DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
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4 * See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
18 *****************************************************************************/
28#include <algorithm>
29#include <type_traits>
36namespace Dumux {
51template< class MDTraits,
52 std::size_t PMFlowId = 0,
53 std::size_t PoroMechId = PMFlowId+1 >
54class PoroMechanicsCouplingManager : public virtual CouplingManager< MDTraits >
58 // the sub-domain type tags
59 template<std::size_t id> using SubDomainTypeTag = typename MDTraits::template SubDomain<id>::TypeTag;
61 // further types specific to the sub-problems
62 template<std::size_t id> using Scalar = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::Scalar>;
63 template<std::size_t id> using Problem = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::Problem>;
64 template<std::size_t id> using LocalResidual = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::LocalResidual>;
65 template<std::size_t id> using GridVariables = GetPropType<SubDomainTypeTag<id>, Properties::GridVariables>;
66 template<std::size_t id> using PrimaryVariables = typename GridVariables<id>::PrimaryVariables;
67 template<std::size_t id> using GridVolumeVariables = typename GridVariables<id>::GridVolumeVariables;
68 template<std::size_t id> using ElementVolumeVariables = typename GridVolumeVariables<id>::LocalView;
69 template<std::size_t id> using VolumeVariables = typename GridVolumeVariables<id>::VolumeVariables;
70 template<std::size_t id> using GridGeometry = typename GridVariables<id>::GridGeometry;
71 template<std::size_t id> using FVElementGeometry = typename GridGeometry<id>::LocalView;
72 template<std::size_t id> using GridView = typename GridGeometry<id>::GridView;
73 template<std::size_t id> using GridIndexType = typename GridView<id>::IndexSet::IndexType;
74 template<std::size_t id> using Element = typename GridView<id>::template Codim<0>::Entity;
75 template<std::size_t id> using GlobalPosition = typename Element<id>::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
78 static_assert(std::is_same< GridView<PMFlowId>, GridView<PoroMechId> >::value,
79 "The grid types of the two sub-problems have to be equal!");
82 static_assert(GridGeometry<PoroMechId>::discMethod == DiscretizationMethods::box,
83 "Poro-mechanical problem must be discretized with the box scheme for this coupling manager!");
85 static_assert(GridGeometry<PMFlowId>::discMethod == DiscretizationMethods::cctpfa ||
86 GridGeometry<PMFlowId>::discMethod == DiscretizationMethods::ccmpfa,
87 "Porous medium flow problem must be discretized with a cell-centered scheme for this coupling manager!");
90 static_assert(!getPropValue<SubDomainTypeTag<PMFlowId>, Properties::EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache>(),
91 "Poromechanics framework does not yet work for enabled grid volume variables caching");
94 template<std::size_t id>
95 using CouplingIndexType = typename std::conditional< id == PMFlowId,
96 GridIndexType<PoroMechId>,
97 GridIndexType<PMFlowId> >::type;
104 struct PoroMechanicsCouplingContext
105 {
106 // We need unique ptrs because the local views have no default constructor
107 Element<PMFlowId> pmFlowElement;
108 std::unique_ptr< FVElementGeometry<PMFlowId> > pmFlowFvGeometry;
109 std::unique_ptr< ElementVolumeVariables<PMFlowId> > pmFlowElemVolVars;
110 };
114 // export the domain ids
115 static constexpr auto pmFlowId = Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId>();
116 static constexpr auto poroMechId = Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId>();
123 template<std::size_t i, std::size_t j = (i == PMFlowId) ? PoroMechId : PMFlowId>
124 using CouplingStencilType = typename std::conditional< i == PMFlowId,
125 std::vector< CouplingIndexType<i> >,
126 std::array< CouplingIndexType<i>, 1> >::type;
129 using SolutionVector = typename MDTraits::SolutionVector;
138 void init(std::shared_ptr< Problem<PMFlowId> > pmFlowProblem,
139 std::shared_ptr< Problem<PoroMechId> > poroMechanicalProblem,
140 const SolutionVector& curSol)
141 {
142 // set the sub problems
143 this->setSubProblem(pmFlowProblem, pmFlowId);
144 this->setSubProblem(poroMechanicalProblem, poroMechId);
146 // copy the solution vector
148 // set up the coupling map pmfow -> poromechanics
149 initializeCouplingMap_();
150 }
155 const CouplingStencilType<PMFlowId>& couplingStencil(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
156 const Element<PMFlowId>& element,
157 Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId) const
158 {
159 return pmFlowCouplingMap_[ this->problem(pmFlowId).gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element) ];
160 }
165 const CouplingStencilType<PoroMechId> couplingStencil(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
166 const Element<PoroMechId>& element,
167 Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId) const
168 {
169 const auto eIdx = this->problem(pmFlowId).gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
170 return CouplingStencilType<PoroMechId>{ {eIdx} };
171 }
180 template< class Assembler >
181 void bindCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
182 const Element<PoroMechId>& element,
183 const Assembler& assembler)
184 {
185 // first reset the context
186 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowFvGeometry.reset(nullptr);
187 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElemVolVars.reset(nullptr);
189 // prepare the fvGeometry and the element volume variables
190 // these quantities will be used later to obtain the effective pressure
191 const auto fvGeometry = localView( this->problem(pmFlowId).gridGeometry() ).bindElement(element);
192 const auto elemVolVars = localView(assembler.gridVariables(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId>()).curGridVolVars()).bindElement(element,
193 fvGeometry,
194 this->curSol(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId>()));
196 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElement = element;
197 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowFvGeometry = std::make_unique< FVElementGeometry<PMFlowId> >(fvGeometry);
198 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElemVolVars = std::make_unique< ElementVolumeVariables<PMFlowId> >(elemVolVars);
199 }
206 template< class PoroMechLocalAssembler >
207 void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
208 const PoroMechLocalAssembler& poroMechLocalAssembler,
209 Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
210 GridIndexType<PMFlowId> dofIdxGlobalJ,
211 const PrimaryVariables<PMFlowId>& priVarsJ,
212 unsigned int pvIdxJ)
213 {
214 // communicate the deflected pm flow domain primary variable
215 ParentType::updateCouplingContext(poroMechDomainId, poroMechLocalAssembler, pmFlowDomainId, dofIdxGlobalJ, priVarsJ, pvIdxJ);
217 // now, update the coupling context (i.e. elemVolVars)
218 const auto& element = poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElement;
219 const auto& fvGeometry = *poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowFvGeometry;
220 poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElemVolVars->bindElement(element, fvGeometry, this->curSol(pmFlowDomainId));
221 }
229 template< class PoroMechLocalAssembler >
230 void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainIdI,
231 const PoroMechLocalAssembler& poroMechLocalAssembler,
232 Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainIdJ,
233 GridIndexType<PoroMechId> dofIdxGlobalJ,
234 const PrimaryVariables<PoroMechId>& priVarsJ,
235 unsigned int pvIdxJ)
236 {
237 // communicate the deflected displacement
238 ParentType::updateCouplingContext(poroMechDomainIdI, poroMechLocalAssembler, poroMechDomainIdJ, dofIdxGlobalJ, priVarsJ, pvIdxJ);
240 // now, update the coupling context (i.e. elemVolVars)
241 (*poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElemVolVars).bindElement(poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElement,
242 *poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowFvGeometry,
243 this->curSol(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId>()));
244 }
250 template< std::size_t j, class PMFlowLocalAssembler >
251 void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
252 const PMFlowLocalAssembler& pmFlowLocalAssembler,
253 Dune::index_constant<j> domainIdJ,
254 GridIndexType<j> dofIdxGlobalJ,
255 const PrimaryVariables<j>& priVarsJ,
256 unsigned int pvIdxJ)
257 {
258 // communicate the deflected displacement
259 ParentType::updateCouplingContext(pmFlowDomainId, pmFlowLocalAssembler, domainIdJ, dofIdxGlobalJ, priVarsJ, pvIdxJ);
260 }
270 template< class PMFlowLocalAssembler, class UpdatableFluxVarCache >
271 void updateCoupledVariables(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
272 const PMFlowLocalAssembler& pmFlowLocalAssembler,
273 ElementVolumeVariables<PMFlowId>& elemVolVars,
274 UpdatableFluxVarCache& elemFluxVarsCache)
275 {
276 // update the element volume variables to obtain the updated porosity/permeability
277 elemVolVars.bind(pmFlowLocalAssembler.element(),
278 pmFlowLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
279 this->curSol(pmFlowDomainId));
281 // update the transmissibilities subject to the new permeabilities
282 elemFluxVarsCache.update(pmFlowLocalAssembler.element(),
283 pmFlowLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
284 elemVolVars);
285 }
292 template< class PoroMechLocalAssembler, class UpdatableFluxVarCache >
293 void updateCoupledVariables(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
294 const PoroMechLocalAssembler& poroMechLocalAssembler,
295 ElementVolumeVariables<PoroMechId>& elemVolVars,
296 UpdatableFluxVarCache& elemFluxVarsCache)
297 {
298 elemVolVars.bind(poroMechLocalAssembler.element(),
299 poroMechLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
300 this->curSol(poroMechDomainId));
301 }
309 template< class PMFlowLocalAssembler >
310 typename LocalResidual<PMFlowId>::ElementResidualVector
311 evalCouplingResidual(Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
312 const PMFlowLocalAssembler& pmFlowLocalAssembler,
313 Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
314 GridIndexType<PoroMechId> dofIdxGlobalJ)
315 {
316 auto res = pmFlowLocalAssembler.localResidual().evalFluxAndSource(pmFlowLocalAssembler.element(),
317 pmFlowLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
318 pmFlowLocalAssembler.curElemVolVars(),
319 pmFlowLocalAssembler.elemFluxVarsCache(),
320 pmFlowLocalAssembler.elemBcTypes());
322 // If the residual instationary, evaluate storage
323 if (!pmFlowLocalAssembler.localResidual().isStationary())
324 res += pmFlowLocalAssembler.localResidual().evalStorage(pmFlowLocalAssembler.element(),
325 pmFlowLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
326 pmFlowLocalAssembler.prevElemVolVars(),
327 pmFlowLocalAssembler.curElemVolVars());
329 return res;
330 }
338 template< class PoroMechLocalAssembler >
339 typename LocalResidual<PoroMechId>::ElementResidualVector
340 evalCouplingResidual(Dune::index_constant<PoroMechId> poroMechDomainId,
341 const PoroMechLocalAssembler& poroMechLocalAssembler,
342 Dune::index_constant<PMFlowId> pmFlowDomainId,
343 GridIndexType<PMFlowId> dofIdxGlobalJ)
344 {
345 return poroMechLocalAssembler.localResidual().evalFluxAndSource(poroMechLocalAssembler.element(),
346 poroMechLocalAssembler.fvGeometry(),
347 poroMechLocalAssembler.curElemVolVars(),
348 poroMechLocalAssembler.elemFluxVarsCache(),
349 poroMechLocalAssembler.elemBcTypes());
350 }
353 const VolumeVariables<PMFlowId>& getPMFlowVolVars(const Element<PoroMechId>& element) const
354 {
356 const auto eIdx = this->problem(poroMechId).gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
357 return (*poroMechCouplingContext_.pmFlowElemVolVars)[eIdx];
358 }
365 template<std::size_t i>
366 const auto& curSol(Dune::index_constant<i> domainIdx) const
367 { return ParentType::curSol(domainIdx); }
376 void initializeCouplingMap_()
377 {
378 // some references for convenience
379 const auto& pmFlowGridGeom = this->problem(pmFlowId).gridGeometry();
380 const auto& poroMechGridGeom = this->problem(poroMechId).gridGeometry();
382 // make sure the two grids are really the same. Note that if the two grids
383 // happen to have equal number of elements by chance, we don't detect this source of error.
384 if (pmFlowGridGeom.gridView().size(0) != poroMechGridGeom.gridView().size(0))
385 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "The two sub-problems are assumed to operate on the same mesh!");
387 pmFlowCouplingMap_.resize(pmFlowGridGeom.gridView().size(0));
388 static constexpr int dim = GridView<PMFlowId>::dimension;
389 for (const auto& element : elements(pmFlowGridGeom.gridView()))
390 {
391 const auto eIdx = pmFlowGridGeom.elementMapper().index(element);
393 // firstly, the element couples to the nodal dofs in itself
394 for (int i = 0; i < element.geometry().corners(); ++i)
395 pmFlowCouplingMap_[eIdx].push_back( poroMechGridGeom.vertexMapper().subIndex(element, i , dim) );
397 // the pm flow problem couples to the same elements as in its own stencil
398 // due to the dependency of the residual on all permeabilities in its stencil,
399 // which in turn depend on the mechanical deformations.
400 const auto& inverseConnectivity = pmFlowGridGeom.connectivityMap()[eIdx];
401 for (const auto& dataJ : inverseConnectivity)
402 for (int i = 0; i < element.geometry().corners(); ++i)
403 pmFlowCouplingMap_[dataJ.globalJ].push_back( poroMechGridGeom.vertexMapper().subIndex(element, i , dim) );
404 }
406 // make stencils unique
407 for (auto& stencil : pmFlowCouplingMap_)
408 {
409 std::sort(stencil.begin(), stencil.end());
410 stencil.erase(std::unique(stencil.begin(), stencil.end()), stencil.end());
411 }
412 }
414 // Container for storing the coupling element stencils for the pm flow domain
415 std::vector< CouplingStencilType<PMFlowId> > pmFlowCouplingMap_;
417 // the coupling context of the poromechanics domain
418 PoroMechanicsCouplingContext poroMechCouplingContext_;
421} //end namespace Dumux
Element solution classes and factory functions.
free functions for the evaluation of primary variable gradients inside elements.
GridCache::LocalView localView(const GridCache &gridCache)
Free function to get the local view of a grid cache object.
Definition: localview.hh:38
void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, Dune::index_constant< j > domainJ, std::size_t dofIdxGlobalJ, const PrimaryVariables< j > &priVarsJ, int pvIdxJ)
updates all data and variables that are necessary to evaluate the residual of the element of domain i...
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:195
Definition: adapt.hh:29
typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type GetPropType
get the type alias defined in the property
Definition: propertysystem.hh:150
constexpr CCMpfa ccmpfa
Definition: method.hh:138
constexpr CCTpfa cctpfa
Definition: method.hh:137
constexpr Box box
Definition: method.hh:139
Property to specify the type of scalar values.
Definition: common/properties.hh:43
Property to specify the type of a problem which has to be solved.
Definition: common/properties.hh:57
Definition: common/properties.hh:74
If disabled, the volume variables are not stored (reduces memory, but is slower)
Definition: common/properties.hh:111
The grid variables object managing variable data on the grid (volvars/fluxvars cache)
Definition: common/properties.hh:123
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:55
void bindCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, const Element< PoroMechId > &element, const Assembler &assembler)
For the assembly of the element residual of an element of the poro-mechanics domain,...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:181
typename std::conditional< i==PMFlowId, std::vector< CouplingIndexType< i > >, std::array< CouplingIndexType< i >, 1 > >::type CouplingStencilType
The types used for coupling stencils. An element of the poro-mechanical domain always only couples to...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:126
void updateCoupledVariables(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, const PoroMechLocalAssembler &poroMechLocalAssembler, ElementVolumeVariables< PoroMechId > &elemVolVars, UpdatableFluxVarCache &elemFluxVarsCache)
Update the poro-mechanics volume variables after the coupling context has been updated....
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:293
void updateCoupledVariables(Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, const PMFlowLocalAssembler &pmFlowLocalAssembler, ElementVolumeVariables< PMFlowId > &elemVolVars, UpdatableFluxVarCache &elemFluxVarsCache)
Update the porous medium flow domain volume variables and flux variables cache after the coupling con...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:271
const VolumeVariables< PMFlowId > & getPMFlowVolVars(const Element< PoroMechId > &element) const
Return the porous medium flow variables an element/scv of the poromech domain couples to.
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:353
void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, const PMFlowLocalAssembler &pmFlowLocalAssembler, Dune::index_constant< j > domainIdJ, GridIndexType< j > dofIdxGlobalJ, const PrimaryVariables< j > &priVarsJ, unsigned int pvIdxJ)
We need this overload to avoid ambiguity. However, for the porous medium flow domain weonly have to u...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:251
static constexpr auto pmFlowId
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:115
void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainIdI, const PoroMechLocalAssembler &poroMechLocalAssembler, Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainIdJ, GridIndexType< PoroMechId > dofIdxGlobalJ, const PrimaryVariables< PoroMechId > &priVarsJ, unsigned int pvIdxJ)
After deflection of the solution in the poromechanics domain during element residual assembly in that...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:230
void updateCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, const PoroMechLocalAssembler &poroMechLocalAssembler, Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, GridIndexType< PMFlowId > dofIdxGlobalJ, const PrimaryVariables< PMFlowId > &priVarsJ, unsigned int pvIdxJ)
After deflection of the solution in the porous medium flow domain during element residual assembly in...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:207
LocalResidual< PMFlowId >::ElementResidualVector evalCouplingResidual(Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, const PMFlowLocalAssembler &pmFlowLocalAssembler, Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, GridIndexType< PoroMechId > dofIdxGlobalJ)
Evaluates the coupling element residual of the porous medium flow domain with respect to the poro-mec...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:311
void init(std::shared_ptr< Problem< PMFlowId > > pmFlowProblem, std::shared_ptr< Problem< PoroMechId > > poroMechanicalProblem, const SolutionVector &curSol)
Initialize the coupling manager.
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:138
const CouplingStencilType< PoroMechId > couplingStencil(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, const Element< PoroMechId > &element, Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId) const
Return the coupling element stencil for a given poro-mechanical domain element.
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:165
const auto & curSol(Dune::index_constant< i > domainIdx) const
the solution vector of the subproblem
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:366
typename MDTraits::SolutionVector SolutionVector
the type of the solution vector
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:129
LocalResidual< PoroMechId >::ElementResidualVector evalCouplingResidual(Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId, const PoroMechLocalAssembler &poroMechLocalAssembler, Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, GridIndexType< PMFlowId > dofIdxGlobalJ)
Evaluates the coupling element residual of the poromechanical domain with respect to the porous mediu...
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:340
static constexpr auto poroMechId
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:116
const CouplingStencilType< PMFlowId > & couplingStencil(Dune::index_constant< PMFlowId > pmFlowDomainId, const Element< PMFlowId > &element, Dune::index_constant< PoroMechId > poroMechDomainId) const
Return the coupling stencil for a given porous medium flow domain element.
Definition: geomechanics/poroelastic/couplingmanager.hh:155
The interface of the coupling manager for multi domain problems.
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:60
void updateCoupledVariables(Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const LocalAssemblerI &localAssemblerI, UpdatableElementVolVars &elemVolVars, UpdatableFluxVarCache &elemFluxVarsCache)
update variables of domain i that depend on variables in domain j after the coupling context has been...
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:220
void setSubProblem(std::shared_ptr< SubProblem > problem, Dune::index_constant< i > domainIdx)
set a pointer to one of the sub problems
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:312
decltype(auto) curSol()
the solution vector of the coupled problem
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:370
const Problem< i > & problem(Dune::index_constant< i > domainIdx) const
Return a reference to the sub problem.
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:321
void bindCouplingContext(Dune::index_constant< i > domainI, const Element< i > &elementI, const Assembler &assembler)
prepares all data and variables that are necessary to evaluate the residual of the element of domain ...
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:169
void updateSolution(const SolutionVector &curSol)
Updates the entire solution vector, e.g. before assembly or after grid adaption Overload might want t...
Definition: multidomain/couplingmanager.hh:231
Declares all properties used in Dumux.
The interface of the coupling manager for multi domain problems.