version 3.9

Base class for all components Components provide the thermodynamic relations for the liquid, gaseous and/or solid state of a single chemical species or a fixed mixture of species. Fluid systems use components to compute thermodynamic quantities of phases. More...

#include <string>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/stdstreams.hh>
#include <dumux/common/typetraits/typetraits.hh>

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struct  Dumux::Components::IsAqueous< Component >
 IsAqueous struct. More...
class  Dumux::Components::Base< ScalarType, Component >
 Base class for all components Components provide the thermodynamic relations for the liquid, gaseous and/or solid state of a single chemical species or a fixed mixture of species. Fluid systems use components to compute thermodynamic quantities of phases. More...


namespace  Dumux
namespace  Dumux::Components
Include dependency graph for components/base.hh: