class | AveragedValues |
| Calculates averaged values of the network solution. More...
class | BoundaryFlux |
| Class for the calculation of fluxes at the boundary of pore-network models. More...
class | CommonIOFields |
| Adds output fields specific to all pore-network models. More...
class | CreepingFlow |
| Hagen–Poiseuille-type flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models. More...
class | DefaultPNMData |
| Base class for geometry data extraction from the grid data format. More...
struct | EmptyCache |
class | GridData |
| Class for grid data attached to dgf or gmsh grid files. More...
class | GridGeometry |
| Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
class | GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, false, Traits > |
| Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
class | GridGeometry< Scalar, GV, true, Traits > |
| Base class for the finite volume geometry for porenetwork models. More...
struct | Labels |
| Labels for pores and throats. More...
class | NonCreepingFlow |
| Non-creeping flow flux law to describe the advective flux for pore-network models based on El-Zehairy et al.(2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103378. More...
class | OnePDefaultSpatialParams |
| The default class for spatial parameters for single-phase pore-network models. More...
class | OnePFluxVariablesCache |
| Flux variables cache for the single-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation. More...
class | OnePIOFields |
| Adds output fields specific to the PNM 1p model. More...
class | OnePNCIOFields |
| Adds output fields specific to the PNM 1pnc model. More...
class | OnePNCVolumeVariables |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the one-phase, n-component model. More...
class | OnePSpatialParams |
| The base class for spatial parameters for single-phase pore-network models. More...
class | OnePVolumeVariables |
| Contains the quantities which are constant within a finite volume (the pore body) in the one-phase model. More...
class | ParametersForGeneratedGrid |
| Helper class to assign parameters to a generated grid. More...
struct | PNMDefaultGridGeometryTraits |
| The default traits. More...
struct | PNMDefaultScvfGeometryTraits |
| Default traits class. More...
struct | PNMDefaultScvGeometryTraits |
| Default traits class. More...
class | PNMFicksLaw |
| Specialization of Fick's Law for the pore-network model. More...
struct | PNMFouriersLaw |
| Specialization of Fourier's Law for the pore-network model. More...
class | PNMFVElementGeometry |
| Base class for the local geometry for porenetworks. More...
class | PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, false > |
| specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are not stored More...
class | PNMFVElementGeometry< GG, true > |
| specialization in case the FVElementGeometries are stored More...
class | PNMSubControlVolume |
| the sub control volume for porenetworks More...
class | PNMSubControlVolumeFace |
| Class for a sub control volume face for porenetworks. More...
struct | PNMTwoPDefaultGridFVCTraits |
| Flux variable caches traits. More...
class | PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache |
| The flux variables caches for an element. More...
class | PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, false > |
| The flux variables caches for an element with caching disabled. More...
class | PNMTwoPElementFluxVariablesCache< GFVC, true > |
| The flux variables caches for an element with caching enabled. More...
class | PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache |
| Flux variable caches on a gridview. More...
class | PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, false, Traits > |
| The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats. More...
class | PNMTwoPGridFluxVariablesCache< P, FVC, true, Traits > |
| The grid flux variables cache for the two-phase PNM hodling the invasion state of the throats. More...
class | SnappyGridManager |
| A grid creator that matches a free-flow grid to a PNM grid. More...
class | SpatialParams |
| The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models. More...
class | SubGridData |
| wrapper for subgrid data More...
class | TransmissibilityAzzamDullien |
| Used by Joeakar-Niasar. More...
class | TransmissibilityBruus |
| Collection of single-phase flow throat transmissibilities based on Bruus, H. (2011). Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 11(22), 3742-3751. https://backend.orbit.dtu.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/5900070/rsc%5B1%5D.pdf. More...
class | TransmissibilityPatzekSilin |
| Single-phase flow throat transmissibility based on Patzek & Silin (2001) https://doi.org/10.1006/jcis.2000.7413. More...
class | TwoPDefaultSpatialParams |
| The default class for spatial parameters for two-phase pore-network models. More...
class | TwoPFluxVariablesCache |
| Flux variables cache for the two-phase-flow PNM Store data required for flux calculation. More...
class | TwoPInvasionState |
| This class updates the invasion state for the two-phase PNM. More...
class | TwoPIOFields |
| Adds output fields specific to the PNM 2p model. More...
class | TwoPNewtonConsistencyChecks |
| Consistency checks for the PNM two-phase model. More...
class | TwoPNewtonSolver |
| A two-phase PNM specific newton solver. More...
class | TwoPSpatialParams |
| The base class for spatial parameters for pore-network models. More...
class | TwoPStaticDrainage |
| A (quasi-) static two-phase pore-network model for drainage processes. This assumes that there are no pressure gradients within the phases and thus, no flow. More...
class | TwoPVolumeVariables |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume (the pore body) in the two-phase model. More...
class | VelocityOutput |
| Velocity output for pore-network models. More...
class | VtkOutputModule |
| Adds vtk output fields specific to pore-network models. More...