version 3.9
linear Directory Reference


file  dunevectors.hh [code]
 Helper to extract native Dune vector types from particular Dumux types.
file  helmholtzoperator.hh [code]
 Scalar Helmholtz operator to be used as a solver component.
file  istlsolverfactorybackend.hh [code]
 Provides a generic linear solver based on the ISTL that chooses the solver and preconditioner at runtime.
file  istlsolverregistry.hh [code]
 The specialized Dumux macro and tag for the ISTL registry to choose the solver and preconditioner at runtime.
file  istlsolvers.hh [code]
 Linear solvers from dune-istl.
file  linearalgebratraits.hh [code]
 Define traits for linear algebra backends.
file  linearsolverparameters.hh [code]
 Generates a parameter tree required for the linear solvers and precondioners of the Dune ISTL.
file  linearsolvertraits.hh [code]
 Define traits for linear solvers.
file  matrixconverter.hh [code]
 A helper class that converts a Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix into a plain Dune::BCRSMatrix.
file  parallelhelpers.hh [code]
 Provides a helper class for nonoverlapping decomposition.
file  parallelmatrixadapter.hh [code]
 A parallel version of a linear operator.
file  linear/pdesolver.hh [code]
 A high-level solver interface for a linear PDE solver.
file  preconditioners.hh [code]
 Dumux preconditioners for iterative solvers.
file  scalarproducts.hh [code]
 Classes to compute scalar products.
file  scotchbackend.hh [code]
 An interface to the scotch library for matrix reordering.
file  seqsolverbackend.hh [code]
 Dumux sequential linear solver backends.
file  solver.hh [code]
 Base class for linear solvers.
file  solvercategory.hh [code]
 Solver category.
file  stokes_solver.hh [code]
 Preconditioned iterative solver for the incompressible Stokes problem.
file  symmetrize_constraints.hh [code]
 Helper function to symmetrize row-constraints in constrained linear systems.