version 3.9
Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices Struct Reference

The common indices for the shallow water equations model.

#include <dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/indices.hh>

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int dimXIdx = 0
 Index of the x-component of a vector of size dim. More...
static constexpr int dimYIdx = 1
 Index of the y-component of a vector of size dim. More...
static constexpr int massBalanceIdx = 0
 Index of the mass balance equation. More...
static constexpr int momentumXBalanceIdx = 1
 Index of the x momentum balance equation. More...
static constexpr int momentumYBalanceIdx = 2
 Index of the y momentum balance equation. More...
static constexpr int waterdepthIdx = massBalanceIdx
 Index of the velocity in a solution vector. More...
static constexpr int velocityXIdx = momentumXBalanceIdx
 Index of the x velocity in a solution vector. More...
static constexpr int velocityYIdx = momentumYBalanceIdx
 Index of the y velocity in a solution vector. More...
static constexpr int velocityOffset = velocityXIdx
 Offset for the velocity index. More...

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimXIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::dimXIdx = 0

◆ dimYIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::dimYIdx = 1

◆ massBalanceIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::massBalanceIdx = 0

◆ momentumXBalanceIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::momentumXBalanceIdx = 1

◆ momentumYBalanceIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::momentumYBalanceIdx = 2

◆ velocityOffset

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::velocityOffset = velocityXIdx

◆ velocityXIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::velocityXIdx = momentumXBalanceIdx

◆ velocityYIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::velocityYIdx = momentumYBalanceIdx

◆ waterdepthIdx

constexpr int Dumux::ShallowWaterIndices::waterdepthIdx = massBalanceIdx

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