A class that contains helper functions as well as functionality which is common to different mpfa schemes and which solely operate on the interaction volume.
template<class FVElementGeometry , class DataHandle , class IV > |
static void | solveLocalSystem (const FVElementGeometry &fvGeometry, DataHandle &handle, IV &iv) |
| Solves a previously assembled iv-local system of equations and stores the resulting transmissibilities in the provided containers within the interaction volume data handle. More...
template<class DataHandle , class IV > |
static IV::Traits::MatVecTraits::FaceVector | assembleFaceUnkowns (const DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv) |
| Assembles the vector of face unknowns within an interaction volume. More...
template<class DataHandle , class IV > |
static std::vector< typename IV::Traits::LocalScvType::GlobalCoordinate > | assembleScvGradients (const DataHandle &handle, const IV &iv) |
| Assembles the solution gradients in the sub-control volumes within an interaction volume. More...
template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0> |
static void | resizeMatrix (Matrix &M, size_type rows, size_type cols) |
| resizes a matrix to the given sizes (specialization for dynamic matrix type) More...
template<class Matrix , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!matrixHasResizeFunction< Matrix >(), int > = 0> |
static void | resizeMatrix (Matrix &M, size_type rows, size_type cols) |
| resizes a matrix to the given sizes (specialization for static matrix type - do nothing) More...
template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t< vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0> |
static void | resizeVector (Vector &v, size_type size) |
| resizes a vector to the given size (specialization for dynamic matrix type) More...
template<class Vector , class size_type , std::enable_if_t<!vectorHasResizeFunction< Vector >(), int > = 0> |
static void | resizeVector (Vector &v, size_type rows) |
| resizes a vector to the given size (specialization for static vector type - do nothing) More...