DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Namespaces | Classes
Dumux::Properties Namespace Reference


namespace  Detail
 implementation details for template meta programming
namespace  TTag
 Type tag for numeric models.


struct  AdaptionIndicator
 Class defining the refinement/coarsening indicator. More...
struct  AdaptionIndicator< TypeTag, TTag::IMPESTwoPAdaptive >
 Set the standard indicator class of two-phase models for adaption or coarsening. More...
struct  AdaptionInitializationIndicator
 Class defining the refinement/coarsening indicator for grid initialization. More...
struct  AdaptionInitializationIndicator< TypeTag, TTag::GridAdapt >
struct  AdaptionInitializationIndicator< TypeTag, TTag::IMPESTwoPAdaptive >
 Set default class for adaptation initialization indicator. More...
struct  AdaptiveGrid
 Defines if the grid is h-adaptive. More...
struct  AdaptiveGrid< TypeTag, TTag::GridAdapt >
struct  AdaptiveGrid< TypeTag, TTag::IMPESTwoPAdaptive >
 Enable adaptive grid. More...
struct  AdaptiveGrid< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  AdvectionType
 The type for the calculation the advective fluxes. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Darcy's law. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Darcy's law. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use darcy's law for the advective fluxes. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 We use darcy's law as the default for the advective fluxes. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Use a modified version of Darcy's law which allows for blocking of spurious flows. More...
struct  BalanceEqOpts
 A class that collects options for the evaluation of the balance equations. More...
struct  BalanceEqOpts< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default class for the balance equation options. More...
struct  BaseEpsilon
 A base epsilon for numerical differentiation, can contain multiple values. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual
 The type of the base class of the local residual (specific to a discretization scheme) More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to BoxLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to StaggeredLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits
 Model traits to be used as a base for nonisothermal, mineralization ... models. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 states some specifics of the one-phase model More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The base model traits. Per default, we use the number of components of the fluid system. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the model traits class. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 The base model traits class. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the base model traits. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Set the model traits property. More...
struct  BoundaryMobility
struct  BoundaryMobility< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 < Saturation scales flux on Dirichlet B.C. More...
struct  BoundaryTypes
 Stores the boundary types of a single degree of freedom. More...
struct  BoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 Boundary types at a single degree of freedom. More...
struct  BoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Boundary types at a single degree of freedom. More...
struct  BoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Boundary types at a single degree of freedom. More...
struct  BoundaryValues
 Class containing local boundary data. More...
struct  CapillaryFlux
 The type of the diffusive part in a transport equation. More...
struct  CapillaryFlux< TypeTag, TTag::FVTransportTwoP >
 Set the default implementation of a diffusive flux -> diffusive flux dissabled. More...
struct  CellCenterPrimaryVariables
 The primary variables container type for cell-centered dofs. More...
struct  CellCenterPrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The cell center primary variables. More...
struct  CellCenterSolutionVector
 The solution vector type for cell-centered dofs. More...
struct  CellCenterSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  CellData
 Defines data object to be stored. More...
struct  CellData< TypeTag, TTag::IMPESTwoPAdaptive >
 Set cell data class for adaptive two-phase IMPES schemes. More...
struct  CellData< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Set standart CellData of immiscible one-phase models as default. More...
struct  CellData< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set standart CellData of immiscible two-phase models as default. More...
struct  CellData< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  CellData< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  Chemistry
 The chemistry class with which solves equlibrium reactions. More...
struct  CouplingManager
struct  DiscretizationMethod
 The type of discretization method. More...
struct  DualGridNodalIndexSet
 The type used for the nodal index sets of the dual grid. More...
struct  DualGridNodalIndexSet< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the index set type used on the dual grid nodes. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel
 The employed model for the computation of the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Use simple model with constant tortuosity as pm diffusivity model. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes
 Stores the boundary types on an element. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Use the cell center element boundary types per default. More...
struct  EnableBoxInterfaceSolver
struct  EnableBoxInterfaceSolver< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Per default, we disable the box interface solver. More...
struct  EnableCapillarity
 Returns whether capillarity is regarded. More...
struct  EnableCapillarity< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Capillarity is enabled. More...
struct  EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium
struct  EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  EnableCompressibility
 Returns whether compressibility is allowed. More...
struct  EnableCompressibility< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Disable compressibility by default. More...
struct  EnableCompressibility< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Compositional models are very likely compressible. More...
struct  EnableGridFaceVariablesCache
 Switch on/off caching of face variables. More...
struct  EnableGridFaceVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Cache the face variables per default. More...
struct  EnableGridFluxVariablesCache
 specifies if data on flux vars should be saved (faster, but more memory consuming) More...
struct  EnableGridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 disable flux variables data caching by default More...
struct  EnableGridGeometryCache
struct  EnableGridGeometryCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 We do not store the FVGeometry by default. More...
struct  EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache
 If disabled, the volume variables are not stored (reduces memory, but is slower) More...
struct  EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 We do not store the volume variables by default. More...
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Per default, we consider both thermal and chemical non-equilibrium. More...
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  EnableWaterDiffusionInAir
 Property for turning Richards into extended Richards. More...
struct  EnableWaterDiffusionInAir< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
struct  EnableWaterDiffusionInAir< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
struct  EnergyLocalResidual
 The local residual of the energy equation. More...
struct  EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The default implementation of the energy balance equation for flow problems in porous media. More...
struct  EquilibriumIndices
struct  EquilibriumIOFields
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Set the equilibrium IO fields which are in that case the nonisothermal io fields. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits
 the formulation of the pressure e.g most wetting first More...
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 set equilibrium model traits More...
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Set equilibrium model traits. More...
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Set equilibrium model traits. More...
struct  EvalCflFluxFunction
 Type of the evaluation of the CFL-condition. More...
struct  EvalCflFluxFunction< TypeTag, TTag::FVTransportTwoP >
 Set the default implementation of the cfl-condition. More...
struct  FacePrimaryVariables
 The primary variables container type for face dofs. More...
struct  FacePrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The face primary variables. More...
struct  FaceSolutionVector
 The solution vector type for face dofs. More...
struct  FaceSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  FaceVariables
 Class containing local face-related data. More...
struct  FaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The variables living on the faces. More...
struct  Fluid
struct  FluidState
 The type of the fluid state to use. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 This model uses the compositional fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set default fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 This model uses the compositional fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidSystem
 The type of the fluid system to use. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct  FluxVariables
 Container storing the different types of flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The flux variables for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  FluxVariablesCache
 Stores data associated with flux vars. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >
 The flux variables cache class specific to box-dfm porous medium flow models. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
 The flux variables cache class, by default the one for free flow. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller
 The engine behind the global flux cache (how to fill caches for the stencil) More...
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  Formulation
 The formulation of the model. More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set \(p_w\)- \(S_w\) formulation as default two-phase formulation. More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 < Set the default formulation to pwsn More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Default formulation is pw-Sn, overwrite if necessary. More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the default formulation to pw-sn. More...
struct  GravityFlux
 The type of a convective part in a transport equation. More...
struct  GravityFlux< TypeTag, TTag::FVTransportTwoP >
 Set the default implementation of an additional convective flux -> additional convective flux dissabled. More...
struct  Grid
 The DUNE grid type. More...
struct  GridAdaptCoarsenThreshold
 Tolerance for coarsening. More...
struct  GridAdaptCoarsenThreshold< TypeTag, TTag::GridAdapt >
struct  GridAdaptModel
 The type of grid adaptation. More...
struct  GridAdaptModel< TypeTag, TTag::GridAdapt >
struct  GridAdaptRefineThreshold
 Tolerance for refinement. More...
struct  GridAdaptRefineThreshold< TypeTag, TTag::GridAdapt >
struct  GridFaceVariables
 Global vector containing face-related data. More...
struct  GridFaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the default global face variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache
 The global vector of flux variable containers. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the global flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridGeometry
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Set the default for the grid finite volume geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 A simplified grid geometry for compatibility with new style models. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The default grid geometry. More...
struct  GridImplementation
 Gives kind of grid implementation in form of a GridType. More...
struct  GridTypeIndices
 The grid type indices to decide which grid is used. More...
struct  GridTypeIndices< TypeTag, TTag::MPFAProperties >
 Set grid type indices. More...
struct  GridTypeIndices< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
 Property not used but default necessary for mpfa2p. More...
struct  GridVariables
 The grid variables object managing variable data on the grid (volvars/fluxvars cache) More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 The grid variables. More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 The grid variables. More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables) More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables
 The type for a global container for the volume variables. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the default global volume variables cache vector class. More...
struct  HeatConductionType
 The type for the calculation of the heat conduction fluxes. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Fourier's law. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use fourier's law as the default for heat conduction fluxes. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  Indices
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Chose the set of indices for the one-phase formulation. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Chose the set of indices depending on the chosen formulation. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  IntersectionMapper
 Specifies the intersection mapper. More...
struct  IOFields
 A class helping models to define input and output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default to an implementation throwing a NotImplemented error. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 The non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 indices for non-isothermal models More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 default I/O fields specific to this model More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 Use the mineralization vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 Non-isothermal vtk output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 The non-isothermal vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Add temperature to the output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 default vtk output fields specific to this model More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to th non-isothermal model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal vktoutputfields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the non-isothermal vkt output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to the twop model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Non-isothermal vtkoutput. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to the non-isothermal twop model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The non-isothermal vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix
 Type of the global jacobian matrix. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 Type of the jacobian matrix needed for compatibility with implicit models for the amg backend. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  KEpsilonModelTraits
 Traits for the k-epsilon model. More...
struct  KEpsilonNCModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon multi-component model states some specifics of the isothermal multi-component low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  KOmegaModelTraits
 Traits for the k-omega model. More...
struct  KOmegaNCModelTraits
 Traits for the k-omega multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component k-omega model. More...
struct  LinearSolver
 TODO: Remove this property as soon as the decoupled models are integrated. More...
struct  LinearSolver< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
struct  LocalResidual
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 Use the local residual of the elastic model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use the MpNc local residual for the MpNc model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 the local residual function More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The local residual function. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Use the local residual of the poro-elastic model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The local residual operator. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Use the dedicated local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 set the local residual More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Use the tracer local residual function for the tracer model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Use the immiscible local residual operator for the 2p model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use the compositional local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The specific local residual (i.e. balance equations). More...
struct  LocalStiffness
struct  LocalStiffness< TypeTag, TTag::MimeticPressureTwoP >
struct  LocalStiffness< TypeTag, TTag::MimeticPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  LowReKEpsilonModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  LowReKEpsilonNCModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  MaterialLaw
struct  MaxIntersections
 Gives maximum number of intersections of an element and neighboring elements. More...
struct  MaxIntersections< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 Default number of intersections for quadrilaterals. More...
struct  Model
 The type of the mode. More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::IMPET >
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::PressureOneP >
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::PressureTwoP >
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::TransportTwoP >
struct  ModelDefaultParameters
 Property which defines the group that is queried for parameters by default. More...
struct  ModelDefaultParameters< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 do not specific any model-specific default parameters here More...
struct  ModelDefaultParameters< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 do not specific any model-specific default parameters here More...
struct  ModelTraits
 Traits class encapsulating model specifications. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 The model traits of the elastic model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal k-epsilon model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 states some specifics of the isothermal k-omega model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the model traits property. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 set the non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 < states some specifics of the free-flow model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal Spalart-Allmaras model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 Use non-mineralization model traits with 1pnc traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 The non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 Model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 The deault model traits of the poro-elastic model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >
 The model traits of the isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 set non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 set non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 set the model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set non-isothermal NumEq. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits property. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 set the model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 The 2pnc model traits define the non-mineralization part. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Set non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 The non-isothermal model traits class. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits with the nonequilibrium model traits as isothermal traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 The model traits of the isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType
 The type for the calculation of the molecular diffusion fluxes. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Use Fick's law for molecular diffusion per default. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use fick's law for the diffusive fluxes. More...
struct  MPFAInteractionVolume
 Type of the data container for one interaction volume. More...
struct  MPFAInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoP >
struct  MPFAInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  MPFAInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  MPFAInteractionVolumeContainer
 Type of the data container for one interaction volume. More...
struct  MPFAInteractionVolumeContainer< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoP >
struct  MPFAInteractionVolumeContainer< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  MPFAInteractionVolumeContainer< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  MPFATransmissibilityCalculator
 Type defining the transmissibility calculation. More...
struct  NormalizePressure
 Returns whether to normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance or not. More...
struct  NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default. More...
struct  NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default. More...
struct  NumComponents
 Number of components in the system. More...
struct  NumComponents< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Each phase consists of 1 pure component. More...
struct  NumComponents< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set number of components to 1 for immiscible two-phase models Each phase consists of 1 pure component. More...
struct  NumComponents< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 < The number of components in the 2p2c model is 2 More...
struct  NumEnergyEqFluid
struct  NumEnergyEqFluid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  NumEnergyEqSolid
struct  NumEnergyEqSolid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Default values for the number of energy balance equations. More...
struct  NumEq
 Number of equations in the system of PDEs. More...
struct  NumEq< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Set number of equations to 1 for isothermal one-phase models. More...
struct  NumEq< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set number of equations to 2 for isothermal two-phase models. More...
struct  NumEq< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  NumEqBalance
struct  NumEqCellCenter
 The number of equations for cell-centered dofs. More...
struct  NumEqCellCenter< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 For free flow models, we take the number of "physical" equations (e.g. 4 for a 3D NavierStokes problem, 3 velocity components and pressure) and substract the number of dimensions. This yields the number of equations to be solved on the cell centers. Works also for non-isothermal models. More...
struct  NumEqFace
 The number of equations for face dofs. More...
struct  NumEqFace< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the number of equations on the faces to 1. We only consider scalar values because the velocity vector is normal to the face. More...
struct  NumEqVector
 A vector of size number equations that can be used for Neumann fluxes, sources, residuals, ... More...
struct  NumEqVector< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default vector with size number of equations to a field vector. More...
struct  NumPhases
 Number of phases in the system. More...
struct  NumPhases< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Set number of phases to 1 for one-phase models. More...
struct  NumPhases< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set number of phases to 2 for two-phase models The number of phases in the 2p model is 2. More...
struct  NumPhases< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 < The number of phases in the 2p2c model is 2 More...
struct  NusseltFormulation
struct  NusseltFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  OneEqModelTraits
 Traits for the Spalart-Allmaras model. More...
struct  OneEqNCModelTraits
 Traits for the one-equation multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component one-equation model. More...
struct  OnlyGasPhaseCanDisappear
 reduces the phasestates to threePhases and wnPhaseOnly More...
struct  OnlyGasPhaseCanDisappear< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly. More...
struct  PointSource
 Property defining the type of point source used. More...
struct  PointSource< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >
 Use the minimal point source implementation as default. More...
struct  PointSourceHelper
 Property defining the class that computes which sub control volume point sources belong to. More...
struct  PointSourceHelper< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >
 Use the point source helper using the bounding box tree as a default. More...
struct  PrecomputedConstRels
struct  PrecomputedConstRels< TypeTag, TTag::FVTransportTwoP >
 Set PrecomputedConstRels flag true as default. More...
struct  PressureCoefficientMatrix
 Gives maximum number of intersections of an element and neighboring elements. More...
struct  PressureCoefficientMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
struct  PressureFormulation
struct  PressureFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the default pressure formulation to the pressure of the (most) wetting phase. More...
struct  PressureFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set the default pressure formulation according to the chosen two-phase formulation. More...
struct  PressureFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Set the default formulation Compositional models are very likely compressible. More...
struct  PressureModel
 The type of the discretization of a pressure model. More...
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL2dPressureTwoP >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL2dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoP >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaO2dPressureTwoP >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureOneP >
 Set finite volume implementation of the one-phase pressure equation as default pressure model. More...
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoP >
 Set finite volume implementation of the two-phase pressure equation as default pressure model. More...
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoPAdaptive >
 Set finite volume implementation of the two-phase pressure equation which allows hanging nodes as default pressure model. More...
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::MimeticPressureTwoP >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::MimeticPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  PressureModel< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  PressureRHSVector
 Type of the right hand side vector given to the linear solver. More...
struct  PressureRHSVector< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
struct  PressureSolutionVector
struct  PressureSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
struct  PrimaryInteractionVolume
 The primary interaction volume type. More...
struct  PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables
 A vector of primary variables. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default primary variable vector to a vector of size of number of equations. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The primary variables vector for the richards model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The primary variables vector for the 3p3c model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The primary variables vector for the 3p3c model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 The primary variables vector for the 2pnc model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The primary variables vector for the 2p1cni model. More...
struct  Problem
 Property to specify the type of a problem which has to be solved. More...
struct  RANSModelTraits
 Traits for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  RegulateBoundaryPermeability
 A minimum permeability can be assigned via the runtime-Parameter SpatialParams.minBoundaryPermeability. More...
struct  RegulateBoundaryPermeability< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Switch off permeability regularization at Dirichlet boundaries by default. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx
 The component balance index that should be replaced by the total mass/mole balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Per default, no component mass balance is replaced. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Per default, no component mass balance is replaced. More...
struct  SaturationFormulation
 The formulation of the saturation model. More...
struct  SaturationFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set the default saturation formulation according to the chosen two-phase formulation. More...
struct  SaturationFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Compositional models are very likely compressible. More...
struct  Scalar
 Property to specify the type of scalar values. More...
struct  Scalar< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default type of scalar values to double. More...
struct  SecondaryInteractionVolume
 The secondary interaction volume type used e.g. on the boundaries. More...
struct  SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume on boundaries. More...
struct  SequentialBoundaryTypes
struct  SequentialBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 Boundary types at a single degree of freedom. More...
struct  SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase
 Set the mole fraction in the wetting or nonwetting phase. More...
struct  SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the primary variables mole fractions for the wetting or nonwetting phase. More...
struct  SherwoodFormulation
struct  SherwoodFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Set the default formulation for the sherwood correlation Other possible parametrizations can be found in the dimensionlessnumbers. More...
struct  SolidState
 The type of the solid state to use. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The solid state must be inert. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 per default solid state is inert More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  SolidSystem
 The type of the solid system to use. More...
struct  SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 Per default we use one constant component in the inert solid system. More...
struct  SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionDependentAdvection
 specifies if the parameters for the advective fluxes depend on the solution More...
struct  SolutionDependentAdvection< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, parameters are solution-dependent. More...
struct  SolutionDependentHeatConduction
 specifies if the parameters for the heat conduction fluxes depend on the solution More...
struct  SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion
 specifies if the parameters for the diffusive fluxes depend on the solution More...
struct  SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionTypes
struct  SolutionTypes< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 Specifies the types which are assoicated with a solution. More...
struct  SolutionVector
 Vector containing all primary variable vector of the grid. More...
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 For compatibility with new style models we need a solution vector type. More...
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 default property value for the solution vector only used for monolithic solver TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits More...
struct  SpatialParams
 The type of the spatial parameters object. More...
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 The spatial parameters to be employed. Use BoxSpatialParams by default. More...
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 The spatial parameters to be employed. Use SequentialFVSpatialParams by default. More...
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 The spatial parameters to be employed. More...
struct  StaggeredFaceSolution
 A vector containing the solution for a face (similar to ElementSolution) More...
struct  StaggeredFaceSolution< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the face solution type. More...
struct  StaggeredPrimaryVariables
 The hybrid primary variables container type. More...
struct  StressType
 The type used for the evaluation of stress tensors and forces. More...
struct  StressType< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 By default, we use hooke's law for stress evaluations. More...
struct  StressType< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Per default, we use effective stresses on the basis of Hooke's Law. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel
 Model to be used for the calculation of the effective conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 in case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 In case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 average is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Use the effective thermal conductivities calculated using the Somerton method. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  TimeManager
struct  TimeManager< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
 Set the default type for the time manager. More...
struct  TransportModel
 The type of the discretization of a transport model. More...
struct  TransportModel< TypeTag, TTag::FVTransportTwoP >
 Set finite volume implementation of the two-phase saturation equation as default saturation model. More...
struct  TransportModel< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  TransportSolutionType
struct  TransportSolutionType< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  TransportSolutionType< TypeTag, TTag::Transport >
 Default implementation for the Vector of the transportet quantity. More...
struct  UndefinedProperty
 a tag to mark properties as undefined More...
struct  UpwindSchemeOrder
 Specifies the order of the upwinding scheme (1 == first order, 2 == second order(tvd methods)) More...
struct  UpwindSchemeOrder< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the order of the upwinding scheme to 1 by default. More...
struct  UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow
 Determines whether blocking of spurious flow is used or not. More...
struct  UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Do not block spurious flows by default. More...
struct  UseConstraintSolver
 Whether to use a contraint solver for computing the secondary variables. More...
struct  UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly. More...
struct  UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Determines whether the constraint solver is used. More...
struct  UseMoles
 Property whether to use moles or kg as amount unit for balance equations. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Defines whether molar (true) or mass (false) density is used. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Define that per default mole fractions are used in the balance equations. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Define that mole fractions are used in the balance equations. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  Variables
 The type of the container of global variables. More...
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::IMPESTwoPAdaptive >
 Set variable class for adaptive impet schemes. More...
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialModel >
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialOneP >
 Set general sequential VariableClass as default. More...
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set general sequential VariableClass as default. More...
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
struct  Variables< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive >
struct  Velocity
 The type velocity reconstruction. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL2dPressureTwoP >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL2dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoP >
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaL3dPressureTwoPAdaptive >
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FvMpfaO2dPressureTwoP >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureOneP >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoP >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation standard cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoPAdaptive >
 Set velocity reconstruction implementation for grid-adaptive cell centered finite volume schemes as default. More...
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
struct  Velocity< TypeTag, TTag::TransportTwoP >
struct  VelocityFormulation
 The type of velocity reconstructed for the transport model. More...
struct  VelocityFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoP >
 Set the default velocity formulation according to the chosen two-phase formulation. More...
struct  VelocityFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Compositional models are very likely compressible. More...
struct  VelocityOutput
 specifies the velocity calculation module to be used More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The (currently empty) velocity output. More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Velocity output. More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The velocity output. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce
 Type of solution vector or pressure system Indicates if faces are only regarded from one side. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureOneP >
 Allow assembling algorithm for the pressure matrix to assemble only from one side of a cell-cell interface. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoP >
 Allow assembling algorithm for the pressure matrix to assemble only from one side of a cell-cell interface. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce< TypeTag, TTag::FVPressureTwoPAdaptive >
 Allow assembling algorithm for the pressure matrix to assemble only from one side of a cell-cell interface. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce< TypeTag, TTag::Pressure >
 Faces are only regarded from one side and not from both cells. More...
struct  VisitFacesOnlyOnce< TypeTag, TTag::SequentialTwoPTwoC >
 Faces are regarded from both sides. More...
struct  VolumeVariables
 The secondary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Use the 2p2c VolumeVariables. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2 >
 the co2 volume variables use the same traits as the 2p2c model More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2NI >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  ZeroEqModelTraits
 Traits for the ZeroEq model. More...
struct  ZeroEqNCModelTraits
 Traits for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes 0-Eq. model. More...