DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
facet Directory Reference


directory  box
directory  cellcentered


file  codimonegridadapter.hh [code]
 copydoc Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter
file  multidomain/facet/couplingmanager.hh [code]
file  facet/couplingmapper.hh [code]
file  couplingmapperbase.hh [code]
file  enrichmenthelper.hh [code]
 copydoc Dumux::VertexEnrichmentHelper
file  gmshreader.hh [code]
file  multidomain/facet/gridmanager.hh [code]
 Contains the grid manager class that creates the grids in the context of hybrid-dimensional coupled models, where the (n-1)-dimensional domains live on the element facets of the n-dimensional domains. Also, it allows to extract a grid data object containing parameters passed to elements and/or boundary segments. All grids are constructed from a single grid file.
file  vertexmapper.hh [code]
 copydoc Dumux::EnrichedVertexDofMapper