version 3.9
discretization Directory Reference


directory  box
directory  cellcentered
directory  cvfe
directory  facecentered
directory  fem
directory  porenetwork
directory  pq1bubble
directory  projection
directory  staggered


file  basegridgeometry.hh [code]
 Base class for grid geometries.
file  basicgridgeometry.hh [code]
 A basic implementation of a grid geometry with some common interfaces.
file  box.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the box scheme.
file  ccmpfa.hh [code]
 Properties for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with mpfa.
file  cctpfa.hh [code]
 Properties for all models using cell-centered finite volume scheme with TPFA.
file  checkoverlapsize.hh [code]
 Check the overlap size for different discretization methods.
file  elementsolution.hh [code]
 Element solution classes and factory functions.
file  evalgradients.hh [code]
 free functions for the evaluation of primary variable gradients inside elements.
file  evalsolution.hh [code]
 free functions for the evaluation of primary variables inside elements.
file  extrusion.hh [code]
 Helper classes to compute the integration elements.
file  fcdiamond.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the diamond scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces).
file  fcstaggered.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the staggered scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces). TODO: detailed documentation and figures.
file  fluxstencil.hh [code]
 The flux stencil specialized for different discretization schemes.
file  functionspacebasis.hh [code]
 Provides helper aliases and functionality to obtain the types and instances of Dune::Functions function space bases that underlie different discretization schemes.
file  discretization/fvgridvariables.hh [code]
 The grid variable class for finite volume schemes, storing variables on scv and scvf (volume and flux variables)
file  fvproperties.hh [code]
 Declares properties required for finite-volume models models.
file  localdoftraits.hh [code]
 Element-specific traits of grid geometries / discretization schemes.
file  localview.hh [code]
 Free function to get the local view of a grid cache object.
file  method.hh [code]
 The available discretization methods in Dumux.
file  nonconformingfecache.hh [code]
 A finite element cache for the non-conforming FE spaces RT and CR.
file  pq1bubble.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the pq1bubble scheme.
file  scvandscvfiterators.hh [code]
 Class providing iterators over sub control volumes and sub control volume faces of an element.
file  staggered.hh [code]
 Defines a type tag and some properties for models using the staggered scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces). TODO: detailed documentation and figures.
file  subcontrolvolumebase.hh [code]
 Base class for a sub control volume.
file  subcontrolvolumefacebase.hh [code]
 Base class for a sub control volume face.
file  walldistance.hh [code]