version 3.9
Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter > Class Template Reference

Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files. This is a modified version of DUNE's pvd writer which takes a VTKWriter as template argument making it more general. More...

#include <dumux/io/vtksequencewriter.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >:


template<class VTKWriter>
class Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >

Derive from this class to write pvd-file suitable for easy visualization with The Visualization Toolkit (VTK).

Template Parameters
VTKWriterThe VTKWriter class

Public Member Functions

 VTKSequenceWriter (std::shared_ptr< VTKWriter > vtkWriter, const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::string &extendpath, int rank, int size)
 Set up the VTKSequenceWriter class. More...
 ~VTKSequenceWriter ()
void write (double time, Dune::VTK::OutputType type=Dune::VTK::ascii)
 Writes VTK data for the given time,. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VTKSequenceWriter()

template<class VTKWriter >
Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >::VTKSequenceWriter ( std::shared_ptr< VTKWriter >  vtkWriter,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  extendpath,
int  rank,
int  size 
vtkWriterWriter object used to write the individual time step data files
nameBase name of the output files. This should not contain any directory part and not filename extensions. It will be used both for each processes piece as well as the parallel collection file.
pathDirectory where to put the parallel collection (.pvtu/.pvtp) file. If it is relative, it is taken relative to the current directory
extendpathDirectory where to put the piece file (.vtu/.vtp) of this process. If it is relative, it is taken relative to the directory denoted by path
rankProcess number in a multi-process setting
sizeTotal number of processes

◆ ~VTKSequenceWriter()

template<class VTKWriter >
Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >::~VTKSequenceWriter ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ write()

template<class VTKWriter >
void Dumux::VTKSequenceWriter< VTKWriter >::write ( double  time,
Dune::VTK::OutputType  type = Dune::VTK::ascii 
timeThe time(step) for the data to be written.
typeVTK output type.

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