DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
3p Directory Reference


file  3p/efftoabslaw.hh [code]
 This material law takes a material law defined for effective saturations and converts it to a material law defined on absolute saturations.
file  3p/efftoabslawparams.hh [code]
 A default implementation of the parameters for the adapter class to convert material laws from effective to absolute saturations.
file  napladsorption.hh [code]
 Implementation of a NAPL adsorption model.
file  parkervangen3p.hh [code]
 Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases.
file  parkervangen3pparams.hh [code]
 Specification of the material params for the van Genuchten capillary pressure model.
file  parkervangenuchten.hh [code]
 Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases.
file  regularizedparkervangen3p.hh [code]
 Implementation of a regularized version of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases.
file  regularizedparkervangen3pparams.hh [code]
 Parameters that are necessary for the regularization of the Parker - Van Genuchten capillary pressure model.
file  thermalconductivitysomerton3p.hh [code]
 Relation for the saturation-dependent effective thermal conductivity.