version 3.9
Dumux::PlotThermalConductivityModel< Scalar, ThermalConductivityModel, FS > Class Template Reference

Interface for plotting the non-isothermal two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws.

#include <dumux/io/plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh>

Public Member Functions

 PlotThermalConductivityModel (Scalar temperature=283.15, Scalar pressure=1e5)
 Constructor. More...
void addlambdaeffcurve (GnuplotInterface< Scalar > &gnuplot, Scalar porosity, Scalar rhoSolid, Scalar lambdaSolid, Scalar lowerSat=0.0, Scalar upperSat=1.0, std::string curveName="lambdaeff", std::string curveOptions="w l")
 Add a effective thermal conductivity-saturation curve to the plot. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PlotThermalConductivityModel()

template<class Scalar , class ThermalConductivityModel , class FS >
Dumux::PlotThermalConductivityModel< Scalar, ThermalConductivityModel, FS >::PlotThermalConductivityModel ( Scalar  temperature = 283.15,
Scalar  pressure = 1e5 

Initializes the fluid system.

temperaturetemperature in \(\mathrm{[K]}\)
pressurereference pressure in \(\mathrm{[Pa]}\)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addlambdaeffcurve()

template<class Scalar , class ThermalConductivityModel , class FS >
void Dumux::PlotThermalConductivityModel< Scalar, ThermalConductivityModel, FS >::addlambdaeffcurve ( GnuplotInterface< Scalar > &  gnuplot,
Scalar  porosity,
Scalar  rhoSolid,
Scalar  lambdaSolid,
Scalar  lowerSat = 0.0,
Scalar  upperSat = 1.0,
std::string  curveName = "lambdaeff",
std::string  curveOptions = "w l" 
gnuplotThe gnuplot interface
porosityThe porosity
rhoSolidThe density of the solid phase
lambdaSolidThe conductivity of the solid phase
lowerSatMinimum x-value for data set
upperSatMaximum x-value for data set
curveNameName of the data set
curveOptionsPlotting options associated with that data set

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