version 3.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
4// SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DuMux Project contributors, see in root folder
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
16#include <array>
17#include <bitset>
18#include <memory>
19#include <sstream>
21#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
22#include <dune/common/classname.hh>
23#include <dune/common/parallel/communication.hh>
24#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
25#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.hh>
26#include <dune/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh>
27#include <dune/grid/common/gridfactory.hh>
28#include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh>
35#include "griddata.hh"
37namespace Dumux {
45template <class Grid>
46class GridManager;
53template <class GridType>
57 using Grid = GridType;
63 void init(const std::string& modelParamGroup = "")
64 {
65 static_assert(AlwaysFalse<GridType>::value,
66 "The header with the GridManager specialization for your grid type is not included "
67 "or no specialization has been implemented!"
68 " In case of the latter, consider providing your own GridManager."
69 );
70 }
76 {
78 return *dgfGridPtr();
79 else
80 return *gridPtr();
81 }
86 const Grid& grid() const
87 {
89 return *dgfGridPtr();
90 else
91 return *gridPtr();
92 }
98 {
99 if (Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunication().size() > 1)
100 {
101 // if we may have dgf parameters use load balancing of the dgf pointer
103 {
104 dgfGridPtr().loadBalance();
105 // update the grid data
106 gridData_ = std::make_shared<GridData>(dgfGridPtr());
107 }
109 // if we have gmsh parameters we have to manually load balance the data
111 {
112 // element and face markers are communicated during load balance
113 auto dh = gridData_->createGmshDataHandle();
114 gridPtr()->loadBalance(dh.interface());
115 gridPtr()->communicate(dh.interface(), Dune::InteriorBorder_All_Interface, Dune::ForwardCommunication);
116 }
117 else
118 gridPtr()->loadBalance();
119 }
120 }
126 std::shared_ptr<GridData> getGridData() const
127 {
128 if (!gridData_)
129 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "No grid data available");
131 return gridData_;
132 }
137 bool hasGridData() const
138 { return static_cast<bool>(gridData_); }
145 std::shared_ptr<Grid>& gridPtr()
146 {
148 return gridPtr_;
149 else
150 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "You are using DGF. To get the grid pointer use method dgfGridPtr()!");
151 }
156 Dune::GridPtr<Grid>& dgfGridPtr()
157 {
159 return dgfGridPtr_;
160 else
161 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "The DGF grid pointer is only available if the grid was constructed with a DGF file!");
162 }
167 std::string getFileExtension(const std::string& fileName) const
168 {
169 std::size_t i = fileName.rfind('.', fileName.length());
170 if (i != std::string::npos)
171 {
172 return(fileName.substr(i+1, fileName.length() - i));
173 }
174 else
175 {
176 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Please provide and extension for your grid file ('"<< fileName << "')!");
177 }
178 return "";
179 }
187 void makeGridFromFile(const std::string& fileName,
188 const std::string& modelParamGroup)
189 {
190 // We found a file in the input file...does it have a supported extension?
191 const std::string extension = getFileExtension(fileName);
192 if (extension != "dgf" && extension != "msh" && extension != "vtu" && extension != "vtp")
193 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Grid type " << Dune::className<Grid>() << " doesn't support grid files with extension: *."<< extension);
195 // Dune Grid Format (DGF) files
196 if (extension == "dgf")
197 {
199 dgfGridPtr() = Dune::GridPtr<Grid>(fileName.c_str(), Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunicator());
200 gridData_ = std::make_shared<GridData>(dgfGridPtr_);
201 }
203 // Gmsh mesh format
204 else if (extension == "msh")
205 {
206 // get some optional parameters
207 const bool verbose = getParamFromGroup<bool>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.Verbosity", false);
208 const bool boundarySegments = getParamFromGroup<bool>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.BoundarySegments", false);
209 const bool domainMarkers = getParamFromGroup<bool>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.DomainMarkers", false);
211 if (domainMarkers)
214 // as default read it on all processes in parallel
215 if(domainMarkers)
216 {
217 std::vector<int> boundaryMarkers, elementMarkers;
218 auto gridFactory = std::make_unique<Dune::GridFactory<Grid>>();
219 Dune::GmshReader<Grid>::read(*gridFactory, fileName, boundaryMarkers, elementMarkers, verbose, boundarySegments);
220 gridPtr() = std::shared_ptr<Grid>(gridFactory->createGrid());
221 gridData_ = std::make_shared<GridData>(gridPtr_, std::move(gridFactory), std::move(elementMarkers), std::move(boundaryMarkers));
222 }
223 else
224 {
225 auto gridFactory = std::make_unique<Dune::GridFactory<Grid>>();
226 Dune::GmshReader<Grid>::read(*gridFactory, fileName, verbose, boundarySegments);
227 gridPtr() = std::shared_ptr<Grid>(gridFactory->createGrid());
228 }
229 }
231 // VTK file formats for unstructured grids
232 else if (extension == "vtu" || extension == "vtp")
233 {
234 if (Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunication().size() > 1)
235 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Reading grids in parallel from VTK file formats is currently not supported!");
237 VTKReader vtkReader(fileName);
238 VTKReader::Data cellData, pointData;
239 auto gridFactory = std::make_unique<Dune::GridFactory<Grid>>();
240 const bool verbose = getParamFromGroup<bool>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.Verbosity", false);
241 gridPtr() = vtkReader.readGrid(*gridFactory, cellData, pointData, verbose);
242 gridData_ = std::make_shared<GridData>(gridPtr_, std::move(gridFactory), std::move(cellData), std::move(pointData));
243 }
244 }
249 void makeGridFromDgfFile(const std::string& fileName)
250 {
251 // We found a file in the input file...does it have a supported extension?
252 const std::string extension = getFileExtension(fileName);
253 if(extension != "dgf")
254 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Grid type " << Dune::className<Grid>() << " only supports DGF (*.dgf) but the specified filename has extension: *."<< extension);
257 dgfGridPtr() = Dune::GridPtr<Grid>(fileName.c_str(), Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunicator());
258 gridData_ = std::make_shared<GridData>(dgfGridPtr_);
259 }
269 template <int dim, int dimworld>
271 const std::string& modelParamGroup)
272 {
273 using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<typename Grid::ctype, dimworld>;
274 const auto upperRight = getParamFromGroup<GlobalPosition>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.UpperRight");
275 const auto lowerLeft = getParamFromGroup<GlobalPosition>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.LowerLeft", GlobalPosition(0.0));
277 using CellArray = std::array<unsigned int, dim>;
278 CellArray cells; cells.fill(1);
279 cells = getParamFromGroup<CellArray>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.Cells", cells);
281 // make the grid
282 if (cellType == CellType::Cube)
283 {
284 gridPtr() = Dune::StructuredGridFactory<Grid>::createCubeGrid(lowerLeft, upperRight, cells);
285 }
286 else if (cellType == CellType::Simplex)
287 {
288 gridPtr() = Dune::StructuredGridFactory<Grid>::createSimplexGrid(lowerLeft, upperRight, cells);
289 }
290 else
291 {
292 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError, "Unknown cell type for making structured grid! Choose Cube or Simplex.");
293 }
294 }
299 void maybeRefineGrid(const std::string& modelParamGroup)
300 {
301 if (hasParamInGroup(modelParamGroup, "Grid.Refinement"))
302 grid().globalRefine(getParamFromGroup<int>(modelParamGroup, "Grid.Refinement"));
303 }
316 std::shared_ptr<Grid> gridPtr_;
317 Dune::GridPtr<Grid> dgfGridPtr_;
319 std::shared_ptr<GridData> gridData_;
322template <class Grid>
323class GridManager : public GridManagerBase<Grid> {};
325} // end namespace Dumux
Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files.
Definition: griddata.hh:54
The grid manager base interface (public) and methods common to most grid manager specializations (pro...
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:55
std::shared_ptr< GridData > getGridData() const
Get an owning pointer to grid data associated with the grid.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:126
GridType Grid
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:57
Dune::GridPtr< Grid > dgfGridPtr_
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:317
const Grid & grid() const
Returns a const reference to the grid.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:86
void maybeRefineGrid(const std::string &modelParamGroup)
Refines a grid after construction if GridParameterGroup.Refinement is set in the input file.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:299
void makeGridFromFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &modelParamGroup)
Makes a grid from a file. We currently support.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:187
void makeStructuredGrid(CellType cellType, const std::string &modelParamGroup)
Makes a structured cube grid using the structured grid factory.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:270
Dune::GridPtr< Grid > & dgfGridPtr()
Returns a reference to the DGF grid pointer (Dune::GridPtr<Grid>).
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:156
bool hasGridData() const
Check whether there is data associated with the grid.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:137
std::shared_ptr< Grid > gridPtr_
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:316
Grid & grid()
Returns a reference to the grid.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:75
std::shared_ptr< GridData > gridData_
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:319
void makeGridFromDgfFile(const std::string &fileName)
Makes a grid from a DGF file. This is used by grid managers that only support DGF.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:249
bool enableGmshDomainMarkers_
A state variable if domain markers have been read from a Gmsh file.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:314
void loadBalance()
Call loadBalance() function of the grid.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:97
The cell types for structured grids.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:264
@ Simplex
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:264
@ Cube
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:264
std::shared_ptr< Grid > & gridPtr()
Returns a reference to the grid pointer (std::shared_ptr<Grid>)
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:145
void init(const std::string &modelParamGroup="")
Make the grid. Implement this method in the specialization of this class for a grid type.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:63
bool enableDgfGridPointer_
A state variable if the DGF Dune::GridPtr has been enabled. It is always enabled if a DGF grid file w...
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:309
std::string getFileExtension(const std::string &fileName) const
Returns the filename extension of a given filename.
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:167
The grid manager (this is the class used by the user) for all supported grid managers that constructs...
Definition: gridmanager_base.hh:323
A vtk file reader using tinyxml2 as xml backend.
Definition: vtkreader.hh:39
std::unique_ptr< Grid > readGrid(bool verbose=false) const
Read a grid from a vtk/vtu/vtp file, ignoring cell and point data.
Definition: vtkreader.hh:116
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< double > > Data
the cell / point data type for point data read from a grid file
Definition: vtkreader.hh:47
Type traits.
bool hasParamInGroup(const std::string &paramGroup, const std::string &param)
Check whether a key exists in the parameter tree with a model group prefix.
Definition: parameters.hh:165
The available discretization methods in Dumux.
Definition: adapt.hh:17
The infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters from Dune::ParameterTrees.
Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files.
Template which always yields a false value.
Definition: common/typetraits/typetraits.hh:24
A vtk file reader using tinyxml2 as xml backend.