version 3.9
Dumux::Properties Namespace Reference

The energy balance equation for a porous solid. More...


The energy balance is described by the following equation:

\[ \frac{ \partial n c_p \varrho T}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot \left\lbrace \lambda_\text{pm} \nabla T \right\rbrace = q, \]

where \(n\) is the volume fraction of the conducting material, \(c_p\) its specific heat capacity, \(\varrho\) its density, \(T\) the temperature, and \(\lambda\) the heat conductivity of the porous solid.


namespace  TTag
 Type tag for numeric models.


struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Darcy's law. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Darcy's law. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >
 The advection type. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 The advection type. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 The advection type. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 The advection type. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use darcy's law for the advective fluxes. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 We use darcy's law as the default for the advective fluxes. More...
struct  AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Use a modified version of Darcy's law which allows for blocking of spurious flows. More...
struct  BalanceEqOpts< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default class for the balance equation options. More...
struct  BalanceEqOpts< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Set a richards specific class for the balance equation options. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CCLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to FaceCenteredLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to CVFELocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the BaseLocalResidual to StaggeredLocalResidual. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 The base model traits. Per default, we use the number of components of the fluid system. states some specifics of the Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 states some specifics of the one-phase model More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The base model traits. Per default, we use the number of components of the fluid system. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the model traits class. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 The base model traits class. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the base model traits. More...
struct  BaseModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Set the model traits property. More...
struct  CellCenterPrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The cell center primary variables. More...
struct  CellCenterSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  CompositionalDispersionModel< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use Scheideggers's law for the dispersive tensor calculation. More...
struct  CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
struct  CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
struct  CouplingManager< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
struct  DispersionFluxType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use a diffusive flux for the dispersive fluxes. More...
struct  DualGridNodalIndexSet< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the index set type used on the dual grid nodes. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The model after Millington (1961) is used for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Use simple model with constant tortuosity as pm diffusivity model. More...
struct  EffectiveDiffusivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 Set the default for the ElementBoundaryTypes. More...
struct  ElementBoundaryTypes< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Use the cell center element boundary types per default. More...
struct  EnableBoxInterfaceSolver< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Per default, we disable the box interface solver. More...
struct  EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  EnableChemicalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  EnableCompositionalDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Per default, we do not include compositional dispersion effects. More...
struct  EnableGridFaceVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Cache the face variables per default. More...
struct  EnableGridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  EnableGridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 disable flux variables data caching by default More...
struct  EnableGridGeometryCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  EnableGridGeometryCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 We do not store the FVGeometry by default. More...
struct  EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 We do not store the volume variables by default. More...
struct  EnableThermalDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Per default, we do not include thermal dispersion effects. More...
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Per default, we consider both thermal and chemical non-equilibrium. More...
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
struct  EnableThermalNonEquilibrium< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
struct  EnergyLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The default implementation of the energy balance equation for flow problems in porous media. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Set the equilibrium IO fields which are in that case the nonisothermal io fields. More...
struct  EquilibriumIOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  EquilibriumLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 set equilibrium model traits More...
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Set equilibrium model traits. More...
struct  EquilibriumModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Set equilibrium model traits. More...
struct  FacePrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The face primary variables. More...
struct  FaceSolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  FaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The variables living on the faces. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 This model uses the compositional fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 This model uses the compositional fluid state. More...
struct  FluidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The fluid state which is used by the volume variables to store the thermodynamic state. This should be chosen appropriately for the model ((non-)isothermal, equilibrium, ...). This can be done in the problem. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The flux variables for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SST >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >
 The flux variables. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >
 The flux variables cache class specific to box-dfm porous medium flow models. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 The flux variables cache type. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 The flux variables cache type. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
 The flux variables cache. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 The flux variables cache. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 The flux variables cache. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 The flux variables cache. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 The flux variables cache class for models involving flow in porous media. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 The flux variables cache class. More...
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
struct  FluxVariablesCacheFiller< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 < Set the default formulation to pwsn More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Default formulation is pw-Sn, overwrite if necessary. More...
struct  Formulation< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the default formulation to pw-sn. More...
struct  Grid< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  GridFaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the default global face variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 Set the global flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 Set the global flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 The grid flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridFluxVariablesCache< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the global flux variables cache vector class. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxDfmModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Set the default for the grid finite volume geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 Set the default for the grid geometry. More...
struct  GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The default grid geometry. More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables) More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables) More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 The grid variables. More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 The grid variables. More...
struct  GridVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the grid variables (volume, flux and face variables) More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BoxModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredDiamondModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FaceCenteredStaggeredModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PQ1BubbleModel >
 The grid volume variables vector class. More...
struct  GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the default global volume variables cache vector class. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Fourier's law. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use fourier's law as the default for heat conduction fluxes. More...
struct  HeatConductionType< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 Use Fourier's Law as default heat conduction type. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to th non-isothermal model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default to an implementation throwing a NotImplemented error. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 Add temperature to the output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 Add temperature to the output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 The non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 indices for non-isothermal models More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 default I/O fields specific to this model More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 Use the mineralization vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 Non-isothermal vtk output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 The non-isothermal vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Add temperature to the output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >
 Default I/O fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >
 Add temperature to the output. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to the non-isothermal two-phase model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 default vtk output fields specific to this model More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to th non-isothermal model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SST >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >
 The specific non-isothermal I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal vktoutputfields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the non-isothermal vkt output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to the twop model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Non-isothermal vtkoutput. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Set the vtk output fields specific to the non-isothermal twop model. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The non-isothermal vtk output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set non-isothermal output fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  IOFields< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 The specific I/O fields. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  JacobianMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the type of a global jacobian matrix from the solution types TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  KEpsilonModelTraits
 Traits for the k-epsilon model. More...
struct  KEpsilonNCModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon multi-component model states some specifics of the isothermal multi-component low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  KOmegaModelTraits
 Traits for the k-omega model. More...
struct  KOmegaNCModelTraits
 Traits for the k-omega multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component k-omega model. More...
struct  Labels
 The pore/throat labels. More...
struct  Labels< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
 The labels. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 Use the local residual of the elastic model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 The local residual operator. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use the MpNc local residual for the MpNc model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 the local residual function More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 The local residual function. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Use the local residual of the poro-elastic model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The local residual operator. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Use the dedicated local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 set the local residual More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SST >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >
 The local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The local residual function of the conservation equations. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Use the tracer local residual function for the tracer model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Use the immiscible local residual operator for the 2p model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use the compositional local residual. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The specific local residual (i.e. balance equations). More...
struct  LowReKEpsilonModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  LowReKEpsilonNCModelTraits
 Traits for the low-Reynolds k-epsilon multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component low-Reynolds k-epsilon model. More...
struct  ModelDefaultParameters< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 do not specific any model-specific default parameters here More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 The model traits of the elastic model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 The model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >
 set non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal k-epsilon model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 states some specifics of the isothermal k-omega model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal low-Reynolds k-epsilon model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the model traits property. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 set the non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
 < states some specifics of the Navier-Stokes model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 < states some specifics of the free-flow model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 < states some specifics of the isothermal Spalart-Allmaras model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 Use non-mineralization model traits with 1pnc traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 The non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 Model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
 model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >
 model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 The default model traits of the poro-elastic model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANS >
 The model traits of the isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RANSNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 set non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 set non-isothermal model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 set the model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SST >
 states some specifics of the isothermal SST model More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set non-isothermal NumEq. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits property. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 set the model traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 default the actually used traits to the base traits More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 The 2pnc model traits define the non-mineralization part. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Set non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 The non-isothermal model traits class. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Set the non-isothermal model traits with the nonequilibrium model traits as isothermal traits. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 The model traits of the isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  ModelTraits< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >
 The model traits of the non-isothermal model. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::BoxFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the box facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Ficks's law. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 By default, we use fick's law for the diffusive fluxes. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Use Fick's law for molecular diffusion per default. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 We use fick's law as the default for the diffusive fluxes. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 We use fick's law as the default for the diffusive fluxes. More...
struct  MolecularDiffusionType< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use fick's law for the diffusive fluxes. More...
struct  NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default. More...
struct  NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default. More...
struct  NormalizePressure< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance by default. More...
struct  NumEnergyEqFluid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  NumEnergyEqSolid< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Default values for the number of energy balance equations. More...
struct  NumEqCellCenter< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 For free flow models, we take the number of "physical" equations (e.g. 4 for a 3D NavierStokes problem, 3 velocity components and pressure) and subtract the number of dimensions. This yields the number of equations to be solved on the cell centers. Works also for non-isothermal models. More...
struct  NumEqFace< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the number of equations on the faces to 1. We only consider scalar values because the velocity vector is normal to the face. More...
struct  NusseltFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
struct  OneEqModelTraits
 Traits for the Spalart-Allmaras model. More...
struct  OneEqNCModelTraits
 Traits for the one-equation multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component one-equation model. More...
struct  OnlyGasPhaseCanDisappear< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly. More...
struct  PointSource< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >
 Use the minimal point source implementation as default. More...
struct  PointSourceHelper< TypeTag, TTag::GridProperties >
 Use the point source helper using the bounding box tree as a default. More...
struct  PressureFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the default pressure formulation to the pressure of the (most) wetting phase. More...
struct  PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  PrimaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 Set the default primary variable vector to a vector of size of number of equations. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 The primary variables vector for the richards model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default primary variable vector to a vector of size of number of equations. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 The primary variables vector for the 2pnc model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 The primary variables vector for the 3p3c model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 The primary variables vector for the 3p water oil non-isothermal model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 The primary variables vector for the 2pnc model. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 The primary variables vector for the 2p1cni model. More...
struct  Problem< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  PropertyAlias
 a tag to specify a direct alias for property extraction More...
struct  RANSModelTraits
 Traits for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Per default, no component mass balance is replaced. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance. More...
struct  ReplaceCompEqIdx< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Per default, no component mass balance is replaced. More...
struct  Scalar< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
 Set the default type of scalar values to double. More...
struct  Scalar< TypeTag, TTag::ModelProperties >
 Set the default type of scalar values to double. More...
struct  SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the facet coupling-specific mpfa-o interaction volume. More...
struct  SecondaryInteractionVolume< TypeTag, TTag::CCMpfaModel >
 Per default, we use the dynamic mpfa-o interaction volume on boundaries. More...
struct  SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the primary variables mole fractions for the wetting or nonwetting phase. More...
struct  SherwoodFormulation< TypeTag, TTag::NonEquilibrium >
 Set the default formulation for the sherwood correlation Other possible parametrizations can be found in the dimensionlessnumbers. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The solid state must be inert. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 per default solid state is inert More...
struct  SolidState< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 The two-phase model uses the immiscible fluid state. More...
struct  SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 Per default we use one constant component in the inert solid system. More...
struct  SolidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionDependentAdvection< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, parameters are solution-dependent. More...
struct  SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
struct  SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
struct  SolutionDependentHeatConduction< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  SolutionDependentMolecularDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteVolumeModel >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits. More...
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 default property value for the solution vector only used for monolithic solver TODO: move to LinearAlgebra traits More...
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlow >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
struct  SpatialParams< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
struct  SSTModelTraits
 Traits for the sst model. More...
struct  SSTNCModelTraits
 Traits for the SST multi-component modelstates some specifics of the isothermal multi-component sst model. More...
struct  StaggeredFaceSolution< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredModel >
 Set the face solution type. More...
struct  StressType< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 By default, we use hooke's law for stress evaluations. More...
struct  StressType< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Per default, we use effective stresses on the basis of Hooke's Law. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 in case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 In case we do not assume full non-equilibrium one needs a thermal conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 average is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Use the average for effective conductivities. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Use the effective thermal conductivities calculated using the Somerton method. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Somerton is used as default model to compute the effective thermal heat conductivity. More...
struct  ThermalConductivityModel< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
struct  ThermalDispersionModel< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 By default, we use the same dispersion tensor type as the componsitonal dispersion for the thermal disperion tensor. More...
struct  UndefinedProperty
 a tag to mark properties as undefined More...
struct  UpwindSchemeOrder< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the order of the upwinding scheme to 1 by default. More...
struct  UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow
 Determines whether blocking of spurious flow is used or not. More...
struct  UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Do not block spurious flows by default. More...
struct  UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Determines whether a constraint solver should be used explicitly. More...
struct  UseConstraintSolver< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Determines whether the constraint solver is used. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Defines whether molar (true) or mass (false) density is used. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Define that per default mole fractions are used in the balance equations. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Define that mole fractions are used in the balance equations. More...
struct  UseMoles< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default. More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::Geomechanics >
 The (currently empty) velocity output. More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::PoreNetworkModel >
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::PorousMediumFlow >
 Velocity output. More...
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
struct  VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The velocity output. More...
struct  ViscousFluxType< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, Dumux::Detail::HelmholtzOperator::TTag< P > >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Elastic >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichards >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ExtendedRichardsNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Hyperelastic >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilon >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KEpsilonNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmega >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::KOmegaNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilon >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::LowReKEpsilonNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::MPNCNonequil >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokes >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOneP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMassOnePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentum >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesMomentumCVFE >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NavierStokesNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEq >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneEqNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OneP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMin >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCMinNI >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 1pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNI >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNCNonEquil >
 Use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::OnePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOneP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNC >
 Set the volume variables property Set the vtk output fields specific to this model. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNCNI >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMOnePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMSolidEnergy >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PNMTwoPNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PoroElastic >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::RichardsNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SolidEnergy >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SST >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::SSTNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreeP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePThreeCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ThreePWaterOilNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Tracer >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoP >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMin >
 use the mineralization volume variables together with the 2pnc vol vars More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCMinNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPOneCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoC >
 Use the 2p2c VolumeVariables. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2 >
 the co2 volume variables use the same traits as the 2p2c model More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCCO2NI >
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNINonEquil >
 Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::TwoPTwoCNonEquil >
 Use the nonequilibrium volume variables together with the 2p2c vol vars. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEq >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNC >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNCNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  VolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ZeroEqNI >
 Set the volume variables property. More...
struct  ZeroEqModelTraits
 Traits for the ZeroEq model. More...
struct  ZeroEqNCModelTraits
 Traits for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes 0-Eq. model. More...


template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
constexpr bool hasDefinedType ()
 whether the property is defined/specialized for TypeTag More...
template<class ParentTypeTag , class TypeTag >
constexpr bool inheritsFrom ()
 Return true if the given type tag inherits from the given parent type tag. More...