Two-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow. More...
Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase flow model.
This model implements two-phase flow of two immiscible fluids
By inserting Darcy's law into the equations for the conservation of the phase mass, one gets
By using constitutive relations for the capillary pressure Formulation
property to either TwoPFormulation::pwsn
or TwoPFormulation::pnsw
. By default, the model uses
Files | |
file | boxmaterialinterfaces.hh |
file | formulation.hh |
Defines an enumeration for the formulations accepted by the two-phase model. | |
file | gridadaptindicator.hh |
Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaptation. | |
file | porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh |
Performs the transfer of data on a grid from before to after adaptation. | |
file | 2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh |
Element-wise calculation of the residual and its derivatives for a two-phase, incompressible test problem. | |
file | porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh |
Defines the indices required for the two-phase fully implicit model. | |
file | porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh |
Adds I/O fields specific to the two-phase model. | |
file | porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh |
Adaption of the fully implicit scheme to the two-phase flow model. | |
file | saturationreconstruction.hh |
file | porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh |
Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase model. | |
Classes | |
class | Dumux::BoxMaterialInterfaces< GridGeometry, PcKrSw > |
Class that determines the material with the lowest capillary pressure (under fully water-saturated conditions) around the nodes of a grid. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPGridAdaptIndicator< TypeTag > |
Class defining a standard, saturation dependent indicator for grid adaptation. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPGridDataTransfer< TypeTag > |
Class performing the transfer of data on a grid from before to after adaptation. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPIncompressibleLocalResidual< TypeTag > |
Element-wise calculation of the residual and its derivatives for a two-phase, incompressible test problem. More... | |
struct | Dumux::TwoPIndices |
Defines the indices required for the two-phase fully implicit model. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPIOFields |
Adds I/O fields specific to the two-phase model. More... | |
struct | Dumux::TwoPModelTraits< formulation > |
Specifies a number properties of two-phase models. More... | |
struct | Dumux::TwoPVolumeVariablesTraits< PV, FSY, FST, SSY, SST, PT, MT, SR > |
Traits class for the two-phase model. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPScvSaturationReconstruction< DiscretizationMethod, enableReconstruction > |
Class that computes the nonwetting saturation in an scv from the saturation at the global degree of freedom. More... | |
class | Dumux::TwoPVolumeVariables< Traits > |
Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase model. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | Dumux::TwoPFormulation { Dumux::TwoPFormulation::p0s1 , Dumux::TwoPFormulation::p1s0 } |
Enumerates the formulations which the two-phase model accepts. More... | |
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