version 3.9
Dumux::Constants< Scalar > Class Template Reference

A central place for various physical constants occurring in some equations.

#include <dumux/material/constants.hh>

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Scalar R = 8.314472
 The ideal gas constant \(\mathrm{[J/(mol K)]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar Na = 6.02214179e23
 The Avogadro constant \(\mathrm{[1/mol]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar kb = R / Na
 The Boltzmann constant \(\mathrm{[J/K]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar c = 299792458
 Speed of light in vacuum \(\mathrm{[m/s]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar F = 96485.3365
 Faraday constant \(\mathrm{[C/mol]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar G = 6.67428e-11
 Newtonian constant of gravitation \(\mathrm{[m^3/(kg s^2)]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar h = 6.62606896e-34
 Planck constant \(\mathrm{[J s]}\). More...
static constexpr Scalar hRed = h / (2 * M_PI)
 Reduced Planck constant \(\mathrm{[J s]}\). More...

Member Data Documentation

◆ c

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::c = 299792458

◆ F

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::F = 96485.3365

Source: CODATA 2010

◆ G

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::G = 6.67428e-11

◆ h

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::h = 6.62606896e-34

◆ hRed

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::hRed = h / (2 * M_PI)

◆ kb

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::kb = R / Na

◆ Na

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::Na = 6.02214179e23

◆ R

template<class Scalar >
constexpr Scalar Dumux::Constants< Scalar >::R = 8.314472

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