DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
2p Directory Reference


directory  static


file  porenetwork/2p/elementfluxvariablescache.hh [code]
 Element flux variable cache.
file  porenetwork/2p/fluxvariablescache.hh [code]
 Flux variables cache for the two-phase-flow PNM.
file  porenetwork/2p/gridfluxvariablescache.hh [code]
 Global flux variable cache.
file  invasionstate.hh [code]
 Invasion state class for the two-phase PNM.
file  porenetwork/2p/iofields.hh [code]
file  porenetwork/2p/model.hh [code]
 A two-phase-flow, isothermal pore-network model using the fully implicit scheme.
file  newtonconsistencychecks.hh [code]
file  porenetwork/2p/newtonsolver.hh [code]
file  porenetwork/2p/spatialparams.hh [code]
 The two-phase spatial parameters for pore-network models.
file  porenetwork/2p/volumevariables.hh [code]