version 3.9
Dumux::PoreNetwork Namespace Reference


namespace  Detail
namespace  FluidMatrix
namespace  NonWettingPhaseTransmissibility
namespace  Pore
namespace  ThresholdCapillaryPressures
namespace  Throat
namespace  WettingLayerTransmissibility


class  AveragedValues
 Calculates averaged values of the network solution. More...
class  BoundaryFlux
 Class for the calculation of fluxes at the boundary of pore-network models. More...
class  CommonIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to all pore-network models. More...
class  CreepingFlow
 Hagen–Poiseuille-type flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models. More...
class  DefaultPNMData
 Base class for geometry data extraction from the grid data format. More...
class  DualNetworkCouplingMapper
 Coupling mapper for Stokes and Darcy domains with equal dimension. More...
struct  EmptyCache
class  GridData
 Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files. More...
class  GridGeometry
 Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
class  GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, false, Traits >
 Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
class  GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >
 Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
struct  Labels
 Labels for pores and throats. More...
class  NonCreepingFlow
 Non-creeping flow flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models based on El-Zehairy et al.(2019). More...
class  OnePDefaultSpatialParams
 The default class for spatial parameters for single-phase pore-network models. More...
class  OnePFluxVariablesCache
 Flux variables cache for the single-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation. More...
class  OnePIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to the PNM 1p model. More...
class  OnePNCIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to the PNM 1pnc model. More...
class  OnePNCVolumeVariables
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the one-phase, n-component model. More...
class  OnePSpatialParams
 The base class for spatial parameters for single-phase pore-network models. More...
class  OnePVolumeVariables
 Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume (the pore body) in the one-phase model. More...
class  ParametersForGeneratedGrid
 Helper class to assign parameters to a generated grid. More...
struct  PNMDefaultGridGeometryTraits
 The default traits. More...
struct  PNMDefaultScvfGeometryTraits
 Default traits class. More...
struct  PNMDefaultScvGeometryTraits
 Default traits class. More...
class  PNMFicksLaw
 Specialization of Fick's Law for the pore-network model. More...
struct  PNMFouriersLaw
 Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network model. More...
class  PNMFVElementGeometry
 Base class for the local geometry for porenetworks. More...
class  PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, false >
 specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are not stored More...
class  PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, true >
 specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored More...
class  PNMHeatExtendedSourceStencil
 A class managing an extended source stencil. More...
class  PNMHeatTransferCouplingManager
 Coupling manager for dual network approach for pore network models. More...
class  PNMSubControlVolume
 the sub control volume for porenetworks More...
class  PNMSubControlVolumeFace
 Class for a sub control volume face for porenetworks. More...
struct  PNMTwoPDefaultGridFVCTraits
 Flux variable caches traits. More...
class  PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache
 The flux variables caches for an element. More...
class  PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false >
 The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled. More...
class  PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true >
 The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled. More...
class  PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache
 Flux variable caches on a gridview. More...
class  PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, false, Traits >
 The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats. More...
class  PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, true, Traits >
 The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats. More...
class  SnappyGridManager
 A grid creator that matches a free-flow grid to a PNM grid. More...
class  SolidEnergyFluxVariablesCache
class  SolidEnergyIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to the PNM solid-energy model. More...
class  SolidEnergySpatialParams
 The base class for spatial parameters for pore network solid models. More...
class  SolidEnergyVolumeVariables
 Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the solid-energy model. More...
class  SpatialParams
 The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models. More...
struct  SphereCapGrainFouriersLaw
 Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network SOLID model. More...
class  SubGridData
 wrapper for subgrid data More...
class  TransmissibilityAzzamDullien
 Used by Joeakar-Niasar. More...
class  TransmissibilityBruus
 Collection of single-phase flow throat transmissibilities based on Bruus, H. (2011). Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 11(22), 3742-3751. More...
class  TransmissibilityPatzekSilin
 Single-phase flow throat transmissibility based on Patzek & Silin (2001) More...
struct  TruncatedPyramidGrainFouriersLaw
 Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network SOLID model. More...
class  TwoPDefaultSpatialParams
 The default class for spatial parameters for two-phase pore-network models. More...
class  TwoPFluxVariablesCache
 Flux variables cache for the two-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation. More...
class  TwoPInvasionState
 This class updates the invasion state for the two-phase PNM. More...
class  TwoPIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to the PNM 2p model. More...
class  TwoPNCIOFields
 Adds output fields specific to the PNM 2pnc model. More...
class  TwoPNCVolumeVariables
 Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume in the two-phase n-components model. More...
class  TwoPNewtonConsistencyChecks
 Consistency checks for the PNM two-phase model. More...
class  TwoPNewtonSolver
 A two-phase PNM specific newton solver. More...
class  TwoPSpatialParams
 The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models. More...
class  TwoPStaticDrainage
 A (quasi-) static two-phase pore-network model for drainage processes. This assumes that there are no pressure gradients within the phases and thus, no flow. More...
class  TwoPVolumeVariables
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume (the pore body) in the two-phase model. More...
class  VelocityOutput
 Velocity output for pore-network models. More...
class  VtkOutputModule
 Adds vtk output fields specific to pore-network models. More...


template<class GridView , class GridData >
void writeDgf (const std::string &fileName, const GridView &gridView, const GridData &gridData)
 Write pore-network grids with attached data to dgf file. More...