version 3.9
components Directory Reference


directory  iapws


file  air.hh [code]
 A simple class for the air fluid properties.
file  ammonia.hh [code]
 A class for the Ammonia (NH3) component properties.
file  components/base.hh [code]
 Base class for all components Components provide the thermodynamic relations for the liquid, gaseous and/or solid state of a single chemical species or a fixed mixture of species. Fluid systems use components to compute thermodynamic quantities of phases.
file  benzene.hh [code]
 A simple benzene component (LNAPL).
file  components/brine.hh [code]
 A class for the brine fluid properties,.
file  calcite.hh [code]
 A class for the CaCO3 mineral phase properties.
file  calciumion.hh [code]
 A class for the Ca2+ (Calcium ion) component properties.
file  cao.hh [code]
 Material properties of pure Calcium-Oxide \(CaO\).
file  cao2h2.hh [code]
 Material properties of pure Calciumhydroxide \(CaO2H2\).
file  carbonateion.hh [code]
 A class for the CO3 ion properties.
file  ch4.hh [code]
 Properties of methane \(CH_4\).
file  chlorideion.hh [code]
 A class for the Cl- (Chloride ion) component properties.
file  co2.hh [code]
 A class for the CO2 fluid properties.
file  componenttraits.hh [code]
 Component traits, i.e. information extracted from components.
file  constant.hh [code]
 Setting constant fluid properties via the input file.
file  defaultco2table.hh [code]
 The default CO2 table provides the CO2 density and enthalpy values with in the range of 290 K to 340 K and 100 KPa to 100 MPa.
file  gas.hh [code]
 Interface for components that have a gas state.
file  glucose.hh [code]
 A class for the Glucose component properties.
file  granite.hh [code]
 Properties of pure molecular oxygen \(O_2\).
file  h2.hh [code]
 Properties of pure molecular hydrogen \(H_2\).
file  h2o.hh [code]
 Material properties of pure water \(H_2O\).
file  heavyoil.hh [code]
 Properties of the component heavyoil.
file  ion.hh [code]
 Interface for components that are ions.
file  liquid.hh [code]
 Interface for components that have a liquid state.
file  mesitylene.hh [code]
 Properties of mesitylene.
file  n2.hh [code]
 Properties of pure molecular nitrogen \(N_2\).
file  nacl.hh [code]
 Material properties of pure salt \(NaCl\).
file  o2.hh [code]
 Properties of pure molecular oxygen \(O_2\).
file  shomate.hh [code]
 Shomate equations for enthalpy and heat capacity.
file  simpleco2.hh [code]
 A much simpler (and thus potentially less buggy) version of pure CO2.
file  simpleh2o.hh [code]
 A simple implementation of pure water.
file  sodiumion.hh [code]
 A class for the Na+ (Sodium ion) component properties.
file  solid.hh [code]
 Interface for components that have a solid state.
file  tabulatedcomponent.hh [code]
 Tabulates all thermodynamic properties of a given untabulated chemical species.
file  trichloroethene.hh [code]
 A simple implementation of Trichloroethene (TCE), a DNAPL.
file  urea.hh [code]
 A class for the Urea component properties.
file  xylene.hh [code]
 Properties of xylene.