version 3.9
Dumux::VertexEnrichmentHelper< GridView, CodimOneGridView > Class Template Reference

Specialization of the enrichment helper class for 2d grids. In this case, we look for two-dimensional bulk grid elements that are enclosed by (lie in between) two 1-dimensional facet grid elements. More...

#include <dumux/multidomain/facet/enrichmenthelper.hh>


template<class GridView, class CodimOneGridView>
class Dumux::VertexEnrichmentHelper< GridView, CodimOneGridView >
Template Parameters
GridViewThe grid view of the domain for which nodal dofs should be enriched.
CodimOneGridViewThe grid view of a (dim-1)-dimensional grid conforming with the facets of this grid view, indicating on which facets nodal dofs should be enriched.

Static Public Member Functions

template<class IndexMap , class CodimOneGridAdapter >
static std::size_t enrich (IndexMap &indexMap, const std::vector< bool > &vertexMarkers, const GridView &gridView, const MCMGMapper &vertexMapper, const MCMGMapper &elementMapper, const CodimOneGridView &codimOneGridView, const CodimOneGridAdapter &codimOneGridAdapter)
 Enriches the dof map subject to a (dim-1)-dimensional grid. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ enrich()

template<class GridView , class CodimOneGridView >
template<class IndexMap , class CodimOneGridAdapter >
static std::size_t Dumux::VertexEnrichmentHelper< GridView, CodimOneGridView >::enrich ( IndexMap &  indexMap,
const std::vector< bool > &  vertexMarkers,
const GridView &  gridView,
const MCMGMapper &  vertexMapper,
const MCMGMapper &  elementMapper,
const CodimOneGridView &  codimOneGridView,
const CodimOneGridAdapter codimOneGridAdapter 
This assumes conforming grids and assumes the index map to be initialized for the bulk grid already!
indexMapThe index map which is to be updated
vertexMarkersMarkers if vertices should be enriched
gridViewA view on the grid for which vertices should be enriched
vertexMapperMaps vertices of the given grid view
elementMapperMaps elements of the given grid view
codimOneGridViewThe view on the facet-conforming grid of codim 1
codimOneGridAdapterAdapter class that allows access to information on the d- dimensional grid for entities of the (d-1)-dimensional grid
the number of dofs after enrichment

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