DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Classes | Functions
Dumux::ShallowWater Namespace Reference


struct  RiemannSolution


template<class Scalar >
RiemannSolution< Scalar > exactRiemann (const Scalar dl, const Scalar dr, const Scalar ul, const Scalar ur, const Scalar vl, const Scalar vr, const Scalar grav, const Scalar s=0.0)
 Exact Riemann solver for the shallow water equations. More...
template<class Scalar >
static Scalar fluxLimiterLET (const Scalar valueLeft, const Scalar valueRight, const Scalar upperH, const Scalar lowerH)
 Flux limiter function to scale fluxes for small water depths. More...
template<class Scalar , class GlobalPosition >
std::array< Scalar, 3 > riemannProblem (const Scalar waterDepthLeft, const Scalar waterDepthRight, Scalar velocityXLeft, Scalar velocityXRight, Scalar velocityYLeft, Scalar velocityYRight, const Scalar bedSurfaceLeft, const Scalar bedSurfaceRight, const Scalar gravity, const GlobalPosition &nxy)
 Construct a Riemann problem and solve it. More...
template<class Scalar , class GlobalPosition >
std::array< Scalar, 3 > fixedWaterDepthBoundary (const Scalar waterDepthBoundary, const Scalar waterDepthInside, const Scalar velocityXInside, const Scalar velocityYInside, const Scalar gravity, const GlobalPosition &nxy)
 Compute the outer cell state for fixed water depth boundary. More...
template<class Scalar , class GlobalPosition >
std::array< Scalar, 3 > fixedDischargeBoundary (const Scalar dischargeBoundary, const Scalar waterDepthInside, const Scalar velocityXInside, const Scalar velocityYInside, const Scalar gravity, const GlobalPosition &nxy)
 Compute the outer cell state for a fixed discharge boundary. More...

Function Documentation

◆ fixedDischargeBoundary()

template<class Scalar , class GlobalPosition >
std::array< Scalar, 3 > Dumux::ShallowWater::fixedDischargeBoundary ( const Scalar  dischargeBoundary,
const Scalar  waterDepthInside,
const Scalar  velocityXInside,
const Scalar  velocityYInside,
const Scalar  gravity,
const GlobalPosition &  nxy 

Compute the outer cell state for a fixed discharge boundary.

dischargeBoundaryDischarge per meter at the boundary face [m^2/s]
waterDepthInsideWater depth in the inner cell [m]
velocityXInsideVelocity in x-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
velocityYInsideVelocity in y-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
gravityGravity constant [m/s^2]
nxyNormal vector of the boundary face
cellStateOutside The outer cell state

◆ fixedWaterDepthBoundary()

template<class Scalar , class GlobalPosition >
std::array< Scalar, 3 > Dumux::ShallowWater::fixedWaterDepthBoundary ( const Scalar  waterDepthBoundary,
const Scalar  waterDepthInside,
const Scalar  velocityXInside,
const Scalar  velocityYInside,
const Scalar  gravity,
const GlobalPosition &  nxy 

Compute the outer cell state for fixed water depth boundary.

waterDepthBoundaryDischarge per meter at the boundary face [m^2/s]
waterDepthInsideWater depth in the inner cell [m]
velocityXInsideVelocity in x-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
velocityYInsideVelocity in y-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
gravityGravity constant [m/s^2]
nxyNormal vector of the boundary face
cellStateOutside The outer cell state