version 3.9
scalarfluxvariablescachefiller.hh File Reference

A helper class to fill the flux variables cache. More...

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class  Dumux::FreeFlowScalarFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< Problem, ModelTraits, diffusionIsSolDependent, heatConductionIsSolDependent, DiscretizationMethods::CCTpfa >
 Specialization of the flux variables cache filler for the cell centered tpfa method. More...


namespace  Dumux


template<class Problem , class ModelTraits , bool diffusionIsSolDependent, bool heatConductionIsSolDependent>
using Dumux::FreeFlowScalarFluxVariablesCacheFiller = FreeFlowScalarFluxVariablesCacheFillerImplementation< Problem, ModelTraits, diffusionIsSolDependent, heatConductionIsSolDependent, typename ProblemTraits< Problem >::GridGeometry::DiscretizationMethod >
 The flux variables cache filler class for free flow. More...
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