version 3.9
Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV > Struct Template Reference

Default traits to be used in conjunction with the dual grid nodal index set. More...

#include <dumux/discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/dualgridindexset.hh>


template<class GV>
struct Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >
Template Parameters
GVThe grid view type

Public Types

using GridView = GV
using GridIndexType = typename IndexTraits< GV >::GridIndex
using LocalIndexType = typename IndexTraits< GV >::LocalIndex
template<class T >
using NodalScvDataStorage = std::vector< T >
 per default, we use dynamic data containers (iv size unknown) More...
template<class T >
using NodalScvfDataStorage = std::vector< T >
template<class T >
using ScvfNeighborDataStorage = typename std::conditional_t<(int(GV::dimension)< int(GV::dimensionworld)), std::vector< T >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, 2 > >
 store data on neighbors of scvfs in static containers if possible More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ GridIndexType

template<class GV >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::GridIndexType = typename IndexTraits<GV>::GridIndex

◆ GridView

template<class GV >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::GridView = GV

◆ LocalIndexType

template<class GV >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::LocalIndexType = typename IndexTraits<GV>::LocalIndex

◆ NodalScvDataStorage

template<class GV >
template<class T >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::NodalScvDataStorage = std::vector< T >

◆ NodalScvfDataStorage

template<class GV >
template<class T >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::NodalScvfDataStorage = std::vector< T >

◆ ScvfNeighborDataStorage

template<class GV >
template<class T >
using Dumux::NodalIndexSetDefaultTraits< GV >::ScvfNeighborDataStorage = typename std::conditional_t< (int(GV::dimension)<int(GV::dimensionworld)), std::vector< T >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, 2 > >

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