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Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar > Class Template Reference

Properties of pure molecular nitrogen \(N_2\). More...

#include <dumux/material/components/n2.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >:


template<class Scalar>
class Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >

Properties of pure molecular nitrogen \(N_2\).

Template Parameters
ScalarThe type used for scalar values

Public Types

using Scalar = Scalar
 export the scalar type used by the component More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string name ()
 A human readable name for nitrogen. More...
static constexpr Scalar molarMass ()
 The molar mass in \(\mathrm{[kg/mol]}\) of molecular nitrogen. More...
static Scalar criticalTemperature ()
 Returns the critical temperature \(\mathrm{[K]}\) of molecular nitrogen. More...
static Scalar criticalPressure ()
 Returns the critical pressure \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) of molecular nitrogen. More...
static Scalar tripleTemperature ()
 Returns the temperature \(\mathrm{[K]}\) at molecular nitrogen's triple point. More...
static Scalar triplePressure ()
 Returns the pressure \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) at molecular nitrogen's triple point. More...
static Scalar vaporPressure (Scalar T)
 The vapor pressure in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) of pure molecular nitrogen at a given temperature. More...
static Scalar gasDensity (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 The density \(\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\) of \(N_2\) gas at a given pressure and temperature. More...
static Scalar gasMolarDensity (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 The molar density of \(N_2\) gas in \(\mathrm{[mol/m^3]}\) at a given pressure and temperature. More...
static constexpr bool gasIsCompressible ()
 Returns true if the gas phase is assumed to be compressible. More...
static constexpr bool gasIsIdeal ()
 Returns true if the gas phase is assumed to be ideal. More...
static Scalar gasPressure (Scalar temperature, Scalar density)
 The pressure of gaseous \(N_2\) in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) at a given density and temperature. More...
static const Scalar gasEnthalpy (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 Specific enthalpy \(\mathrm{[J/kg]}\) of pure nitrogen gas. More...
static const Scalar gasInternalEnergy (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 Specific enthalpy \(\mathrm{[J/kg]}\) of pure nitrogen gas. More...
static const Scalar gasHeatCapacity (Scalar T, Scalar pressure)
 Specific isobaric heat capacity \(\mathrm{[J/(kg*K)]}\) of pure nitrogen gas. More...
static Scalar gasViscosity (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 The dynamic viscosity \(\mathrm{[Pa*s]}\) of \(N_2\) at a given pressure and temperature. More...
static Scalar gasThermalConductivity (Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
 Thermal conductivity \(\mathrm{[[W/(m*K)]}\) of nitrogen. More...
static void init (Scalar tempMin, Scalar tempMax, unsigned nTemp, Scalar pressMin, Scalar pressMax, unsigned nPress)
 A default routine for initialization, not needed for components and must not be called. More...
static constexpr bool gasViscosityIsConstant ()
 Returns true if the gas phase viscostiy is constant. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool isTabulated
 if the component relies on tabulated values More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Scalar

using Dumux::Components::Base< Scalar , N2< Scalar > >::Scalar = Scalar

export the scalar type used by the component

Member Function Documentation

◆ criticalPressure()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::criticalPressure ( )

Returns the critical pressure \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) of molecular nitrogen.

◆ criticalTemperature()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::criticalTemperature ( )

Returns the critical temperature \(\mathrm{[K]}\) of molecular nitrogen.

◆ gasDensity()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasDensity ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

The density \(\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\) of \(N_2\) gas at a given pressure and temperature.

temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurepressure of component in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

◆ gasEnthalpy()

template<class Scalar >
static const Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasEnthalpy ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

Specific enthalpy \(\mathrm{[J/kg]}\) of pure nitrogen gas.

temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurepressure of component in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

◆ gasHeatCapacity()

template<class Scalar >
static const Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasHeatCapacity ( Scalar  T,
Scalar  pressure 

Specific isobaric heat capacity \(\mathrm{[J/(kg*K)]}\) of pure nitrogen gas.

This is equivalent to the partial derivative of the specific enthalpy to the temperature.

See: R. Reid, et al. (1987, pp 154, 657, 665) [56]

◆ gasInternalEnergy()

template<class Scalar >
static const Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasInternalEnergy ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

Specific enthalpy \(\mathrm{[J/kg]}\) of pure nitrogen gas.

   Definition of enthalpy: \f$h= u + pv = u + p / \rho\f$.

   Rearranging for internal energy yields: \f$u = h - pv\f$.

   Exploiting the Ideal Gas assumption (\f$pv = R_{\textnormal{specific}} T\f$)gives: \f$u = h - R / M T \f$.

   The universal gas constant can only be used in the case of molar formulations.
temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurepressure of component in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

◆ gasIsCompressible()

template<class Scalar >
static constexpr bool Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasIsCompressible ( )

Returns true if the gas phase is assumed to be compressible.

◆ gasIsIdeal()

template<class Scalar >
static constexpr bool Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasIsIdeal ( )

Returns true if the gas phase is assumed to be ideal.

◆ gasMolarDensity()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasMolarDensity ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

The molar density of \(N_2\) gas in \(\mathrm{[mol/m^3]}\) at a given pressure and temperature.

temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurepressure of component in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

◆ gasPressure()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasPressure ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  density 

The pressure of gaseous \(N_2\) in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) at a given density and temperature.

temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
densitydensity of component in \(\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\)

◆ gasThermalConductivity()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasThermalConductivity ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

Thermal conductivity \(\mathrm{[[W/(m*K)]}\) of nitrogen.

Isobaric Properties for Nitrogen and Oxygen in: NIST Standard Reference Database Number 69, Eds. P.J. Linstrom and W.G. Mallard evaluated at p=.1 MPa, does not change dramatically with p and can be interpolated linearly with temperature

temperatureabsolute temperature in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressureof the phase in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

◆ gasViscosity()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::gasViscosity ( Scalar  temperature,
Scalar  pressure 

The dynamic viscosity \(\mathrm{[Pa*s]}\) of \(N_2\) at a given pressure and temperature.

temperaturetemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurepressure of component in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)


See: R. Reid, et al.: The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 4th edition (1987, pp 396-397) [56]
5th edition (2001, pp 9.7-9.8 (omega and V_c taken from p. A.19)) [54]

◆ gasViscosityIsConstant()

static constexpr bool Dumux::Components::Gas< Scalar, N2< Scalar > >::gasViscosityIsConstant ( )

Returns true if the gas phase viscostiy is constant.

◆ init()

static void Dumux::Components::Base< Scalar , N2< Scalar > >::init ( Scalar  tempMin,
Scalar  tempMax,
unsigned  nTemp,
Scalar  pressMin,
Scalar  pressMax,
unsigned  nPress 

A default routine for initialization, not needed for components and must not be called.

tempMinThe minimum of the temperature range in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
tempMaxThe maximum of the temperature range in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
nTempThe number of entries/steps within the temperature range
pressMinThe minimum of the pressure range in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)
pressMaxThe maximum of the pressure range in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)
nPressThe number of entries/steps within the pressure range

This function throws a warning when called: "No init routine defined - make sure that this is not necessary!"

◆ molarMass()

template<class Scalar >
static constexpr Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::molarMass ( )

The molar mass in \(\mathrm{[kg/mol]}\) of molecular nitrogen.

◆ name()

template<class Scalar >
static std::string Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::name ( )

A human readable name for nitrogen.

◆ triplePressure()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::triplePressure ( )

Returns the pressure \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) at molecular nitrogen's triple point.

◆ tripleTemperature()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::tripleTemperature ( )

Returns the temperature \(\mathrm{[K]}\) at molecular nitrogen's triple point.

◆ vaporPressure()

template<class Scalar >
static Scalar Dumux::Components::N2< Scalar >::vaporPressure ( Scalar  T)

The vapor pressure in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\) of pure molecular nitrogen at a given temperature.

Ttemperature of component in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)

Taken from:

R. Span, E.W. Lemmon, et al. (2000 ,pp. 1361-1433) [61]

Member Data Documentation

◆ isTabulated

constexpr bool Dumux::Components::Base< Scalar , N2< Scalar > >::isTabulated

if the component relies on tabulated values

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