version 3.9
Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm > Class Template Reference

An implementation of a Newton solver. More...

#include <dumux/nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >:


template<class Assembler, class LinearSolver, class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
class Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >
Template Parameters
Assemblerthe assembler
LinearSolverthe linear solver
Commthe communication object used to communicate with all processes
If you want to specialize only some methods but are happy with the defaults of the reference solver, derive your solver from this class and simply overload the required methods.

Public Types

using Communication = Comm
using Assembler = Assembler
 export the assembler and linear solver types More...
using LinearSolver = LinearSolver
using Variables = Detail::PDESolver::AssemblerVariables< Assembler >
 export the type of variables that represent a numerical solution More...

Public Member Functions

 NewtonSolver (std::shared_ptr< Assembler > assembler, std::shared_ptr< LinearSolver > linearSolver, const Communication &comm=Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunication(), const std::string &paramGroup="")
 The Constructor. More...
const Communicationcomm () const
 the communicator for parallel runs More...
void setMaxRelativeShift (Scalar tolerance)
 Set the maximum acceptable difference of any primary variable between two iterations for declaring convergence. More...
void setMaxAbsoluteResidual (Scalar tolerance)
 Set the maximum acceptable absolute residual for declaring convergence. More...
void setResidualReduction (Scalar tolerance)
 Set the maximum acceptable residual norm reduction. More...
void setTargetSteps (int targetSteps)
 Set the number of iterations at which the Newton method should aim at. More...
void setMinSteps (int minSteps)
 Set the number of minimum iterations for the Newton method. More...
void setMaxSteps (int maxSteps)
 Set the number of iterations after which the Newton method gives up. More...
void solve (Variables &vars, TimeLoop &timeLoop) override
 Run the Newton method to solve a non-linear system. Does time step control when the Newton fails to converge. More...
void solve (Variables &vars) override
 Run the Newton method to solve a non-linear system. The solver is responsible for all the strategic decisions. More...
bool apply (Variables &vars) override
 Run the Newton method to solve a non-linear system. The solver is responsible for all the strategic decisions. More...
virtual void newtonBegin (Variables &initVars)
 Called before the Newton method is applied to an non-linear system of equations. More...
virtual bool newtonProceed (const Variables &varsCurrentIter, bool converged)
 Returns true if another iteration should be done. More...
virtual void newtonBeginStep (const Variables &vars)
 Indicates the beginning of a Newton iteration. More...
virtual void assembleLinearSystem (const Variables &vars)
 Assemble the linear system of equations \(\mathbf{A}x - b = 0\). More...
void solveLinearSystem (ResidualVector &deltaU)
 Solve the linear system of equations \(\mathbf{A}x - b = 0\). More...
void newtonUpdate (Variables &vars, const SolutionVector &uLastIter, const ResidualVector &deltaU)
 Update the current solution with a delta vector. More...
virtual void newtonEndStep (Variables &vars, const SolutionVector &uLastIter)
 Indicates that one Newton iteration was finished. More...
virtual void newtonEnd ()
 Called if the Newton method ended (not known yet if we failed or succeeded) More...
virtual bool newtonConverged () const
 Returns true if the error of the solution is below the tolerance. More...
virtual void newtonFail (Variables &u)
 Called if the Newton method broke down. This method is called after newtonEnd() More...
virtual void newtonSucceed ()
 Called if the Newton method ended successfully This method is called after newtonEnd() More...
void report (std::ostream &sout=std::cout) const
 output statistics / report More...
void resetReport ()
 reset the statistics More...
void reportParams (std::ostream &sout=std::cout) const
 Report the options and parameters this Newton is configured with. More...
Scalar suggestTimeStepSize (Scalar oldTimeStep) const
 Suggest a new time-step size based on the old time-step size. More...
void setVerbosity (int val)
 Specifies the verbosity level. More...
int verbosity () const
 Return the verbosity level. More...
const std::string & paramGroup () const
 Returns the parameter group. More...
void attachConvergenceWriter (std::shared_ptr< ConvergenceWriter > convWriter)
 Attach a convergence writer to write out intermediate results after each iteration. More...
void detachConvergenceWriter ()
 Detach the convergence writer to stop the output. More...
Scalar retryTimeStepReductionFactor () const
 Return the factor for reducing the time step after a Newton iteration has failed. More...
void setRetryTimeStepReductionFactor (const Scalar factor)
 Set the factor for reducing the time step after a Newton iteration has failed. More...
const Assemblerassembler () const
 Access the assembler. More...
Assemblerassembler ()
 Access the assembler. More...
const LinearSolverlinearSolver () const
 Access the linear solver. More...

Protected Types

using Backend = VariablesBackend< typename ParentType::Variables >
using SolutionVector = typename Backend::DofVector
using ResidualVector = typename Assembler::ResidualType
using LinearAlgebraNativeBackend = VariablesBackend< ResidualVector >

Protected Member Functions

virtual void solutionChanged_ (Variables &vars, const SolutionVector &uCurrentIter)
 Update solution-dependent quantities like grid variables after the solution has changed. More...
void computeResidualReduction_ (const Variables &vars)
bool enableResidualCriterion () const
LinearSolverlinearSolver ()
 Access the linear solver. More...
bool checkSizesOfSubMatrices (const Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args... > &matrix) const
 Helper function to assure the MultiTypeBlockMatrix's sub-blocks have the correct sizes. More...
bool checkSizesOfSubMatrices (const M &) const
 Default implementation for any matrix type. More...

Protected Attributes

int targetSteps_
 optimal number of iterations we want to achieve More...
int minSteps_
 minimum number of iterations we do More...
int maxSteps_
 maximum number of iterations we do before giving up More...
int numSteps_
 actual number of steps done so far More...
Scalar reduction_
Scalar residualNorm_
Scalar lastReduction_
Scalar initialResidual_
Scalar shift_
Scalar lastShift_
std::ostringstream endIterMsgStream_
 message stream to be displayed at the end of iterations More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Assembler

using Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::Assembler = Assembler

◆ Backend

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
using Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::Backend = VariablesBackend<typename ParentType::Variables>

◆ Communication

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
using Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::Communication = Comm

◆ LinearAlgebraNativeBackend

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
using Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::LinearAlgebraNativeBackend = VariablesBackend<ResidualVector>

◆ LinearSolver

using Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::LinearSolver = LinearSolver

◆ ResidualVector

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
using Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::ResidualVector = typename Assembler::ResidualType

◆ SolutionVector

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
using Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::SolutionVector = typename Backend::DofVector

◆ Variables

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NewtonSolver()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::NewtonSolver ( std::shared_ptr< Assembler assembler,
std::shared_ptr< LinearSolver linearSolver,
const Communication comm = Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunication(),
const std::string &  paramGroup = "" 

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
bool Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::apply ( Variables vars)
varsThe variables object representing the current state of the numerical solution (primary and possibly secondary variables).
If converged, the Variables will represent the solution. If convergence fails, they are in some intermediate, undefined state.

Implements Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >.

◆ assembleLinearSystem()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::assembleLinearSystem ( const Variables vars)
varsThe current iteration's variables

◆ assembler() [1/2]

Assembler & Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::assembler ( )

◆ assembler() [2/2]

const Assembler & Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::assembler ( ) const

◆ attachConvergenceWriter()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::attachConvergenceWriter ( std::shared_ptr< ConvergenceWriter convWriter)

◆ checkSizesOfSubMatrices() [1/2]

bool Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::checkSizesOfSubMatrices ( const Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args... > &  matrix) const

◆ checkSizesOfSubMatrices() [2/2]

bool Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::checkSizesOfSubMatrices ( const M &  ) const

◆ comm()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
const Communication & Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::comm ( ) const

◆ computeResidualReduction_()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::computeResidualReduction_ ( const Variables vars)

◆ detachConvergenceWriter()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::detachConvergenceWriter ( )

◆ enableResidualCriterion()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
bool Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::enableResidualCriterion ( ) const

◆ linearSolver() [1/2]

LinearSolver & Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::linearSolver ( )

◆ linearSolver() [2/2]

const LinearSolver & Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler , LinearSolver >::linearSolver ( ) const

◆ newtonBegin()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonBegin ( Variables initVars)
initVarsThe variables representing the initial solution

Reimplemented in Dumux::MultiDomainNewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, CouplingManager, Reassembler, Comm >.

◆ newtonBeginStep()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonBeginStep ( const Variables vars)

◆ newtonConverged()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual bool Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonConverged ( ) const

◆ newtonEnd()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonEnd ( )

◆ newtonEndStep()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonEndStep ( Variables vars,
const SolutionVector uLastIter 
varsThe variables after the current Newton iteration
uLastIterThe solution at the beginning of the current Newton iteration

Reimplemented in Dumux::NonEquilibriumNewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >, and Dumux::MultiDomainNewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, CouplingManager, Reassembler, Comm >.

◆ newtonFail()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonFail ( Variables u)

◆ newtonProceed()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual bool Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonProceed ( const Variables varsCurrentIter,
bool  converged 
varsCurrentIterThe variables of the current Newton iteration
convergedif the Newton method's convergence criterion was met in this step

◆ newtonSucceed()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonSucceed ( )

◆ newtonUpdate()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::newtonUpdate ( Variables vars,
const SolutionVector uLastIter,
const ResidualVector deltaU 

The error estimates required for the newtonConverged() and newtonProceed() methods should be updated inside this method.

Different update strategies, such as line search and chopped updates can be implemented. The default behavior is just to subtract deltaU from uLastIter, i.e.

\[ u^{k+1} = u^k - \Delta u^k \]

varsThe variables after the current iteration
uLastIterThe solution vector after the last iteration
deltaUThe delta as calculated from solving the linear system of equations. This parameter also stores the updated solution.

◆ paramGroup()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
const std::string & Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::paramGroup ( ) const

◆ report()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::report ( std::ostream &  sout = std::cout) const

◆ reportParams()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::reportParams ( std::ostream &  sout = std::cout) const

◆ resetReport()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::resetReport ( )

◆ retryTimeStepReductionFactor()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::retryTimeStepReductionFactor ( ) const

◆ setMaxAbsoluteResidual()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setMaxAbsoluteResidual ( Scalar  tolerance)
toleranceThe maximum absolute residual at which the scheme is considered finished

◆ setMaxRelativeShift()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setMaxRelativeShift ( Scalar  tolerance)
toleranceThe maximum relative shift between two Newton iterations at which the scheme is considered finished

◆ setMaxSteps()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setMaxSteps ( int  maxSteps)
maxStepsNumber of iterations after we give up

◆ setMinSteps()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setMinSteps ( int  minSteps)
minStepsMinimum number of iterations

◆ setResidualReduction()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setResidualReduction ( Scalar  tolerance)
toleranceThe maximum reduction of the residual norm at which the scheme is considered finished

◆ setRetryTimeStepReductionFactor()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setRetryTimeStepReductionFactor ( const Scalar  factor)

◆ setTargetSteps()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setTargetSteps ( int  targetSteps)

This is used to control the time-step size. The heuristic used is to scale the last time-step size by the deviation of the number of iterations used from the target steps.

targetStepsNumber of iterations which are considered "optimal"

◆ setVerbosity()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::setVerbosity ( int  val)

◆ solutionChanged_()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
virtual void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::solutionChanged_ ( Variables vars,
const SolutionVector uCurrentIter 

◆ solve() [1/2]

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::solve ( Variables vars)
varsThe variables object representing the current state of the numerical solution (primary and possibly secondary variables).

Implements Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >.

◆ solve() [2/2]

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::solve ( Variables vars,
TimeLoop timeLoop 
varsThe variables object representing the current state of the numerical solution (primary and possibly secondary variables).
timeLoopThe time loop.

Reimplemented from Dumux::PDESolver< Assembler, LinearSolver >.

◆ solveLinearSystem()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
void Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::solveLinearSystem ( ResidualVector deltaU)

Throws Dumux::NumericalProblem if the linear solver didn't converge.

If the linear solver doesn't accept multitype matrices we copy the matrix into a 1x1 block BCRS matrix for solving.

deltaUThe difference between the current and the next solution

◆ suggestTimeStepSize()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::suggestTimeStepSize ( Scalar  oldTimeStep) const

The default behavior is to suggest the old time-step size scaled by the ratio between the target iterations and the iterations required to actually solve the last time-step.

◆ verbosity()

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
int Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::verbosity ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ endIterMsgStream_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
std::ostringstream Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::endIterMsgStream_

◆ initialResidual_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::initialResidual_

◆ lastReduction_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::lastReduction_

◆ lastShift_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::lastShift_

◆ maxSteps_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
int Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::maxSteps_

◆ minSteps_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
int Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::minSteps_

◆ numSteps_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
int Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::numSteps_

◆ reduction_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::reduction_

◆ residualNorm_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::residualNorm_

◆ shift_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
Scalar Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::shift_

◆ targetSteps_

template<class Assembler , class LinearSolver , class Reassembler = PartialReassembler<Assembler>, class Comm = Dune::Communication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>>
int Dumux::NewtonSolver< Assembler, LinearSolver, Reassembler, Comm >::targetSteps_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: