version 3.9
Dumux::FluidMatrix Namespace Reference


struct  Adapter
 Adapter to inherit from, allowing the inheriting class to be wrapped by the makeFluidMatrixInteraction function. More...
class  Adsorption
 Wrapper type for adsorption laws. More...
class  BrooksCorey
 Implementation of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure <-> saturation relation. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vice versa. More...
class  BrooksCoreyRegularization
 A regularization for the BrooksCorey material law. More...
class  DataSplineTwoPMaterialLaw
 Pc- and Kr-sw curves based on monotone splines through given data points. More...
class  HeatPipeLaw
 Implementation of the capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for the heatpipe problem. More...
class  InterfacialArea
 Wrapper class to implement regularized laws (pc-sw-a) with a conversion policy between absolution and effective saturations. More...
class  InterfacialAreaExponential
 Implementation of the exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Nuske(2009) (Diploma thesis) [56] . More...
class  InterfacialAreaExponentialCubic
 Implementation of a exponential function relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class  InterfacialAreaolynomialEdgeZero2ndOrder
 Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class  InterfacialAreaPcMax
 Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure. More...
class  InterfacialAreaPolynomialSecondOrder
 Implementation of the polynomial of second order relating specific interfacial area to wetting phase saturation and capillary pressure as suggested by Joekar-Niasar(2008) [42] . More...
class  LinearMaterial
 Linear capillary pressure and relative permeability <-> saturation relations. More...
class  MPAdapter
 An adapter for mpnc to use the capillary pressure-saturation relationships. More...
class  MPAdapter< MaterialLaw, 2 >
class  MPLinearMaterial
 Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation. More...
class  MultiPhasePcKrSw
 Wrapper type for multiphase interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules. More...
class  NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw
 Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the nonwetting-solid interfacial area. More...
struct  NoRegularization
 A tag to turn off regularization and it's overhead. More...
class  ParkerVanGenuchten3P
 Implementation of Parker/vanGenuchten's capillary pressure <-> saturation relation for three phases. This class bundles the "raw" curves as static members and doesn't concern itself converting absolute to effective saturations and vince versa. More...
struct  ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy
class  ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization
 A regularization for the ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization material law. More...
class  ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw
 Parker van Genuchten material law. More...
class  PcKrSw
 Wrapper type for laws providing pc-Sw and kr-Sw rules. More...
class  SmoothedLinearLaw
 Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation. More...
class  SplineTwoPMaterialLaw
 A spline approximation wrapper for 2p material laws. More...
struct  ThreePhasePcKrSw
 Wrapper type for 3p interface laws providing pc-S and kr-S rules. More...
class  ThreePNAPLAdsorption
 Implementation of a NAPL adsorption model. More...
class  TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy
 This is a policy for 2p material laws how to convert absolute to relative saturations and vice versa. More...
class  TwoPMaterialLaw
 Wrapper class to implement regularized material laws (pc-sw, kr-sw) with a conversion policy between absolution and effective saturations. More...
class  VanGenuchten
 Implementation of the van Genuchten capillary pressure <-> saturation relation, and relative permeability. More...
class  VanGenuchtenRegularization
 A regularization for the VanGenuchten material law. More...
class  WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw
 Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-nonwetting interfacial area. More...
class  WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw
 Wrapper type for laws providing rules for the wetting-solid interfacial area. More...


template<typename Scalar = double>
using BrooksCoreyDefault = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, BrooksCorey, BrooksCoreyRegularization< Scalar >, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >
 A default configuration for using the Brooks Corey material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double>
using BrooksCoreyNoReg = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, BrooksCorey, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >
 A default configuration without regularization for using the Brooks Corey material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double>
using LinearMaterialDefault = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, LinearMaterial, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >
template<typename Scalar = double>
using VanGenuchtenDefault = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, VanGenuchten, VanGenuchtenRegularization< Scalar >, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >
 A default configuration for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...
template<typename Scalar = double>
using VanGenuchtenNoReg = TwoPMaterialLaw< Scalar, VanGenuchten, NoRegularization, TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy >
 A default configuration without regularization for using the VanGenuchten material law. More...
template<class Scalar >
using ParkerVanGenuchten3PNoReg = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, NoRegularization, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy >
 A configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law without regularization. More...
template<class Scalar >
using ParkerVanGenuchten3PDefault = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw< Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization< Scalar >, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy >
 A default configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law. More...


template<typename T >
 PcKrSw (T &&) -> PcKrSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the PcKrSw class. Makes sure that PcKrSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 MultiPhasePcKrSw (T &&) -> MultiPhasePcKrSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the MultiPhasePcKrSw class. Makes sure that MultiPhasePcKrSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 ThreePhasePcKrSw (T &&) -> ThreePhasePcKrSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the ThreePhasePcKrSw class. Makes sure that ThreePhasePcKrSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw (T &&) -> WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw class. Makes sure that WettingNonwettingInterfacialAreaPcSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw (T &&) -> WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw class. Makes sure that WettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw (T &&) -> NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw< T >
 Deduction guide for the NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw class. Makes sure that NonwettingSolidInterfacialAreaPcSw stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 Adsorption (T &&) -> Adsorption< T >
 Deduction guide for the Adsorption class. Makes sure that Adsorption stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...
template<typename T >
 MPAdapter (T &&) -> MPAdapter< T >
 Deduction guide for the MPAdapter class. Makes sure that MPAdapter stores a copy of T if the constructor is called with a temporary object. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinearMaterialDefault