DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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3dpressureadaptive.hh File Reference

3-d finite Volume-MPFAL implementation of a two-phase pressure equation on h-adaptive grids More...

#include "3dpressure.hh"
#include "3dinteractionvolumecontaineradaptive.hh"
#include "3dtransmissibilitycalculator.hh"

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3-d finite Volume-MPFAL implementation of a two-phase pressure equation on h-adaptive grids

Remark1: only for 3-D hexahedrons of quadrilaterals. Remark2: number of grid cells in each direction > 1


class  Dumux::FvMpfaL3dPressure2pAdaptive< TypeTag >
 3-d finite volume MPFA L-method discretization of a two-phase flow pressure equation of the sequential IMPES model on h-adaptive grids. More...


namespace  Dumux
 make the local view function available whenever we use the grid geometry
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