version 3.9
Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag > Class Template Reference

Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes problem base class. More...

#include <dumux/freeflow/rans/problem.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >:


template<class TypeTag>
class Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >

This implements some base functionality for RANS models. Especially vectors containing all wall-relevant properties, which are accessed by the volumevariables.

Public Types

using SpatialParams = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::SpatialParams >

Public Member Functions

 RANSProblemBase (std::shared_ptr< const GridGeometry > gridGeometry, const std::string &paramGroup="")
 The constructor. More...
void updateStaticWallProperties ()
 Update the static (solution independent) relations to the walls and neighbors. More...
template<class SolutionVector >
void updateDynamicWallProperties (const SolutionVector &curSol)
 Update the dynamic (solution dependent) turbulence parameters. More...
bool useWallFunction (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const int &eqIdx) const
 Returns whether a wall function should be used at a given face. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables >
FacePrimaryVariables wallFunction (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFaceVariables &elemFaceVars, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const SubControlVolumeFace &lateralBoundaryFace) const
 Returns an additional wall function momentum flux. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables >
CellCenterPrimaryVariables wallFunction (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFaceVariables &elemFaceVars, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Returns an additional wall function flux for cell-centered quantities. More...
bool isFlatWallBounded () const
 Returns whether a given sub control volume face is on a wall. More...
const Scalar karmanConstant () const
 Returns the Karman constant. More...
const Scalar betaOmega () const
 Returns the \( \beta_{\omega} \) constant. More...
Scalar turbulentPrandtlNumber () const
 Return the turbulent Prandtl number \( [-] \) which is used to convert the eddy viscosity to an eddy thermal conductivity. More...
Scalar turbulentSchmidtNumber () const
 Return the turbulent Schmidt number \( [-] \) which is used to convert the eddy viscosity to an eddy diffusivity. More...
int wallNormalAxis (const int elementIdx) const
int flowDirectionAxis (const int elementIdx) const
unsigned int wallElementIndex (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar wallDistance (const int elementIdx) const
GlobalPosition cellCenter (const int elementIdx) const
unsigned int neighborIndex (const int elementIdx, const int axisIdx, const int sideIdx) const
DimVector ccVelocityVector (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar ccVelocity (const int elementIdx, const int axisIdx) const
DimVector velocityMaximum (const int elementIdx) const
DimVector velocityMinimum (const int elementIdx) const
DimMatrix velocityGradientTensor (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar velocityGradient (const int elementIdx, const int i, const int j) const
Scalar stressTensorScalarProduct (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar vorticityTensorScalarProduct (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar storedViscosity (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar storedDensity (const int elementIdx) const
Scalar kinematicViscosity (const int elementIdx) const
const GravityVector & gravity () const
 Returns the acceleration due to gravity. More...
bool enableInertiaTerms () const
 Returns whether interia terms should be considered. More...
template<class SolutionVector , class G = GridGeometry>
std::enable_if< G::discMethod==DiscretizationMethods::staggered, void >::type applyInitialFaceSolution (SolutionVector &sol, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const PrimaryVariables &initSol) const
 Applies the initial face solution (velocities on the faces). Specialization for staggered grid discretization. More...
Scalar pseudo3DWallFriction (const Scalar velocity, const Scalar viscosity, const Scalar height, const Scalar factor=8.0) const
 An additional drag term can be included as source term for the momentum balance to mimic 3D flow behavior in 2D: More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables , class G = GridGeometry>
std::enable_if< G::discMethod==DiscretizationMethods::staggered, Scalar >::type pseudo3DWallFriction (const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFaceVariables &elemFaceVars, const Scalar height, const Scalar factor=8.0) const
 Convenience function for staggered grid implementation. More...
Scalar permeability (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Returns the intrinsic permeability of required as input parameter for the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman boundary condition. More...
Scalar alphaBJ (const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Returns the alpha value required as input parameter for the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman boundary condition. More...
Scalar betaBJ (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const GlobalPosition &tangentialVector) const
 Returns the beta value which is the alpha value divided by the square root of the (scalar-valued) interface permeability. More...
VelocityVector porousMediumVelocity (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Returns the velocity in the porous medium (which is 0 by default according to Saffmann). More...
const Scalar beaversJosephVelocity (const Element &element, const SubControlVolume &scv, const SubControlVolumeFace &ownScvf, const SubControlVolumeFace &faceOnPorousBoundary, const Scalar velocitySelf, const Scalar tangentialVelocityGradient) const
 Returns the slip velocity at a porous boundary based on the Beavers-Joseph(-Saffman) condition. More...
bool isDirichletCell (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolume &scv, int pvIdx) const
 Returns whether a fixed Dirichlet value shall be used at a given cell. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables , class Entity >
NumEqVector source (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFaceVariables &elementFaceVars, const Entity &e) const
 Evaluate the source term for all phases within a given sub-control-volume (-face). More...
NumEqVector neumann (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFaceVariables &elemFaceVars, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a neumann boundary segment. More...
template<class Entity >
PrimaryVariables initial (const Entity &entity) const
 Evaluate the initial value for an element (for cell-centered primary variables) or face (for velocities) More...
template<class SolutionVector >
void applyInitialSolution (SolutionVector &sol) const
 Applies the initial solution for all degrees of freedom of the grid. More...
template<class SolutionVector >
void applyInitialCellCenterSolution (SolutionVector &sol, const SubControlVolume &scv, const PrimaryVariables &initSol) const
 Applies the initial cell center solution. More...
const SpatialParamsspatialParams () const
 Return a reference to the underlying spatial parameters. More...
SpatialParamsspatialParams ()
 Return a reference to the underlying spatial parameters. More...
const std::string & name () const
 The problem name. More...
void setName (const std::string &newName)
 Set the problem name. More...

Public Attributes

bool calledUpdateStaticWallProperties = false

Boundary conditions and sources defining the problem

template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
NumEqVector source (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Evaluate the source term for all phases within a given sub-control-volume. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFluxVariablesCache >
NumEqVector neumann (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const ElementFluxVariablesCache &elemFluxVarsCache, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a neumann boundary segment. More...
auto boundaryTypes (const Element &element, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be used for which equation on a given boundary segment. More...
auto boundaryTypes (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be used for which equation on a given boundary segment. More...
BoundaryTypes boundaryTypesAtPos (const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be used for which equation on a given boundary segment. More...
PrimaryVariables dirichlet (const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a dirichlet control volume face. More...
PrimaryVariables dirichlet (const Element &element, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a dirichlet control volume. More...
PrimaryVariables dirichletAtPos (const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a dirichlet control volume. More...
NumEqVector neumannAtPos (const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Evaluate the boundary conditions for a neumann boundary segment. More...
NumEqVector sourceAtPos (const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Evaluate the source term for all phases within a given sub-control-volume. More...
void addPointSources (std::vector< PointSource > &pointSources) const
 Applies a vector of point sources. The point sources are possibly solution dependent. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
void pointSource (PointSource &source, const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Evaluate the point sources (added by addPointSources) for all phases within a given sub-control-volume. More...
void pointSourceAtPos (PointSource &pointSource, const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Evaluate the point sources (added by addPointSources) for all phases within a given sub-control-volume. More...
template<class MatrixBlock , class VolumeVariables >
void addSourceDerivatives (MatrixBlock &block, const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const VolumeVariables &volVars, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Add source term derivative to the Jacobian. More...
template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
NumEqVector scvPointSources (const Element &element, const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, const ElementVolumeVariables &elemVolVars, const SubControlVolume &scv) const
 Adds contribution of point sources for a specific sub control volume to the values. Caution: Only overload this method in the implementation if you know what you are doing. More...
void computePointSourceMap ()
 Compute the point source map, i.e. which scvs have point source contributions. More...
const PointSourceMap & pointSourceMap () const
 Get the point source map. It stores the point sources per scv. More...
PrimaryVariables initialAtPos (const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 Evaluate the initial value for a control volume. More...
const GridGeometry & gridGeometry () const
 The finite volume grid geometry. More...
const std::string & paramGroup () const
 The parameter group in which to retrieve runtime parameters. More...
static constexpr bool enableInternalDirichletConstraints ()
 If internal Dirichlet constraints are enabled Enables / disables internal (non-boundary) Dirichlet constraints. If this is overloaded to return true, the assembler calls problem.hasInternalDirichletConstraint(element, scv). This means you have to implement the following member function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ SpatialParams

template<class TypeTag >
using Dumux::FVProblemWithSpatialParams< TypeTag >::SpatialParams = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SpatialParams>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RANSProblemBase()

template<class TypeTag >
Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::RANSProblemBase ( std::shared_ptr< const GridGeometry >  gridGeometry,
const std::string &  paramGroup = "" 
gridGeometryThe finite volume grid geometry
paramGroupThe parameter group in which to look for runtime parameters first (default is "")

Member Function Documentation

◆ addPointSources()

template<class TypeTag >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::addPointSources ( std::vector< PointSource > &  pointSources) const
pointSourcesA vector of PointSource s that contain source values for all phases and space positions.

For this method, the values method of the point source has to return the absolute rate values in units \( [ \textnormal{unit of conserved quantity} / s ] \). Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes. E.g. for the mass balance that would be a mass rate in \( [ kg / s ] \).

◆ addSourceDerivatives()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class MatrixBlock , class VolumeVariables >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::addSourceDerivatives ( MatrixBlock &  block,
const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const VolumeVariables &  volVars,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const
Only needed in case of analytic differentiation and solution dependent sources

◆ alphaBJ()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::alphaBJ ( const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf) const

This member function must be overloaded in the problem implementation, if the BJS boundary condition is used.

◆ applyInitialCellCenterSolution()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class SolutionVector >
void Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::applyInitialCellCenterSolution ( SolutionVector &  sol,
const SubControlVolume &  scv,
const PrimaryVariables &  initSol 
) const

◆ applyInitialFaceSolution()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class SolutionVector , class G = GridGeometry>
std::enable_if< G::discMethod==DiscretizationMethods::staggered, void >::type Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::applyInitialFaceSolution ( SolutionVector &  sol,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const PrimaryVariables &  initSol 
) const

◆ applyInitialSolution()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class SolutionVector >
void Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::applyInitialSolution ( SolutionVector &  sol) const

◆ beaversJosephVelocity()

template<class TypeTag >
const Scalar Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::beaversJosephVelocity ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolume &  scv,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  ownScvf,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  faceOnPorousBoundary,
const Scalar  velocitySelf,
const Scalar  tangentialVelocityGradient 
) const

◆ betaBJ()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::betaBJ ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const GlobalPosition &  tangentialVector 
) const

◆ betaOmega()

template<class TypeTag >
const Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::betaOmega ( ) const

◆ boundaryTypes() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
auto Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::boundaryTypes ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const
elementThe finite element
scvThe sub control volume

◆ boundaryTypes() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
auto Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::boundaryTypes ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const
elementThe finite element
scvfThe sub control volume face

◆ boundaryTypesAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
BoundaryTypes Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::boundaryTypesAtPos ( const GlobalPosition &  globalPos) const
globalPosThe position of the finite volume in global coordinates

As a default, i.e. if the user's problem does not overload any boundaryTypes method set Dirichlet boundary conditions everywhere for all primary variables

◆ ccVelocity()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::ccVelocity ( const int  elementIdx,
const int  axisIdx 
) const

◆ ccVelocityVector()

template<class TypeTag >
DimVector Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::ccVelocityVector ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ cellCenter()

template<class TypeTag >
GlobalPosition Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::cellCenter ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ computePointSourceMap()

template<class TypeTag >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::computePointSourceMap ( )
Call this on the problem before assembly if you want to enable point sources set via the addPointSources member function.

◆ dirichlet() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
PrimaryVariables Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::dirichlet ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const
elementThe finite element
scvthe sub control volume
used for cell-centered discretization schemes

◆ dirichlet() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
PrimaryVariables Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::dirichlet ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const
elementThe finite element
scvfthe sub control volume face
used for cell-centered discretization schemes

◆ dirichletAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
PrimaryVariables Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::dirichletAtPos ( const GlobalPosition &  globalPos) const
globalPosThe position of the center of the finite volume for which the dirichlet condition ought to be set in global coordinates

◆ enableInertiaTerms()

template<class TypeTag >
bool Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::enableInertiaTerms ( ) const

◆ enableInternalDirichletConstraints()

template<class TypeTag >
static constexpr bool Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::enableInternalDirichletConstraints ( )

std::bitset<N> hasInternalDirichletConstraint(const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv) const;

where N is the number of equations and where the return value defines for each equation if the corresponding dof associated with the element/scv pair is constraint. If true is returned for a dof, the assembler calls problem.internalDirichlet(element, scv). This means you have to additionally implement the following member function

PrimaryVariables internalDirichlet(const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv) const;

which returns the enforced Dirichlet values the dof associated with the element/scv pair.

◆ flowDirectionAxis()

template<class TypeTag >
int Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::flowDirectionAxis ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ gravity()

template<class TypeTag >
const GravityVector & Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::gravity ( ) const

If the Problem.EnableGravity parameter is true, this means \(\boldsymbol{g} = ( 0,\dots,\ -9.81)^T \), else \(\boldsymbol{g} = ( 0,\dots, 0)^T \)

◆ gridGeometry()

template<class TypeTag >
const GridGeometry & Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::gridGeometry ( ) const

◆ initial()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class Entity >
PrimaryVariables Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::initial ( const Entity &  entity) const
entityThe dof entity (element or vertex)

◆ initialAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
PrimaryVariables Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::initialAtPos ( const GlobalPosition &  globalPos) const
globalPosThe global position

◆ isDirichletCell()

template<class TypeTag >
bool Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::isDirichletCell ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolume &  scv,
int  pvIdx 
) const
elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
scvThe sub control volume
pvIdxThe primary variable index

◆ isFlatWallBounded()

template<class TypeTag >
bool Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::isFlatWallBounded ( ) const

◆ karmanConstant()

template<class TypeTag >
const Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::karmanConstant ( ) const

◆ kinematicViscosity()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::kinematicViscosity ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ name()

template<class TypeTag >
const std::string & Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::name ( ) const

This is used as a prefix for files generated by the simulation. It could be either overwritten by the problem files, or simply declared over the setName() function in the application file.

◆ neighborIndex()

template<class TypeTag >
unsigned int Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::neighborIndex ( const int  elementIdx,
const int  axisIdx,
const int  sideIdx 
) const

◆ neumann() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
NumEqVector Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::neumann ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFaceVariables &  elemFaceVars,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const

This is the method for the case where the Neumann condition is potentially solution dependent

elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
elemVolVarsAll volume variables for the element
elemFaceVarsAll face variables for the element
scvfThe sub control volume face

Negative values mean influx. E.g. for the mass balance that would the mass flux in \( [ kg / (m^2 \cdot s)] \).

◆ neumann() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFluxVariablesCache >
NumEqVector Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::neumann ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFluxVariablesCache &  elemFluxVarsCache,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const

This is the method for the case where the Neumann condition is potentially solution dependent

elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
elemVolVarsAll volume variables for the element
elemFluxVarsCacheFlux variables caches for all faces in stencil
scvfThe sub control volume face

Negative values mean influx. E.g. for the mass balance that would be the mass flux in \( [ kg / (m^2 \cdot s)] \).

◆ neumannAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
NumEqVector Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::neumannAtPos ( const GlobalPosition &  globalPos) const
globalPosThe position of the boundary face's integration point in global coordinates

Negative values mean influx. E.g. for the mass balance that would be the mass flux in \( [ kg / (m^2 \cdot s)] \).

As a default, i.e. if the user's problem does not overload any neumann method return no-flow Neumann boundary conditions at all Neumann boundaries

◆ paramGroup()

template<class TypeTag >
const std::string & Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::paramGroup ( ) const

◆ permeability()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::permeability ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const

This member function must be overloaded in the problem implementation, if the BJS boundary condition is used.

◆ pointSource()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::pointSource ( PointSource &  source,
const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const

This is the method for the case where the point source is solution dependent

sourceA single point source
elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
elemVolVarsAll volume variables for the element
scvThe sub control volume

For this method, the values() method of the point sources returns the absolute conserved quantity rate generated or annihilate in units \( [ \textnormal{unit of conserved quantity} / s ] \). Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes. E.g. for the mass balance that would be a mass rate in \( [ kg / s ] \).

◆ pointSourceAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::pointSourceAtPos ( PointSource &  pointSource,
const GlobalPosition &  globalPos 
) const

This is the method for the case where the point source is space dependent

pointSourceA single point source
globalPosThe point source position in global coordinates

For this method, the values() method of the point sources returns the absolute conserved quantity rate generated or annihilate in units \( [ \textnormal{unit of conserved quantity} / s ] \). Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes. E.g. for the mass balance that would be a mass rate in \( [ kg / s ] \).

◆ pointSourceMap()

template<class TypeTag >
const PointSourceMap & Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::pointSourceMap ( ) const

◆ porousMediumVelocity()

template<class TypeTag >
VelocityVector Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::porousMediumVelocity ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const

◆ pseudo3DWallFriction() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::pseudo3DWallFriction ( const Scalar  velocity,
const Scalar  viscosity,
const Scalar  height,
const Scalar  factor = 8.0 
) const

\[ f_{drag} = -(8 \mu / h^2)v \]

Here, \(h\) corresponds to the extruded height that is bounded by the imaginary walls. See Flekkoy et al. (1995) [30]
A value of 8.0 is used as a default factor, corresponding to the velocity profile at the center plane of the virtual height (maximum velocity). Setting this value to 12.0 corresponds to an depth-averaged velocity (Venturoli and Boek, 2006) [84].

◆ pseudo3DWallFriction() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables , class G = GridGeometry>
std::enable_if< G::discMethod==DiscretizationMethods::staggered, Scalar >::type Dumux::NavierStokesStaggeredProblem< TypeTag >::pseudo3DWallFriction ( const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFaceVariables &  elemFaceVars,
const Scalar  height,
const Scalar  factor = 8.0 
) const

◆ scvPointSources()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
NumEqVector Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::scvPointSources ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const

◆ setName()

template<class TypeTag >
void Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::setName ( const std::string &  newName)
newNameThe problem's name

◆ source() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables , class Entity >
NumEqVector Dumux::StaggeredFVProblem< TypeTag >::source ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFaceVariables &  elementFaceVars,
const Entity &  e 
) const

This is the method for the case where the source term is potentially solution dependent and requires some quantities that are specific to the fully-implicit method.

elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
elemVolVarsAll volume variables for the element
elementFaceVarsAll face variables for the element
eThe geometrical entity on which the source shall be applied (scv or scvf)

For this method, the return parameter stores the conserved quantity rate generated or annihilate per volume unit. Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes.

◆ source() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables >
NumEqVector Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::source ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const SubControlVolume &  scv 
) const

This is the method for the case where the source term is potentially solution dependent and requires some quantities that are specific to the fully-implicit method.

elementThe finite element
fvGeometryThe finite-volume geometry
elemVolVarsAll volume variables for the element
scvThe sub control volume

For this method, the return parameter stores the conserved quantity rate generated or annihilate per volume unit. Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes. E.g. for the mass balance that would be a mass rate in \( [ kg / (m^3 \cdot s)] \).

◆ sourceAtPos()

template<class TypeTag >
NumEqVector Dumux::FVProblem< TypeTag >::sourceAtPos ( const GlobalPosition &  globalPos) const
globalPosThe position of the center of the finite volume for which the source term ought to be specified in global coordinates

For this method, the values parameter stores the conserved quantity rate generated or annihilate per volume unit. Positive values mean that the conserved quantity is created, negative ones mean that it vanishes. E.g. for the mass balance that would be a mass rate in \( [ kg / (m^3 \cdot s)] \).

As a default, i.e. if the user's problem does not overload any source method return 0.0 (no source terms)

◆ spatialParams() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
SpatialParams & Dumux::FVProblemWithSpatialParams< TypeTag >::spatialParams ( )

◆ spatialParams() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
const SpatialParams & Dumux::FVProblemWithSpatialParams< TypeTag >::spatialParams ( ) const

◆ storedDensity()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::storedDensity ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ storedViscosity()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::storedViscosity ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ stressTensorScalarProduct()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::stressTensorScalarProduct ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ turbulentPrandtlNumber()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::turbulentPrandtlNumber ( ) const

◆ turbulentSchmidtNumber()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::turbulentSchmidtNumber ( ) const

◆ updateDynamicWallProperties()

template<class TypeTag >
template<class SolutionVector >
void Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::updateDynamicWallProperties ( const SolutionVector &  curSol)
curSolThe solution vector.

◆ updateStaticWallProperties()

template<class TypeTag >
void Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::updateStaticWallProperties ( )

◆ useWallFunction()

template<class TypeTag >
bool Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::useWallFunction ( const Element &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const int &  eqIdx 
) const
elementThe element.
scvfThe sub control volume face.
eqIdxThe equation index.

◆ velocityGradient()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::velocityGradient ( const int  elementIdx,
const int  i,
const int  j 
) const

◆ velocityGradientTensor()

template<class TypeTag >
DimMatrix Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::velocityGradientTensor ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ velocityMaximum()

template<class TypeTag >
DimVector Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::velocityMaximum ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ velocityMinimum()

template<class TypeTag >
DimVector Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::velocityMinimum ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ vorticityTensorScalarProduct()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::vorticityTensorScalarProduct ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ wallDistance()

template<class TypeTag >
Scalar Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::wallDistance ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ wallElementIndex()

template<class TypeTag >
unsigned int Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::wallElementIndex ( const int  elementIdx) const

◆ wallFunction() [1/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables >
CellCenterPrimaryVariables Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::wallFunction ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFaceVariables &  elemFaceVars,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf 
) const

◆ wallFunction() [2/2]

template<class TypeTag >
template<class ElementVolumeVariables , class ElementFaceVariables >
FacePrimaryVariables Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::wallFunction ( const Element &  element,
const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
const ElementVolumeVariables &  elemVolVars,
const ElementFaceVariables &  elemFaceVars,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const SubControlVolumeFace &  lateralBoundaryFace 
) const

◆ wallNormalAxis()

template<class TypeTag >
int Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::wallNormalAxis ( const int  elementIdx) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ calledUpdateStaticWallProperties

template<class TypeTag >
bool Dumux::RANSProblemBase< TypeTag >::calledUpdateStaticWallProperties = false

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