DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/properties.hh File Reference

Properties (and default properties) for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with TPFA together with coupling across the grid element facets. More...

#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
#include <dumux/discretization/cctpfa.hh>
#include <dumux/multidomain/facet/cellcentered/upwindscheme.hh>
#include <dumux/multidomain/facet/cellcentered/localresidual.hh>
#include <dumux/multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/darcyslaw.hh>
#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/fluxvariables.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


Properties (and default properties) for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with TPFA together with coupling across the grid element facets.

If n is the dimension of the lowest grid to be considered in the hierarchy, all problem type tags for the grids with the dimension m > n must inherit from these or other facet coupling properties (e.g. BoxFacetCouplingModel).


struct  Dumux::Properties::TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel
struct  Dumux::Properties::AdvectionType< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the tpfa facet coupling-specific Darcy's law. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::BaseLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Use the cc local residual for models with facet coupling. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::FluxVariables< TypeTag, TTag::CCTpfaFacetCouplingModel >
 Per default, use the porous medium flow flux variables with the modified upwind scheme. More...


namespace  Dumux
 make the local view function available whenever we use the grid geometry
namespace  Dumux::Properties
namespace  Dumux::Properties::TTag
 Type tag for numeric models.
Include dependency graph for multidomain/facet/cellcentered/tpfa/properties.hh: