version 3.9
Dumux::MpfaOInteractionVolumeAssembler< P, EG, EV > Class Template Reference

Specialization of the interaction volume-local assembler class for the schemes using an mpfa-o type assembly. More...

#include <dumux/discretization/cellcentered/mpfa/omethod/localassembler.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::MpfaOInteractionVolumeAssembler< P, EG, EV >:


template<class P, class EG, class EV>
class Dumux::MpfaOInteractionVolumeAssembler< P, EG, EV >
Template Parameters
PThe problem type
EGThe element finite volume geometry
EVThe element volume variables type

Public Member Functions

template<class DataHandle , class IV , class TensorFunc >
void assembleMatrices (DataHandle &handle, IV &iv, const TensorFunc &getT, Scalar< IV > wijZeroThresh=0.0)
 Assembles the matrices involved in the flux expressions and the local system of equations within an interaction volume in an mpfa-o type way. More...
template<class DataHandle , class IV , class GetU >
void assembleU (DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv, const GetU &getU)
 Assembles the vector of primary (cell) unknowns and (maybe) Dirichlet boundary conditions within an interaction volume. More...
const Problem & problem () const
const FVElementGeometry & fvGeometry () const
const ElementVolumeVariables & elemVolVars () const
template<class DataHandle , class IV , class GetRho >
void assembleGravity (DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv, const GetRho &getRho)
 Assembles the gravitational flux contributions on the scvfs within an interaction volume. More...

Static Public Member Functions

template<class FVElementGeometry , class DataHandle , class IV >
static void solveLocalSystem (const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, DataHandle &handle, IV &iv)
 Solves a previously assembled iv-local system of equations and stores the resulting transmissibilities in the provided containers within the interaction volume data handle. More...
template<class DataHandle , class IV >
static IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::FaceVector assembleFaceUnkowns (const DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv)
 Assembles the vector of face unknowns within an interaction volume. More...
template<class DataHandle , class IV >
static std::vector< typename IV::Traits::LocalScvType::GlobalCoordinate > assembleScvGradients (const DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv)
 Assembles the solution gradients in the sub-control volumes within an interaction volume. More...
template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0>
static void resizeMatrix (Matrix &M, size_type rows, size_type cols)
 resizes a matrix to the given sizes (specialization for dynamic matrix type) More...
template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0>
static void resizeMatrix (Matrix &M, size_type rows, size_type cols)
 resizes a matrix to the given sizes (specialization for static matrix type - do nothing) More...
template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0>
static void resizeVector (Vector &v, size_type size)
 resizes a vector to the given size (specialization for dynamic matrix type) More...
template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0>
static void resizeVector (Vector &v, size_type rows)
 resizes a vector to the given size (specialization for static vector type - do nothing) More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembleFaceUnkowns()

template<class DataHandle , class IV >
static IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::FaceVector Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::assembleFaceUnkowns ( const DataHandle &  handle,
const IV &  iv 
This requires the data handle to be fully assembled already.
handleThe data handle in which the vector is stored
ivThe interaction volume

◆ assembleGravity()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
template<class DataHandle , class IV , class GetRho >
void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerBase< P, EG, EV >::assembleGravity ( DataHandle &  handle,
const IV &  iv,
const GetRho &  getRho 
handleThe data handle in which the vector is stored
ivThe interaction volume
getRhoLambda to obtain the density from volume variables

For each face, we...

  • arithmetically average the phase densities
  • compute the term \( \alpha := \mathbf{A} \rho \ \mathbf{n}^T \mathbf{K} \mathbf{g} \) in each neighboring cell
  • compute \( \alpha^* = \sum{\alpha_{outside, i}} - \alpha_{inside} \)

◆ assembleMatrices()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
template<class DataHandle , class IV , class TensorFunc >
void Dumux::MpfaOInteractionVolumeAssembler< P, EG, EV >::assembleMatrices ( DataHandle &  handle,
IV &  iv,
const TensorFunc &  getT,
Scalar< IV >  wijZeroThresh = 0.0 
handleThe data handle in which the matrices are stored
ivThe interaction volume
getTLambda to evaluate the scv-wise tensors
wijZeroThreshThreshold below which transmissibilities are taken to be zero. On the basis of this threshold, trivial (0 = 0) rows in the A matrix are identified and modified accordingly in order to avoid ending up with singular matrices. This can occur when the tensor is zero in some cells.

◆ assembleScvGradients()

template<class DataHandle , class IV >
static std::vector< typename IV::Traits::LocalScvType::GlobalCoordinate > Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::assembleScvGradients ( const DataHandle &  handle,
const IV &  iv 
This requires the data handle to be fully assembled already.
handleThe data handle in which the vector is stored
ivThe interaction volume

◆ assembleU()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
template<class DataHandle , class IV , class GetU >
void Dumux::MpfaOInteractionVolumeAssembler< P, EG, EV >::assembleU ( DataHandle &  handle,
const IV &  iv,
const GetU &  getU 
handleThe data handle in which the vector is stored
ivThe mpfa-o interaction volume
getULambda to obtain the desired cell/Dirichlet value from vol vars

◆ elemVolVars()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
const ElementVolumeVariables & Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerBase< P, EG, EV >::elemVolVars ( ) const

◆ fvGeometry()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
const FVElementGeometry & Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerBase< P, EG, EV >::fvGeometry ( ) const

◆ problem()

template<class P , class EG , class EV >
const Problem & Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerBase< P, EG, EV >::problem ( ) const

◆ resizeMatrix() [1/2]

template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0>
static void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::resizeMatrix ( Matrix &  M,
size_type  rows,
size_type  cols 

◆ resizeMatrix() [2/2]

template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0>
static void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::resizeMatrix ( Matrix &  M,
size_type  rows,
size_type  cols 

◆ resizeVector() [1/2]

template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0>
static void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::resizeVector ( Vector &  v,
size_type  rows 

◆ resizeVector() [2/2]

template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0>
static void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::resizeVector ( Vector &  v,
size_type  size 

◆ solveLocalSystem()

template<class FVElementGeometry , class DataHandle , class IV >
static void Dumux::InteractionVolumeAssemblerHelper::solveLocalSystem ( const FVElementGeometry &  fvGeometry,
DataHandle &  handle,
IV &  iv 
fvGeometryThe bound element finite volume geometry
handleThe data handle in which the matrices are stored
ivThe interaction volume

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