version 3.8
discretization/staggered/freeflow/properties.hh File Reference

Defines a type tag and some properties for ree-flow models using the staggered scheme. This scheme features degrees of freedom at the elements' centers and intersections (faces). TODO: detailed documentation and figures. More...

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struct  Dumux::Properties::TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel
struct  Dumux::Properties::NumEqFace< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the number of equations on the faces to 1. We only consider scalar values because the velocity vector is normal to the face. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::NumEqCellCenter< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 For free flow models, we take the number of "physical" equations (e.g. 4 for a 3D NavierStokes problem, 3 velocity components and pressure) and subtract the number of dimensions. This yields the number of equations to be solved on the cell centers. Works also for non-isothermal models. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::GridGeometry< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The default grid geometry. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::FaceVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The variables living on the faces. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::GridVolumeVariables< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the default global volume variables cache vector class. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::VelocityOutput< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 The velocity output. More...
struct  Dumux::Properties::UpwindSchemeOrder< TypeTag, TTag::StaggeredFreeFlowModel >
 Set the order of the upwinding scheme to 1 by default. More...


namespace  Dumux
namespace  Dumux::Properties
 The energy balance equation for a porous solid.
namespace  Dumux::Properties::TTag
 Type tag for numeric models.
Include dependency graph for discretization/staggered/freeflow/properties.hh: