version 3.9
partial.hh File Reference

Get only parts of a container or tuple. More...

#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <dune/istl/multitypeblockvector.hh>

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namespace  Dumux


template<class ... Args, std::size_t ... i>
auto Dumux::partial (Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > &v, Dune::index_constant< i >... indices)
 a function to get a MultiTypeBlockVector with references to some entries of another MultiTypeBlockVector More...
template<class ... Args, std::size_t ... i>
auto Dumux::partial (const Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > &v, Dune::index_constant< i >... indices)
 a function to get a MultiTypeBlockVector with const references to some entries of another MultiTypeBlockVector More...
template<class ... Args, std::size_t ... i>
auto Dumux::partial (std::tuple< Args... > &v, Dune::index_constant< i >... indices)
 a function to get a tuple with references to some entries of another tuple More...
template<class ... Args, std::size_t ... i>
auto Dumux::partial (const std::tuple< Args... > &v, Dune::index_constant< i >... indices)
 a function to get a tuple with const references to some entries of another tuple More...
template<class T , std::size_t ... i>
auto Dumux::partial (T &t, std::tuple< Dune::index_constant< i >... > indices)
 a function to get a MultiTypeBlockVector with references to some entries of another MultiTypeBlockVector More...
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