version 3.9
Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId > Class Template Reference

P1/Q1 + Bubble finite element. More...

#include <dumux/discretization/pq1bubble/pq1bubblelocalfiniteelement.hh>


template<class D, class R, int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
class Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >
Template Parameters
Dtype used for domain coordinates
Rtype used for function values
dimdimension of the reference element
typeIdThe geometry type

Public Types

using Traits = Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits< Basis, Coefficients, Interpolation >

Public Member Functions

const Traits::LocalBasisType & localBasis () const
 Returns the local basis, i.e., the set of shape functions. More...
const Traits::LocalCoefficientsType & localCoefficients () const
 Returns the assignment of the degrees of freedom to the element subentities. More...
const Traits::LocalInterpolationType & localInterpolation () const
 Returns object that evaluates degrees of freedom. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr std::size_t size ()
 The number of coefficients in the basis. More...
static constexpr Dune::GeometryType type ()
 The reference element type that the local finite element is defined on. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Traits

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
using Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::Traits = Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits<Basis, Coefficients, Interpolation>

Member Function Documentation

◆ localBasis()

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
const Traits::LocalBasisType & Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::localBasis ( ) const

◆ localCoefficients()

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
const Traits::LocalCoefficientsType & Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::localCoefficients ( ) const

◆ localInterpolation()

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
const Traits::LocalInterpolationType & Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::localInterpolation ( ) const

◆ size()

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
static constexpr std::size_t Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::size ( )

◆ type()

template<class D , class R , int dim, Dune::GeometryType::Id typeId>
static constexpr Dune::GeometryType Dumux::PQ1BubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, typeId >::type ( )

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