version 3.9
Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId > Class Template Reference

Adapter that allows retrieving information on a d-dimensional grid for entities of a (d-1)-dimensional grid. This lower-dimensional grid is assumed to be facet-conforming to the d-dimensional grid. This class can be used in the context of models where a sub-domain lives on the facets of a bulk grid. More...

#include <dumux/multidomain/facet/codimonegridadapter.hh>


template<class Embeddings, int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
class Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >
Template Parameters
EmbeddingsClass containing the embedments of entities between grids of codim 1
bulkGridIdThe grid id of the d-dimensional grid within the hierarchy
facetGridIdThe grid id of the (d-1)-dimensional grid within the hierarchy

Public Member Functions

 CodimOneGridAdapter (std::shared_ptr< const Embeddings > embeddings)
 The constructor. More...
BulkIndexType bulkGridVertexIndex (const FacetGridVertex &v) const
 Returns the index within the d-dimensional grid of a vertex of the (d-1)-dimensional grid. More...
bool isOnFacetGrid (const BulkGridVertex &v) const
 Returns true if the vertex of the d-dimensional grid with the given vertex index also exists on the (d-1)-dimensional grid. More...
bool isOnFacetGrid (const BulkGridElement &element, const BulkGridIntersection &intersection) const
 Returns true if the given intersection coincides with a facet grid. More...
template<class IndexStorage >
bool composeFacetElement (const IndexStorage &bulkVertexIndices) const
 Returns true if a given set of bulk vertex indices make up a facet grid element. More...
bool isEmbedded (const FacetGridElement &e) const
 Returns true if a (d-1)-dimensional element is embedded in the d-dimensional domain. More...
std::size_t numEmbedments (const FacetGridElement &e) const
 Returns the number of d-dimensional elements in which the given (d-1)-dimensional element is embedded in. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CodimOneGridAdapter()

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::CodimOneGridAdapter ( std::shared_ptr< const Embeddings >  embeddings)

Member Function Documentation

◆ bulkGridVertexIndex()

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
BulkIndexType Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::bulkGridVertexIndex ( const FacetGridVertex &  v) const
Leads to undefined behaviour if called for a vertex which doesn't exist on the d-dimensional grid

◆ composeFacetElement()

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
template<class IndexStorage >
bool Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::composeFacetElement ( const IndexStorage &  bulkVertexIndices) const
The vertex indices are NOT the dof indices in the context of models where there are multiple dofs at one vertex (enriched nodal dofs). Here, we expect the vertex indices (unique index per vertex).

◆ isEmbedded()

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
bool Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::isEmbedded ( const FacetGridElement &  e) const

◆ isOnFacetGrid() [1/2]

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
bool Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::isOnFacetGrid ( const BulkGridElement &  element,
const BulkGridIntersection &  intersection 
) const
elementAn element of the bulk grid
intersectionAn bulk grid intersection within the given element

◆ isOnFacetGrid() [2/2]

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
bool Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::isOnFacetGrid ( const BulkGridVertex &  v) const

◆ numEmbedments()

template<class Embeddings , int bulkGridId = 0, int facetGridId = 1>
std::size_t Dumux::CodimOneGridAdapter< Embeddings, bulkGridId, facetGridId >::numEmbedments ( const FacetGridElement &  e) const

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