version 3.8
Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits > Class Template Reference

Coupling manager for coupling freeflow and porous medium flow models specialization for staggered-cctpfa coupling.

#include <dumux/multidomain/boundary/freeflowporousmedium/couplingmanager_staggered_cctpfa.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >:

Public Types

template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
using SubCouplingManager = typename ParentType::template SubCouplingManager< i, j >

Public Member Functions

template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
auto massCouplingCondition (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, const FVElementGeometry< i > &fvGeometry, const typename FVElementGeometry< i >::SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const ElementVolumeVariables< i > &elemVolVars) const
 Returns the mass flux across the coupling boundary. More...
NumEqVector< freeFlowMomentumIndexmomentumCouplingCondition (Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex > domainI, Dune::index_constant< porousMediumIndex > domainJ, const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const typename FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex >::SubControlVolumeFace &scvf, const ElementVolumeVariables< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &elemVolVars) const
auto darcyPermeability (const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns the intrinsic permeability of the coupled Darcy element. More...
Scalar pressure (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns the pressure at a given sub control volume face. More...
Scalar cellPressure (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns the pressure at the center of a sub control volume corresponding to a given sub control volume face. This is used for setting a Dirichlet pressure for the mass model when a fixed pressure for the momentum balance is set at another boundary. Since the the pressure at the given scvf is solution-dependent and thus unknown a priori, we just use the value of the interior cell here. More...
Scalar density (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf, const bool considerPreviousTimeStep=false) const
 Returns the density at a given sub control volume face. More...
auto insideAndOutsideDensity (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf, const bool considerPreviousTimeStep=false) const
Scalar density (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const SubControlVolume< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scv, const bool considerPreviousTimeStep=false) const
 Returns the density at a given sub control volume. More...
Scalar effectiveViscosity (const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &element, const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &fvGeometry, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns the pressure at a given sub control volume face. More...
auto faceVelocity (const Element< freeFlowMassIndex > &element, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMassIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns the velocity at a given sub control volume face. More...
bool isCoupledLateralScvf (Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex > domainI, Dune::index_constant< porousMediumIndex > domainJ, const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvf) const
 Returns whether a given scvf is coupled to the other domain. More...
template<class GridVarsTuple >
void init (std::shared_ptr< Problem< freeFlowMomentumIndex > > freeFlowMomentumProblem, std::shared_ptr< Problem< freeFlowMassIndex > > freeFlowMassProblem, std::shared_ptr< Problem< porousMediumIndex > > porousMediumProblem, GridVarsTuple &&gridVarsTuple, const SolutionVector &curSol)
template<std::size_t i>
const Problem< i > & problem (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI) const
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
bool isCoupled (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, const SubControlVolumeFace< i > &scvf) const
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
bool isCoupled (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, const SubControlVolume< i > &scv) const
 If the boundary entity is on a coupling boundary. More...
template<std::size_t j>
const auto & couplingStencil (Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex > domainI, const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &elementI, const SubControlVolume< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &scvI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ) const
 returns an iterable container of all indices of degrees of freedom of domain j that couple with / influence the residual of the given sub-control volume of domain i More...
template<std::size_t i, class Entity , std::size_t j>
const auto & couplingStencil (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const Entity &entity, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ) const
 Return the coupling element stencil for a given bulk domain element. More...
auto & subCouplingManager (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ)
 return the binary sub-coupling manager More...
const auto & subCouplingManager (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ) const
 return the binary sub-coupling manager More...
decltype(auto) subApply (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, Apply &&apply)
 apply a function to the domainI-domainJ sub coupling manager using its local indices More...
decltype(auto) subApply (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, const Apply &apply) const
 apply a function to the domainI-domainJ sub coupling manager using its local indices More...
decltype(auto) subApply (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, Apply &&apply)
 apply a function to a sub coupling manager containing this domain More...
decltype(auto) subApply (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const Apply &apply) const
 apply a function to a sub coupling manager containing this domain More...
void updateSolution (const typename MDTraits::SolutionVector &curSol)
 Update the solution vector before assembly. More...
void extendJacobianPattern (Dune::index_constant< id > domainI, JacobianPattern &pattern) const
 extend the jacobian pattern of the diagonal block of domain i by those entries that are not already in the uncoupled pattern More...
decltype(auto) evalCouplingResidual (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const SubControlVolumeFace< i > &scvfI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, std::size_t dofIdxGlobalJ) const
decltype(auto) evalCouplingResidual (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, std::size_t dofIdxGlobalJ) const
decltype(auto) evalCouplingResidual (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, const SubControlVolume< i > &scvI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, std::size_t dofIdxGlobalJ) const
void updateCouplingContext (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, const std::size_t dofIdxGlobalJ, const PrimaryVariables &priVars, int pvIdxJ)
 Update the coupling context for the bulk face residual w.r.t to the lowDim dofs. More...
void bindCouplingContext (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const Element< i > &element, const Assembler &assembler=0)
 Bind the coupling context for a low dim element TODO remove Assembler. More...
decltype(auto) numericEpsilon (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const std::string &paramGroup) const
 return the numeric epsilon used for deflecting primary variables of coupled domain i. More...
void evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, const typename LocalAssemblerI::LocalResidual::ElementResidualVector &origResiduals, JacobianMatrixDiagBlock &A, GridVariables &gridVariables)
 evaluate additional derivatives of the element residual of a domain with respect to dofs in the same domain that are not in the regular stencil (see CouplingManager::extendJacobianPattern) More...
void updateCoupledVariables (Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, UpdatableElementVolVars &elemVolVars, UpdatableFluxVarCache &elemFluxVarsCache)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto freeFlowMomentumIndex = ParentType::freeFlowMomentumIndex
static constexpr auto freeFlowMassIndex = ParentType::freeFlowMassIndex
static constexpr auto porousMediumIndex = ParentType::porousMediumIndex

Protected Member Functions

SolutionVectors & curSol ()
const SolutionVectors & curSol () const

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ SubCouplingManager

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
using Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::SubCouplingManager = typename ParentType::template SubCouplingManager<i, j>

Member Function Documentation

◆ bindCouplingContext()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::bindCouplingContext ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const Element< i > &  element,
const Assembler &  assembler = 0 

◆ cellPressure()

template<class MDTraits >
Scalar Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::cellPressure ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ couplingStencil() [1/2]

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t j>
const auto & Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::couplingStencil ( Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex domainI,
const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  elementI,
const SubControlVolume< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ 
) const
domainIthe domain index of domain i
elementIthe coupled element of domain í
scvIthe sub-control volume of domain i
domainJthe domain index of domain j

◆ couplingStencil() [2/2]

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i, class Entity , std::size_t j>
const auto & Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, CouplingMap, CouplingMgrs >::couplingStencil ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const Entity &  entity,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ 
) const

◆ curSol() [1/2]

SolutionVectors & Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::curSol ( )

◆ curSol() [2/2]

const SolutionVectors & Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::curSol ( ) const

◆ darcyPermeability()

template<class MDTraits >
auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::darcyPermeability ( const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ density() [1/2]

template<class MDTraits >
Scalar Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::density ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf,
const bool  considerPreviousTimeStep = false 
) const

◆ density() [2/2]

template<class MDTraits >
Scalar Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::density ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const SubControlVolume< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scv,
const bool  considerPreviousTimeStep = false 
) const

◆ effectiveViscosity()

template<class MDTraits >
Scalar Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::effectiveViscosity ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
const typename LocalAssemblerI::LocalResidual::ElementResidualVector &  origResiduals,
JacobianMatrixDiagBlock &  A,
GridVariables &  gridVariables 
Such additional dependencies can arise from the coupling, e.g. if a coupling source term depends on a non-local average of a quantity of the same domain

◆ evalCouplingResidual() [1/3]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::evalCouplingResidual ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
const SubControlVolume< i > &  scvI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
std::size_t  dofIdxGlobalJ 
) const

evaluate coupling residual for the derivative low dim DOF with respect to bulk DOF we only need to evaluate the part of the residual that will be influence by the bulk DOF

◆ evalCouplingResidual() [2/3]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::evalCouplingResidual ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
std::size_t  dofIdxGlobalJ 
) const

evaluate coupling residual for the derivative low dim DOF with respect to bulk DOF we only need to evaluate the part of the residual that will be influence by the bulk DOF

◆ evalCouplingResidual() [3/3]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::evalCouplingResidual ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const SubControlVolumeFace< i > &  scvfI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
std::size_t  dofIdxGlobalJ 
) const

◆ extendJacobianPattern()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::extendJacobianPattern ( Dune::index_constant< id >  domainI,
JacobianPattern &  pattern 
) const
per default we do not add such additional dependencies
Such additional dependencies can arise from the coupling, e.g. if a coupling source term depends on a non-local average of a quantity of the same domain
if you overload this also implement evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives

◆ faceVelocity()

template<class MDTraits >
auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::faceVelocity ( const Element< freeFlowMassIndex > &  element,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMassIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ init()

template<class MDTraits >
template<class GridVarsTuple >
void Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::init ( std::shared_ptr< Problem< freeFlowMomentumIndex > >  freeFlowMomentumProblem,
std::shared_ptr< Problem< freeFlowMassIndex > >  freeFlowMassProblem,
std::shared_ptr< Problem< porousMediumIndex > >  porousMediumProblem,
GridVarsTuple &&  gridVarsTuple,
const SolutionVector &  curSol 

◆ insideAndOutsideDensity()

template<class MDTraits >
auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::insideAndOutsideDensity ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf,
const bool  considerPreviousTimeStep = false 
) const

◆ isCoupled() [1/2]

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
bool Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::isCoupled ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
const SubControlVolume< i > &  scv 
) const
domainIthe domain index of domain i for which to compute the flux
domainJthe domain index of domain j for which to compute the flux
scvthe sub control volume

◆ isCoupled() [2/2]

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
bool Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::isCoupled ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
const SubControlVolumeFace< i > &  scvf 
) const

◆ isCoupledLateralScvf()

template<class MDTraits >
bool Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::isCoupledLateralScvf ( Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex domainI,
Dune::index_constant< porousMediumIndex domainJ,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ massCouplingCondition()

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j>
auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::massCouplingCondition ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
const FVElementGeometry< i > &  fvGeometry,
const typename FVElementGeometry< i >::SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const ElementVolumeVariables< i > &  elemVolVars 
) const

◆ momentumCouplingCondition()

template<class MDTraits >
NumEqVector< freeFlowMomentumIndex > Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::momentumCouplingCondition ( Dune::index_constant< freeFlowMomentumIndex domainI,
Dune::index_constant< porousMediumIndex domainJ,
const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const typename FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex >::SubControlVolumeFace &  scvf,
const ElementVolumeVariables< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  elemVolVars 
) const

◆ numericEpsilon()

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::numericEpsilon ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const std::string &  paramGroup 
) const
specialization for free-flow schemes

◆ pressure()

template<class MDTraits >
Scalar Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::pressure ( const Element< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  element,
const FVElementGeometry< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  fvGeometry,
const SubControlVolumeFace< freeFlowMomentumIndex > &  scvf 
) const

◆ problem()

template<class MDTraits >
template<std::size_t i>
const Problem< i > & Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerBase< MDTraits >::problem ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI) const

◆ subApply() [1/4]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subApply ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Apply &&  apply 

◆ subApply() [2/4]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subApply ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const Apply &  apply 
) const

◆ subApply() [3/4]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subApply ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
Apply &&  apply 

◆ subApply() [4/4]

decltype(auto) Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subApply ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
const Apply &  apply 
) const

◆ subCouplingManager() [1/2]

auto & Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subCouplingManager ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ 

◆ subCouplingManager() [2/2]

const auto & Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::subCouplingManager ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ 
) const

◆ updateCoupledVariables()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::updateCoupledVariables ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
UpdatableElementVolVars &  elemVolVars,
UpdatableFluxVarCache &  elemFluxVarsCache 

◆ updateCouplingContext()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::updateCouplingContext ( Dune::index_constant< i >  domainI,
const LocalAssemblerI &  localAssemblerI,
Dune::index_constant< j >  domainJ,
const std::size_t  dofIdxGlobalJ,
const PrimaryVariables &  priVars,
int  pvIdxJ 

◆ updateSolution()

void Dumux::MultiBinaryCouplingManager< MDTraits, FreeFlowPorousMediumDetail::CouplingMaps , CouplingMgrs >::updateSolution ( const typename MDTraits::SolutionVector &  curSol)

Member Data Documentation

◆ freeFlowMassIndex

template<class MDTraits >
constexpr auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::freeFlowMassIndex = ParentType::freeFlowMassIndex

◆ freeFlowMomentumIndex

template<class MDTraits >
constexpr auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::freeFlowMomentumIndex = ParentType::freeFlowMomentumIndex

◆ porousMediumIndex

template<class MDTraits >
constexpr auto Dumux::FreeFlowPorousMediumCouplingManagerStaggeredCCTpfa< MDTraits >::porousMediumIndex = ParentType::porousMediumIndex

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