version 3.8
Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits > Class Template Reference

Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...

#include <dumux/discretization/porenetwork/gridgeometry.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >:


template<class Scalar, class GV, class Traits>
class Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >
For caching enabled we store the fv geometries for the whole grid view which is memory intensive but faster

Public Types

using DiscretizationMethod = DiscretizationMethods::Box
 export the discretization method this geometry belongs to More...
using LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView< ThisType, true >
 export the type of the fv element geometry (the local view type) More...
using SubControlVolume = typename Traits::SubControlVolume
 export the type of sub control volume More...
using SubControlVolumeFace = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace
 export the type of sub control volume More...
using Extrusion = Extrusion_t< Traits >
 export the type of extrusion More...
using DofMapper = typename Traits::VertexMapper
 export dof mapper type More...
using FeCache = Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache< CoordScalar, Scalar, dim, 1 >
 export the finite element cache type More...
using GridView = GV
 export the grid view type More...
using Grid = typename BaseImplementation::Grid
 export the grid type More...
using GlobalCoordinate = typename BaseImplementation::GlobalCoordinate
 export the global coordinate type More...
using ElementMapper = typename BaseImplementation::ElementMapper
 export the element mapper type More...
using VertexMapper = typename BaseImplementation::VertexMapper
 export the vertex mapper type More...

Public Member Functions

template<class GridData >
 GridGeometry (const GridView &gridView, const GridData &gridData)
 Constructor. More...
const DofMapperdofMapper () const
std::size_t numScv () const
 The total number of sub control volumes. More...
std::size_t numScvf () const
 The total number of sun control volume faces. More...
std::size_t numBoundaryScvf () const
std::size_t numDofs () const
 The total number of degrees of freedom. More...
template<class GridData >
void update (const GridView &gridView, const GridData &gridData)
 update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption) More...
template<class GridData >
void update (GridView &&gridView, const GridData &gridData)
 update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption) More...
const FeCachefeCache () const
 The finite element cache for creating local FE bases. More...
const std::array< SubControlVolume, 2 > & scvs (GridIndexType eIdx) const
 Get the local scvs for an element. More...
const std::array< SubControlVolumeFace, 1 > & scvfs (GridIndexType eIdx) const
 Get the local scvfs for an element. More...
bool dofOnBoundary (GridIndexType dofIdx) const
 If a vertex / d.o.f. is on the boundary. More...
bool dofOnPeriodicBoundary (GridIndexType dofIdx) const
 If a vertex / d.o.f. is on a periodic boundary (not implemented) More...
GridIndexType periodicallyMappedDof (GridIndexType dofIdx) const
 The index of the vertex / d.o.f. on the other side of the periodic boundary. More...
std::unordered_map< GridIndexType, GridIndexType > periodicVertexMap () const
 Returns the map between dofs across periodic boundaries. More...
bool hasBoundaryScvf (GridIndexType eIdx) const
 Returns whether one of the geometry's scvfs lies on a boundary. More...
void update (const GridView &gridView)
 Update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption) More...
void update (GridView &&gridView)
 Update all fvElementGeometries (call this after grid adaption) More...
const GridViewgridView () const
 Return the gridView this grid geometry object lives on. More...
const VertexMappervertexMapper () const
 Returns the mapper for vertices to indices for constant grids. More...
VertexMappervertexMapper ()
 Returns the mapper for vertices to indices for possibly adaptive grids. More...
const ElementMapperelementMapper () const
 Returns the mapper for elements to indices for constant grids. More...
ElementMapperelementMapper ()
 Returns the mapper for elements to indices for possibly adaptive grids. More...
decltype(auto) boundingBoxTree () const
 Returns the bounding box tree of the grid. More...
decltype(auto) elementMap () const
 Returns the element index to element map. More...
Element element (GridIndexType eIdx) const
 Get an element from a global element index. More...
const GlobalCoordinatebBoxMin () const
 The coordinate of the corner of the GridView's bounding box with the smallest values. More...
const GlobalCoordinatebBoxMax () const
 The coordinate of the corner of the GridView's bounding box with the largest values. More...
bool isPeriodic () const
 Returns if the grid geometry is periodic (at all) More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr DiscretizationMethod discMethod {}

Protected Member Functions

void setPeriodic (bool value=true)
 Set the periodicity of the grid geometry. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DiscretizationMethod

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::DiscretizationMethod = DiscretizationMethods::Box

◆ DofMapper

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::DofMapper = typename Traits::VertexMapper

◆ ElementMapper

template<class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::ElementMapper = typename BaseImplementation::ElementMapper

◆ Extrusion

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::Extrusion = Extrusion_t<Traits>

◆ FeCache

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::FeCache = Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache<CoordScalar, Scalar, dim, 1>

◆ GlobalCoordinate

template<class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::GlobalCoordinate = typename BaseImplementation::GlobalCoordinate

◆ Grid

template<class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::Grid = typename BaseImplementation::Grid

◆ GridView

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::GridView = GV

◆ LocalView

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::LocalView = typename Traits::template LocalView<ThisType, true>

◆ SubControlVolume

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::SubControlVolume = typename Traits::SubControlVolume

◆ SubControlVolumeFace

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::SubControlVolumeFace = typename Traits::SubControlVolumeFace

◆ VertexMapper

template<class GV , class Traits >
using Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::VertexMapper = typename BaseImplementation::VertexMapper

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GridGeometry()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
template<class GridData >
Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::GridGeometry ( const GridView gridView,
const GridData gridData 

Member Function Documentation

◆ bBoxMax()

template<class GV , class Traits >
const GlobalCoordinate & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::bBoxMax ( ) const

◆ bBoxMin()

template<class GV , class Traits >
const GlobalCoordinate & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::bBoxMin ( ) const

◆ boundingBoxTree()

template<class GV , class Traits >
decltype(auto) Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::boundingBoxTree ( ) const

◆ dofMapper()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
const DofMapper & Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::dofMapper ( ) const

the vertex mapper is the dofMapper this is convenience to have better chance to have the same main files for box/tpfa/mpfa...

◆ dofOnBoundary()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
bool Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::dofOnBoundary ( GridIndexType  dofIdx) const

◆ dofOnPeriodicBoundary()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
bool Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::dofOnPeriodicBoundary ( GridIndexType  dofIdx) const

◆ element()

template<class GV , class Traits >
Element Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::element ( GridIndexType  eIdx) const

◆ elementMap()

template<class GV , class Traits >
decltype(auto) Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::elementMap ( ) const

◆ elementMapper() [1/2]

template<class GV , class Traits >
ElementMapper & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::elementMapper ( )

◆ elementMapper() [2/2]

template<class GV , class Traits >
const ElementMapper & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::elementMapper ( ) const

◆ feCache()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
const FeCache & Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::feCache ( ) const

◆ gridView()

template<class GV , class Traits >
const GridView & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::gridView ( ) const

◆ hasBoundaryScvf()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
bool Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::hasBoundaryScvf ( GridIndexType  eIdx) const

◆ isPeriodic()

template<class GV , class Traits >
bool Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::isPeriodic ( ) const

◆ numBoundaryScvf()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
std::size_t Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::numBoundaryScvf ( ) const

The total number of boundary sub control volume faces For compatibility reasons with cc methods

◆ numDofs()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
std::size_t Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::numDofs ( ) const

◆ numScv()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
std::size_t Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::numScv ( ) const

◆ numScvf()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
std::size_t Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::numScvf ( ) const

◆ periodicallyMappedDof()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
GridIndexType Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::periodicallyMappedDof ( GridIndexType  dofIdx) const

◆ periodicVertexMap()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
std::unordered_map< GridIndexType, GridIndexType > Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::periodicVertexMap ( ) const

◆ scvfs()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
const std::array< SubControlVolumeFace, 1 > & Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::scvfs ( GridIndexType  eIdx) const

◆ scvs()

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
const std::array< SubControlVolume, 2 > & Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::scvs ( GridIndexType  eIdx) const

◆ setPeriodic()

template<class GV , class Traits >
void Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::setPeriodic ( bool  value = true)

◆ update() [1/4]

template<class GV , class Traits >
void Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::update ( const GridView gridView)

◆ update() [2/4]

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
template<class GridData >
void Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::update ( const GridView gridView,
const GridData gridData 

◆ update() [3/4]

template<class GV , class Traits >
void Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::update ( GridView &&  gridView)

◆ update() [4/4]

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
template<class GridData >
void Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::update ( GridView &&  gridView,
const GridData gridData 

◆ vertexMapper() [1/2]

template<class GV , class Traits >
VertexMapper & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::vertexMapper ( )

◆ vertexMapper() [2/2]

template<class GV , class Traits >
const VertexMapper & Dumux::BaseGridGeometry< GV, Traits >::vertexMapper ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ discMethod

template<class Scalar , class GV , class Traits >
constexpr DiscretizationMethod Dumux::PoreNetwork::GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits >::discMethod {}

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