version 3.9
boxdfm Directory Reference


file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fluxvariablescache.hh [code]
 Cache class for the flux variables to be used in conjunction with the box discrete fracture scheme.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fvelementgeometry.hh [code]
 Base class for the local finite volume geometry for the box discrete fracture model.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/fvgridgeometry.hh [code]
 Base class for the finite volume geometry vector for box schemes that consider extra connectivity between grid vertices on marked codim one entities.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/geometryhelper.hh [code]
 Helper class constructing the dual grid finite volume geometries for the box discrete fracture model.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/model.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for porous medium flow models using the box scheme extended to discrete fractures.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/subcontrolvolume.hh [code]
 the sub control volume for the box discrete fracture scheme
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/subcontrolvolumeface.hh [code]
 The sub control volume face class for the box discrete fracture model.
file  porousmediumflow/boxdfm/vtkoutputmodule.hh [code]
 A VTK output module to simplify writing dumux simulation data to VTK format.