Scalar liquidThermalConductivity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
Thermal conductivity of mesitylene.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:379
static Scalar vaporPressure(Scalar temperature)
The saturation vapor pressure in of pure mesitylene at a given temperature according to Antoine afte...
Definition: mesitylene.hh:105
static constexpr bool liquidIsCompressible()
Returns true if the liquid phase is assumed to be compressible.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:273
static Scalar gasDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The density of mesitylene at a given pressure and temperature .
Definition: mesitylene.hh:206
static Scalar liquidEnthalpy(const Scalar temperature, const Scalar pressure)
Specific enthalpy of liquid mesitylene .
Definition: mesitylene.hh:124
static Scalar liquidDensity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The density of pure mesitylene at a given pressure and temperature .
Definition: mesitylene.hh:228
static Scalar gasViscosity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure, bool regularize=true)
The dynamic viscosity of mesitylene vapor.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:283
static constexpr bool gasIsIdeal()
Returns true if the gas phase is assumed to be ideal.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:267
static Scalar liquidViscosity(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
The dynamic viscosity of pure mesitylene.
Definition: mesitylene.hh:313
Fluid system base class.
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:45
static Scalar density(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Calculate the density of a fluid phase.
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:134
static Scalar thermalConductivity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Thermal conductivity of a fluid phase .
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:390
static Scalar fugacityCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIdx)
Calculate the fugacity coefficient of an individual component in a fluid phase.
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:197
static Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIdx)
Calculate the binary molecular diffusion coefficient for a component in a fluid phase .
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:278
static Scalar binaryDiffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx)
Given a phase's composition, temperature and pressure, return the binary diffusion coefficient for c...
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:326
static Scalar enthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Given a phase's composition, temperature, pressure and density, calculate its specific enthalpy .
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:363
static Scalar molarDensity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Calculate the molar density of a fluid phase.
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:160
static Scalar viscosity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Calculate the dynamic viscosity of a fluid phase .
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:236
static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Specific isobaric heat capacity of a fluid phase .
Definition: fluidsystems/base.hh:424
A three-phase fluid system featuring gas, NAPL and water as phases and distilled water and air (Pseu...
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:57
static const int numComponents
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:68
static Scalar thermalConductivity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Return the thermal conductivity .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:637
static Scalar molarDensity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
The molar density of a fluid phase in .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:293
static void init()
Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:91
static const int numPhases
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:67
static const int nPhaseIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:71
static Scalar componentEnthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int componentIdx)
Returns the specific enthalpy of a component in a specific phase.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:579
static const int H2OIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:74
static const int AirIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:76
static Scalar molarMass(int compIdx)
Return the molar mass of a component in .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:226
static Scalar viscosity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Return the viscosity of a phase .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:323
static Scalar enthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Given all mole fractions in a phase, return the specific phase enthalpy .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:545
static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
Returns true if and only if a fluid phase is assumed to be an ideal gas.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:145
static Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIdx)
Given all mole fractions, return the diffusion coefficient in of a component in a phase.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:399
static const int wPhaseIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:70
static constexpr bool isGas(int phaseIdx)
Return whether a phase is gaseous.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:133
static constexpr bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
Returns true if and only if a fluid phase is assumed to be compressible.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:180
static const int wCompIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:81
static Scalar fugacityCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIdx)
Returns the fugacity coefficient of a component in a phase.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:486
static const int gPhaseIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:72
static void init(Scalar tempMin, Scalar tempMax, unsigned nTemp, Scalar pressMin, Scalar pressMax, unsigned nPress)
Initialize the fluid system's static parameters using problem specific temperature and pressure range...
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:112
static constexpr bool isMiscible()
Returns whether the fluids are miscible.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:125
static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Return the heat capacity in .
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:624
static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
Returns true if and only if a fluid phase is assumed to be an ideal mixture.
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:162
static std::string componentName(int compIdx)
Return the human readable name of a component (used in indices)
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:212
static Scalar density(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
Given a phase's composition, temperature, pressure, and the partial pressures of all components,...
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:250
static const int NAPLIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:75
H2OType H2O
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:64
static const int gCompIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:83
static const int nCompIdx
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:82
static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
Return the human readable name of a phase (used in indices)
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:197
static Scalar kelvinVaporPressure(const FluidState &fluidState, const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx)
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:527
static Scalar binaryDiffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx)
Definition: h2oairmesitylene.hh:463
Fluid system base class.