DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
fluidsystems Directory Reference


file  1padapter.hh [code]
 An adapter for multi-phase fluid systems to be used with (compositional) one-phase models.
file  1pgas.hh [code]
 A gaseous phase consisting of a single component.
file  1pliquid.hh [code]
 A liquid phase consisting of a single component.
file  2p1c.hh [code]
 A two-phase fluid system with only one component.
file  2pimmiscible.hh [code]
 A fluid system for two-phase models assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium.
file  3pimmiscible.hh [code]
 A fluid system for three-phase models assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium.
file  fluidsystems/base.hh [code]
 Fluid system base class.
file  fluidsystems/brine.hh [code]
 A fluid system for brine, i.e. H2O with dissolved NaCl.
file  brineair.hh [code]
 A compositional two-phase fluid system with a liquid and a gaseous phase and \(H_2O\), \(Air\) and \(S\) (dissolved minerals) as components.
file  brineco2.hh [code]
 A compositional fluid with brine (H2O & NaCl) and carbon dioxide as components in both the liquid and the gas (supercritical) phase.
file  h2oair.hh [code]
 A compositional two-phase fluid system with water and air as components in both, the liquid and the gas phase.
file  h2oairmesitylene.hh [code]
 A three-phase fluid system featuring gas, NAPL and water as phases and distilled water \((\mathrm{H_2O})\) and air (Pseudo component composed of \(\mathrm{79\%\;N_2}\), \(\mathrm{20\%\;O_2}\) and Mesitylene \((\mathrm{C_6H_3(CH_3)_3})\) as components.
file  h2oairxylene.hh [code]
 A three-phase fluid system featuring gas, NAPL and water as phases and distilled water \((\mathrm{H_2O})\) and air (Pseudo component composed of \(\mathrm{79\%\;N_2}\), \(\mathrm{20\%\;O_2}\) and Mesitylene \((\mathrm{C_8H_{10}})\) as components.
file  h2oheavyoil.hh [code]
 A compositional fluid system with water and heavy oil components in both the liquid and the gas phase.
file  h2on2.hh [code]
file  h2on2kinetic.hh [code]
file  h2on2o2.hh [code]
 A two-phase (water and air) fluid system with water, nitrogen and oxygen as components.
file  liquidphase2c.hh [code]
 A liquid phase consisting of a two components, a main component and a conservative tracer component.
file  nullparametercache.hh [code]
 The a parameter cache which does nothing.
file  parametercachebase.hh [code]
 The base class of the parameter cache classes for fluid systems.
file  spe5.hh [code]
 The fluid system for the SPE-5 benchmark problem.
file  spe5parametercache.hh [code]
 Specifies the parameters required by the SPE5 problem which are despondent on the thermodynamic state.