version 3.9

Index helpers for the free-flow/porous-medium-flow coupling. More...

#include <dune/common/indices.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IndexHelper< freeFlowIdx, porousMediumIndex, FFFS, false >
 Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that no adapter is used. More...
struct  Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling::IndexHelper< freeFlowIdx, porousMediumIndex, FFFS, true >
 Helper struct to choose the correct index for phases and components. This is need if the porous-medium-flow model features more fluid phases than the free-flow model. Specialization for the case that a adapter is used. More...


namespace  Dumux
namespace  Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCoupling
Include dependency graph for indexhelper.hh: