version 3.9
io Directory Reference


directory  grid
directory  vtk


file  adaptivegridrestart.hh [code]
 Provides a restart functionality for adaptive grids.
file  chrono.hh [code]
 Helper functions for working with std::chrono.
file  container.hh [code]
 Free functions to write and read a sequence container to and from a file.
file  defaultiofields.hh [code]
 Adds output fields to a given output module, this is the default if a model doesn't implement this functionality.
file  format.hh [code]
 Formatting based on the fmt-library which implements std::format of C++20.
file  gnuplotinterface.hh [code]
 Interface for passing data sets to a file and plotting them, if gnuplot is installed.
file  gridwriter.hh [code]
 Generic writer for a variety of grid file formats.
file  json.hh [code]
 Collection of json classes from JSON for Modern C++ library.
file  loadsolution.hh [code]
 read from a file into a solution vector
file  name.hh [code]
 A collection of input/output field names for common physical quantities.
file  ploteffectivediffusivitymodel.hh [code]
 Interface for plotting the multi-component-matrix-interaction laws.
file  plotmateriallaw3p.hh [code]
 Interface for plotting the three-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws.
file  plotpckrsw.hh [code]
 Interface for plotting the two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws.
file  plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh [code]
 Interface for plotting the non-isothermal two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws.
file  pointcloudvtkwriter.hh [code]
 A VTK writer specialized for staggered grid implementations with dofs on the faces.
file  rasterimagedata.hh [code]
 A data class for raster image information.
file  rasterimagereader.hh [code]
 A simple reader class for raster images.
file  rasterimagewriter.hh [code]
 A simple writer class for raster images.
file  restart.hh [code]
 Generic class to read/write restart files.
file  staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh [code]
 A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format. Specialization for staggered grids with dofs on faces.
file  io/velocityoutput.hh [code]
 Default velocity output policy for porous media models.
file  io/vtkoutputmodule.hh [code]
 A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format.
file  vtksequencewriter.hh [code]
 Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files. This is a modified version of DUNE's pvd writer which takes a VTKWriter as template argument making it more general.