DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media
Files | Classes | Typedefs

An energy equation adaptor for isothermal free-flow models. More...


An energy equation adaptor for isothermal free-flow models.

For a detailed model description see freeflow/nonisothermal/model.hh


file  freeflow/navierstokes/energy/indices.hh
file  freeflow/navierstokes/energy/iofields.hh
file  freeflow/navierstokes/energy/model.hh
 A single-phase, non-isothermal free-flow model.
file  freeflow/navierstokes/energy/volumevariables.hh
 Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all volume averaged quantities.
file  freeflow/nonisothermal/indices.hh
file  freeflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh
file  freeflow/nonisothermal/localresidual.hh
file  freeflow/nonisothermal/model.hh
 A single-phase, non-isothermal free-flow model.


class  Dumux::NavierStokesEnergyIndices< IsothermalIndices, numEq >
 Indices for the non-isothermal Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  Dumux::NavierStokesEnergyIOFields< IsothermalIOFields >
 Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal free-flow models. More...
struct  Dumux::NavierStokesEnergyModelTraits< IsothermalT >
 Specifies a number properties of non-isothermal free-flow flow models based on the specifics of a given isothermal model. More...
class  Dumux::NavierStokesEnergyVolumeVariables< Traits, Impl >
 The isothermal base class. More...
class  Dumux::FreeflowNonIsothermalIndices< IsothermalIndices, numEq >
 Indices for the non-isothermal Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  Dumux::FreeflowNonIsothermalIOFields< IsothermalIOFields, turbulenceModel >
 Adds I/O fields specific to non-isothermal free-flow models. More...
class  Dumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethod, false, isCompositional >
 Specialization for isothermal models, does nothing. More...
class  Dumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered, true, false >
 Specialization for staggered one-phase, non-isothermal models. More...
class  Dumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, DiscretizationMethods::Staggered, true, true >
 Specialization for staggered compositional, non-isothermal models. More...
struct  Dumux::FreeflowNIModelTraits< IsothermalTraits >
 Specifies a number properties of non-isothermal free-flow flow models based on the specifics of a given isothermal model. More...


template<class GridGeometry , class FluxVariables , bool enableEneryBalance, bool isCompositional>
using Dumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidual = FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation< GridGeometry, FluxVariables, typename GridGeometry::DiscretizationMethod, enableEneryBalance, isCompositional >
 Element-wise calculation of the local residual for non-isothermal free-flow models. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidual

template<class GridGeometry , class FluxVariables , bool enableEneryBalance, bool isCompositional>
using Dumux::FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidual = typedef FreeFlowEnergyLocalResidualImplementation<GridGeometry, FluxVariables, typename GridGeometry::DiscretizationMethod, enableEneryBalance, isCompositional>

Element-wise calculation of the local residual for non-isothermal free-flow models.