version 3.9

Single and multi-phase models for flow and transport in pore networks. More...



 Single-phase (immiscible) flow.
 Single-phase, multi-component flow.
 Two-phase (immiscible) flow.
 Energy equation for the solid (heat equation)


file  dgfwriter.hh
 Write pore-network grids with attached data to dgf file.
file  porenetwork/griddata.hh
 Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files.
file  io/grid/porenetwork/gridmanager.hh
 Provides a grid manager for pore-network models.
file  parametersforgeneratedgrid.hh
 Helper class to assign parameters to a generated grid.
file  structuredlatticegridcreator.hh
 Creates a network grid from a structured lattice. Connections can be randomly deleted.
file  subgriddata.hh
 Class for sub grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files.
file  localrulesforplatonicbody.hh
 Pore-local pc-Sw curves for for platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron).
file  multishapelocalrules.hh
 Implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries.
file  singleshapelocalrules.hh
 Base classes for standard pore-local pc-Sw curves.
file  emptycache.hh
 An empty cache for transmissibility laws using only standard quantities.
file  thresholdcapillarypressures.hh
 Specification of threshold capillary pressures for the PNM.
file  transmissibility1p.hh
 Implementation of the single-phase transmissibility laws for throats.
file  transmissibility2p.hh
 Implementation of the transmissibility laws for throats.
file  dualnetwork/couplingmapper.hh
file  dualnetwork/extendedsourcestencil.hh
 Extended source stencil helper class for coupling managers.
file  boundaryflux.hh
file  porenetwork/common/iofields.hh
file  labels.hh
 Defines labels for pores and throats.
file  pnmvtkoutputmodule.hh
file  poreproperties.hh
 This file contains functions related to calculate pore-body properties.
file  porenetwork/common/spatialparams.hh
 The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models.
file  throatproperties.hh
 This file contains functions related to calculate pore-throat properties.
file  utilities.hh
 This file contains functions useful for all types of pore-network models, e.g. for the calculation of fluxes at the boundary.
file  porenetwork/common/velocityoutput.hh
file  porenetwork/properties.hh
 Defines common properties required for all pore-network models.


class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridData< Grid >
 Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::ParametersForGeneratedGrid< Grid, Scalar >
 Helper class to assign parameters to a generated grid. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::SubGridData< HostGrid, SubGrid >
 wrapper for subgrid data More...
struct  Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBody< shape >
 Implementation of the simplified pore-local capillary pressure-saturation curve for platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron). More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::TwoPLocalRulesPlatonicBodyRegularization< Scalar, BaseLaw >
 Two-phase rules for regularizing the pc-SW for platonic bodies. More...
struct  Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::LocalRulesTraits< ScalarT >
 LocalRulesTraits for implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::MultiShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarT >
 Implementation of capillary pressure curves for multiple pore body geometries. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::FluidMatrix::SingleShapeTwoPLocalRules< ScalarType, BaseLaw, Regularization >
 Base class for all standard pore-local pc-Sw curves. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityBruus< Scalar >
 Collection of single-phase flow throat transmissibilities based on Bruus, H. (2011). Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 11(22), 3742-3751. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::TransmissibilityPatzekSilin< Scalar, considerPoreResistance, interpolateK >
 Single-phase flow throat transmissibility based on Patzek & Silin (2001) More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::DualNetworkCouplingMapper< Scalar >
 Coupling mapper for Stokes and Darcy domains with equal dimension. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::PNMHeatExtendedSourceStencil< CouplingManager >
 A class managing an extended source stencil. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::BoundaryFlux< GridVariables, LocalResidual, SolutionVector >
 Class for the calculation of fluxes at the boundary of pore-network models. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::CommonIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to all pore-network models. More...
struct  Dumux::PoreNetwork::Labels
 Labels for pores and throats. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::VtkOutputModule< GridVariables, FluxVariables, SolutionVector >
 Adds vtk output fields specific to pore-network models. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::SpatialParams< GridGeometry, Scalar, Implementation >
 The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::AveragedValues< GridVariables, SolutionVector >
 Calculates averaged values of the network solution. More...
class  Dumux::PoreNetwork::VelocityOutput< GridVariables, FluxVariables >
 Velocity output for pore-network models. More...


template<class GridView , class GridData >
void Dumux::PoreNetwork::writeDgf (const std::string &fileName, const GridView &gridView, const GridData &gridData)
 Write pore-network grids with attached data to dgf file. More...

Function Documentation

◆ writeDgf()

template<class GridView , class GridData >
void Dumux::PoreNetwork::writeDgf ( const std::string &  fileName,
const GridView &  gridView,
const GridData gridData 