Older versions of the documentation pages can be found here:
v3.10 (stable) v3.9 (stable) v3.8 (stable) v3.7 (stable) v3.6 (stable) v3.5 (stable) v3.4 (stable) v3.3 (stable) v3.2 (stable) v3.1 (stable)
There is a collection of documented code examples available in the DuMux repository.
Open DuMux examplesThe following two scientific publications describe some of the concepts behind DuMux .
Koch, Timo, Dennis Gläser, Kilian Weishaupt, et al. (2020) DuMux 3 – an Open-Source Simulator for Solving Flow and Transport Problems in Porous Media with a Focus on Model Coupling. Computers and Mathematics with Applications.
Flemisch, B., Darcis, M., Erbertseder, K., Faigle, B., Lauser, A., Mosthaf, K., Müthing, S., Nuske, P., Tatomir, A., Wolff, M. and R. Helmig (2011): DuMux: DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, …} Flow and Transport in Porous Media. Advances in Water Resources.
Note that release 3.7 is the last release containing a handbook PDF. The handbook content has been transferred to the online documentation (doxygen/html) and we no longer publish a PDF handbook. Click on the version to download the handbook PDF document published for the corresponding release.
v3.7 (stable) v3.6 (stable) v3.5 (stable) v3.4 (stable) v3.3 (stable) v3.2 (stable) v3.1 (stable)
The DuMux Wiki contains some tips, tricks and code snippets for common problems. The Wiki is still in its beginnings. We are happy about contributed content and suggestions.